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Design of a

Flight Control System

Integrated Engineering Project

Student Manual

Date ________________________ February 5, 2020

Author ______________________ G. Brandsema & J.L. Moerel

Revision _____________________ 6.3

State ________________________ FINAL 19-20

During the first year of your Aeronautical Engineering study, two major projects are carried out. You have just
finished the first project (Fleet Replacement) in term two.

The subject for this second project is the design of a flight control system for a small aircraft.

The goal for this project consists of three parts:

1. Applying the theory that you learned in this first year of the Aeronautical Engineering study programme ;
2. Gaining experience in working on a project in a team;
3. Getting acquainted with flight control systems.

The success of the design is not only achieved through theoretical or technical knowledge, but just as importantly
by working as a real design team!

Term 3
The first part of this project is carried out during term three. During this term you will do research into all sorts of
flight control systems that are being used in the aviation industry. At the same time you will prepare a project
plan for the design of a specific design for a small single engine aircraft.
The deliverables for this first part are:
• sketches and descriptions of three existing aircraft flight control systems;
• a list of design requirements, based on the customer’s requirements and on the EASA certification
specifications as stated in EASA CS-23.
• a sketch and description of your proposed system design;
• a Project Plan for the actual design phase in term 4;
• a client debrief with a presentation of a “morphological” chart to substantiate your design choices

Term 4
The second part of this project is performed in term four. During term four you will realise the detailed design of
a structural component of your proposed flight control system. There are two actual load cases for which
compliance is required. The first load case is the maximum aerodynamic load on the control surfaces and the
second load case is the maximum control force applied by the pilot(s). Using these two load cases, you will be
able to design the selected structural component in the system. The results of your designs are presented in a
report, accompanied by a technical drawing, made with CATIA.

Check the Moodle course (19-20 AE1 Term 3+4 integrated engineering project) regularly for recent and
additional information.

Names of teachers involved in this project and their email addresses:

P. Blom (
J.L. Moerel (
G. Brandsema (
M. van Varik (
J. Albers (
S. Palser (
A. Gerritse (
C. van Maanen (

Good luck!
Table of Contents
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... ii
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
2 The Project Assignment ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Context of the problem ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Assignments in term 3 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 Assignments in term 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Scope of work ................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Required Literature............................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Educational Information ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Overview of the competences ........................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Prior Knowledge ................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 Teaching method ............................................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Deliverables ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Grading ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
4 Project Management ................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Project guidance ............................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Initiation Phase: Group Contract ........................................................................................................................ 7
4.3 Preparation Phase: Research and brainstorming ............................................................................................... 7
4.4 Definition Phase: Planning ................................................................................................................................ 7
4.5 Meetings ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Hour log ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.7 Design phase: Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 7
4.8 Implementation Phase: Reflection Report (video) .............................................................................................. 8
5 Scope of Work ........................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1 Sub assignment 1: General explanation and Function Analysis ......................................................................... 9
5.2 Sub assignment 2: Specification and Requirements .......................................................................................... 9
5.3 Sub assignment 3: Literature Research ............................................................................................................. 9
5.4 Sub assignment 4: Comparison ......................................................................................................................... 9
5.5 Sub assignment 5: Morphological chart ............................................................................................................. 9
5.6 Sub assignment 6: Moment around Elevator and Rudder Hinges .................................................................... 10
5.7 Sub assignment 7: Design Control system between control column and elevator ............................................ 10
5.8 Sub assignment 8: Hydraulics ......................................................................................................................... 10
5.9 Sub assignment 9: Load case 2....................................................................................................................... 10
5.10 Sub assignment 10: Detailed design of parts ................................................................................................... 10
5.11 Sub assignment 11: Completed Spec. ............................................................................................................. 10
5.12 Sub assignment 12: Drawings ......................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix 1: Information INH Aerodesign Aerovan ........................................................................................11
Appendix 2: Work Breakdown Structure ....................................................................................................... 12
Appendix 3: Learning goals for the Integrated Engineering Project ........................................................... 13
Appendix 4: Assessment Client Debrief Presentation ................................................................................. 15
Appendix 5: Checklist Project Plan ............................................................................................................... 16
Appendix 6: Assessment Project Plan .......................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 7: Assessment Project Management ............................................................................................ 18
Document Control
Rev. Date Author Revision Comments
6.3 05-02-2020 G. Brandsema & J.L. Moerel Updated and revised to 19-20
6.2 14-02-2019 G. Brandsema & J.L. Moerel Updated and revised to 18-19
5.0 28-01-2018 G. de Kok Updated to 17-18
4.2 05-02-2016 D. Bantjes Corrected
3.0 14-01-2016 D. Bantjes Updated to 15-16
2.0 06-07-2013 D. Bantjes Completely Revised
1.0 06-05-2006 A. Gerritse First Document
Appendix 8: Assessment Final Report .......................................................................................................... 19
Appendix 9: Individual Assessment Integrated Engineering Project .......................................................... 21
Appendix 10: Overall Assessment Integrated Engineering Project ............................................................ 22

