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Efforts by Pratibha XI A

Political theory is a network
of concepts and
generalisations about
political life invovling
ideas,assumptions and
statements about the
nature, purpose and key
features of government ,
state and society

Normative political theory Emperical pol. theory
Appeals to logic and reason Realistic
values ,norms and philosophy objective
subjectivity observation based
idealism WHAT IS

The state of nature, for According to Hobbes, the
Rousseau, is a morally Locke believed that the
state of nature was like an
neutral and peaceful state of nature was a
existence where each man
condition in which condition where humans,
lives for himself. It is
(mainly) solitary despite being independent
characterized by extreme
individuals act and equal respected the
competition and no one looks
according to their basic out for another. He believed laws of nature. He
urges (for instance, believed that the state of
that when people have
hunger) as well as their unlimited freedom, it leads to nature was a peaceful
natural desire for self- chaos and a war-like scenario. existence.
social contract, in political philosophy, an actual or hypothetical compact,
or agreement, between the ruled or between the ruled and their rulers,
defining the rights and duties of each.

Political theory is the study of political ideas and concepts. It is an important field of study because it helps us to
understand the nature of political power and how states and societies are organized.

One important lesson that we can learn from political theory is that political power is not necessarily the same as
physical or military power. Instead, political power can be based on social and cultural factors such as beliefs
and values.

Another lesson that we can learn from political theory is that individuals and societies have different
interests and values, and that these interests and values can conflict with each other. Political theory
helps us to understand how these conflicts can be resolved through negotiation, compromise, and other
forms of political action.

Political theory also helps us to understand how political institutions, such as the state, operate and how they can
be organized in a way that promotes the common good.

Overall, political theory provides us with a framework for analyzing political phenomena and for thinking
critically about political issues.
Thank You

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