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Movie Review: What Happened to Monday (2017)

What Happened to Monday (known in several territories as Seven Sisters) is a 2017 dystopian
science fiction action film directed by Tommy Wirkola and stars Noomi Rapace, Glenn Close and Willem
Dafoe. It was written by Max Botkin and Kerry Williamson. The plot follows a family of seven identical twin
girls who live in a world where due to overpopulation each household is allowed only one child. When one of
the sisters goes missing, the others must find her while remaining unknown to the outside world. How far
would humanity be willing to breach just to control the inevitable rise of population? What would be
the repercussions for the environment brought about by the excess population in the near future?
Do you think the Earth might be so overpopulated one day that there’ll be no more space for us?
Such questions are still without answer, for we know not what the future holds. The movie strives to bring
about the message of the consequences that the human overpopulation will bring.

I have recently watched the aforementioned movie, it’s like the One Child Policy law of China, but
on a universal scale, and to minimize further growth of the population. To be honest I thought it refers to
that day in particular, but I was surprised, the story goes deeper than I thought.
The settings seems to take place in the near future, year 2070s approximately, the rampant growth of
population is increasingly becoming the concern of the world. The story features identical septuplet
sisters, played by Noomi Rapace, in the age where the birth rate of twins, triplets, quadruplets, or even more
has exponentially increased with the genetically modified food being culpable. Because of this, the dystopian
universe has set forth measures to inhibit the further growth: Strict one-child policy, this proclamation poses
a danger for the identical sisters. Said sisters are named a particular day of the week (Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, etc.) and their titular names are also the respective days they are allowed to roam free. The
scene that bears the most impact is the childish, selfish act of one, betraying her kin just to save her own
skin. The only plausible connection that I can correlate from the story to reality is the fact that the prosperity
that count more than one are in need to be concealed, quarantined or at home. Much like us, in 2020, the
pandemic, rather poorly dealt with by the government, forced the majority of us to cease outdoor activities.

The world’s population is expected to increase by 2 billion persons in the next 30 years, from 7.7
billion in 2050, according to a new United Nations report launched today. The World Population Prospects
2019: Highlights, which is published by the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, provides a comprehensive overview of global demographic patterns and prospects. The study
concluded that the world’s population could reach its peak around the end of the current century, at a
level of nearly 11 billion. The global extreme poverty rate fell to 9.2 percent in 2017, from 10.1 percent in
2015. That is the equivalent to 689 million people living on less than $1.90 a day. At higher poverty lines,
24.1 percent of the world lived on less than $3.20 a day and 43.6 percent on less than $5.50 a day in 2017.
“The pandemic and global recession may cause over 1.4% of the worlds population to fall into
extreme poverty,” said World Bank Group President David Malpass. The relationship between
overpopulation and environmental impacts are often interrelated. Loss of Biodiversity, Deforestation,
GEN 121 The Contemporary World/Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
Degradation of the environment, Climate change are some of the key sustainability challenges to

It tells a lot about the potential consequences of uncontrolled OVERPOPULATION, and would give
slightest insight as to what reality our descendants will likely be living in decades from now
The movie seems to put emphasis on the theme of "Survival" which is plausible given the state of the world
by that time. We do not know what future holds, if humanity persist on such devastating path, we might
actually bring into fruition the reality that the movie portrays. The movie will have you questioning what will
happen to the world if the population does increase as much as it did in the movie. How far would humanity
be willing to breach just to control the inevitable rise of population? Is killing one of the possible solutions
just to limit the exponential growth of population. What would be the repercussions for the environment
brought about by the excess population in the near future? It’s not only affecting the human but also it will
affect the environment and every species on earth. Do you think the Earth might be so overpopulated one
day that there’ll be no more space for us? If that happens, all sentient beings on Earth, particularly Humans,
would wage wars and genocide just to decrease the demands for food and settling lot.

GEN 121 The Contemporary World/Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
a. The connection of
every details is visible
b. Proper sequence of
ideas and information 35 pts
were observed.
c. Creativity of the

a. The sources were
reliable and made the
text clear and easy to
25 pts
b. The writers/authors/
sources were
recognized in the text.

a. Observed proper
punctuation marks in
writing the text.
10 pts
b. Followed the format set
by the instructor.
c. Cleanliness of the text.

TOTAL 70 pts

GEN 121 The Contemporary World/Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202
GEN 121 The Contemporary World/Alarcon/1stSem/2020-202

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