Document Control
Rev. Date Author Revision Comments
6.3 05-02-2020 G. Brandsema & J.L. Moerel Updated and revised to 19-20
6.2 14-02-2019 G. Brandsema & J.L. Moerel Updated and revised to 18-19
5.0 28-01-2018 G. de Kok Updated to 17-18
4.2 05-02-2016 D. Bantjes Corrected
3.0 14-01-2016 D. Bantjes Updated to 15-16
2.0 06-07-2013 D. Bantjes Completely Revised
1.0 06-05-2006 A. Gerritse First Document
1 Introduction
In aeronautical engineering new systems are designed regularly. These systems find use in newly developed
aircraft, or existing aircraft systems are being modified and improved. The main goal in aerospace
applications is the design of light weight systems that perform reliably and efficiently. The more weight is
saved, the less fuel is burnt, which leads to lower operating costs.

The company “INH Aerodesign” is half way in their development for a new light aircraft; the ‘Aerovan’ (see
Figure 1).

Figure 1 - INH Aerodesign Aerovan

The design for the Aerovan is a conventional high-wing single engine driven propeller aircraft with a fixed
landing gear and conventionally placed stabilizers on the tail. The aircraft’s Maximum Take Off Weight
(MTOW) is 1,800 kg. The aircraft has a fixed landing gear that can land on unpaved runways and the aircraft
can either be used to transport cargo or to carry passengers (maximum seven passengers and one pilot).

The design of the Aerovan is almost complete, except for the control systems for the elevator and rudder.
For this specialized task, INH Aerodesign hires you as a team. You will be asked to design a concept for a
system to control the rudder and elevator, meeting the applicable European airworthiness regulations and
customer requirements.

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2 The Project Assignment
2.1 Context of the problem
INH Aerodesign is reaching the final stages of the design of the new Aerovan model, but one of the remaining
tasks is the design of a control system for the aircraft’s rudder and elevator. The members of your team will
work for the flight control division (part of the engineering department) at INH Aerodesign. The combination
of the skills and knowledge of your team will make it possible to carry out this project in a confident manner.
Should your team need specific knowledge you may contact INH Aerodesign.

Information about some of the specifications and requirements can already be found in Appendix 1.
Throughout the project, INH Aerodesign will make more in-depth information and data available in the
applicable Moodle Course “19-20 AE1 Term 3+4 Integrated Engineering Project”

2.2 Assignments in term 3

Your group will first need to gain some knowledge and expertise on flight control systems and about the
certification requirements set by INH Aerodesign and by the European EASA Certification Specification
(CS23). Based on that, you will be asked to design control systems for the elevator and rudder of the

2.2.1 Gaining expertise

Before you can start with the actual design work you will need to gain more generic knowledge and expertise
on flight control systems in general. Therefore, you will need to do research into existing flight co ntrol
systems. You will analyse the various functionalities of flight control systems and you will discover how other
aircraft manufacturers have actually found and created technical solutions to make effective, reliable and
light weight control systems.

During the initial phase of the project you will actually visit an aircraft hangar to study the flight control
systems of at least three completely different aircraft. Make sure to take pictures, make sketches and take
notes to record all the information about the various aircraft control systems. After the visit, you will create
sketches and a description of the three different systems that you have seen.

2.2.2 Requirements
Every design needs to meet the requirements set by the customer and by any of the relevant authorities
who describe their requirements in Airworthiness Regulations. Your design must meet the requirements of
INH Aerodesign and of the EASA CS-23 regulations. In order to demonstrate that your design will be
compliant, a so called “compliance matrix” needs to be made. In term 3 we will make the preparations for
this matrix.
While going through this project manual and the CS-23 document you will need to identify any requirements
that may be applicable to the flight control design. The requirements found will be placed into a table with
two columns:

Requirement Reference
[Here you describe and summarize each [mention where you found the requirement; for
requirement in your own words] example “CS-23.456”]
…. …

In term 4 we will add columns to this table to describe how your design meets the requirements.

