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Read the passage below and anwer the questions!

A Life Lesson
By Anonymous.

I lost my father when I was only nine years old. This was the biggest loss I have had. He was everything to me, his only
daughter. We were so close. I did not lose him to death though. I lost him in a much harder way: I lost my father to drugs.
He got addicted and started to ignore my brother and me.

One cool summer night, my brother, a couple of our friends, and I were watching Scary Movie 3 in the living room.
Around 9:30 pm, when I looked toward the kitchen, I saw orange and yellow flames reflecting off the door`s window. It
was a meth explosion caused by his careless actions under the influence of the drugs.

After the fire was out, I saw my dad run around to the backyard and jump into the pool. I knew then that he had gotten
burned. He ended up confined in the hospital. After he got better, they put him in jail for a month under drug charges. I
was so mad and hurt, and suffered from severe depression. It destroyed my health and my social life.

One day, one of my teachers stopped me in the hall to ask if I was okay. She asked if she could help me, if I would tell
her what was going on. So I did. She helped save me and lift me back up. After a while, I started to feel and do better.
She is now one of my greatest friends and mentors, and we talk daily. I could never repay her for everything she has
done for me.

Through my experiences, I learned never to do anything without thinking of how it will impact the people around me.

(Adapted from "A Life Lesson" by Anonymous. Teen Ink).

1. What was the source of the writer’s problem?

A. Her father was a victim of an explosion.
B. Her father was confined to the hospital.
C. Her father was heavily addicted to drugs.
D. Her father was imprisoned for drug offenses.
E. Her father destroyed her health and social life.

2. Paragraph 4 is about ...

A. how the writer solved her problem
B. how her teacher helped her recovery
C. how the teacher stopped her in the hall
D. how the writer met her only best friend
E. how the writer repaid her teacher’s kindness

3. How did the writer recover from her difficult situation?

A. She went to see doctors in hospitals.
B. She left her father and her home.
C. She stopped going to school.
D. She abandoned her friends.
E. She talked to her teacher.

4. The writer’s father got burned ... the meth explosion. Which of the following completes the sentence best?
A. since
B. despite
C. because
D. because of
E. consequently

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

In the olden days, there were three brothers: Dan, Nor and Osten. They were the sons of King Ypper, who lived in
Uppsala in Sweden. The brothers went their separate ways, settling each in a different country.

Dan ruled only over the island of Zealand and the lesser isles. Jutland, Funen and Scania were their neighbour
countries. The Jutes were, at that time, at war with the German king. They built barriers along their southern
border, which was called Kovirke. But when the German king came with a mighty army, they sent messengers to
King Dan asking for his help.

Dan went to war against the Germans, and a great battle was fought before the wall. Most of the enemy fell, and the
rest fled. When the Jutes saw how brave King Dan was, they placed him upon a great stone, proclaiming him their
king. This stone has since been called Daneryge (ryge being a Jutish word for "large stone").

When the people of Funen and Scania heard of this, they also elected Dan their king. Dan now summoned the best men
in all the Kingdom, and he said to them, "This land is fair and fertile, yet it has one flaw: it lacks a name."

They answered him: "You are Dan, and therefore the land shall be called Danmark, and this name shall last for so
long as the world lasts."

Adapted from "Denmark - King Dan."


5. What can we learn from the story?

A. Never lost sight of your dreams.
B. Be careful with what your wish for.
C. Be a good king and remembered.
D. Don’t let your enemy defeat you.
E. Be brave and you will win.

6. Paragraph 2 and 3 both highlight ….

A. Dan as the King of Zealand
B. Dan’s powerful support to the Jutes
C. The Jute’s triumph against the Germans
D. Dan’s Kingdom’s victory against the German king
E. The reason for the Jutes to get help from Dan

7. “But when the German King came with a mighty army, they send messengers ….” (paragraph 2). What
does the underlined word refer to?
A.The people of Jutland.
B. The German army.
C. The people of the three countries.
D.The Kovirke people along the barriers.
E. The German King’s messenger.

8. The underlined word in the last paragraph has similar meaning to ….

B. ends
C. stands
E. conquers

Read the passage below and answer the questions!No matter what kind of lifestyle you lead, your shoes
will inevitably get dirty. Luckily, a simple cleaning will often remove excess dirt and grime, leaving them looking
brand new! How you clean them, however, depends on what they are made out of, what you have on hand, and
how much time you have
Remove and clean the laces. Un-lace your shoes and, with a soapy brush, scrub them on a washboard or
draining board. Then allow them to air dry completely before re-lacing them into your shoes. If your laces are real
scuzzy, however, you may need to buy new ones.
Remove and clean the insoles. With a slightly soapy mixture of warm water and liquid detergent, gently scrub
your insoles with a soft brush or rag. Afterward, soak up any excess soapy water with a sponge and allow them to air
dry completely before placing them back in your shoes.
Remove excess dirt. With a soft-bristle brush, such as a shoe brush or a toothbrush, scrub away the excess
debris on the outside of your shoes. You may need to use a toothpick or a Q-tip to get in those hard-to-reach

Mix a cleaning solution. While there are many shoe-cleaning solutions on the market, a simple mixture of
warm water and a little liquid detergent will serve well to create a slightly soapy mixture in order to clean the
outside of your shoes.
Scrub your shoes. Apply a little of the cleaning solution to a sponge or soft cloth or brush and scrub the outside of
your shoes. This may require some effort and a few attempts, depending on the state of your shoes.
For tougher-stained areas, let the cleaning solution set for a few minutes, then scrub it away. Remove excess
solution. Put some warm water on another sponge or soft cloth or brush, and brush away the remaining
solution until it is no longer visible.
Air-dry your shoes. Place your shoes (and laces and insoles) in a moderately lit place at room temperature to air
dry. Do not put them somewhere hot (e.g. near a radiator) or in direct sunlight, as this may damage the shoes.
Putting your shoes in the dryer is not advisable, as the dryer can warp the soles of your shoes.

9. What is the objective of the text?

A.To persuade the readers to hand wash their sneakers.
B. To give readers instructions how to hand wash sneakers.
C. To discuss the advantages of hand washing sneakers.
D.To explain the process of hand washing sneakers.
E. To describe the process of hand washing sneakers.

10. How does the text likely benefit the readers?

A.It describes staged ways of washing sneakers using hand.
B. It persuades the readers to buy and use hand-made sneakers.
C. It describes ingredients they can use to clean sneakers using hand.
D.It tells the readers that cleaning sneakers can be fun.
E. It helps the readers to remove excess dirt in their sneakers.

11. After air-drying your laces, you should ….

A.relace them into your shoes
B. put them in direct slight
C. put them in dryer
D.put them in hot temperature room
E. scrub them with a sponge

12. The following words can most probably replace the underlined word require, except …
A. take
B. make
C. need
D. earn
E. show

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

A camera is an optical instrument for recording images, which may be stored locally, transmitted to another
location, or both. The images may be individual still photographs or sequences of images constituting videos or
movies. The functioning of the camera is very similar to the functioning of the human eye.

A camera may work with the light of the visible spectrum or with other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. A
still camera is an optical device which creates a single image of an object or scene and records it on an electronic
sensor or photographic film. All cameras use the same basic design: light enters an enclosed box through a
converging lens and an image is recorded on a light-sensitive medium.

A shutter mechanism controls the length of time that light can enter the camera. A display, often a liquid crystal
display (LCD), permits the user to view scene to be recorded and settings such as ISO speed, control the
exposure, and the shutter speed.

A movie camera or a video camera operates similarly to a still camera, except it records a series of static images in
rapid succession, commonly at a rate of 24 frames per second. When the images are combined and displayed in
order, the illusion of motion is achieved.

13. What is the purpose of the text?

A.To persuade the readers to buy a camera.
B. To expose the readers to the use of a camera.
C. To inform the readers the function of a camera.
D. To explain to readers why a camera is important.
E. To describe to the readers about a camera in general.

14. From the text, what do we learn about the illusion of motion?
A. It happens when images are combined and displayed in order at a high speed.
B. It is the result of displaying images taken by a still camera or video camera.
C. It is the effect of combining images at a high speed using a still camera.
D. It is achieved when the recorded images are displayed in order.
E. It happens when a movie camera or a video camera is operated.

15. What are discussed in paragraph 2 and paragraph 4?

A. Both paragraphs tell about the different features and operation between a still camera and a movie camera.
B. Unlike the former that informs about camera features, the latter tells about the work of a camera.
C. Paragraph 2 tells about the work of a still camera, and paragraph 4 informs about the display of a movie camera.
D. Paragraph 2 informs about the work of a movie camera, paragraph 4 tells about the work of a still camera.
E. Paragraph 2 talks about the work of a still camera, while paragraph 4 talks about the work of a movie camera.

16. "... control the exposure, and the sutter speed" (paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning

to ....
A. Light
B. Dark
C. Bright
D. Blurry
E. Clear

Read the passage below and answer the question.

Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behaviour can be habitual and involve an
imbalance of social or physical power. It can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and
may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or
ability. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target".

Bullying can occur in any context in which human being interact with each other. This includes school, church, family,
the workplace, home, and neighborhoods.

Bullying is absolutely wrong for several reasons. First, nobody wants to get bullied. Imagine if you or your family
member is one who is being bullied. What do you think will happen to him/her?
Nobody wants to live his /her life like a frightened rabbit, right?

Second, the victims can make a revenge by telling their parents, teachers or even your principal about what you
have done to them, and surely, you will be in a very, very big trouble.

Finally, bullying can result in very serious consequences. Maybe it is done for fun, but the victims can consider it as a
deep traumatic experience that can lead to depression, or even suicide. When that happens, surely you will forever
be regretful.

From the facts above, it is clear that bullying is wrong, and it only brings negative impacts.
17. What is the main issue of the text?
A. The controversy of bullying.
B. The bad impacts of bullying.
C. The phenomena of bullying.
D. The categories of bullying.
E. The causes of bullying.

18. What do readers learn from the text?

A. Bullying is not a new phenomena.
B. Bullying may be justified in a specific content.
C. Taking a victim’s own life can be one of what bullying leads to.
D. Making revenge is not the bad effect of bullying.
E. If the reason is only to make fun, bullying some one may be not a serious problem.

19. How may bullying be carried out?


A. We reject an intimidation from others.

B. We distribute equal treatment.
C. People impose coercion on us to abuse us.
D. We make people regretful.
E. People experience traumatic experiences.

20. "It can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion ..."(paragraph 1). The
underlined word can be best replaced with ....
A. defence
B. retreat
C. attack
D. charge
E. prevent

Read the passage below and answer the question. Do

Teenagers Really Need a Mobile Phone?
Nowadays, mobile phones are becoming an extremely popular electronic for people. They are also becoming more
technologically sophisticated; most can take and share pictures and videos and connect to the Internet for web
surfing. Many teenagers are cell phone owners, however. It is debatable whether a teenager actually needs a mobile
phone, but mostly they will say that a phone was essential to their happiness and social standing. There are however
positive and negative sides for teenagers having a mobile phone.

One of the reasons of letting a teenager have a mobile phone is because one way of making a teenager do exactly
what you want is by using a combination between bribery and blackmail. They will do what you want easily if you
offer to put more data on their mobile phone. The second reason is that mobile phones can also be an excellent way
of staying in touch with a teenager when they are away from home. Third, many cell phones enable teenagers to
access the internet. By using this feature, teenagers can obtain answers to questions very quickly and easily. The
last, if a teenager has a mobile phone, they can use it to call for help in a risky situation for some reason. In such a
condition, having a cell phone handy could be a lifesaver.

In spite of having some advantages, letting teenagers have a mobile phone has also some disadvantages. First,
cheating can be done more easily by using mobile phones since students can search or text the answers under their
desks during tests. Second, mobile phones can be very distracting from some important activities in a child’s life
such as studying, doing homework, or even crossing the street. Third, adult contents which can be accessed easily is
also an issue for parents to consider before giving a mobile phone for their child.

We need to be wise to use such a sophisticated technology in our lives. As parents, we can set guidelines for our children
on when they are able to use their cell phones or give a suitable phone for their age so that we can get more advantages
from purchasing a mobile phone for our children.

21. What does the text inform the readers about bad effect of mobile phones for teenagers?

A. It costs a lot of money to have a mobile phone.

B. It can make the teenagers dishonest in doing the test.
C. It can encourage them to do some important activities.
D. It can make the teenagers understand an issue happening in the world.
E. It will make the teenagers easy to communicate with everybody during the lesson.

22. What is discussed in paragraph 2 and 3?

A. Both paragraphs talk about functions of mobile phones.
B. Both paragraphs deal with the side effect of using mobile phones.
C. Paragraph 2 deals with mobile phone features; paragraph 3 discusses its function.
D. Paragraph 2 discusses the merits of mobile phones; paragraph 3 discusses the drawbacks of mobile
E. Paragraph 2 is about several functions of mobile phones; paragraph 3 is about the features of mobile

23. They are also becoming more technologically sophisticated (paragraph 1). The underlined word refer to
A. mobile phones
B. internets
C. pictures
D. people
E. videos

24. The underlined word gudelines in paragraph four is synonymous with ….

A. Suggestion
B. Order
C. Offer
D. Rules
E. Regard

Fill in the blank sentences with the correct answers!

