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Multimedia 17.

Asset List for The Game
Asset Link/Location Purpose
Game Maker Folder Character walks up

Game Maker Folder Character walks down

Game Maker Folder Character walks to the left

Game Maker Folder Character walks to the right

Game Maker Folder [Original Grass wall] Obstructions, keeps player in the map and
wall with red dots for deceiving players

Game Maker Folder To escape the level, and to provide hazards

and a challenge.

Game Maker Folder Buttons

[3 mins 10 sec] Game Maker Folder Main Audio for the game
Sounds for the Game & Sway

Asset Location Purpose

Click Sound for game buttons Game Maker Folder Sound Effect for clicking
Victory sound for making it to the Game Maker Folder Sound effect for making it to the door
Door [00:01.11]
Lose/Death sound (hitting spikes) Game Maker Folder Sound effect for spikes hitting the
[00:01.69] character
Main Music [03:12.00] Game Maker Folder Plays when the player joins the game
Asset List for The Sway

Asset Link/Location Purpose

Game Maker Folder Character walking

Game Maker Folder & One Drive To keep the player in the game & to
lure the player into going into a trap

[40 Seconds] OneDrive Gameplay of the finished product

Gameplay 1

[38 Seconds] OneDrive Gameplay of level 2 of the finished

Gameplay 2 product

Game Maker Folder Buttons

Game Test Plan
test Expected outcome of the test Actual outcome Notes
Collisions The enemy theoretically and literally should not phase The player does not walk through
through walls. And the player will die when it touches walls
an enemy NPC

Lives The life counter should decrease when the player dies N/A Not present in
the game

Score The score should increase when the player collects N/A Not present in
coins the game

Player Movements The player should be able to move up, down, left, and The player is able to walk Up,
right Down, Left, and Right

NPC Movement The enemy would follow the player if the player is on N/A Not present in
the line of sight the game

Info screen The ‘Info’ button should take you to an information It does take you to the information
room to tell you the controls room where it tells you the game

Sound Audio should play and SFX should activate when There are not sounds Sounds added
colliding with a door or spike
Sway Test Plan

test Expected outcome Actual outcome Notes

Does the link work? The link to the game should work and the user can download the game It works, and the user is able to
from the one drive files download the game

Transitions The sway should be able to show more and more information the It works
further the user scrolls down

Do the graphics load? Both should load so there would be actual information in their The graphics load as they
respected areas should

Do the videos play? They should, as the only place where they could be viewed is the Sway The videos do play with no

Spelling and Grammar All should be correct to make the sway more professional and Spelling and Grammar are
appealing correct

Is the information correct? The information must be correct to not make others think the Sway is The information provided on
providing misinformation the sway is correct as of writing

Sounds The sounds and sound effects should play. There was no sound present in Added sound
the game, as a result the sway to the game,
has no sound as well. should do so
in the sway.
Areas Likes Dislikes Improvements

Control Responsiveness and functionality The controls It’s quiet hard You can add some lives to
are easy to to pass level 1, make it more difficult.
use, the maybe You can add an info button
game works because of too with the w-a-s-d keys to let
really many spikes the player know how to
smoothly control the movements.

Graphics (sprites) I like the You can add some collective

invisible points

Does it meet the intended audience? (8-12 year yes


Game Test User 1
Does it meet the adventure maze theme? Yes

No sound Add music and SFX


Sway Test User 1

Areas Likes Dislikes Improvements

Transitions The transitions are great and / /

are clean

Graphics The graphics are easy to see / /

and look good

Videos They are good a give out good / /


Information Very good and easy to / /


Content Very good and easy to / /


Design I like the design it is very / /


Sound No audio on the sway Add music & SFX

Response To Feedback
• After viewing the feedback, I have added some changes to the
• The one thing and only thing in the feedback that I needed to
add is the music and SFX, the music and SFX are crucial to the
game as it enhances the experience of any game, no matter
what kind of game it is, the same applies to any form of
• The addition of Music and SFX makes the game more
enjoyable as there is something to listen which is an advantage
if people were to play the game.
Progress Check

• I have done all the sprites and

imported it into Game maker (the
sprites I need at the moment), I have
also made the spikes not act like a
wall, where the character can finally
go through the spikes (when it’s up),
I have also started making level 2 of
the maze and have added “fake
walls” so basically the level will be
very difficult, despite the lack of
enemies, due to my plan to use quite
a bit of fake walls especially around
the middle where there would only
be one way to get to the other side.
Progress Check 2

• I have completely restarted my

work as my previous game had
been causing problems due to me
forgetting to save or forgetting
how to do the zoom in, so along
with that game, most of my
ambition for it was discarded, I
have decided to just make a
simplistic game with no objective
but reach the end.
Check 3
• I have made more traps,
passageways, and dead ends to
ensure the game is more difficult,
while not being too difficult
Sway Link
• The Not So Hard Game (

• The link to the sway is attached above

Improvements made to the Game and
Improvements made to the Game is adding more audio and
adding some generic SFX to enhance the player experience
of the game.

Does the Game and Sway meet their intended
• Yes, the game has been made to have audio, a win screen, an info screen and
more. The game has met its intended purpose by being an adventure maze game.
Another reason why it has met its intended purpose is, it works, the game
functions properly and it has hazards which makes maze games boring if hazards
are absent from it. I personally believe it is intended for 8-12 year olds as the
game is quite easy because there virtually unlimited lives which means they cant
lose, albeit the maze and its hazards being quite tricky.

• I personally believe the Sway has met its intended purposes by providing
information, all the information about the game has been added and some
additional information has been added just as a little fun fact. Both videos work
as intended which means I have evidence of my game working properly. And to
add to another reason on why I believe the Sway has met its intended purpose, is,
it has the link to the game and it is up and working which is the main purpose of
the Sway.
• The game and sway are both suitable for their intended purposes because, there
is no violence of anything in either of them. Both are fairly simplistic. The assets
used are all child friendly and the game is also fairly challenging.
• I have done tests on my game and it is also flawed as it lacked so many features
that I have planned, a con of my game is the lack of audio, due to the fact that I
have forgotten how to code and my indecisiveness ultimately made me prefer to
not implement music.
• Another con is the lack of a proper background, it is due to my indecisiveness.
• A pro to my game is the challenge, I have added the idea of fake walls and hidden
spikes to make traps and dead ends.
• A con to this is, there are no collectibles in the game at all, meaning there is no
point to go into hidden traps as the user would easily know going anywhere else
would be pointless
Evaluation Part 2
• One thing I would have wanted for the game would be npcs, since I was going to make the maze 1 block
wide, it would have been restricted to certain parts of the map which would not make any changes to the
game. Another thing I would be keen to have added into the game would be collectibles, since collectibles
would be a great way to lure players into traps, this would be an obvious one to enhance the experience for
my game. The third thing i could have added in the game is a third level, this came into mind during
planning, but due to how bad the game turned out, I couldn’t bother.

• One thing I would have added to the sway is, a different colour style, a different colour style makes the sway
unique. Another thing I would add to the sway would be more content, I would have liked to add more stuff
onto the sway, but I have decided to not anymore since I’ve run out of ideas of what to put there. The last
thing I would’ve added to my sway would be better transitions, I would have been keen to have more
animations in the sway to make it stand out further, but in the end, I decided not to.

• One thing I have added to the game is audio, audio enhances the game as the audio will entertain (or annoy)
the player. Audio and SFX is a must to greatly enhance the experience of any form of entertainment. Many
great and successful games use audio and SFX to enhance the experience on their respective genre. I have
added this feature as it’s virtually a must have in games, so in order to get more people to play it, I would
need audio and SFX.

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