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Nage: Bharqev Patowary

KallNy: 2ol9g|0 6t009
Cause: Pauer plent Instrumetarhin
Sem! 8**Se m.
lç. what is Tqnsen
Tarten t'al firing in boiler and he eect f poor

Ane: Tan qentia) firing ina boiler (efers to a specifiè mothad

of fuel combustion whore the fuel arnd air are intected ints
the biler fur nance
radius of the
tanqontialhy ie. at rqht nges
furnan ce. This a(fangemont <feates
to the
Swirling witin the fur anee, promating efficet
mixing of tuel and a'r and ersuring thorouçh com bustion.
The efet of a poor Cbntrol sy9tem are lised belw
a) In efficent Combustion
6) Incfasal emissions.
(c) Unp vm hoat distri bution,
(d) Reduced bojler effleoney.
) Boiler Instibility
) InCVeaSPd Mairtu nence and don time.
(4)Safety Risks.
29. \what are tho Consttuent of air ond ases in Combuston
process and it Cof res pondance with
effielen ?
The a cious Constpnt of qir and in
Comloustion gases
procesg and 1s Cor res pondene with e4ickncy
are lsted below
Nitroqen (N): bilstes Oxygen, inreases air volune, lowers
Ox4gen (O,) Supports Cembustion, optinal levely enhance
( e{fieiency
Corbon Dioxide ((o): Produce d dring Combus tian, hig her level,
indicates complete Combus tien, excessive lovels redvce
Corbon Monooxide (o): Indic-tes in Comlete ombution,
lower et ficierey
hignerwater Va por (H,0)

Formod during com lbuston, latent heet on o

(covered to improve effcency.
3q. Explain the wor kig of centrifugal Gnd axial flow
the stall ond Sorye erfect jn centritsal fan.
Dis(uss an in peller
with cuY Ved
ns entri fugal fan: t Consists of
Scroll -sho jped casing. sen he fon
blades housed in a
Opertes in fol ouing ste ps - Conter of th
(u) Air erters the fang hgh tho inlet at ho
Yotating im peller bledes 'mpart kinete to the air,
(b) Tho

increasing se itt velocity

(c) As the moves touardg the suter periphory. o
air e
im peller ,it is forced into he Scrl-shoped (asing
(d) Thp air then diffused and irected owards he outlet
the fan.
oCcurs due o he Conversion of kinphc
(e) Tho pfe ssure ri'se
.to pveSS wre as tho air s bus. w n tn he

Axial Flow ton: Tt tonsists of a set s¥ b lades mounted On a bub,
whkh rotates to
geve rate airfaw inthe axial direction, 14
Operates Gn he
follawinq Stepsr
(a) Air enters the tan Gxially from one side .ond encewnles
he rotuthing blades.
(b) The blades act ike air tolis, qeneratin9 lit an
propuls lon force as ro tate.
(c The air is they
pushed in the axial direction cas it
passes over e blades.
(d) Thp rottion Gf thp bldes parts momentum to the
air Causinq it to move paralleIt the fon's axis,
() The air is disch arged from the opposite side of the fan,
(esulting (n
air move ment in the desired directien,
Stll effect;- Jt oceurs wh
whon the flow of air Separetes ffom
the inpeller blades due to in sutfieient pressure dirferee
or hiqh resist ane, t results in (e duced airflouw, decreasA
pressure and lower tan pertormance leacding o brton ,no'se
Sor ge effet: J+ occUrs \when he airnow re verses
nomentarily due to an imbalance between the preSsure
rise qPne rated bu
by the fn an he ves is ta me in the system, 14
Cowses Severe vibrations, pressure fluctuat7ens, and even
(orn plete far ilure.
UQ, \hat are conditions
of maxi um Sperethion al erfieiy?
Ans!: The condi tions ave lis ted below
0 Opti mal input paramekrs.
Proper eguip ment sizinq
Erficieut eers conversons,
FHethive hat Yecovev y.
S Regular main tenance and monitor'
0 Conttol and automati on. wing:
training and optimizot'on,
Operator atreinin
0 Kequlatry compliance.
SQ.twhat is stchiomotrc ratio in boiler Combus tion?
Ans! Stoichio metn'e rato /n boiler coy bustion ye fers to he
idoal ofuelto -air rato for complete comburton. 1+ entres
effcient and clean (ombustion lby providing the prec'se
amount st Gxy gen reGuired to feact with the fuel.
Achieving to ichio me tric rato moxi mize s .efficie ncy
and ninPmiz emissi on s.

6Q. Explain he ditference 0f presS ufe fired boiler and ha lanced

draft boilev.
Ans! Pe ssure Fired boiler Balanced draft Boi ler
1. Kelies on mechania l means to J. Achieves a bgla nce botwon
Sopply Combustion air. (ombus hior qir and exhaust z2sFlow,
pos itive pressure
2. Creates a pos 2. ses both torced dvafrr(FD) and
withn the f r nance. induced ft (I) ons,
3.Uili2eS a fan or blower to force 3. forced drat
air into the combustsn ehameer. fansupples
Cambuston air into the furnaes.
4, OUer cones. the resistance oflue 4, fnduced draft fan crates
flow, a
negative press ure 'n the
flue qas system.
S. Ach ikves beter Combus thon and S.Ensures optimal ombustion
in proved fuel atomization. Conditions and Conttol over the dra H,
6. Commornly used in industrial a ppliatins 6. Provides a Controlled and
and pw plarts. balanced flow-of air and
Flue qas.
7Q. what rale dses FO tan,10 fan and PA Fan Control in q
utility boiler ?
Ans: The roles the listed belsw respectvely
FO Fan: ’ Supp ies Combustion air into he furnonce.
’ Creates po sitive pressure in the tur nance.
’ Heles in tvel atomizqtion Qnd dis tribution.
’ Main tains steady airflous into the funance.
ID fon: ’ Removes flve qaes ffom the boiler.
’ Creates negqhve presS ore ar draft in the he gas Systen.
’ Ass ists n heat trensfer qnd Yemoval "G (om b us t'on product
’ Re qutates .verall pressure and louw of Fue qases.
PA Fan: ’ lontrols the supply of primary air for conbustio.
Ensures proper tuel- air miture for erficknt combuston,
’ Distributes .air acrass the burher 2one,
Ad justs the primary air flow ate ba Sed on fuel demond.
8Q. N te dorn the Hull moo ning fo of "SA MA"
Ans SAMA- Scie ntific Apparetu s Makers Assocathon.
AQ. \hat is the effect of mosture in steam ?
Ans': The eftect of moistore in steom fesult in
’ Reduced heat transfer erfiiency
’ Inereased risk of corrosion,
’ Potenthal erosin and water hammer.
’ Decreased eversy output
Tm paired equ'pment pertormance.
loQ. what are the ris ks 1n balanced dfaft alancing ?
Ang:the ris ks in balanced dratt balancing are listed
) Insurficient Com bustion air and reduced et
efficione y.
2 t xcess ive pressure tfetentt dfevent'als And'
potential equipent daima_e.
Flue Gas reciteula tion affeeting om bustion stbility
and missisns Control.
6 Flame in stabili't,includin puls ti'on s andfame titos.
Eguipment GVer loading , leading to incrensel
Consmption ard pstental tom penent falures.

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