2.2.3 Morphological chart and concept design

A “morphological chart” can be used to visualize all functionalities in a design and the possible solutions for
each functionality. The designer can use it to visualize the design choices made.
• Based on your evaluation and research, your group will create a “morphological chart”, listing all
possible solutions found for each function and sub-function of flight control systems.
• For three existing aircraft you will fill in the morphological chart to visualize the design choices made
by the manufacturers.
• Finally, you complete the morphological chart for your proposed design of the Aerovan’s rudder and
elevator controls, making sure that your design meets the customer’s and regulatory requirements.
You also make a sketch and detailed description of your concept design.

2.2.4 Project plan

Parallel to the research work and while preparing the conceptual design for the Aerovan’s flight controls, you
will create a project plan to describe how you are planning to work out the actual design work. The project
plan will be reviewed by your project supervisor and will receive either a “Go” or a “No-Go”. In case of a “No-
Go”, you first need to improve your project plan before you can start with your project.

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2.2.5 Client debrief
At the end of term 3, you will submit your proposed project plan to the customer and you will present your
proposed design to the customer, using the morphological chart. The customer may ask questions about the
choices made and once your conceptual design and your project plan have been approved by the customer,
you will be ready to work out the actual design in term 4.

2.3 Assignments in term 4

This is when the real design work starts! Using the concept design of term 3, you will now determine the
external and internal loads on the system and you will actually design some critical components in further

2.3.1 Load case 1: Aerodynamic loads

The aircraft’s dimensions are already known, so based on this information and the CS-23 regulations, you
will be able to calculate the most critical aerodynamic loads on the rudder and on elevator control surfaces.
The resulting torque around the hinge lines of the control surfaces must be determined and presented to the
customer. Once verified and approved, you can proceed to design the rest of the system (“Go” / “No-Go”).

2.3.2 Load case 2: Maximum pilot input

EASA CS-23 determines the maximum force that the pilot(s) are expected to apply on the controls in the
case of an emergency. Determine how this force will be absorbed by the system and what components will
be subjected to this force.

2.3.3 Design of critical parts in your control system

Based on your conceptual design and the corresponding load cases 1 and 2, the customer will select with
you one or more critical parts that will need to be designed and dimensioned in further detail. Based on the
internal loads, you will determine the shape and dimensions of these critical parts and you will calculate the
corresponding internal stresses. By using the material properties you will determine the reserve factors, to
demonstrate that your design will be strong enough to withstand the highest loads.

2.3.4 3D model and technical drawing

In CATIA you will make a 3D model of the critical parts that you designed and you will prepare a technical
drawing in accordance with the ISO standards, so that the part(s) can be produced.

2.3.5 Compliance matrix

Based on the table with requirements made in term 3 (2.2.2), you will create a compliance matrix to show
that your design meets the applicable requirements.

2.3.6 Technical Report

At the end of term 4 a technical report must be delivered, including at least:
• Description and sketches of proposed design of the control systems for Aerovan’s rudder and
• Morphological chart for your design in a separate appendix;
• Calculation of aerodynamic loads in accordance with CS-23;

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• Description of load cases, calculation of resulting loads and stresses and reserve factors for the
critical parts;
• Compliance matrix in a separate appendix;
• Technical drawings in separate appendices.

2.4 Scope of work

The scope of work for this project consists of twelve sub-assignments. These assignments are described
in detail in Chapter 5.

2.5 Required Literature

• R. Grit, Project Management, Groningen Wolters-Noordhoff, 2011, ISBN 9001 347835.
• R. Elling, Report writing for readers with little time. Noordhoff Uitgevers, 2012, laatste druk, ISBN
• EASA CS-23
• Inholland Moodle Course “19-20 AE1 Term 3+4 Integrated Engineering Project”

Additional recommended sources:

• Jane's, All the world's Aircraft
• Brassey’s, World Aircraft & Systems Directory, 1996/1997, ISBN 1857531981.
• Supporting data and documents on Moodle
• Magazines (Flight, etc.)

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3 Educational Information
This chapter will inform you of the competences you will be working on, give you an overview of the activities
and a description of the build-up of this project. Finally an overview of all assessments is given, including
conditions and weightings.

3.1 Overview of the competences

During the Integrated Engineering Project the following competences will be trained and developed to
level 1:

• Analysis
• Design
• Control
• Management
• Consultation
• Research
• Professionalisation

For a further breakdown of the learning goals of the project, please refer to Appendix 3.

3.2 Prior Knowledge

You have been introduced to the history of aviation, the main concepts in aviation, aircraft performance,
rules and regulations in aircraft design and to the aviation authorities during the previous project. This
knowledge is input for this project. Furthermore, you will make use of your knowledge (and skills) obtained
in the courses: Mathematics, Mechanics, Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering, Materials, CATIA and
Engineering Drawing. In addition, the communication and language skills trained in communication classes
are applied.