25. Mom says,”Please .. your father the salt!”

A. contain
B. produce
C. put in
D. put on
E. pass

26. Budi can move to … level because the tutor thinks that Budi can write a clear and detailed English text

with a degree of fluency and spontanity.

A. beginner
B. basic
C. elementary
D. supplementary
E. intermediate

27. Kevin’s wedding will be attended by 200 honored guests and he has arranged … first- class
accomodation for them.
A. a
B. any
C. many
D. some
E. a lot of

28. Ameena ... that she was reading a novel at the backyard when someone knocked the door.
A. Says
B. Said
C. is saying
D. was saying
E. were saying

29. … Governor of Bali or Governor of Central Java has rejected the presence of the Israeli national team at the U-20
World Cup.
A. Not only
B. Both
C. Either
D. Neither
E. That

30. Andrea has much knowledge about the life of animals, …?

A. Has she?
B. Hasn’s she?
C. Does she?
D. Doesn’t she?
E. Will she?

31. Because of diabetic disease, the doctor recommends that my grandmother … many carbohydrate.

A. doesn’t consume
B. has not consume
C. won’t consume
D. not to consumes
E. not consume

32. Susanto looked very curious to know … I understood or not the problem between his father and his uncles.
A. if
B. when
C. what
D. whether
E. how

33. Bill Gates is well known as a modest man … he is one of the richest man in the world.
A. therefore
B. furthermore
C. despite of
D. moreover
E. eventhough

34. The book explains that Javanese language is probably the … widely used language in Indonesia.
A. most
B. more
C. merely
D. really
E. very

35. Negeri 5 Menara is ... an inspiring novel that is written by Ahmad Fuadi.
A. Very
B. So
C. Such
D. Likely
E. Most

36. Sandra would come to Nicholas’s wedding party if she … in Indonesia.

A. is
B. be
C. was
D. were
E. had

37. Indonesia is … Susi Susanti’s achievement who had won five medals in All England.

A. proud with
B. proud for
C. proud of
D. proud to
E. proud on

38. Being … in studying about the life of animals, Veronica wants to be a zoologist.
A. interested
B. to interest
C. interest
D. interesting
E. interest to

39. Nadine always goes swimming twice a week and …

A. I do too
B. do I too
C. I am too
D. I don’t either
E. neither do I

40. Melly has been an official officer in the Ministry of Education and Culture for two years but her sisters …
A. weren’t
B. aren’t
C. wasn’t
D. were
E. haven’t

41. The film won’t … because of protest by religious group.

A. release
B. released
C. releasing
D. be releasing
E. be released

42. I don’t know who the … man is.

A. tall young healthy

B. healthy tall young
C. tall healthy young
D. young healthy tall
E. healty young tall

43. The accidents has killed two people. One passed away in the location and … passed away on the way to
A. the another
B. other

C. others
D. the other
E. the others

Complete the following dialogues with the correct expression!

44. Office boy : If you don’t mind, I can help you carry the bags!
Guest : …. I can manage them.
A. If you are sure, it is no trouble.
B. I’d be glad to assist you.
C. No, thanks. It is alright.
D. How kind you are!
E. Thank you.

45. Lintang : What do you do?

Pram : …
Lintang : Do you enjoy your work? Pram :
Yes. I like it a lot.
Lintang : Tell me, what does your job involve? Pram :
Well, I grow vegetables and operate a farm.
A. I am a farmer.
B. I am a breeder
C. I am a gardener
D. I am a vegetarian
E. I am a land renter

46. Mano : When is the next bus to Senayan?

Danu : There is one at 6:30 and another one at 7:00. Mano : I
see, and …?
Danu : About 30 minutes.
A. How long should I wait for the bus?
B. What is the distance to destination?
C. What time will the bus come?
D. Can I wait for the bus here?
E. Where to buy bus ticket?

47. Mother : Dear, what time will you go home today?

Daughter: Class will be punished at two o’clock Mom. But I will join swimming course with my classmate in
Harmony swimming pool.
Mother : Well. Mom will take your brother to gastroenterologist ….
Daughter: I am sorry to hear that, Mom. I will phone you after I finish my course. Mother : Take care Dear!
A. His feet ached badly.
B. He is seriously injured.
C. He has a pain in his teeth.
D. He suffers from headache.
E. He is getting stomachache.

48. Azzam : Hi Rafiq, Joni says that you are working in Ministry of Social Affairs. Rafiq :
That’s right Azzam. I have been starting working there since last year. Azzam : ….
Rafiq : One of them is determining criteria and data for the poor and needy people. Azzam :
It sounds interesting.
A. I want to know.
B. What are the criteria?
C. How are you doing there?
D. What task does it carry out?
E. Tell me and describe our work.

49 Rico : ... Where have you been?

John : I just arrived from France last week. I will be staying here juts for a couple weeks. Rico :
What are you doing there?
John : I am working for a software company there. Rico : You are so amazing John. John :
Thank you Rico.
A. How could it be?
B. It is really unbelievable.
C. Hi John, you shocked me!
D. Tell me John how is your life?
E. It has been long time no see you, John.

50 Naufal : Bino, what do you think about our environment condition now?
Bino : We must be aware of the danger of environmental destruction. One of them that requires our urgent
attention is climate change.
Naufal : No doubt about it. It will change weather pattern, rise sea level, and cause water shortage. Bino : ….
A. Calm down.
B. Sick and tired.
C. Not necessarily.
D. It is very terrifying.
E. What a small world!

51 Pharmacist : Good afternoon. What can I do for you?

Buyer : Good afternoon. I’d would like to have this prescription filled, please. Pharmacist : Would you l ike to
wait? …
Buyer : How long will it take? Pharmacist : It’ll be ready in an hour Buyer : Oh. I’ll come back later. Pharmacist :
All right, Sir.

A. Please be patient.
B. You must not be hurry.
C. The prescription, please.
D. This drug a bit expensive
E. It will take time to refine it.

52 Man : I’d like to deposit some money in my savings account.

Woman : Could you complete a paying-in slip please, Sir? Man :
Oh yes. There you are.
Woman : Could I have your pass book too? Man : Yes of course. …

A. I’ll leaves it.

B. Here you are.
C. You can take it.
D. It is unavailable.
E. I will be happy for that.

53 Parker : Hey, this room is really nice!

Sari : Come over to the window and look at the view.
Parker : Wow! Look at the waves. I can’t wait to go for a walk along the beach. Sari : Let’s go out and enjoy
the beach now.
Parker : … Grab towel and some sunscreen and let’s go!
A. Are you sure?
B. That’s a great idea.
C. Let me think for moment.
D. I think it will be less tiring.
E. Going to beach will be less enjoyable.

54 Waitress : Are you ready to order, Ma’am? Woman :

No, not yet. I need a few more minutes. Waitress : Ok.
… I’ll come back.
A. Enjoy your time here.
B. Take your time.
C. I don’t mind.
D. Let’s me see.
E. Enjoy it.

55 Chika : Lala, what are you going to do after you graduate? Lala
: ....
Chika : What subject will you teach?
A. I’ll try to find a job
B. I plan to go to a college
C. I’ll working as a teacher
D. I’ll go to school tomorrow
E. I’ll travel around the world

Please identify the error words and choose the best option to correct them in the following sentences!

56. Many people believe that those whom like working hard will succeed in the future.

A. Many
B. those
C. whom
D. working
E. succeed

57. At this time tomorrow, Sandy will manage to negotiate an important business contract with
an international firm in London.

A. At this time
B. Will
C. Manage
D. Business
E. International

58. At this time tomorrow, Sandy will manage to negotiate an important business contract with
an international firm in London.
A. At this time
B. will
C. manage
D. business
E. international

59. The teacher has set a lot of homeworks that makes her students feel bored and depressed.
A. teacher
B. set
C. homeworks
D. makes
E. feel
60 My brother knew nothing about the problem between you and Antara, it was me that
phoned Antara and tells everything.






61 Ginting said that he will be excited for participating in All England which would be held
next year in England.


will be



next year
62 Sabila has made her father renew her passport because she should travel to France next






63 When living in Britain Natasya is used to drive on the left, but now she has moved to
America whose people drive car on the right.


is used



64 As a child of a single mother, Chandra says that it is his mother whose has thought him
about people he must know.

a single mother





65 Some media masses is full of political propaganda and it has directly and indirectly
influenced our society thinking and behaviour.
A. media masses
B. political
C. directly
D. influenced
E. behaviour

66 The police catched the violent criminal yesterday will give protection for all prosecution
A. catched
B. violent
C. will
D. protection
E. witnesses

67 His parents deserve his gratitude for his big success as a successfulness businessman.





68 The book explains that English language is probably the more widely used language in
the world.






69 Mrs Annisa looks very happy since her husband will get an adviser to the government.


very happy





Read the passage below and answer the questions!

After school on 23 November 2017, my friends and I went to a mall. We wanted to buy some
books from a famous bookstore since we were preparing ourselves for the National Examination.
We went there by car.
On our way to the book store, we had a very intense chat about our classmates. We laughed
loudly about something funny and ridiculous that had happened in the classroom. I saw my friend,
Indra, who was driving the car, trying to show a video from his hand phone. While he was
searching the video from his hand phone, he was also laughing so loudly that he could not control
our car.
The crash could not be avoided and we were all involved in a very bad car accident. Everyone in
the car screamed loudly one or two seconds before the terrible accident. Indra was badly injured in
the crash as his head hit against the windshield. My friend, Tania, who was sitting on the front
passenger seat, was also badly injured but survived. My friend, Rania, and I got some bruises and
cried for help. A few minutes later some people came and helped us. Then, they took us to the
hospital. I was unconscious on the way to the hospital.
When I opened my eyes, my parents were sitting beside me. I asked them what had happened to me. Then, I
realized that I had a terrible accident and lost my friend, Indra.

1. What happened to the writer when he was riding on his friend`s car?
A. He stopped by at a mall to buy some books.
B. He watched a funny video of his classmate on his cellphone.
C. He was involved in a terrible car accident with his friends.
D. He was badly injured as he was sitting on the front seat.
E. He remembered something funny that had happened in the class.

2. What is mainly discussed in the second paragraph?

A. How the terrible accident happened
B. How the writer lost his friend
C. How to use a hand phone while driving
D. How they got help during the accident
E. How to avoid an accident while driving

3. What did Indra do before the accident happened?

A. He went to the mall with his friends.
B. He bought books in a famous bookstore.
C. He was joking with his classmates.
D. He used his cellphone while driving.
E. He prepared for the national examination.

4. Indra had used his hand phone, he could have controlled the car well. What is
the correct conjunction for the sentence above?
A. If
B. Unless
C. Except
D. Although
E. Because

Read the text and answer the question!

Once upon a time there lived two pigeons. They were husband and wife. They spend their day
looking for food. In the evening they would come and rest on their favourite tree in the forest.
One evening the wife returned home early. As usual she was waiting for her husband, when
suddenly it started raining. She started to worry. “Where are you my dear? You never get so late,”
she whispered to herself.
Just then she saw a bird-catcher coming towards her. In a cage he had a pigeon. It was her
husband. “Oh no, what shall I do now? I wish I can help my husband,” she said. She desperately
tried to distract the bird-catcher by flapping her wings, but all in vain.
Soon, it stopped raining. “Brrr! It is so cold,” said the bird-catcher. His clothes were wet. He
decided to sit under the same tree where the two pigeons lived.
The poor wife sat by her husband’s cage. And she started to cry. The husband said, “Do not feel
sad, dear. We now have a guest. This man is shivering and hungry. He needs your help.” Hearing
this, the wife flew around getting dry twigs. She made a fire for the bird-catcher. Then she looked
at the bird-catcher and said, “You are our guest. Since I have no food to offer, I will jump into this
fire. In few minutes I will be well cooked, and you can eat me.”
By now. The bird-catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the humble pigeon couple.
He at once stopped the wife jumping into the fire.
He opened the cage and set the husband free. “I have been cruel and selfish. I will never trap any bird in
my net again,” said the bird-catcher and went away. The two pigeons were happy to be reunited.

5. What can we learn from the story?

A. Love needs sacrifice.
B. Never hate your enemies.
C. Kindness deserves another kindness.
D. Love means being loyal to each other.
E. Cruelty is hand in hand with kindness.

6. What does paragraph 5 highlight?

A. The wife was jumping herself into the fire.
B. The wife was very sad beside her husband’s cage.
C. The pigeons were not revengeful despite the man’s cruelty.
D. The pigeon couple agreed that it is a must to welcome and serve a guest.
E. Because of her love to her husband, the wife was willing to serve the man.

