Jones 2006, Characteristics of Ultrafine Component of Fly Ash

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Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259

Characteristics of the ultrafine component of fly ash

M.R. Jones , A. McCarthy a, A.P.P.G. Booth b

Concrete Technology Unit, Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK
Hilti Aktiengesellschaft, Liechtenstein

Received 5 May 2005; received in revised form 27 January 2006; accepted 27 January 2006
Available online 9 June 2006


Post-production processing of fly ash (FA) is an important issue for its use in concrete. Given (i) the need for environmental protec-
tion, (ii) the measures being applied on coal-fired power stations to reduce acidic gas emissions and (iii) the effect these have had on fly
ash quality, there is a need to consider efficient post-production processing to enhance fly ash characteristics. This is particularly impor-
tant for fly ash used as a cement in concrete production, since the additional residual carbon content and decreased fineness significantly
affect its quality. This paper details the material characteristics of an ultrafine, low-lime fly ash (UF-FA), produced, in this case, by pro-
cessing a coarse FA (referred to as parent FA) from a bituminous coal-fired power station via air-cyclonic separation. The UF-FA is
shown to have much improved material characteristics compared to the parent FA in terms of morphology, mineralogy and chemical
composition. Further results are presented on the effect of UF-FA on the properties of cementitious systems. Improved consistence
and compressive strengths of combined Portland cement (PC) and UF-FA mortars were observed, whilst enhanced PC hydration
and a high degree of FA reactivity were concluded from heat of hydration measurements and calcium hydroxide contents of pastes.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Air-cyclonic processing; Ultrafine fly ash; Material characteristics

1. Introduction which have negatively impacted on its performance in con-

crete [5]. As a result, many ash producers are utilising post-
Fly ash (FA) is used worldwide and its premium appli- production processing of FA to remove the carbonaceous
cation is as a cement in concrete. It provides significant and clay residue materials and/or refine the particle size.
technical benefits to concrete, including improved consis- One processing method, which has the potential to achieve
tence, lower heat of hydration, strength and durability per- this is cyclonic separation. The advantages of this tech-
formance [1–3]. In addition, as a low-cost by-product, fly nique are that it has low energy consumption and has no
ash can reduce the overall unit cost of concrete production. moving parts, but more significantly, the method can be
It has been well established [4] the finer the fly ash, the used to obtain the ultrafine component, i.e., <10 lm, in
more effective it becomes in terms of these benefits. How- ash. This component has the potential to provide greatly
ever, modern power stations use low-emission production enhanced performance to concrete mixes and, used as an
methods, resulting in FA with generally coarser physical outlet strategy for holistic FA use, would be attractive to
characteristics and often high residual carbon contents, both producers and users alike.
The laboratory research reported in this paper addresses
the potential of air-cyclonic separation to produce high
quality FA for use in concrete. The finest fraction of ultra-
* fine fly ash (UF-FA) obtained by air-cycloning was exam-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1382 384343; fax: +44 1382 384816.
E-mail addresses: (M.R. Jones), a.z.mccarthy ined in this study, to determine the maximum potential of (A. McCarthy). this processing method.