3.3 Teaching method

The lectures in this project are an addition to applying the theoretic knowledge you have already gained
during your theoretical courses. To successfully complete the project you will attend the lectures and have
weekly meetings with your project supervisor. During these meetings the project results and your project
management will be discussed. For more information on project management please see chapter 4 Project

3.4 Deliverables
For this project several products are defined. The following table shows the due dates for each product.

Table 1: Deliverables, grading and the due dates in Term 3.

Term 3

Product Reference Due date

Agendas, Minutes and 4.5 and 4.6 Every week of Term 3.

Hour Log
Group contract 4.2 GO / NO GO Wk 2 Hand in to your project supervisor
for review.
Sketches and 2.2.1 and Wk 3 Hand in sketches and description to
description of three 2.2.3 your project supervisor for review.
existing systems
Morphological chart of 2.2.3 Wk 4 Hand in morphological charts to
three existing systems your project supervisor for review.
List requirements for 2.2.2 Wk 5 Hand in list of requirements to your
Compliance Matrix project supervisor for review.
Work packages 2.2.4 Wk 5 Hand in Work Packages to your
project supervisor for review.
Project plan 2.2.4 GO / NO GO Wk 6 Hand in your project plan to your
project supervisor for review.
Client debrief 2.2.5 Assessment Wk 7

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 5

Table 2: Deliverables, grading and the due dates in Term 4.

Term 4

Product Reference Due date

Agendas, Minutes and 4.5 and 4.6 Every week Term 4.

Hour Log
Adjusted Group contract 4.2 GO / NO GO Wk 1 Hand in your contract to your project
supervisor for review.
Load case 1: Critical 2.3.1 GO / NO GO Wk 2
Aerodynamic load
Load case 2: Maximum 2.3.2 GO / NO GO Wk 2
pilot force in emergency
Selection of critical parts 2.3.3 GO / NO GO Wk 2 To be approved by project
to be designed supervisor
Technical Report 2.3.6 Assessment Wk 7

Process report (video) 4.8 Assessment Wk 8

3.5 Grading
Your grade in term three depends on the result of the client debrief presentation (sub assignment 1 to 6)
and how you have managed your project as a team in term 3. The assessment will be made according to
the assessment form in Appendix 4.

Your grade in term four depends on the result of the design report (sub assignment 7 to 12) and how you
have managed your project as a team in term 4. The assessment form will be made available in term 4.

There will be lecture focusing on what is expected in the client debrief (presentation).

Insufficient grading
Both grades for term 3 and term 4 shall be a pass. In case of receiving a failing grade for either the
presentation or final report there will be one opportunity to improve within the term.

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4 Project Management
It is very important that you work as a team during this project. Make use of ‘Grit’ and the courses on project
management and communication to improve your team work. Please follow the guidelines in this chapter for
‘perfect’ project management.

4.1 Project guidance

Each group has a supervisor from INH Aerodesign. Your supervisor will be your single point of contact for
this assignment. During terms three and four you will have weekly meetings with your supervisor.

4.2 Initiation Phase: Group Contract

You are assigned to a group and you have to initiate the project by collectively writing a group contract. The
group contract is a valuable document throughout the complete project, make sure everybody reads and
agrees with all the conditions/sanctions defined in the contract. The group contract will be reviewed by the
project supervisor and needs his / her approval before you can continue.

Before you start the second part of the project in term four discuss what has changed since term three. Do
you still have the same amount of students in the group? Did some of the project roles change?
To be able to still control your project in term four do the following:
- Have a meeting solely on ‘the changes since term three’, discuss with your complete group how to cope
with these changes in term four and, if necessary, update the group contract.
- Send the revised group contract to your project supervisor.

4.3 Preparation Phase: Research and brainstorming

Term three will mainly be used to do research into flight control systems, the applicable regulations and to
create a conceptual design of the control system. This is considered to be the preparation phase before the
actual project will start in term 4.

4.4 Definition Phase: Planning

A planning is proposed in the project plan. It includes the work foreseen in term four. This planning needs to
comply with the due dates as prescribed by the customer (INH Aerodesign). Respect these due dates strictly!