7. The underlined word He in paragraph 4 refers to …

A. A pigeon.
B. The wife.
C. The husband.
D. The birthcatcher.
E. The pigeon couple.

8. The underlined word distract in paragraph 3 is synonymous with …

A. keep
B. draw
C. receive
D. get
E. excite

Read the text and answer the question!

Hot Honey Lemon Tea
2 cups of water
1 tablespoon of tea powder
1 tablespoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of honey
2 tablespoons of sugar or as needed

Firstly, pour the water into the pot and cook it until boiled.
Next, add the tea powder and let it simmer for a minute.
After that, turn off the flame and add the lemon juice, honey, and sugar to the boiled water and
mix it well until the sugar dissolves completely.
Then strain the tea through the strainer into a bowl. Finally, pour the tea into cups and serve while hot.

9. What does the text about?

A. A process to make hot drink from the mixture of honey and lemon.
B. Some methods to prepare ingredients for lemon tea.
C. Ingredients to make a hot drink from lemon tea.
D. A way to serve honey and lemon.
E. Steps to make a hot drink.

10. According to the recipe, you do not need to ....

A. use a tea strainer to strain the tea
B. cook the water until it is boiled
C. wait until the tea is cool to serve it
D. mix the lemon juice, honey, and sugar well
E. let the tea simmer for a while in the boiled water

11. What should you do before you put the tea into cups?
A. Add the lemon juice, honey, and sugar to the hot tea.
B. Put the lemon juice, honey,and sugar into the cup.
C. Mix well the lemon, honey, and sugar in the cup.
D. Wait until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved.
E. Strain the tea mixture into the bowl.

12. ".. mix it well until the sugar dissolves completely." The underlined word is closest
in meaning to ....
A. mixes
B. disappears
C. melts
D. vanishes
E. combines

Read the text and answer the question!

The sun is an enormously large sphere of burning gases. It is the largest and most observable
object in the solar system and makes up about 98% of the total amount of matter within the
system. The diameter of the sun is so large that it would take 109 earths to span it and its volume
is so large that it could hold over 1.3 million earths. The sun has three main parts. It has a core, a
corona and a photosphere. There are large storm areas on the sun where massive clouds of
exploding gases erupt and spew out the energy.

The sun radiates energy into space. The sun`s energy provides heat and light. The energy produced
in the sun`s core takes about a million years to rise to the surface. Over 700 million tons of
hydrogen gas is converted into burnt helium every second. As this happens, more than 5 million
tons of pure energy is released. Billions of years from now, the sun will burn all its fuel and
collapse. In the meantime, it will continue to be the source of energy for all life on earth.

The sun is a star. It is classified as a G2 star or yellow dwarf. The classes are O, B, A, F, G, K and M; O
stars are the hottest; M the coolest.

The sun is located on the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, 30 thousand light years from the centre
of the galaxy.

13. What is the intention of the writer in writing the text?

A. To tell the reader about how hot the sun is.
B. To depict the sun as the burning gases.
C. To classify the sun based on the heat.
D. To give general information about the sun.
E. To make sure that the sun is in the Galaxy.

14. What will probably happen on earth if the sun stops producing energy?
A. The sun will collapse and universe will disappear.
B. All lives on earth will lose their source of energy.
C. There will be no space available on earth.
D. The earth will collapse along with the sun.
E. The earth will burn all its source of energy.

15. How do you compare paragraph 2 and 3?

A. Both paragraphs talk about the sun’s energy.
B. Both paragraphs talk about the characteristics of the sun.
C. Paragraph 2 talks about the main parts of the sun while paragraph 3 talks about the content
of the sun.
D. Paragraph 2 talks about the sun’s energy while paragraph 3 talks about the sun’s location.
E. Paragraph 2 talks about the sun’s energy while paragraph 3 talks about the stars classifications.

16. “Over 700 million tons of hydrogen gas is converted into burnt helium every second.” (paragraph
2) The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….

A. Transformed

B. Controlled

C. Adapted

D. Organized

E. Launched

Read the text and answer the question!

Sleep is essential for health and well-being. Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and
many of them suffer from lack of sleep. Why is having good sleep at night important? Here are
some reasons.

Sleep loss can impede the learning of young people in schools. Sixty percent of high school
children reported that they were tired during the daytime and 15 percent of them admitted that
they fell asleep in class. According to a long-term study which was published in the 2004 by
Clinical and Experimental Research stated that young teenagers whose poor sleep habits when
they were at preschool were more than twice as likely to use tobacco or alcohol.

A night without sleep makes body feel tired and irritable the next day. After several sleepless
nights, the mental effects become more serious. The brain will fog and, it makes it difficult for
the brain to concentrate and make decisions. You`ll start to feel down, and may fall asleep during
the day.

If it continues, lack of sleep can affect overall health and make a prone to serious medical conditions,
such as obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Every individual’s sleep needs vary. In
general, most healthy adults are built for 16 hours of wakefulness and need an average of eight hours of
sleep a night.

17. What is discussed in the text?

A. Lack of sleep.
B. Sleeping habit.
C. The effect of oversleeping.
D. The importance of sleep.
E. The danger of sleep.

18. What is likely the worst impact of lack of sleep?

A. Heart attack.
B. Brain damage.
C. Mental illness.
D. Disturbing our study.
E. Being tired during the day.

19. Why do we need to have good sleep?

A. It prevents anger.
B. It helps us concentrate.
C. It reduces our problems.
D. It omits health problems.
E. It improves the medical conditions.

20. “.... and make a prone to serious medical conditions ” (paragraph 4)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. obvious
B. important
C. vulnerable
D. resistant
E. complete

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

It is important to know how people in Jakarta satisfy the need for clean water. They use ground
water, the governmental water supply PAM (Perusahaan Air Minum) and public Hydrants. The
number of the population in Jakarta is 8.5 million but only 41% of them have accessed to clean
water from PAM, while the rest still depend on ground water. The shallow ground water is used in
hotels, offices, factories, and areas of residences. There will not be any problem if they do not use
the water more than the resource`s capacity.

Men are granted a large amount of colorless liquid called water. Life will not exist without water.
There are a lot of domestic purposes such as drinking, preparation of food and beverages,
bathing, cleansing, and watering the lawns and gardens and secondarily in industrial processes,
commercial products disposal of wastes in sewers, firefighting, street sprinkling, swimming pools,
and public fountains. For most of the purposes above the quality of water must be good. There
are a lot of sources of water supply such as underground and surface water. Ground water
resources are near at hand and systems are cheap to install, for example by setting pump or
digging a well. The surface water is obtained from large lake or river nearby, consequently it will
be very expensive to get the water because the supply depends on the amount of water in large
reservoirs, from which long pipes are needed to pump the water into the houses. Ground water is
generally clear, cold, colorless, and cleaner than surface water in some regions.

In order to have clean water supplies people should conserve the water. It can be conserved in
many ways, including measurement and recording of all purpose water consumption, holding
flood water in oversize reservoirs, desalting seawater, guarding of ground water against the
intrusion of sea water, and reducing evaporations in reservoirs using large ground water reservoir
more extensively.

21. The text mainly tells us about ...

A. the need for water in our life
B. how to conserve water supplies
C. the source of water supply in Jakarta
D. the availability of clean water sources
E. how to install water resources system

22. What do the readers learn from the text?

A. Water needs to be conserved.
B. Surface water is very cheap.
C. Sea water may be drinkable.
D. Ground water systems are expensive.
E. People in the cities need more water.

23. What should people do to conserve the water?

A. Remove salt from seawater and keep of ground water.
B. Reduce evaporations by using large water reservoir.
C. Measure some purposes water consumption.
D. Record limited purpose water consumption.
E. Hold flood water in small size reservoir.

24. "In order to have clean water supplies people should conserve the
water" (Paragraph 3). The underlined word is synonymous with ...
A. devastate
B. preserve
C. destroy
D. expend
E. abolish

Fill in the blank sentences with the correct answers!

25. After everyone has had dinner, Mom asks Sinta to wash the …
A. dishes
B. clothes
C. laundry
D. hands
E. aces

26. As a beginner, Taufan can study English language from … level.

A. Elementary
B. Supplementary
C. Intermediate
D. Advanced
E. Proficient

27. Parents must give … love for their chilren.

A. a
B. any
C. many
D. much
E. most

28. Andre didn’t … me where I could get on the train that day.
A. say
B. said
C. tell
D. told
E. speak

29. Indonesia .. Japan are island countries that consist of an archipelago.

A. Both … and
B. Either…nor
C. Either…or
D. Neither..nor
E. Not only…and

30. Her neighbours hardly ever see her beause she always goes duty on abroad,…?
A. do they?
B. don’t thet?
C. does she?
D. doesn’t she?
E. is she?

31. I don’t know … will be promoted as the leader of the project.

A. whom
B. whoever
C. fro whom
D. to whom
E. to whoever

32. Children must remember that their success is … his parent’s sacrifce.
A. because
B. since
C. owing to
D. seeing that
E. in order to

33. The head of office instructed all of his staff … theirselves for moving to
new building.
A. Prepare
B. Prepared
C. to prepare
D. preparing
E. are preparing
34 Ginting can swim … I can.
A. as good asa
B. as well as
C. as well than
D. as the best as
E. better

35 The business project is .. worthwile that Taufik will welcome the chance to be leader
of the it.
A. very
B. so
C. such
D. likely
E. most

36 If Sandra had been in Indonesia, she… come to Nicholas’s wedding party.

A. will
B. would
C. would be
D. will have
E. would have

37 Children who lack … important nutrition in their ealy age wil inluence their cognitive
development in the future.
A. of
B. off
C. to
D. with
E. for

38 We feel … with the debate among the political figures about who should be blamed
for Indonesia failure to host the U-23 FIFA World Cup.
A. bore
B. bored
C. boring
D. boredom
E. a boredom

39 My brother took trip to Europe last year and … I.

A. so did
B. did too
C. neither do
D. neither did
E. either did

40 Taufik won’t compete in the next Olympic Games, but Lindan …

A. isn’t
B. won’t
C. will
D. would
E. wouldn’t
41 The docter get the medicine … twice a day after having meal.



to consume

be consumed

to be consumed

42 … man has given big contribution for natural enviroment improvemment in Indonesia.
A. The kind old white American
B. The old kind white American
C. The kind white old American
D. The old white kind American
E. The American kind old white

43 There is … interesting story which will written by Fatmala.




the other

the others

44 Office boy : May I help you carry the box?

Guest : …. I can manage them.
A. If you are sure, it is no trouble.
B. Thank you for bothering me.
C. No, thanks. It is alright.
D. I am happy to help you.
E. How kind you are!
45 Lindsay : What do you do?
Prime : …
Lindsay : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Prime : Well, I care for plants and nurtures growing shrubs and trees in a plant nursery.

I am a farmer

I am a breeder

I am a gardener

I am a vegetarian

I am a plant seller

46 Lana : When is the fast bus to Semarang from Jakarta?

Indra : There is one at 7.30 and another one at 8:00.
Lana : I see, and ….
Indra : It is about 6 hours.
A. How long should I wait for the bus?
B. What time will the bus come?
C. How long does the trip take?
D. Can I wait for the bus here?
E. When can I get the bus?

47 Dani : It has been a busy day. I’m glad we’re on break for lunch.
Jane : So, …
Dani : How about the restaurant across the street, it has a delicious ramen.
Jane : Well. Let’s go.
A. How about taking lunch outside?
B. Do you want to come with us?
C. Do you like to eat junk food?
D. Where are you taking her to?
E. Are you hungry now?

48 Man : I’d like to deposit some money in my savings account.

Banker : Could you complete a paying-in slip please, Sir?
Man : Oh yes. There you are.
Banker : Could I have your pass book too?
Man : …
A. Yes, of course. Here you are.
B. Sure, but I will give them later.
C. Thank you so much for your help.
D. Sorry, I can’t. I will need it so much.
E. Do I need to write something in my pass book?
49 Pharmacist : Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
Buyer : Good afternoon. I’d would like to have this prescription filled, please.
Pharmacist : Would you like to wait? …
Buyer : How long will it take?
Pharmacist : It’ll be ready in an hour
Buyer : Oh. I’ll come back later.
Pharmacist : All right, Sir.
A. Please be patient.
B. You must not be hurry.
C. The prescription, please.
D. This drug a bit expensive
E. It will take time to refine it.

50 Mozza : Ken says that you are working in public service

Lory : That’s right Mozza. I have been starting working there since last year.
Mozza : ….
Lory : One of them is determining criteria and data for the poor and needy people.
Mozza : It sounds interesting.
A. I want to know.
B. What are the criteria?
C. Where the data come from?
D. What task does it carry out?
E. Tell me and define our work.

51 Parker : Hey, this room is really nice!

Sesa : Come over to the window and look at the view.
Parker : Wow! Look at the waves. I can’t wait to go for a walk along the beach.
Sesa : ….
Parker : That’s a great idea. Grab towel and some sunscreen and let’s go!
A. Let me think for moment.
B. Can we go to the waves?
C. I think it will be less tiring.
D. Let’s go out and enjoy the beach now.
E. Going to beach will be less enjoyable.