0016-2361/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259 2251

2. As-produced (parent) fly ash fixture [10]. A Au–Pd sputter coating was applied to the
surface of the specimens to provide greater depth of
The parent FA used in this study, typical of UK produc- image.
tion from a low-lime bituminous coal, conformed to BS
EN 450 (maximum fineness of 40% retained on a 45 lm 4.3. Particle bulk mineralogy and oxide composition
sieve [6]) with a fineness of 24% by mass retained on a
45 lm sieve and its LOI of 7.6% exceeded the BS EN Particle mineralogy was examined by X-ray diffraction
197-1 criteria for cement composition (i.e., upper limit of (XRD), using a Philips PW 1050 Diffractometer. The test
7.0% permitted on a national basis [7]). samples were micronised in acetone for 10 min prior to
preparation of sample slides.
3. Particle cyclonic separation Bulk oxide composition was determined by X-ray fluo-
rescence spectrometry (XRFS) using a Philips PW 1410
A tangential inlet high efficiency cyclone, based on the X-ray spectrometer and calibration curves were used for
Stairmand type cyclone [8], was used to separate the parent quantification. Two representative samples of 4 g were
FA. It was decided to obtain the ultrafine fraction of FA, tested for each material.
which, in this case, was arbitrarily selected as being
<10 lm. This provided what may be considered to be the 5. Mortar and paste test procedures
most active fraction in sufficient quantities.
The geometry of the cyclone used is given in Fig. 1. The 5.1. Mortar specimen preparation
parent FA was fed into the cyclone cone through the inlet
orifice fluidised within a compressed (1.1 bar) air stream In total, five mixes were considered in this study with the
with an inlet manifold velocity of 5 m/s. The ash is initially following cement combinations:
spun inside the cyclone cone, the FA accelerated as it
neared the base of the cone, due to the cone’s decreasing • Portland cement (CEM I, denoted hereafter as PC) con-
diameter. This creates a central vortex, which travels forming to BS EN 197-1 [7].
upwards and exits the cyclone through the top outlet ori- • C with 15% and 30% by mass parent FA.
fice. As a result, centrifugal and aerodynamic drag forces • PC with 15% and 30% by mass UF-FA.
are used to separate the FA particles within the cone, based
on their size, shape and density characteristics. The UF-FA Natural sand (GF85) to BS EN 12620 (aggregate stan-
exited the cyclone cone through the top outlet orifice and dard for use in concrete [11]), sieved at 2 mm, was used
was collected by filtering the exhaust air stream, whilst as fine aggregate at a cement/fine aggregate ratio of 1:3
the oversized, non-spherical and heavier particles were col- by mass. A water/cement ratio of 0.50 was adopted
lected below the cyclone cone and, in this case, were throughout and mixing was carried out in accordance with
discarded. BS EN 196-1 (standard describing test methods for cement
[12]). All specimens were cured in water at 20 ± 2 C until
4. Material analysis test procedures testing.

4.1. Assessment of particle size distribution 5.2. Flow behaviour

A low angle laser light scattering (Malvern Mastersizer A standard flow table [13] was used to measure the
X) was used to analyse the particle size distribution of degree of spread of the PC and PC/FA mortars.
the FA. The test samples were dispersed in de-ionised water
using sodium hexametaphosphate and ultrasonic disag- 5.3. Compressive strength
glomeration [9]. Three samples were analysed for each test
material. Standard mortar prisms, 40 · 40 · 160 mm, were cast
and covered by a plastic film, demoulded at 24 h and
4.2. Particle morphology water-cured until testing. After 28, 90 and 180 days, two
prisms per mix were split into two and tested for equivalent
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) secondary elec- cube strength to BS EN 196-1 [12].
tron images (Jeol 35 SEM connected to a links system
Si(Li) X-ray detector for EDAX analysis running at 5.4. Heat of hydration and bulk calcium hydroxide
15 kV and 25 kV for visual and chemical analysis, respec- content
tively) were taken to investigate particle morphology.
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA) was also used The rate of heat gain and total heat evolution up to 72 h
in conjunction with the SEM for individual particle com- after mixing were tested on PC and PC/30% FA paste
positions. Samples were affixed to a conductive carbon mixes with a 0.50 w/c ratio. The measurements were carried
pad to avoid problems encountered with glue or cement out using conduction calorimetry. The bulk calcium
2252 M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259

Fixed vertical rotation point Horizontal angle of inclination

against air stream

Inlet air Moveable vane

stream attachment
Raw Feed
Alteration of air
and particle flows

Top outlet orifice

Feed Control
vibration Filter

Fine material
Air Supply
Cyclone Collection

Coarse material



Top FA outlet




Inlet orifice
variable from
23 55 to 215mm

All measurements Ø 11.3o

in mm

Oversize PFA
outlet orifice

Fig. 1. Schematic layout of the laboratory cyclone system.