Good planning is essential for a smooth process. Your planning should be based on the work packages and
the workload per package. The work breakdown structure for this project is given and can be found in
Appendix 2. Make sure that your planning is feasible and realistic. INH Aerodesign advises you to use
Microsoft Project 2010 to make a Grantt Chart for your planning. The project plan is written according to Grit
and as learned in the previous project (in term two).
Additional requirements for your Project Plan:
- You may combine chapter 1 (Background information) and 2 (Interim Results, Goals) from Grit into one
- A cost and benefit analysis is not necessary for this project;
- All subsequent chapters of Grit are included in your project plan;
- Include work packages in an appendix with a detailed description of each work package. Each specific
work package includes at least five detailed activities (remember the more you specify, the easier it is
to plan your project); See the template form on Moodle for an example of a work package.
- Project activities, Project Products, the schedule (Gantt Chart) and the detailed work packages are
interrelated chapters, make sure they correspond;

4.5 Meetings
• Your entire team should attend the weekly meetings with your project supervisor.
• Send your meeting agenda and the hour logs (4.6) to your supervisor, at least 24 hours before each
• Send the minutes of meeting after each meeting (within 24 hours). The minutes must include the list of
actions and it keeps your supervisor informed on agreements made during the meeting.

For good management of the project we recommend that in addition to your meetings with the supervisor,
you will have at least once a week an (internal) team meeting.

4.6 Hour log

A weekly hour log is recorded for every project member and every work package per week. These hour logs
need to be attached to the minutes of meeting each week.

4.7 Design phase: Reporting

The reports comply with the rules set by INH Aerodesign. Your presentation is a product of a group effort
and you are all responsible for this presentation as one team, both collectively and individually. The client
debrief (presentation) presents the results of the term three assignments in chapter 5: The scope of work
carried out by the group.

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4.8 Implementation Phase: Reflection Report (video)
To complete the project, an individual Reflection Report of the project process is produced in the form of a
video. A neat video movie is expected which includes the following:
1. an evaluation/reflection of the project. See the Form on Moodle for the template of the Team Evaluation
2. a personal reflection of each team member reflecting on the team, reflecting on your role in the team,
experience/knowledge gained by this project and your ideas for personal improvement for future
3. a comparison between the planned hours (project plan) and the hours spent on the project (hour log) in
a table and an explanation of the occurred differences between planned and actual project hours spent.

This video is about procedures and functioning of the group and your role within the group. It allows you to
reflect on the efficiency and effectiveness of your role in the project and it provides ideas for improvements
for future projects.

NB: Please send your personal reflection (bullet 2) also to your SCC coach.

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5 Scope of Work
This chapter provides your team exactly what is expected from you in the two terms. The scope of work is
subdivided into twelve sub assignments.

Term 3 comprises sub assignments 1 to 5:

5.1 Sub assignment 1: General explanation and Function Analysis

Give a general explanation of a flight control system. There are many different types of flight control systems.
Generically describe at least three different types of systems to control a rudder and an elevator. Do not
forget to cite and to reference everything correctly.

Determine the main function of a flight control system. Determine what partial functions are necessary to
carry out the main function. If applicable also provide extra functions. A verb is always used to describe a
function of any system. An explanation is given below of the difference between a main, a sub and an extra

Main function
The main function describes the most important function of a product. The product has to be designed to be
able to perform this function.

Sub (partial) functions

The main function can be divided into a number of sub functions. Each of these sub functions is essential
for the main function. Sub functions often refer to processes and can be described with keywords e.g. to
convert, to enlarge, to transport, to generate, etc.
Some sub functions can be divided into a second order sub functions but this is not always necessary.

Extra functions
Besides main functions and sub functions a product or system often also has a number of extra functions.
Extra functions are functions separate from the main function and can be functions which have nothing to
do with the main function. For example, think about providing the air for the pressure cabin by the turbofan
engine of an aircraft.
Without extra functions the product still can meet its goals, without the main and sub functions it cannot.

5.2 Sub assignment 2: Specification and Requirements

Specify the difference between specifications and requirements. Find out from the Certification
Specifications which requirements are applicable to the design of an elevator control system. List these and
the customer requirements in a table, Number them and indicate per requirement to what part or function of
the Aerovan it applies. Specify in your table what requirements are customer based and what requirements
are Airworthiness based.
Extra information on the Spec is provided in the Hand-out on Moodle.

5.3 Sub assignment 3: Literature Research

Study elevator control systems (from control column to elevator) of three aircraft.
Make a detailed sketch (half A4) of each system and describe in detail how each system works step by step
from movement of the stick / yoke to movement of the elevator and from the pedals to the rudder. The
detailed sketch with arrows shall be an addition to the text and vice versa. The sketch supports the text and
references are made for various parts.