52 Waitress : Are you ready to order, Ma’am?

Woman : No, not yet. I need a to see the menu first.
Waitress: Ok. … I’ll wait then.
A. Enjoy your time here.
B. Take your time.
C. I don’t mind.
D. Let’s me see.
E. Enjoy it.

53 Dara : Lily, what are you going to do after you graduate?

Lily : ....
Dara : Which city will you visit first?
A. I’ll try to find a job
B. I plan to go to a college
C. I’ll working as a teacher
D. I’ll go to school tomorrow
E. I’ll travel around the world

54 James : Hi Tania, how are you? How’s your trip yesterday?

Tania : … Thanks for your recommendation. I want to share about the whole trip too.
James : You are welcome. Can’t wait to hear the stories.
A. I’ll travel around the world
B. The vacation spot is very quiet
C. I plan to go to a college with you
D. It was terrible. I never go there anymore
E. It was fantastic, I never did that kind of trip.
55 Dona : How`s your father keeping?
Tom : He`s been off work for a day or
two. Dona : What`s wrong with him?
Tom : He`s gone down with a
cold. Dona : ….
Tom : That`s very kind of you. I`ll pass it on.
A. Tell them that everything going to be better soon
B. Tell him I hope he soon feels better.
C. I don’t know you can get sick
D. She is better go to the doctor
E. I hope you get better soon

56 The man, that his children are well known for their academic achievement, is always
honest in his duties as a police officer.
A. that his
B. for
C. academic achievement
D. honest
E. a police officer

57 When we arrive at home by six o’clock tonight, mother will have been waiting for our
coming for six hours.
A. When
B. arrive
C. will have been waiting
D. coming
E. hours

58 Father will get him to involve an environmental group to protect the

natural environment.
A. get
B. involve
C. environmental group
D. protect
E. natural

59 Rina has spent much money to buy some furniture for her new house location in Araya
A. has
B. much
C. to buy
D. furniture
E. location

60 I think that both you and me can speak English very fluently if we pratice our speaking
more often.
A. both
B. me
C. fluently
D. pratice
E. speaking

61 Ratna said she had gone to sleep when you had just landed in Bali last night.
A. said
B. had gone
C. sleep
D. landed
E. last night

62 Joan has been sick for couple weeks. She can see a doctor to check her healthy.
A. has been
B. can
C. a doctor
D. check
E. healthy
63 Nadia has lived in Britain for two years and now she used to driving car on the left.
A. lived
B. for
C. used
D. driving
E. on

64 I don’t know when Chandra appeared to be unsatistied with the work I have done.
A. don’t
B. when
C. appeared
D. unsatistied
E. have done

65 Every year, taxpayers must report their source of wealth by filling a tax income to
determine their tax obligations.
A. taxpayers
B. report
C. source of wealth
D. a tax income
E. obligations

66 Yesterday, Pandu found an injurying dog on the ground and he took it to the
veterinary clinics.
A. found
B. injurying dog
C. ground
D. it
E. clinics

67 Every parents should teach their children to be respectful of not only their teachers but
also their neighbours.
A. parents
B. teach
C. children
D. respectful of
E. also

68 When I got home, father was reading news about population decline which has become
one of Japan’s more signifiant issues.

was reading


has become


69 We can stop our long discussion for moment and let’s have coffee break
because everyone has appeared asleep.
A. stop
B. discussion
C. have
D. everyone
E. appeared asleep

70 Being born as an orphan, Wisnu could feel whether Chandra felt when his father passed






Read the passage below and answer the questions!B ING C

Isaac Newton was a shy and quiet boy growing up on a farm in England a long time ago. He was
not a very exceptional student. He enjoyed spending much of his time making contraptions,
such as a windmill used to grind grains, a clock which was powered by water and other various
inventions. As a result, he did very poorly at school. His teacher described him as ‘idle’ and
‘inattentive’. Nobody paid much attention to him. Nobody that was, except the school bully.
One day the bully punched Isaac in the stomach. That hurt him and that got Isaac very mad. He
pulled himself up immediately and fought back. Isaac pushed the bully onto the ground and
rubbed his face in the mud. All the other kids hated the bully, came and cheered for Isaac.
Isaac had taught the bully a lesson, but he wasn’t satisfied with that. Now that he knew he could
fight better than the bully, he wanted to prove that he could do anything better than the bully. He
started paying attention at school and studied hard. He was soon top of his class, proving he was
smarter than the bully too.
Isaac Newton kept on studying and when he was old enough, he became a maths professor at
Cambridge University. He discovered lots of important things and is one of the most famous
scientists who ever lived.

It should be remembered that, because somebody has difficulty at school doesn’t mean they are
stupid. Isaac Newton proved that!

1. The social function of the text is to ....

A. persuade the readers to be like Isaac Newton
B. explain how Isaac Newton became a professor
C. tell the readers how Isaac Newton did better than the bully
D. demonstrate the treatment done by Isaac’s teacher
E. convince the readers that Isaac Newton is the famous scientists

2. How did Isaac prove that he is better than the Bully?

A. He supported the bully.
B. He paid attention and studied hard at school.
C. He appreciated the bully.
D. He pushed the bully onto the ground.
E. He made the bully a smart student.

3. From the text, we know that Isaac Newton ….

A. was a bully
B. was a lazy student
C. was a teacher
D. was not a smart student
E. was a math professor

4. He wanted to prove that he could do anything better than the bully. …, he started
paying attention at school and studied hard.
The suitable conjunction for the clause above is ....
A. In order that
B. Beside
C. Since
D. Thus
E. Yet

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

My First Experience
By Faricharahma

Last year, when I was eighteen years old, my eldest brother bought a new city car. I wanted to
know how to drive it. I tried to persuade him to teach me to drive his car, but was not surprised
when he refused my request. He promised that he would teach me how to drive in three or four
years, but I still whined and whimpered. Finally, after a lot of whining, and way before the allotted
number of years, my brother finally granted my request and offered to teach me how to drive.
Three days later, my brother and I went to the field so I could start my lessons. My brother
patiently instructed me through the steps. I was very nervous because that was my first time to

After a week`s lesson, my family and I visited my grandmother in Bandung, about four hours from
our place. I was alone at home and realised that I had an opportunity to drive the car on my own.
I drove confidently for about 6 km, but then I got nervous and I lost control of the car. The street I
was driving on was so narrow that one single momentary lapse caused the car to crash against
the wall. I had to call my brother to tell him about the accident. I imagined my brother would be
angry because I hadn`t asked for his permission, but the reality was exactly the opposite: my
brother was concerned and not angry at all. He told me how to repair the situation and I
promised I would never ever take his car without permission anymore.

Adapted from "My First Experience to Drive a Car" by Faricharahma. Recount Text

5. Why did the writer think his brother would be angry with him?
A. He had begged him to drive his new city car.
B. He had gotten into an accident while driving the city car.
C. He had not paid attention while learning how to drive the car.
D. He had not asked for his brother`s permission to drive his car.
E. He had not asked for his parents` permission to drive their car.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The writer was too nervous to drive a car.
B. The writer`s oldest brother bought a new city car.
C. The writer`s parents went to Bandung for a day trip.
D. The writer got into an accident while driving his brother`s car.
E. The writer`s brother refused to teach the writer how to drive a car.

7. What did the writer do to make his brother allow him to drive his car?
A. He stayed away from his brother.
B. He cursed his brother a lot.
C. He worked hard.
D. He ran away from home.
E. He grumbled a lot.

8. My brother finally granted my request … a lot of whining that I had. Which one the
following completes the sentence?
A. because
B. however
C. moreover
D. despite of
E. because of

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

STEP 1 Purchase a ticket. The easiest way to search multiple dates and flight times is to search for
your flight ticket online.

STEP 2 Gather photo identification.

STEP 3 Ensure that your luggage meets airline requirements.

STEP 4 Pack your carry-on bag carefully.

STEP 5 Arrive at the airport early. For your first time traveling on an airplane, allow extra time to
make it through the airport and familiarize yourself with the process.

STEP 6 Check in at the airline desk. Have your photo identification ready to present to the agent.

STEP 7 Go through security. Once you are at the screening machines, take off your shoes and
jacket and place them into a plastic bin. Wait for an agent to wave you through the metal detector
and walk through.

STEP 8 Find your gate. Follow the signs to get to your gate and have a seat until a gate agent calls

for boarding.

Adapted from:

9. What is the objective of the text?

A. To revise existing airport procedure.
B. To help first-timers with airport procedure.
C. To describe recent situation in many airports.
D. To entertain first-time travellers at airports.
E. To encourage people to travel by air.

10. How does the text likely benefit the readers?

A. It helps the readers deal with airline desk check.
B. It describes essential steps to travel by air.
C. It makes the readers believe that travel by air is safe.
D. It helps the readers with their photo identification.
E. It informs the readers about metal detector check.

11. According to the text, how can we familiarize ourselves with the airport situation?
A. Buy the ticket online.
B. Carry your luggage carefully.
C. Prepare your photos in advance.
D. Check your flight schedule.
E. Arrive at the airport early.

12. Make extra time to make it through the airport if you are ... first-timer. Which
of the following correctly complete the sentence?
A. the
B. this
C. an
D. that
E. a

Read the passage below and answer the question!

Drug users are actually ill people who need to be helped. Rehabilitation is one of the main things
that they should get. Instead of punishing and stacking them in prisons which are getting full, the
government should provide rehabilitation for them.

Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming the drugs.
Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually helping them out of a trap, which they might
accidentally step on. They then, can start a normal life again. On the other hand, if we only arrest
drug users and send them to jail, it does not solve the problem because the drug users will still be
addicts unless being properly treated. Jails will be filled up with drug users. Moreover, the users will
still be users after released from prison. They, then, will be arrested again.

Providing rehabilitating programs for drug users and forcing them to participate on the programs
is better than only arresting them and doing nothing on their illness. Moreover, the prison will
not be so full and packed up with users. Only drug dealers, traffickers, and wholesalers should be
imprisoned instead.

Taken from Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI

13. What does the writer want to expose to the readers?

A. The negative impacts of drugs.
B. The best punishment for drug users.
C. The importance of rehabilitation for drug users.
D. The differences between drug users and criminals.
E. The rehabilitation facilities provided for drug users.

14. What do the readers learn from the text?

A. Peddlers cannot persuade drug users to be addicted.
B. Police need to arrest drug users regularly everyday.
C. Drug dealers should receive help from the government.
D. Drug users should not be treated as victims.
E. Rehabilitation programs can help drugs users to live a normal life.

15. What should the government do to help drug users?

A. Provide them with rehabilitation.
B. Stack them into a prison.
C. Cut their contact with drug sellers.
D. Build a special prison for them.
E. Give them doctors and free medicine.

16. Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from consuming
the drugs (Paragraph 2). The underlined words can be replaced by ....
A. are affected by
B. are related to
C. are infected with
D. are interested in
E. are worried about

Read the text and answer the question.

The World Wide Web, the WWW or the Web refers to an information space where documents and
other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext
links, and can be accessed via the Internet. It was invented by the English scientist Tim Berners-Lee
in 1989. After doing his A Levels at Emanuel School, he went to Queen’s College, Oxford University,
where he received a first-class degree in physics. He wrote the first web browser computer
program in 1990. The World Wide Web has been central to the development of the Information
Age and is the primary tool billions of people use to interact on the Internet.

Web pages are primarily text documents formatted and annotated with Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). In addition to formatted text, web pages may contain images, video, audio, and
software components that are rendered in the user`s web browser as coherent pages of
multimedia content. Embedded hyperlinks permit users to navigate between web pages. Multiple
web pages with a common domain name make up a website. Website content can largely be
provided by the publisher or by users who contribute content online.

Recently, many people have criticized today`s misuse of the web. The inventor of the World Wide
Web, Tim Berners-Lee himself has warned of the dangers of the Internet. According to him, the web
has become a tool in the hand of the powerful to get what they want. For example, he warns that fake
news is disseminated not only to generate a lot of money but also to attempt to manipulate people`s
opinion . Another worry was the gross invasion of privacy. Tim Berners-Lee is also concerned about
governments` misuse of the Internet to collect personal data to manipulate or oppress people.

17. What does the writer mainly focus on?

A. General definition of WEB and bad impacts of WEB use
B. General definition of WEB and good impacts of WEB use
C. Neither positive nor negative contribution of WEB
D. Both positive and negative people intention to use WEB
E. Description of WEB chronological development

18. How does the second paragraph relate to the first paragraph based on the passage above?
The second paragraph….
A. shows about the WEB development as introduced in the first paragraph
B. compares the content of WEB which is described in the first paragraph
C. explains about WEB definition as introduced in the first paragraph in detail
D. argues about the benefit of WEB for people as stated in the previous paragraph
E. states the history of WEB development to support the first paragraph

19. The underlined word It in paragraph one refers to ….

A. hypertext links

B. internet



E. an information space

20. The underlined wor permit in paragraph two can be replaced with the word ….
A. Help
B. Enable
C. Require
D. Inquire
E. Demand

Read the text and answer the question!