hydroxide content of the paste cubes (prepared as for the 6. Fly ash properties
strength prisms) was measured after 3, 7, 28, 56 and 90
days using thermogravimetry, at a temperature rise of 6.1. Particle size distribution
10 C per minute from 0 to 1000 C. One specimen was
tested for each mix. This was freeze-dried prior to testing, The particle size distribution of the parent and ultrafine
to stop any further hydration. FAs is given in Fig. 2. As expected, the UF-FA demon-
M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259 2253

Fig. 2. Particle size distribution curves.

strated a very even mono-model particle size distribution. Table 1

This is in contrast to the parent FA, which had a bi-model Summary of effects of air-cyclonic processing
(and arguably tri-model) particle size distribution but had Properties Parent Cycloned Improvement
an extremely predominant coarse peak. The reason for FA FA in comparison
to parent
this change in frequency distribution behaviour is probably material (%)
associated with inhomogeneity in the particle chara-
(a) Ultrafine fly ash (UF-FA)
cteristics, which is greatly reduced by the cyclonic pro-
cessing. Fineness, lm d(v, 0.1) 1.9 0.9 53
d(v, 0.5) 19.2 2.0 90
Some statistical information of the key particle FA size
d(v, 0.9) 76.8 4.5 94
characteristics is summarised in Table 1. The UF-FA mean Volume above, % 10 lm 64.7 0.2 100
particle size was 2 lm, compared to 19.2 lm for the parent 20 lm 49.0 0.0 100
ash. Furthermore, the d(v, 0.9) and d(v, 0.1) reduced by 94% 45 lm 24.2 0.0 100
and 55%, respectively, with air-cycloning, corresponding to Composition Al2O3 19.0 23.0 21
SiO2 42.6 44.0 3
virtually an elimination of particles >10 lm. The potential
LOI 7.6 5.0 34
yield of UF-FA from the parent FA was shown to be
around 35%, based on the percentage of particles (b) PC/UF-FA mortars and pastes
<10 lm. However, the d(v, 0.1) value for the parent was Flow table spread PC/15% FAa N/Ab N/Ab 101
1.9 lm and is, thus, close to the mean of the UF-FA. This PC/30% FAa N/Ab N/Ab 226
suggests that the yield, using the present cyclone at its cur- 28-day strength, PC/15% FAa 35.5 45.0 27
N/mm2 PC/30% FAa 25.5 41.0 61
rent efficiency, could reach a maximum of around 20% of 90-day strength, PC/15% FAa 43.0 58.5 36
the parent FA volume. This yield figure also corresponds N/mm2 PC/30% FAa 35.5 51.5 45
to the relationship between the d(v, 0.9) value of the UF- 180-day strength, PC/15% FAa 46.0 64.0 39
FA (4.5 lm) and the percentage of particles below 4.5 lm N/mm2 PC/30% FAa 37.0 60.5 64
for the parent FA (20.4%). Increasing the efficiency of the Total heat of PC/15% FAa 870 959 10
hydration (72 h), PC/30% FAa 967 1066 10
cyclone, so as to obtain a higher quantity of UF-FA, would J/100 g PC
alter the nature of the UF-FA by increasing its mean par- Ca(OH)2 consumption N/Ab N/Ab 112
ticle size. after 90 days
% By mass.
6.2. Particle morphology b
N/A: data not available.

A comparison of the particle morphologies of the parent

and air-cycloned FAs is given in Fig. 3. The parent FA
consisted of large illite clay residue vesicular particles, con- (Fig. 3c) and loose particle agglomerations (Fig. 3d).
taining trapped small spherical grains (see Fig. 3a). In addi- The residue fragments shown in Fig. 3c were identified
tion, carbon, large rounded and widely dispersed small by EDXA as illite. A typical FA particle agglomeration
particles and clay and crystalline fragments (probably is shown in more detail in Fig. 3d. Overall, these ranged
quartz) were abundant. from a few microns up to 100 lm in size and their shapes
Figs. 3b–d are typical of UF-FA particles. The domi- varied widely; from elongated to curved or circular. A
nant morphology of UF-FA comprised small spherical clearly evident vesicular fragment skeleton was present
grains (Fig. 3b), minor fragments of clay/shale residue within some agglomerations. It is thought that the
2254 M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259