5.4 Sub assignment 4: Comparison

Determine if the three systems comply with the requirements from sub assignment two and if not explain
why. Also make a thorough comparison of the three systems based on their main differences and specify
why these differences exist.

5.5 Sub assignment 5: Morphological chart

In the comparison under sub-assignment 4, make notes of the different components that make up the
system. They are needed for the morphological chart. Based on the morphological chart try to propose the
most simple elevator control system that meets all requirements.
At the client debrief you will present a comparison between the different elevator systems, a morphological
chart and a sketch of a proposed system.

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Term 4 comprises sub assignments 6 to 12:
To design an elevator control system in detail, it is necessary to know what maximum forces act on the
system. These forces are calculated using load cases. These load cases will be available in term 4.

5.6 Sub assignment 6: Moment around Elevator and Rudder Hinges

A pressure distribution in flight on the elevator and rudder can be determined based on the CS-23
regulations. This pressure distribution will be used as a requirement for this project and is ‘load case 1’ for
your project. For this load case you will need to calculate the moment about the hinge lines.

5.7 Sub assignment 7: Design Control system between control column and elevator
Based on dimensions to be provided in term four you will estimate the length and width of your system in
the body of the Aerovan. You will determine the force transfer from control column to elevator.

5.8 Sub assignment 8: Hydraulics

Based on the results under sub-assignments 6 and 7 you decide whether you will need a hydraulic system
and substantiate your choice.

5.9 Sub assignment 9: Load case 2

For this project two load cases are applicable. The first load case was determined during sub assignment
6 and the second load case will be the loads in the system when in an emergency situation the pilot(s)
exert maximum force on the controls.

5.10 Sub assignment 10: Detailed design of parts

The loads dictate the detailed design of each part of your system. A stress analysis is performed for a some
critical part(s), as determined by the project supervisor.

5.11 Sub assignment 11: Completed Spec.

You will prove that you have fulfilled all requirements from your Spec. (the Spec from sub assignment 2).
This is a table that shows that you have not forgotten any requirements in your design!

5.12 Sub assignment 12: Drawings

Support your findings by two drawings, viz. an assembly drawing of your system and an official 2D technical
drawing of the parts in CATIA following the ISO guidelines and in American projection.

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Appendix 1: Specifications and Requirements
1 General:

Aircraft weight
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW): 1,800 kg

Geometry aircraft
Length: 8.23 m
Span: 12.0 m
Height: 4.54 m
Engines: 1 piston engine
Max Thrust: 300 horse power
Cabin: 8 seats (including pilot seat)

2 Wing

Aspect ratio: 7.9

3 Fuselage

Passengers: 7
Doors: 3 (2 cockpit doors and one sliding door for the cabin)

Additional requirements

The designed aircraft complies with the EASA CS-23 airworthiness requirements. These requirements also
apply for the elevator and rudder control systems.

Among the requirements set by the Airworthiness authorities, INH Aerodesign also has requirements for the
system. These are called factory/customer requirements and normally contain maintenance, comfort and
cost issues. For this design, INH Aerodesign has its own additional set of requirements. These requirements
can be found below.

Additional requirements (Company and customer requirements)

a) Additional tabs (trim or gear) are not foreseen

b) The system should be simple, light weight, easily accessible and reliable. Repair must be possible even
in primitive conditions and without any specialized tooling or equipment.

c) The acting load upon the elevator, due to the pressure distribution in flight, is calculated using appendix
A of CS-23.

d) The elevator chord to horizontal stabilizer chord ratio is

constant over the complete length of the horizontal

e) The hinge location in relation to the horizontal stabilizer

chord is constant over the complete length of the horizontal

f) In order to prevent ‘shear-out’ of a bolt, the minimum

material distance between the material edge and the centre
of a hole is at least 2D, with D being the diameter of the hole
(see Figure 2).
Figure 2

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Appendix 2: Work Breakdown Structure


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Management Group Research Requirements System Morphological
contract + into existing and CS Comparison Chart + Design+
Client Debrief
project plan systems

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Loads System Stress CATIA Final
Design Calculations Drawings Report

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 12

Appendix 3: Learning goals for the Integrated Engineering Project
During the execution of the Integrated Engineering Project, the following skills and competences will be

1-1 The student can correctly interpret the project manual and take appropriate actions
1-3 The student can formulate a clear problem statement, project aim and assignment based on the
client’s wishes.
1-4 The student can, based on a variety of sources (CS, project manual, discussions with the client),
compose a list of requirements, formulated in own words and possibly divided in appropriate
1-5 The student can apply the theory learned from the lectures from term one, two and three
1. integration of wing pressure distribution (math 2)
2. make CAD drawings (Engineering drawing) for production purposes and demonstration of
functionality of the elevator control system
3. Conduct strength and stiffness calculations on structural elements like beams, cables, push/pull
rods, connections,…. (Statics, Mechanics of Materials)
4. Apply principles of safety factors and margins of safety
5. Formulate main- and sub functions

