ANNOTATED Bibliography

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Title: The Influence of Personal and Organizational Power on Job Satisfaction and

Intention to Quit among Supervisors in the Hospitality Industry.

Authors: Rahmatullah, A., & Siddiqui, D. A.

Source: Rahmatullah, A., & Siddiqui, D. A. (2019). Impact of high-performance work

system on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job complexities and intention to
quit: A Karachi based study on banking and education industry. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Journal: Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Research

Publication Date: 2019

Annotated Bibliography

The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between personal and

organizational authority, as well as job satisfaction and the desire to leave one's current

position, among supervisors working in the hotel business. The authors compiled their

findings from a survey they gave to 276 managers working in four- and five-star hotels in

South Korea by using regression analysis on the data they collected ( Rahmatullah et al.,


Personal power was shown to have a positive impact on employees' happiness on

the job, in contrast to the finding that organizational power had no consequence on
employees' pleasure on the job. Moreover, the intention to quit was negatively impacted

by personal power, whereas resignation intent was favorably influenced by organizational

power (Rahmatullah et al., 2019).

The authors suggest that hospitality companies should invest in their supervisors'

personal power in order to achieve two outcomes: increased job satisfaction and a

decreased desire to quit their current jobs. They also suggest that businesses help

motivate employees and retain employees by providing training and assistance to

managers who may use these tools to increase their own personal influence. This would

be an additional way in which businesses could assist in motivating employees and

retaining employees ( Rahmatullah et al., 2019).


The annotated bibliography focuses on a piece of research that investigates how

supervisors in the hotel industry are impacted by their own levels of authority as well as

the levels of authority held by their superiors, as well as how this influences the levels of

work satisfaction they experience and the likelihood that they will quit their jobs.

According to the evidence that was provided, individual power has a positive influence

on job satisfaction but a negative influence on intentions to quit, whereas organizational

power has no noticeable influence on work satisfaction but a positive influence on

intentions to resign ( Rahmatullah et al., 2019).

According to the findings of the study, one way to produce employees who are

more invested in their work and committed to the company is to support supervisors in

expanding their personal power and provide them with training as well as aid to develop
their capabilities. When making conclusions from this study, the researchers advise that

the small sample size and focus on a single country should be taken into consideration

( Rahmatullah et al., 2019).

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