Donating to charity is a major mood-booster. The knowledge that you’re helping others is hugely
empowering and, in turn, can make you feel happier and more fulfilled. Research has identified a
link between making a donation to charity and increased activity in the area of the brain that
registers pleasure - proving that as the old adage goes, it really is far better to give than to receive.

Having the power to improve the lives of others is, to many people, a privilege, and one that comes
with its own sense of obligation. Acting on these powerful feelings of responsibility is a great way
to reinforce our own personal values and feel like we’re living in a way that is true to our own
ethical beliefs.

Sharing the experience of donating to charity with your children shows them from a young age
that they can make positive changes in the world. Children naturally love to help others, so
nurturing their innate generosity is likely to mean that they grow up with a greater appreciation of
what they have, and will carry on supporting charity in years to come.

Your own charitable donations can inspire your nearest and dearest to give to causes important to them,
and could even bring about a family-wide effort to back a charity or charities that have special
significance to you as a group.

21. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?
A. Donating has many positive effect
B. Charity is an obligation in a group
C. Donating is starting from family
D. Generosity is a personal value
E. Giving is better than receiving

22. According to the text, what happen to children when they experiencing the act of generosity
in their life?
A. They will inspire other people around them.
B. They will grow up supporting charity.
C. Their quality of life will be improved.
D. They are more responsible in life.
E. They are happier than before

23. The underlined word they in paragraph three refer to …

A. Others

B. People

C. Children

D. Groups

E. Parents

24. The underlined word important in the last paragraph has similar meaning to ….
A. Significant
B. Advantage
C. Useful
D. Unimportant
E. Interesting

Fill in the blank sentences with the correct answers!

25. very countries has different standard of… to greet people when seeing
people for the first time.
A. decency
B. sense
C. feeling
D. method
E. strategy

26. Students who can use English language flexibly and effectively have reached … level.
A. basic
B. elementary
C. supplementary
D. intermediate
E. advanced

27. Their house was destroyed in the big fire and now the couple don’t have … furniture.
A. a
B. any
C. much
D. many
E. some
28 The teacher said that the assignment she gave had to be … the following day.




is submitting

was submitting

29 Nafa enjoys travelling to Japan both in winter … in autumn.

A. and
B. also
C. nor
D. or
E. not only

30 The big earthquake destroyed all buildings in the city, …?

A. Do it?
B. Does it?
C. Did it?
D. Didn’t it?
E. Was it?

31 Scientist has warned that people … at home because of the danger of UV radition
tomorrow afternoon.

kept staying

to keep to stay

to keep staying

kept to stay

keep staying

32 Being born as an orphan, Wisnu could feel … Chandra felt when his father passed away.
A. what
B. how
C. whether
D. which
E. in how
33 I like eating a tomato everyday … empower brain healthy.
A. owing to
B. so as to
C. due to
D. in spite of
E. whereas

34 Semeru is the … mountain in East Java.

A. tallest
B. highest
C. more highest
D. most highest
E. higher

35 Guntur has successfully presented… a wonderful theatre that it has atrracted

many people to see it.
A. what
B. very
C. so
D. such
E. most

36 Taufan can be promoted to be the senior manager in the company if he … his

business project.
A. finish
B. finishes
C. finished
D. has finished
E. had finished

37 She has taken … her sick mother for many years.





38 The ... life story was written by Oprah Winfrey.






39 Everyone has been very happy with the festival held in the city and …

so am I

I have too

I am not either

I haven’t either

neither have I

40 Fadhli speaks English very fluently but David…

A. aren’t
B. are
C. does
D. doesn’t
E. did

41 The proposal … before I checked it.

A. submitted
B. submitting
C. were submitted
D. to be submitted
E. had been submitted

42 … cat is sleeping under table.

A. The funny small young black
B. The funny young small black
C. The young funny small black
D. The young black small funny
E. The small black young funny
43 Father found no one at home. He phoned me and asked where …
A. Another
B. Other
C. Others
D. The other
E. The others

44 Receptionist : Good afternoon, May I help

you? Guest : …. I cannot manage them.
Receptionist : Sure, our staff will do it for you.
A. Would you like me to bring you the paper?
B. I need some help to carry these luggage
C. Would you like me to open the door?
D. May I help you carry the box?
E. Can I assist you?

45 Keanu : What do you do?

Prime : …
Lindsay : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Prime : Well, I repair electrical wiring, systems, and fixtures in buildings.
A. I am a farmer.
B. I am a designer
C. I am a gardener
D. I am a plant seller
E. I am an electrician

46 Army : Do you know when the bus for Malang will arrive?
Fendi : Perhaps you can look it up on the bus timetable.
Army : Oh, right. Could you tell me where it is?
Fendi : Sure ... You can find one in the waiting room too.
A. The station is right across the seafood restaurant?
B. You can wait in the waiting room there.
C. It is just around 1500 meters from here.
D. It’s right beside the ticket counter.
E. The schedule is right.

47 Dion : It has been a busy day. I’m very hungry and tired now.
Gwen : Well, …
Dion : Ok. Let’s go.
A. How about lunch at the Chinese restaurant across the street?
B. How about taking breakfast now?
C. Do you want to come with us?
D. Where are you taking her to?
E. Do you like to eat pizza?

48 Susy : I’d like to deposit some money in my savings account.

Banker : ….
Susy : Oh yes. There you are.
Banker : Could I have your ID too?
Susy : Yes, of course. Here you
A. Could you make a deposit, Mam?
B. Do you have a lot money in our bank?
C. Do I need to write something in my pass book?
D. Would you complete the deposit-in slip please?
E. Could you complete a withdrawal slip please, Mam?
49 Chika : Lala, what are you going to do after you graduate?
Lala : ....
Chika : What subject will you teach?

I’ll try to find a job

I plan to go to a college

I will work as a teacher

I’ll go to school tomorrow

I’ll travel around the world

50 Loui : Did you sleep well last night? I know you were really tired.
Clara : ...
Loui : Oh, really. What was the problem?
Clara : I was disturbed by the noisy
A. The traffic jam was really bad last night.
B. Thanks, I slept soundly as soon as I went to bed.
C. Well, actually I was able to sleep only a little bit.
D. I sleep every night at around 8 or 9 PM and wake up on 5.30 AM.
E. The football fans were everywhere making a lot of noise with their shouts.

51 Satria : Would you like to join us this weekend? We are going to watch K-Pop
concert. Farah : No, Thank you. …
A. She prefers watching TV.
B. I like concert better than stay at home.
C. I don’t feel like to do anything tomorrow.
D. You should go travelling than watch concert.
E. I prefer to stay home than to watch the concert

52 Arka : Hey, this hotel view is really nice!

Sesa : Yeah, you’re right! Come over to the window.
Arka : Wow! Look at the waves. I can’t wait to go for a walk along the beach.
Sesa : ….
Arka : That’s a great idea. Grab towel and some sunscreen and let’s go!
A. Let me think for moment.
B. Can we go to the waves?
C. I think it will be less tiring.
D. Going to beach will be less enjoyable.
E. Let’s go out and enjoy the beach now.

53 Murry : Nana says that you are working in public service

Gina : That’s right Murry. I have been starting working there since last year.
Murry : ….
Gina : One of them is determining criteria and data for the poor and needy people.
Murry : It sounds interesting.
A. I want to know.
B. What are the criteria?
C. Where the data come from?
D. What task does it carry out?
E. Tell me and define our work.
54 Pharmacist : Good evening. What can I do for you?
Buyer : Good evening. I’d would like to have this prescription filled, please.
Pharmacist : Would you like to wait? It will take time to refine it.
Buyer : …
Pharmacist : It’ll be ready in an hour
Buyer : Oh. I’ll come back later.
Pharmacist : All right, Sir.

A. Where is the prescription, please?

B. Would you please be patient?
C. How much this drug cost?
D. Are you in hurry, Sir?
E. How long will it take?

55 Jonas : Where`s Tony this

evening? Sarah : He`s not feeling
very well. Jonas : Really? What`s
the matter?
Sarah : I think he must have eaten something wrong.
Jonas : ….
Sarah : That`s very kind of you. I`ll pass it on.
A. Give him my regards and tell him to take it things easy.
B. I don’t know you can get sick
C. He is better go to the doctor
D. Hope she soon feels better.
E. I hope you get better soon

56 People which live near from the chemical industry can be easily exposed to
dangerous chemical and get sick.
A. which
B. near from
C. be
D. exposed to
E. get

57 I am very happy to finish my postgraduate this year and it means that my father will work
as an adviser to government for 4 years.
A. to finish
B. means
C. will
D. work
E. an adviser

58 Doing regular exercise can strong not only your body physically and mentally but also
your cognitive and social skills.




but also

59 Putting many sugar and salt into our food and drink has proven dangerous to our health.




has proven


60 Society has declined it’s trust political figures although they describe theirselves as
honest and responsible figures.






61 John said that he had got the proposal submit to Mr Patrcik as he would be absent the
following day.
A. got
B. submit
C. as
D. would
E. the following day

62 Janetta has lived in UK for five years after moving from Indonesia. She must can speak
English very fluently.
A. has lived
B. moving
C. She
D. can
E. fluently
63 Yudha is used to walk to his office after recovering from a serious knee injury.
A. is
B. walk
C. recovering
D. a
E. injury

64 The department needs to develop a new system whereby every staff is able to
accomplish its massive tasks effectively and efficiently.



able to



65 Every year, the city holds an interesting arts festivals which always successfully attracts
thousands of visitors from abroad to come.


arts festivals



to come
66 Motivation by an inspiring novel “Laskar Pelangi” written by Andrea Hirata, Shinta
gets enthusiastic about dream of studying abroad.






67 To make his students can understand the complex topic of algebra easily, the teacher
can simple his explanation.






68 Moana becomes much more happy after she knows that father will take her to spend
long holiday in Japan.
A. becomes
B. happy
C. knows
D. take
E. spend
69 Because of the massive corruption among it’s political figures, the country is predicted to
prove bust.

Because of



is predicted


70 I don’t know what Clara will invite me to her wedding party because we haven’t
contacted each other for long time.
A. don’t
B. what
C. invite
D. because
E. haven’t

Read the passage below and answer the questions!
Tom Thumb

Once, a farmer and his wife had their first child after many years of marriage. The boy was as
small as his father`s thumb. The queen of fairies came and named him Tom Thumb.

One day, while Tom`s mother was making pudding, Tom, who was playing nearby, slipped inside
the bowl and was drowned in the batter. He started kicking and thrashing to save himself. The
movement in the pudding scared his mother, who was unable to see Tom inside. She gave the
batter away to a beggar, who later discovered little Tom inside. Tom came back from the beggar`s
house and told his parents all that had happened and his mother felt very sorry for what she had

A few days later, a raven picked up little Tom and dropped him in the sea. A magnificent fish
swallowed him. After a while, some fishermen caught the fish and gave it to King Arthur`s servants.
When the servants cut the fish, they were surprised to see Tom inside and presented him to King
Arthur. The king was delighted and kept Tom who entertained everyone with his funny tricks. Later,
Tom was knighted and became Sir Thomas Thumb.

One day, the queen of fairies took Tom to fairyland but by the time he returned, King Arthur and
all his knights had died. Tom stayed with the new king in his palace and continued to entertain
everyone with his tricks for a long time to come.
(Taken from

1. Why was the main character called Tom Thumb?

A. He looked like his father’s finger.
B. He was as big as a thumb.
C. He was as small as a finger.
D. He was as tiny as his father’s thumb.
E. He looked as small as a thumb.

2. What moral value can we learn from the story?

A. We should obey our parents.
B. Never underestimate your friend.
C. It is good to please others.
D. Don’t be a small boy.
E. Size does not matter.

3. What information can we get from paragraph 2 and paragraph 3? Both paragraphs show ….
A. how Tom Thumb succeeded in facing any difficulties of his little body
B. how Tom Thumb could handle all the problems he faced because of his little body
C. that the king was delighted of Tom Thumb`s talent to entertain everyone
D. that Tom Thumb was loved by the people there because his tricks
E. that Tom Thumb faced difficulties because of his little body

4. “… and told his parents all that happened …” (paragraphs 2) The word “all” refers to ….
A. Tom was playing nearby
B. Tom started trashing to save himself
C. The movement in the pudding scared his mother
D. His mother gave a beggar the batter with Tom inside
E. His mother felt sorry for what she had done to Tom

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

Sometimes when I pass some places in Jakarta, I often see piles of trash on the sides of streets or
even on the bank of rivers. This view is annoying. It makes our city look ugly and very dirty. If we
walk near the pile of trash, we can smell stinky odors coming from it. Piles of trash bring the
bacteria with them. Isn`t that very dangerous to our health if flies land on our food?