Fig. 3. Differences in particle morphology of parent and ultrafine fly ashes.

agglomerations of fine spherical particles could be pres- spherical particle shapes present far less aero-dynamic drag
ent in the parent ash [14], but are likely to be limited. than those with irregular morphologies. This also helps to
Given that the agglomerations were easily dispersed in explain the almost exclusive cenospheric nature of the UF-
water by light stirring, it would appear that bonding of FA.
the particles occurred due solely to electrostatic surface
charges. 6.3. Particle bulk mineralogy
Small crystalline particles of quartz were also found. No
carbon particles were noted in the UF-FA, suggesting that Qualitative XRD traces of the parent and ultrafine FAs
cyclonic processing removed them completely. Some larger are given in Fig. 4. It was evident from these that the phase
rounded particles, around 10 lm, were coated in magnetite composition of the UF-FA was less crystalline than that of
but were infrequent. the parent FA. This observation has also been made on lig-
Based on these observations, it is suggested that cyclonic nitic FA [15]. From the traces, quartz appeared to reduce
processing of FA is particularly selective of non-spherical the most with cycloning. This is perhaps, initially, surpris-
morphologies, such that even very small such particles ing, as the detrital quartz normally consists of very fine
are removed preferentially. This would appear to support particle grains and thus should have been carried through
boundary layer theory as the main processing action, as to the UF-FA, thereby resulting in a higher concentration.
M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259 2255

Fig. 4. XRD mineralogical analysis of parent and ultrafine fly ashes.

However, given the irregular shape of detrital quartz [16], 6.4. Particle bulk oxide composition
its removal is likely to be due to cyclonic boundary layer
effects. The graphite peak appeared in the same range as The differences in bulk oxide composition and LOI of
the major quartz peak, suggesting that a reduction of the parent and ultrafine FAs can be seen in Fig. 5. Air-cycl-
graphite within the UF-FA was taking place and contribut- oning led to a significant increase in the Al2O3 content, due
ing to the much reduced quartz peak. The quartz that to the almost exclusive cenospheric nature of UF-FA,
remained is likely to be a cryptocrystalline phase within which are rich in Al2O3 [16–18]. The increase in SiO2 con-
the glass of the UF-FA spherical particles and thus, non- tent was less noted, although, like the Al2O3, is probably a
removable. reactive, rather than crystalline component, since very little
Hematite and magnetite were also reduced with air-cycl- quartz was noted in the UF-FA.
oning, probably as a result of density separation. Mullite The reduction in CaO and Fe2O3 contents was probably
content changed the least, suggesting (i) an equal distribu- due to the removal of the clay residue and iron-coated
tion of it throughout the particle size range of the parent spherical particles during processing.
FA and (ii) it being a constituent of the rounded particles. Surprisingly, the SO3 content of the UF-FA was sig-
The remaining magnetite will have been a neocrystallisa- nificantly higher than that in the parent FA. This sug-
tion adhered to the surface of FA spherical grains, partic- gests that SO3 occurs as a gaseous condensate during
ularly the larger ones [16]. FA formation and is largely concentrated on the finer
Given this reduction in crystalline phases, the pozzolani- particles due to their higher surface area [18]. The great-
cally active amorphous phase of the UF-FA is likely to be est change noted in bulk chemistry (34% difference) was
increased. This is, indeed, evident from the increased amor- the reduction in LOI with cycloning. In this case, the
phous hump present below the crystalline peaks. reduction was enough to bring the LOI value of the

Fig. 5. Differences in chemical composition and LOI of parent and ultrafine fly ashes.
2256 M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259