2-1 Out of several possibilities a student can choose a concept solution and argue why this the preferred
action and use a morphological chart in this choice process.
2-2 The student can dimension structural parts based on the theory of statics and mechanics of materials
in combination with choosing proper materials and acknowledging the appropriate failure modes.
Principles of safety factors and margins of safety need to be correctly applied.
2-3 The student can define realistic tolerances and argue the choice of either custom made or standard
2-4 The student can show that his/her design meets the requirements making use of a compliance matrix
including sufficient argumentation. The argumentation must be traceable in the report.
2-5 The student can parametrize a structural part conveniently into is design variables and clearly conduct
structural calculations making use of Excel to study the effect of different combinations of chooses for
design variables.
2-6 Not covered by this project

Not covered by this project

4-1 The student can show the correct functional/kinematic behaviour of his/her design making use of a 3D
CAD model.
4-2 Not covered by this project
4-3 The student can select appropriate quality criteria and apply them to substantiate the eventual choice
of a preferred design out of several options.
4-4 Not covered by this project

5-1 The student can prior to start of term 4 write a project plan according to the guidelines of LT/ AE in year
1. Part of the content for the project plan will be supplied in the manual.
5-2 The student can monitor the progress, deadlines and spending of hours and reflect on them during the
weekly meetings with the client.
5-3 The student can prepare a meeting (preparation of the agenda), chair the meeting and write
informative and complete minutes of meeting
5-4 Not covered by this project
5-5 The student can communicate and collaborate with others in a multicultural, international and/or
multidisciplinary setting . Furthermore the student can meet the demands of working in a project group.

6-1 The student uses correct language, professional attitude and presentation towards the client.
6-2 The student knows how to find the client’s wishes from the project manual and pro-actively asks the
client for additional explanations
6-3 The student is proactive in using consultants and project coaches to collaboratively come to the best
project results.
6-4 The student can substantiate an advice and convince the client of it both in writing and verbally (during
the Client Debrief)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 13

6-5 The student timely submits agenda’s, minutes of meeting and deliverables of good quality and
demonstrably improves the quality based on feedback from the client.

7-1 The student can formulate main- and sub questions based on the problem statement according to
guidelines in year 1 (‘Research & Reporting’)
7-2 The student can find useful information in open literature, refers to used sources in reports and verifies
important data by consulting several sources and discussing with experts.
7-3 The student can reflect the logical sequence of design projects in the final report. Furthermore the
student can present important partial results clearly, concisely and visually attractive (tables, sketches,
morphological chart, functional flowcharts, …)
7-4 The student can report the results according to the guidelines of LT/AE (‘Elling’), specifically for design
7-5 The student is aware of the boundaries and scope of the project and possible uncertainties in the
results and based on these the student can formulate appropriate recommendations.

7-1 Not covered by this project
7-2 Not covered by this project
7-3 Not covered by this project
7-4 The student can give and receive feedback in a constructive way, both on behaviour and contents,
according to instructions given by the educational program (SCC)
7-5 The student can reflect on own conduct, thought processes and results and does this in a small movie
of several minutes
7-6 Not covered by this project

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 14

Appendix 4: Assessment Client Debrief Presentation

A. Client Debrief - Integrated Engineering Project

Group name

Student names


Organization and content.
Logical sequence
Explanation of ‘why’ (the solution is the right
one) as well as ‘what’.
Technical knowledge.
Good, comprehensible set of requirements
Proper main and sub functions
Proper use of morphological chart for
concept selection
Good argumentation of choice of concept
Ability to answer questions and explain
technical details
Presentation skills & graphics
Attractiveness slides
(font size, image size, amount of information per slide,
easy to follow)
Verbal and non-verbal skills
(Clear voice and at a sufficient volume, maintenance of
eye contact with the audience, avoidance of distracting
hand movements and such)
Receptiveness to questions

Grade (10-100)

*E = Excellent (grade 85-100); G = Good (grade 70-84); S = Sufficient (grade 69-55); I = Insufficient (grade < 55)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 15

Appendix 5: Checklist Project Plan

Checklist mandatory items Fail /


Title page • Title

• Title Project
• Name/names of the author(s)
• Education and institute
• Client
• Date, place, version