However, many people live around this mountain -like heap of trash. Many children play nearby.
Also, some women wash clothes, fruits, and vegetables in the river contaminated by trash. This is
terrible. I think they don`t realize the danger because they don`t have sufficient knowledge about
healthy living. In my opinion, the government must make a regulation that prohibits people from
building houses near the trash disposal (dump site). Also, there should be special officers, like
police officers, who watch and catch people who litter the ground or the rivers.

Moreover, if a big fine doesn`t make them stop dropping litter carelessly, the government should
put them in jail as a penalty. Finally, I think the efforts to keep our environment clean and tidy need
hard work from both the citizens and the government.
Taken from:

5. What issue does the writer try to share to the readers?

A. Ways to manage trash disposal in the city

B. Special officers needed to watch the rivers from litters

C. The need for regulation to keep the environment clean

D. Insufficient knowledge about the danger of improper trash disposal

E. Penalty for people who conduct trash disposal in the city


6. What might be the result of employing special officers to watch people litter the streets
or rivers?
A. People will enjoy nice city view without any heap of trash.
B. More people will realize the danger of contaminated water.
C. People will have a sufficient knowledge about healthy living.
D. People can wash clothes, fruits, and vegetables in the river.
E. Many people move to the places which are far away from the dump site.

7. Which of the following statements does not support the writer’s opinion about the way
to solve the problem?
A. Building houses near the dump site should be prohibited.
B. Citizens and the government should work collaboratively.
C. There must be a penalty to people who litter to rivers or ground.
D. There should be special officers to watch the litter to the rivers.
E. There should be a training for people around the trash disposal to live healthily.

8. “In my opinion, there must be a regulation that prohibits people form building houses
rear the trash (dumpsite)” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. neglects
B. allows
C. forbids
D. refuses
E. rejects

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

Check the bottom of the bottle. You will see a number between 1 and 7. If your bottle can`t be
recycled by your local recycling center, try reusing it or turning it into a craft project.
Take the cap off. Some recycling centers won`t accept bottle caps. If this is the case, you can either
discard it, find a place that does accept bottle caps, or turn the bottle cap into a craft project.
Rinse the bottle with water. Fill the bottle partway with water and put the cap on. Shake the
bottle to slosh the water around. Open the bottle again and pour the water out. If the bottle is still
dirty inside, you may need to do this a second or third time. The bottle doesn`t need to be
perfectly clean, but there should be no residue inside it.
If this is a water bottle, then you can skip this step.
If your recycling center accepts bottle caps, then put the cap back on the bottle
Remove the label and plastic seal, if necessary. Some places don`t care if there is a label or
plastic seal on the bottle, while others do care (especially if they are buying the bottles back based
on weight). If you plan on reusing the bottle for a craft project, you may want to remove the label
as well for a cleaner finish.

Repeat the process for the other bottles. It is usually a good idea to recycle several bottles all at
once, especially if you are planning on taking them to a recycling center. This will save you a few

9. The reason why the writer writes the flyer is to …

A. use new product from recycled material is good.
B. find the procedure in recycling used plastic bottles is incorrect.
C. consider that today people use more plastic bottles in their daily life.
D. inform the readers about the journey of used plastic bottles.
E. have better ideas in decomposition process of the used plastic bottles.

10. What is expected after reading the flyer above?

A. It promotes the use of more plastic bottles in the readers’ daily life.
B. It helps the readers to manage the used plastic bottles independently.
C. It builds awareness of the readers to reduce using plastic bottles.
D. It develops the readers’ skills in decomposing the used plastic bottles.
E. It inspires the readers to produce more plastic bottles for daily needs.

11. During which process are unsuitable plastic bottles given to landfill?
A. Recycle.
B. Collection.
C. Separation.
D. Sale.
E. Reprocessing.

12. During the separation process, used plastic bottles are separated from other
materials. There might be some unsuitable items found. items will go to the landfill.
A. This
B. That
C. It
D. These
E. The

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

Javan Hawk Eagle

Javan Hawk Eagles are medium-sized eagles that are endemic to the island of Java in Indonesia.
They are currently endangered, due to habitat destruction, illegal poaching, and capture for the pet

They have a dark brown back and chestnut coloring along the sides of the head and the nape. The
throat is cream-colored with a dark stripe. The wings are dark brown, while the long tail is gray-
brown with four black bands.

As their name indicates, they are endemic to the island of Java. Limited to remaining patches of
forest, they are scarce within their range. There are an estimated 600 to 900 individuals over 14,500
km2. They often soar above the treetops when the weather is clear. They usually occur from 500 to
1,000 meters above sea level.

They eat small mammals, birds, snakes, and lizards. Mammals are their preferred prey, which
includes tree shrews, squirrels, bats, rats, and other rodents. They usually hunt from a perch, but
have been observed swooping down to catch prey on a tree or on the ground.

The breeding season is from May to August. The nest is placed in a large tree in undisturbed forest.
One egg is laid and incubated for 47 to 48 days. Pairs breed every two years since juveniles may
remain close to the nest for a year after they fledge.

13. What is the primary purpose of the text?

A. To make an argument to support of saving the eagles
B. To contrast the Javan hawk eagle`s size with others
C. To describe the Javan hawk eagles in common
D. To support the idea of fighting against illegal poaching
E. To account for keeping Javan hawk eagles as pet

14. What are the readers expected from the text?

A. Being interested in keeping Javan hawk eagles as pets
B. Being aware of the existence of Javan hawk eagles
C. Having ideas on trading Javan hawk eagles as pets
D. Having thoughts about preserving preys of the eagles
E. Being couraged to conserve the eagle independently

15. How do we compare paragraph 1 and paragraph 2?

A. Paragraph 1 is about general classification of Javan Hawk Eagle, paragraph 2 is about its colour.
B. Paragraph 1 is about the description of Javan Hawk Eagle, paragraph 2 is about its body.
C. Paragraph 1 is about the appearance of Javan Hawk Eagle, paragraph 2 is about its size.
D. Paragraph 1 is about the definition of Javan Hawk Eagle, paragraph 2 is about
its appearance.
E. Paragraph 1 is about Javan Hawk Eagle, paragraph 2 is about its family.

16. The underlined word capture in paragraph one is closest in meaning to .…

A. Hunt
B. Bread
C. Raise
D. Tame
E. Train

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

A lack of understanding of the cultural norms and practices of our business acquaintances can
result in unfair judgements, misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication. Here are three
basic areas of differences in the business etiquette around the world that could help stand you in
good stead when you next find yourself working with someone from a different culture.

Many Continental Europeans and Latin Americans prefer to be addressed with a title, for example
Mr or Ms and their surname when meeting someone in a business context for the first time,
Americans, and increasingly the British, now tend to prefer using their first names. The best thing
to do is to listen and observe how your conversation partner addresses you and, if you are still
unsure, do not be afraid to ask them how they would like to be addressed.

In a piece of research done on smiles across cultures, the researchers found that smiling individuals
were considered more intelligent than non-smiling people in countries such as Germany,
Switzerland, China and Malaysia. However, in countries like Russia, Japan, South Korea and Iran,
pictures of smiling faces were rated as less intelligent than the non-smiling ones. Meanwhile, in
countries like India, Argentina and the Maldives, smiling was associated with dishonesty. Yet in
countries like the United States, Australia and Britain, smiling is often interpreted as a sign of
openness, friendship and respect, and is frequently used to break the ice.

An American or British person might be looking their client in the eye to show that they are paying
full attention to what is being said, but if that client is from Japan or Korea, they might find the
direct eye contact awkward or even disrespectful. In parts of South America and Africa, prolonged
eye contact could also be seen as challenging authority. In the Middle East, eye contact across
genders is considered inappropriate, although eye contact within a gender could signify honesty
and truthfulness.

The knowledge of the potential differences should therefore be something we keep at the back of our minds,
rather than something that we use to pigeonhole the individuals of an entire nation.

17. When we communicate with our business partner from Japan, it will be better if …
A. keeping direct eye contact
B. keeping giving smile
C. maintaining cheerful smile
D. avoiding prolong eye contact
E. restraining much body language

18. Reading the passage above is advantageous for helping readers to…
A. enrich knowledge of communication business strategy across culture.
B. develop their business strategy with foreign people.
C. get more chances to have good relationship with whole people in the world.
D. talk with foreign people about business strategy across culture.
E. have deep conversation with people across culture.

19. Having good understanding of the culture norm and practice of our business
acquaintances can...
A. give impartial judgements
B. avoid good understandings
C. lead to misunderstandings
D. gain in good understandings
E. have subjective judgements

20. The underlined word different in paragraph one is synonymous with ….

A. Essential
B. Distint
C. Dominant
D. Ancient
E. Indigineous

Read the passage below and answer the questions!

Beggars have become a big problem to us today. They come as a street musician, street boys,
“sick” people, “mosque-building-donation” collectors, “lost” people, or just beggars. As their
number is getting bigger, the municipal government feels the need to set a regulation to ban
beggars. Many people support this.

They say that begging makes people lazy and bad survivors. They are like parasites. Criminals take
advantage of their existence. Car drivers are strong-armed in crossroads, motorbikes are seized,
trucks are hijacked, etc. A man in a rural area takes them to the city with his truck in the morning

and pick them up in the afternoon. They have made an agreement to share what they get. Some
children are reported to have been kidnapped not for ransom. They are forced to be beggars.

Some people, however, say that we must help beggars. They become beggars because they have
no choice. What they get every day is only enough for buying food. Being a beggar is better than
being a thief or a robber. So it is a high time to apply their religious teaching to care for others. In
addition, what they do is to help the government to check crime-rates.

Despite the controversy of their existence, beggars continue to color the life of urban people.

21. Where are beggars mostly found?

A. In cities.
B. In rural areas.
C. In small towns.
D. In country sides.
E. In small villages.

22. Why do some people disagree to help beggars?

A. They are rich.
B. They are not criminals.
C. They are mostly villagers.
D. They are lazy and bad survivors.
E. They only make use of their time.

23. What do you think about the man who transports beggars from their villages to the city?
A. He is generous.
B. He is exploitative.
C. He is a travel agent.
D. He is their protector.
E. He is doing business.

24. The underlined word apply in paragraph 3 has the same meaning as …
A. Establish
B. Conform
C. Implement
D. Break
E. Change

Fill in the blank sentences with the correct answers!

25 Next month, I will climb Agung Montain for the first time and I need to buy new camping

A. equipment
B. dried food
C. campsite
D. backpack
E. sleeping bag

26 Joan has had good basic knowledge of French, so she can start studying English from …






27 If your meal is tasteless, you can add … sugar and salt.

A. a
B. any
C. few
D. little
E. most

28 The news reports that the oil is … go up in price.

A. will
B. would
C. could
D. going on
E. going to

29 … the society … the public figures must be educated to respect the environment.

Both … but also.

Not only … and.

Not only ... but also.

Either … but also.

Neither … and also.
30 Nobody understands what happened among people in the city,…?
A. do they?
B. don’t they?
C. are they?
D. aren’t they?
E. haven’t they?

31 Society has demanded that all political figures ... their wealthy to public.
A. report
B. reported
C. to report
D. repotting
E. are reporting.

32 … we go, we must learn something new.

A. Where
B. In which
C. Whereby
D. Wherever
E. Whatever

33 … Ginting practices hard, he won’t succed in winning the final game with Fictor.
A. If
B. When
C. While
D. That
E. Unless

34 Our team need … time to complete the project than their team.
A. few
B. more
C. most
D. much
E. many

35 The death of his beloved people has made Deni … depressed that he doesn’t want to
speak to anyone now.
A. very
B. so
C. such
D. likely
E. most

36 He … accept your forgiveness if you keep behaving in an unpleasant manner towards

A. will
B. shall
C. is not
D. won’t
E. Shall not

37 We need to … more information to support our argument.

A. look for
B. look down
C. look after
D. look back
E. look forward
38 Students like the way Mr Sanjaya teaches them because he can give the students a …






39 Neither Novie nor Siska is invited to Fatma’s birthday party, and …

A. I am too
B. I am not too
C. I am not either
D. neither I am not
E. neither am I

40 Siska celebrates her birthday every year but Wuri and Wulan …
A. do
B. does
C. don’t
D. doesn’t
E. did

41 After officially … as a senior accountant in the company, Pratama will move to Jakarta.
A. promote
B. promoting
C. be promoting
D. being promote
E. being promoted

42 Amanda looks very pretty with her … hair.

beautiful long straight black

beautiful straight long black

beautiful straight black long

black long straight beautiful

black beautiful long straight
43 John has booked a cup of hot chocolate and I want … too.
A. another
B. other
C. others
D. the other
E. the others

44 Porter : ..., I can help you carry all

bags! Guest : No,thanks.I can do it by

I think you need my help

I’d be glad to assist you.

If you don’t mind

How busy you are!