UF-FA to well within the 7.0% maximum permissible PC with FA, the strengths of all the PC/FA mortars were
value in BS 3892-1 (describing the requirements for pul- lower than those of the PC mixes at 28 days. At 90 days,
verised-fuel ash for use with PC [13]) and BS EN 197-1 however, the strength of the 15% UF-FA mix was 12%
[7]. The very pale beige colour of the UF-FA ash, com- higher than that of the PC. By the conclusion of the test
pared to the dark grey of the parent FA, is thought to (180 days), both the 15% and 30% UF-FA mixes had
indicate that the reduced LOI of 5.0% is not due to exceeded the strength of the PC and were 20.5% and
unburned carbon but attributed to the presence of other 12.0% higher, respectively. At all test ages, the mortars
components [19]. containing the parent FA exhibited lower strengths than
The MgO content also showed a significant increase the PC mixes, with the greatest reduction in values at
with cyclonic processing, although there is no particular 30% FA addition level. Overall, the improvement in per-
consequence of this for bituminous ashes [13]. The alkalis formance of the processed against the parent ash is
were essentially unchanged, suggesting equal distribution manifest.
throughout the parent FA, whilst P2O5 doubled in value
(from 0.2% to 0.4%), suggesting that, like MgO, this was
7.3. Heat of hydration and calcium hydroxide content
concentrated in the UF particles. Again, there is no noted
consequence of this to concrete practice.
The rate of heat evolution and total heat of hydration
are given in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. As can be seen in
7. Properties of PC/FA mortars and pastes Fig. 8, there was an obvious retardation in rate of heat evo-
lution of 2 h with the parent FA and 5 h with the UF-FA,
7.1. Consistence compared to PC, which is due to retardation of C3A hydra-
tion [20]. However, it is possible that physical surface
The mortar flows obtained, given in Fig. 6, are presented effects also contributed to this behaviour. More specifically,
as a percentage of that of the PC mix. As can be seen, the UF particles surrounding the surface of the PC grains
coarse parent FA replacement of PC at 15% and 30% levels would reduce the surface area available for initial hydra-
by mass had an adverse effect on mortar consistence, as tion. Fig. 9, however, shows that after approximately
flow decreased with increasing FA contents. On the other 20 h, the PC/UF-FA mix had produced more heat than
hand, the addition of UF-FA increased the flow of the the parent FA mix, suggesting increased PC hydration,
mortar considerably (compared to both PC and PC/parent probably as a result of a greater dispersion of PC grains
FA mortars), particularly at 30% level. The enhanced con- and improved mix homogeneity. A further observation,
sistence with the UF-FA was as expected, given the almost as shown in Fig. 8, is the reduced rate of descent of the
exclusive cenospheric nature of the processed material, C3S heat evolution peak for the PC/UF-FA mix. This
however, the degree of improvement (increase of 220%) may suggest the encouragement of C3A hydration.
was high. The bulk calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) contents for the
PC and PC/FA mixes differed significantly, as can be seen
7.2. Compressive strength in Fig. 10. The PC/parent FA mix showed the highest
Ca(OH)2 content at early ages, due to the acceleration of
Fig. 7 provides a comparison of compressive strengths PC hydration and, thereafter, a gradual reduction with
of the PC and PC/FA mortars at 28, 90 and 180 days. time through pozzolanic activity. In contrast, the PC/UF-
As expected, given the direct (by mass) replacement of FA mix contained a much lower Ca(OH)2 content at early

Fig. 6. Flow spread of PC and PC/FA mortars.

M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259 2257

Fig. 7. Compressive strength of water-cured PC and PC/FA mortars.

Fig. 8. Rate of heat of hydration evolution of PC and PC/FA pastes.

ages, followed by a significant reduction at the conclusion is initiated as early as 3 days, which correlates well with
of the test at 90 days. This suggests the pozzolanic reaction strength gains observed. Consumption of Ca(OH)2 with
2258 M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259

Fig. 9. Total heat of hydration evolution of PC and PC/FA pastes.

Fig. 10. Calcium hydroxide development with time of PC and PC/FA pastes.

UF-FA continued throughout the test period and, by 90 the parent FA. Again, this relates well to the strength
days, was 70% lower than the PC mix and 67% lower than behaviour.
M.R. Jones et al. / Fuel 85 (2006) 2250–2259 2259

8. Conclusions References

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The authors wish to acknowledge the Engineering and

Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) who pro-
vided funding for this study.

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