Table of contents • Contains titles and page numbers:

o Chapters
o Sections
• Appendices

Lay Out • Bound

• Readable (margins, font, paragraphs)
o Pages are numbered

Language • Formal and proper use of language

o Clear formulation, good sentences and proper spelling

The project plan is written according to Grit and as learned in the

Theory Grit
previous project (Fleet Replacement). Further requirements for your
Project Plan:
• You may combine chapter 1 (Background information) and 2
(Interim Results, Goals) from Grit in one chapter;
• A cost and benefit analysis is not necessary for this project;
• Further all chapters from Grit are included in your project plan;
• Include work packages in your appendices with a detailed
description of all work to be done. Each work package includes at
least five detailed activities (remember the more you specify, the
easier it is to plan your project);
• Project activities, Project Products, the schedule (Gantt Chart) and
the detailed work packages are interrelated chapters, make sure
they correspond.

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 16

Appendix 6: Assessment Project Plan

B. Project Plan - Integrated Engineering Project

Group name

Student names



Project Plan

Background information
Project result/problem definition
Project activities in work packages
Project limits
Interim results
Project organization
Risk analysis
Consistency between chapters and work

Grade (10-100)

*E = Excellent (grade 85-100); G = Good (grade 70-84); S = Sufficient (grade 69-55); I = Insufficient (grade < 55)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 17

Appendix 7: Assessment Project Management

C. Project Management - Integrated Engineering Project

Group name

Student names



Professional attitude during weekly meeting

(Start in time, professional language)

Agendas/Minutes/Hour logs sent in time

Agendas/Minutes/Hour logs of sufficient quality
Efficient meetings
Use of feedback to improve
Weekly and final reflection of hours spent
versus planning

Grade (10-100)

*E = Excellent (grade 85-100); G = Good (grade 70-84); S = Sufficient (grade 69-55); I = Insufficient (grade < 55)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 18

Appendix 8: Assessment Final Report

D. Final Report - Integrated Engineering Project

Group name

Student names


E G S I (10-100)


Reporting Comments


(reflecting logical order of typical design project activities,

clear red line, well-structured Table of Contents, good
choices of content for main text and appendices
Proper and active use of visualizations

(Figures, tables, flow-charts, morphological chart, design

sketches, etc.)

(according to Elling)

(according to Elling)

(according to Elling)

(according to Elling; highlight uncertainties and boundaries

needing follow-up)

Main and sub questions

Information skills

(quality of sources, use of sources, refering, bibliography)

Summary of research term 3

(Clear and concise chapter summarizing results term 3)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 19


Correct system design

(Functional description, clear sketches with dimensions)

Loads and Forces

(Calculation moment on elevator, analysis load cases and

corresponding internal forces)
Detail Design

• Dimensioning of beams, cables, rods, bolts

based on relevant failure modes, material
choice, calculations of strength and stiffness
• Use and understanding of Limit- and Ultimate
• Use of Safety factors and Reserve Factors
• Definition of realistic tolerances for
• Choice of standard measures/parts
• 2D CAD drawings with all variables fixed
• Substantiation of design choices
Clear, verifiable calculations

(Overview of calculation scheme, valid formulas, units, complete

overview of inputs- and outputs, explanation of automated
calculations in Excel for example)
Compliance matrix

(Convincing and complete proof of design meeting requirements)

Grade (10-100)

*E = Excellent (grade 85-100); G = Good (grade 70-84); S = Sufficient (grade 69-55); I = Insufficient (grade < 55)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 20

Appendix 9: Individual Assessment Integrated Engineering Project

E. Individual Performance - Integrated Engineering Project

Group name

Student name


This form is to be used to assess the student’s personal reflection video.

Duration of the video has to be min 4 and max 6 minutes
The video shows the presenter (not just a Powerpoint presentation)

E G S I (10-100)


Reflection on group experiences + lessons


(What went well with the group, what can be improved?)

Reflection on individual experiences + lessons

(What went well, what would you like to develop next time?)
Presentation skills

(Clear voice and at a sufficient volume, avoidance using

distracting hand movements and such, right style and
language according to this audience, logical sequence)

Grade (10-100)

*E = Excellent (grade 85-100); G = Good (grade 70-84); S = Sufficient (grade 69-55); I = Insufficient (grade < 55)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 21

Appendix 10: Overall Assessment Integrated Engineering Project

Integrated Engineering Project

Group name

Student name(s)


Overall assessment

A. Client Debrief

B. Project Plan

C. Project Management

D. Final Report

E. Individual Reflection Video

FINAL GRADE (10-100)

IEP Project Manual 6.1 Page 22

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