Do you need my help?

45 Linda : What do you do?

Merry : …
Linda : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Merry : Well, I arrange live, dried, and silk flowers and greenery to make decorative
A. I am a florist
B. I am a planter.
C. I am a breeder
D. I am a gardener
E. I am a plant seller

46 Andrew : ....
Banker :Could you complete a withdrawal slip please, Sir?
Andrew : Oh yes. There you are.
Banker : Could I have your pass book too?

Could you make a deposit, Sir?

Do you have a lot money in our bank?

Do I need to write something in my pass book?

Would you complete the deposit-in slip please?

I’d like to withdraw some money from my savings account
47 Noni : I am starving since I have not eaten in the morning.
Barry : Well, five minutes left to break time. …
Noni : Well. Let’s go.
A. Do you want to go for lunch with me later?
B. How about taking breakfast outside?
C. Do you want to come with us?
D. Where are you taking her to?
E. Are you hungry now?

48 Brian : Olla, what are you going to do after you graduate?

Olla : ... .
Brian : What subject will you take?
A. I’ll try to find a job
B. I plan to go to a college
C. I’ll working as a teacher
D. I’ll go to school tomorrow
E. I’ll travel around the world

49 Luke : Do you know when the bus leaves for Makassar?

Ryu : …
Luke : Thank for the information.
A. It is between 15-20 minutes.
B. The bus leaves in 20 minutes.
C. It is about 8.00 o’clock sharp.
D. The bus will arrive in 20 minutes.
E. The bus will arrive every two hours

50 Pharmacist : Good evening. What can I do for you, Mam?

Buyer : Good evening. I’d would like to have this prescription filled, please.
Pharmacist : Would you like to wait? It will take time to refine it.
Buyer : …
Pharmacist : It’ll be ready in an hour and half
Buyer : Oh. I’ll come back later.
Pharmacist : All right, Mam.

How long will it take?

Are you in hurry, Mam?

How much this drug cost?

Would you please be patient?

Where is the prescription, please?

51 Andre : Wendi says that you are working in public service

Gina : That’s right Andre. I have been starting working there since last year.
Andre : ….
Gina : One of them is determining criteria and data for the poor and needy people.
Andre : It sounds interesting.
A. I want to know.
B. What are the criteria?
C. Where the data come from?
D. What task does it carry out?
E. Tell me and define our work.
52 Alana : This hotel looks very gorgeous! We will enjoy spending nights
here. Risa : You are right. The room is very large and comfortable.
Alana : Besides that the location is very strategic.There are many shooping centers
around this hotel.
Risa : It is good for us who loves shopping.
Alana : Sorry, it is you not I who like

Risa : (laugh)I am just making a joke. ...

Alana : Okay.

You think it too much.

You must be upset.

I beg your pardon.

Let’s go out and enjoy shopping

We will have much fun here

53 Ken : Did you sleep well last night? I know you were really tired.
Hera : ...
Ken : Oh, really. What was the problem?
Hera : I was disturbed by the noisy
A. The traffic jam was really bad last night.
B. Thanks, I slept soundly as soon as I went to bed.
C. Well, actually I was able to sleep only a little bit.
D. I sleep every night at around 8 or 9 PM and wake up on 5.30 AM.
E. The football fans were everywhere making a lot of noise with their shouts.

54 Trian : Would you like to join us this weekend? We are going to watch music
concert. Ozan : Okay. …
A. They prefer watching TV.
B. I like concert better than stay at home.
C. I don’t feel like to do anything tomorrow.
D. You should go travelling than watch concert.
E. I prefer to stay home than to watch the music concert
55 Sierra : What is wrong with your sister?
Molly : He has got very serious tootache.
Sierra : ...
Molly : Not yet, she will see dentist tomorrow.
Sierra :I hope she will be better soon.
Molly : Thank you Sierra.

When does she take medicine

Has it be cured?

How long has she been sick?

It will be very painful.

Have you made the doctor check her?

56 Zizah is very happy to see the couple whose has raised her when her parents passed


to see



passed away
57 By seven o’clock tomorrow morning, everyone will be ready to follow Indonesia
Independence Day ceremony which will be held on office’s premises.

be ready





58 Go to sleep early tonight because you must enter Argopuro train to Semarang at 8
o’clock tomorrow morning.





5 Putting fewer sugar into your meal is much better if you want to stay






60 It is not your own mistake but us that makes the situation gets worse and worse.






61 Farah said me that she had discussed the plan with her family when she met them
in Jakarta.





6 Septian has joined English course for two years because he will study abroad next






63 When living in Britain Natasya is used to drive on the left, but now she has moved to
America whose people drive car on the right.


is used




64 Andre is not worried about the condition of his car on the way to Bali since he used to
drive for long hours.
A. worried
B. his
C. since
D. used to
E. drive
65 We can understanding why he is always afraid of swimming on the beach because
he had bad experience when swam in Kusamba Beach last year.






66 Climate may be inherently variable as evidenced by the irregular of the seasons from one
year to another





67 Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitary the application of the
principles of sustainable development






68 World Water Day was first formal proposed in Agenda 21 of the 1992 United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro,






69 Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (also know as Madiba), a South African anti-apartheid

revolutionary and politician who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to
A. know
B. anti-apartheid
C. politician
D. who
E. served
70 One of the myths associated with the Great Wall of China is that it is the only made-
man structure that can be seen from the moon with the naked eye.



made-man structure

can be seen



Read the passage below and answer the question!

Yesterday my family and I went to Way Kambas National Park to see the elephants and rhinoceros
conserved there. Way Kambas National Park is a national park which is used as elephants and
rhinoceros sanctuary located in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia.

When we got there, we saw some elephant performances such as playing football, sitting, greeting
the visitors, and other entertaining performances. Unfortunately, we could not see the Sumatran
rhinoceros because visitors ought to have a special permit in advance to see them. Visitors or
ordinary tourists cannot see the Sumatran rhino’s natural breeding. In the afternoon we saw some
animals which were being fed.
When we returned home, we were tired but we were happy because we had so much fun in Way Kambas

1. What can we conclude from the text?

A. Elephant performances were the only attractions for the writer.
B. Elephant performances were the central attractions.
C. The writer’s visit to Way Kambas was enjoyable.
D. Labuan Ratu District is the Rhino conservation.
E. There are ordinary and unordinary tourists.

2. What does the second paragraph mainly concern about?

A. The activities of some animals in Way Kambas
B. The activities visitors can do in Way Kambas.
C. The popularity of Way Kambas.
D. The function of Way Kambas.
E. The location of Way Kambas.

3. Who can see the Sumatran’s rhinoceros?

A. The writer and his family.
B. Visitor having special permit in advance.
C. Ordinary tourists coming to visit Way Kambas.
D. Visitors coming to Way Kambas in the afternoon.
E. Visitors and ordinary tourists who have bought tickets.

4. Which of the followings completes the sentence best?

“ … we see Sumatran rhinoceros; we must have a special permission from the official park.”
A. After
B. When
C. Before
D. Because
E. However

Read the passage below and answer the question!

The Jakarta-based Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) hopes the upcoming meeting between
the Indonesian government and a United Nations committee on migrant workers will provide
momentum for the country to revise its regulations on the protection of migrant workers’ rights.

HRWG program manager Daniel Awigra said the committee may push countries, including
Indonesia, to align their laws with universal standards, as cited in the International Convention on
the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

"In our report submitted to the committee, we urge the committee to recommend that the
government [heed] the convention in the revision of the 2004 Law on the Protection of Indonesian
Migrant Workers," Daniel said in a statement on Thursday.

He added that the revision had been deliberated at the House of Representatives. The latest draft,
however, still favored private recruitment agencies and lacked tight standards in the recruitment
process, he said.

The UN committee will hold a dialogue for the first time with Indonesia from Sep. 4 to 6 in Geneva,
Switzerland, regarding the government’s progress in implementing the multilateral convention on
migrant worker protection. In April, Indonesia sent an initial report to the committee as a requirement
for countries that have ratified the convention. (kuk/bbs)

5. What does the writer tell the news for?

A. For telling about migrant worker’s movement.
B. For presenting migrant workers with regulation.
C. For showing that migrant workers need the protection.
D. For reviewing the need of revising regulation for migrant workers.
E. For informing about what the government needs to do with laws for migrant workers.

6. After reading the news, the readers most likely...

A. apply for any job opportunities available.
B. will go to UN meeting on migrant workers.
C. find a migrant work to motivate him to work.
D. may be aspired to become a migrant worker.
E. support the government to revise laws on migrant workers

7. “In our report submitted to the committee, …”

The underlined word in paragraph three refers
A. Human Rights Working Group
B. House of Representatives
C. migrant’s families
D. private agencies
E. migrant workers

8. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Multilateral convention is held in a neutral country.
B. UN’s plan to talk with Indonesia on migrant workers protection.
C. Countries to join the convention need to meet a set of requirements.
D. The government takes steps to solve the problem of migrant workers.
E. The UN committee will talk about Indonesia’s progress on migrant worker.

Read the passage below and answer the question!

Something Feels Different.
By Just Keep Falling

Something felt different. I explained it to my mom after I got out of the pool that summer. She said
it was just the water and we decided to ignore it. But after two weeks, the feeling was still there. It
felt tingly and it made walking feel strange. At least, that`s how my entire left side felt.

I was 11 when all this happened. When we went to the doctors, they didn`t know what was wrong.
They did so many tests and it took so long for the tests and the diagnosis. At first, the doctors said
it was a disease called ADEM. They gave me steroids and sent me off.

Two years later, two months before my birthday, it returned. When it came back, everyone was
appalled. They didn`t know what else could possibly be wrong with a young girl like me. When they
did more tests, they found out that I had a disease called MS. I had to get daily shots. I got them
on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Through this, my best friends showed their true colours. They came to see me. I got cards and
flowers sent to me. They prayed for me at games and claimed that they had won them for me. One
day, one of my best friends told me that she had written about me. She said she wanted to give
me a healthy body. I wanted to cry.

Yes, I still have to get shots on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but I am learning to live with it.
Yes, they do leave unsightly red marks, sometimes even bruises, but I`m fine with those as well.
Yes, I may sometimes need to take a leave off school and lose touch with all that`s happening
there, but I`ve discovered that I can do without the drama. All that`s important is that I know that
my friends and family will always be there for me.

I am so lucky to have them.

Adapted from "Something Feels Different." by Just Keep Falling. Teen Ink.

9. What problem did the writer have as a young girl?

A. She swam and injured her left leg.
B. She developed red marks and bruises.
C. She suffered from a serious health problem.
D. She had to receive shots three times a week.
E. She did not receive any support from her friends.

10. Paragraph 1 is mainly about ...

A. how the writer felt.
B. the cause of the writer`s disease.
C. the early symptoms of the disease.
D. what the writer`s mother suggested.
E. how the writer`s mother felt about her.

11. What will the writer most likely do next?

A. She will continue persevering in her medication.
B. She will decide to become a motivator.
C. She will rely her life on her friends.
D. She will leave school for good.
E. She will stop seeing doctors.

12. “The writer always enjoys her days ... she has shots three times a week.”
The correct conjunction to join those sentences is ....
A. Moreover
B. Furthermore
C. Eventhough
D. in spite of
E. also

Read the passage below and answer the question!


Hurricanes and tornadoes are both stormy atmospheric systems that have the potential to cause
destruction. They are caused by instability in atmospheric conditions. Hurricanes are found near
the tropical zone, over warm waters in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Tornadoes have been
spotted in all continents except Antarctica. A large number have been seen in the United States.

A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone with sustained winds that exceed 74 mph and
accompanied by rain, thunder and lightning. It is a rotating column of air ranging in width from a
few yards to more than a mile and whirling at destructively high speeds range from 40 mph to
110 mph. In extreme cases, tornadoes have also reached a speed of 300 mph. Hurricanes develop
over ocean water warmer than 26.5 oC. Thus, hurricanes weaken rapidly over land and over cold
waters which cannot provide enough heat or moisture to sustain this storm.

Tornadoes are produced in regions of large temperature gradient. Therefore, tornadoes typically
occur over land where the sun`s heat can produce the required temperature gradient while tropical
cyclones are an oceanic phenomenon. Hurricanes lose momentum after land fall because the
required moisture is not available on land.

Hurricanes and Tornadoes turn clockwise in the Southern hemisphere and counter clockwise in the
northern hemisphere.

13. What is purpose of the text?

A. To describe hurricanes and tornadoes.
B. To explain why hurricanes and tornadoes happen.
C. To describe the impacts of hurricane and tornado.
D. To compare hurricanes and tornadoes in many ways.
E. To show how hurricanes and tornadoes occur in different places.

14. What benefits does the writer expect the readers to get from the text?
A. Knowledge about how dangerous tornadoes and hurricane are in both hemispheres.
B. Awareness that tornadoes are usually more dangerous than hurricanes.
C. Awareness that hurricanes are usually more dangerous than tornadoes.
D. Knowledge about the differences and similarities between tornadoes and hurricanes.
E. Knowledge about the effects of and prevention to tornadoes and hurricanes.

15. What is the definition of hurricane and tornado based on paragraphs 2 and 3?
A. Hurricane is a tropical cyclone and accompanied by rain, thunder and lightning while tornado
is produced in regions of large temperature gradient.
B. Hurricane and tornado are both stormy atmospheric system that have the potential to
cause destruction.
C. Hurricane and tornado turn clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
D. Hurricane and tornado counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere.
E. Hurricane is found near tropical zone while tornado has been spotted in all continents
except Antarctica.

16. “A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone with sustained winds that exceed 74 mph ...”
(Paragraph 2).
The underlined word could be best replaced by ....
A. reached
B. stretched
C. persisted
D. surpassed
E. accomplished

Read the passage below and answer the question!

Home schooling is an education system which provides child`s main education programme at home. Home
schooling takes the place of full-time school attendance and it usually meets state requirements for
compulsory education. Although home schooling could achieve the objectives of compulsory education,
there are some points that should be noticed from the home schooling.

First, the idea of taking our children`s education on home schooling can be a bit intimidating. Since our
country is so large and the people are from so many different kinds of backgrounds, students need some
kind of social glue to make them stick together and to give them a sense of unity in spite of all the
differences. They will not get such a unity when they are in home schooling. They will get the sense of unity
when they are in the compulsory public school since it is the easiest and best place to make this glue.

Then, the home schooling may not be able to prepare children to fit into the mass society, which means,
among other things, believing what most people believe and liking what most people like. Or it may not be
able to help children to find a set of values with which they could resist and reject at least many of the
values of the mass society.

Recognizing the lack of home schooling in the case of children`s socialization opportunity, we should afford
them abundant social opportunities. We can have active home school support groups. We can hold
ongoing park days, meetings at the zoo, the science museum, book clubs, history clubs, language clubs,
home school scouting troops and many more options to provide them opportunities to socialize with
Adapted from:

17. What does the text primary talk about?

A. The negative impacts of home schooling.
B. The sense of unity that the children get from public schools.
C. The missing point of home schooling on the society`s set of values.
D. Alternative options to provide children with opportunities to socialize.
E. The ways of home schooling achieve the objectives of compulsory education.

18. What should we afford in providing children’s socialization opportunity?

A. Hold ongoing park days.
B. Have school scouting troops.
C. Have active school support groups.
D. Hold speech contest at the language clubs.
E. Hold poetry competition at the book clubs.

19. What might be the impact of the text on the readers?

A. The readers will object to the existence of home-schooling system.
B. The readers do not trust home schooling as an alternative schooling.
C. The readers will send their children only to the compulsory public schools.
D. The readers know how to overcome the problems concerning with home schooling.
E. The readers will take their children to places like parks, zoos, museums and clubs.

20. ". we should afford them abundant social opportunities" (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. amazing
B. prominent
C. plentiful
D. massive
E. wonderful

Read the passage below and answer the question!

OPTION 1: Application by Guarantor Visit Visa
1. Guarantor submit visa application for foreigner in Directorate General of Immigration
2. Guarantor made payment (telex fee payment)
3. Guarantor will obtain a copy of Visa Approval Letter, another copy will be sent to
Indonesian Embassy/Consulates
4. Foreigner proceed to Indonesian Embassy/Consulates to get visa issued (visa fee payment)
5. Foreigner proceeds to Indonesia. Entry stamp will be obtained in the border

OPTION 2: Application by Foreigner Visit Visa

1. Foreigner submit visa application in Indonesian Embassy/Consulates
2. Foreigner made payment (telex fee payment)
3. Indonesian Embassy/Consulates forwarding application to Directorate General of Immigration
for approval (for non-nationality, stateless, multiple visa)
4. When Visa Approval granted, Indonesian Embassy/Consulates will issue visa (visa fee payment)
Foreigner proceeds to Indonesia. Entry stamp will be obtained in the border

21. How do the leaflets most likely benefit the readers?

A. It persuades the readers to ask the guarantors to propose the Indonesian visit visas due
to their limited time.
B. It helps the readers to choose the most appropriate way to get Indonesian visit visas,
by guarantors or by themselves.
C. It promotes the readers to get Indonesian visit visas as there are two ways of getting them,
by guarantors or themselves.
D. It supports the readers to apply Indonesian visit visas without asking the guarantors to
manage the application.
E. It provokes the readers to force the embassy to revise the application procedure of
the Indonesian visit visa.

22. Why does the Indonesian immigration office issue the leaflets?
A. To show alternatives to the visa applicants to get visit visa successfully.
B. To explain the steps to take in by foreigners to be guarantors for the visa.
C. To persuade the visa applicants not to use a guarantor in applying visa.
D. To inform that visa can be issued by guarantors in Indonesian embassy.
E. To help the visa applicants to proceed to Indonesia to get the visa issued.

23. According to the text, what should a foreigner do after the guarantor gives him/her a copy
of visa approval?
A. Visit Indonesian embassy to obtain a stamp on the visa.
B. Wait for Indonesian embassy to proceed the visa.
C. Receive another copy of the visa approval letter.
D. Send it to Indonesian Embassy/Consulate.
E. Visit Indonesian embassy to have it issued.

24. “The first step to do by a foreigner who want to apply ... visit visa is to submit a visa application
to the embassy of Indonesia.”
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. this
E. that

Fill in the blank sentences with the correct answers!

25. To recover from lung cancer, Sonya still needs more advances …
A. care
B. doctors
C. surgeries
D. diagnoses
E. screenings

26. Sandra is hardly ever at …level because she can only understand and use familiar
everyday expression.
A. basic
B. current
C. beginner
D. proficient
E. elementary

27. I like reading “Negeri 5 Menara” novel because it gives me … inspirations.

A. many
B. much
C. little
D. tiny
E. few

28. The teachers said … they had kept protecting their students from
bullying among their friends.
A. which
B. what
C. when
D. that
E. by that
29 Firman can speak two international languages … English language …Japanese language.

both … or

both … and

either … and

neither ... but also

not only ... and also.

30 The parents’ honesty in bringing up their children will help their children to be
successful people with good behavior, …?
A. does it?
B. do they?
C. are they?
D. will they?
E. won’t it?

31 Society has repeatedly urged that the police … their investigation into the Kanjuruhan
A. complete
B. completed
C. completing
D. to complete
E. are completing

32 Ana asked me … I was talking in the living room when she came to my house yesterday.



to whom



33 Mia can speak English very fluently … her sister can only speak it little
A. meanwhile
B. although
C. whereas
D. despite
E. and
34 Vitara is proud of his brother who has been able to speak Japanese language … fluently
than he can.
A. more
B. most
C. merely
D. really
E. very

35 Faiz likes doing regular exercise in order to be healthier. …, he never eats junk food.
A. and also
B. therefore
C. furthermore
D. meanwhile
E. even though

36 … he was interested in applying scholarship for studying abroad, Professor Widodo

would give him a recommendation letter.






37 Wisnu is… waiting for his parents’ coming because they have never met each other for
long time.

look to

looks for

looking up

looking for

looking forward to
38 I think I can’t take part in the trip because my job’s getting more and more …





be stressed

39 Vian will perform her presentation tomorrow morning and …

A. Tia won’t either
B. neither will Tia
C. Tia will either
D. Tia will so
E. so will Tia

40 Wulan watched final badminton game between Indonesia and Malaysia yesterday, but
we …
A. do
B. don’t
C. did
D. didn’t
E. haven’t

41 The couple spend night in a hotel because their house is ….

A. renovate
B. be renovated
C. be renovating
D. being renovated
E. being renovating

42 After retiring as senior manager in an international bank, Mark will move to a small city
in Canada and live in a … house.
A. comfortable small antique American wooden.
B. comfortable antique small American wooden.
C. comfortable American small antique wooden
D. small comfortable antique American wooden
E. small antique comfortable American wooden

43 Fonda has two pets. One of them is a cat and … is a dog.

A. other
B. another
C. others
D. the other
E. the others
44 Wildan : ...

Mom : No, thank you Wildan. You can carry the big one.

Wildan : Ok Mom. I will take it to the second floor.

Mom : How kind you are my son.

Shall I help you carry the bag,Mom?

Would you mind carrying the bag,Mom?

Will you need my help to take the bag Mom?

Mom,I think you need my help.

Let me carry the bag Mom, you look so busy.

45 Keanu : What do you do?

Prime : …
Lindsay : Tell me, what does your job involve?
Prime : Well, I repair electrical systems and fixtures in buildings.
A. I am a farmer.
B. I am a designer.
C. I am a gardener.
D. I am a plant seller.
E. I am an electrician.

46 Jaja : What time will the bus come?

Nita : It is about 8.00 o’clock sharp.
Jaja : ...
Nita : It’s Rp100.000.
Jaja : I’ll take two, please.
Nita : Here are the tickets.

How should I pay the bus ticket?

Is the bus ticket very expensive?

Tell me where I can get the bus ticket.

How much does a bus ticket cost?

Is the bus ticket available for us?
47 Deni : We have been very busy all the day. But we will have free time tonight. How about
having dinner outside?
Joan : ... , but I must pick my father up at the airport.

Deni : Oh never mind. Please take my greeting to your father.

Joan : Ok. Thank you Deni.

I would love too

I am sorry I can't

I will go to the airport

How about going to the airport?

Are you going now?

48 Tony : Would you like to tell me the way to use mobile banking?

Banker : Sure Sir. First of all, you can download the apllication.

Tony : I have downloaded the apllication,...?

Banker : Oke, I will guide you to complete your data Sir.

Toni : Thank you for your help.

Banker : You are welcome,Sir.

Can you tell me how to operate it?

what I should I do next?

I find it very hard to use.

but sorry, I can't understand .

Do I need to write something in this apllication?
49 Man : Good afternoon. Do you need something to buy?

Woman : Yes, I want to buy mangoes and apples.But I don't know how to get good fruit.

Man : ... you can try and taste this one.

Woman : Oh, thank you.

If you doubt

Don't get upset

Be relax

All oranges and mangoes here are very sweet.

I will give you free if it is not delicious.

50 Panda : The weather is very hot today. I need something to drink.

Melanie : You know, I have drunk two glassess of iced tea.

Panda : If you don't mind, can you make me a glass of ice tea and I like more

Melanie...........................It will be better if you drink a glass of water.

Panda : I think it is good choice for me. Thank you.

Sorry, I can't make it for you.

Sure, but I can't put sugar on your iced tea.

Sorry, the sugar has run out

It is not good for our healthy.

Little sugar will be much better for you
51 Ferry : Niza,tomorrow is Chandra's wedding party.I have got his invitation letter. How
about you?
Niza : ... Let's go together and I can drive you.
Ferry :Thank you. It will be fun if we can come earlier than others.
Niza : You are right.

I am also

I have so

Neither have I

I have neither

So have I

52 Wisely : What is your opinion about our new English teacher?

Abbey : ….
The best expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. On the contrary, I like her
B. To me, she is really good
C. I am happy to hear that
D. I quite agree with you
E. I’d love to, but I can’t

53 Karin : How was the film?

Arjun..........I wanted to leave before it was over.
The best expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. It was disappointing
B. I should look into it
C. Quite satisfactory
D. That’s fabulous
E. Not too bad

54 Roy : What kind of sport do you play well?

Bobby : …. and I was the runner up in the last school competition.
What is the best response to complete the dialogue?
A. I don’t think I have the ability to run
B. I’m not capable of doing any sports
C. I don’t know anything about it
D. I like many kind of sports
E. I am good at badminton

55 Police officer : “Ma’am, did you really see when the accident
happened?” Arielle : “Yes, I did.”
Police Officer : “…. ?”
Arielle : “Of course. I was waiting for a bus at the shelter, when a car suddenly ran over
an old lady. I didn’t see the license plate, but I remember it was black Mustang”
Police Office : “Okay then … thank you for your time, Ma’am.”
A. Would you please answer the questions in orderly?
B. Could you tell us what happened chronologically?
C. Why don’t we see the accident carefully?
D. Would you like to discuss seriously?
E. Can you describe the driver briefly?
56 Anita said that she had come to John’s wedding party the day after.




John’s wedding party


57 We are hardly able to understand the problem happened among them, aren’t they?
A. are
B. hardly
C. to understand
D. happened
E. aren’t they

58 The man is look forward to waiting for more info from the company which has opened a
job vacancy.
A. look forward
B. waiting for
C. which
D. has opened
E. vacancy

59 Albert made an agreement with some companies before signed the contract.






60 Japan is a beautiful country where is always visited by many foreign tourists that like
spending holiday there.
A. beautiful
B. where
C. visited
D. tourists
E. spending
61 Shinta has been studying English language for three years. She must be able to speak
English very fluent





very fluent

62 The police officer has been asking to investigate the criminal case professionally and
to catch all criminals of the murder.

has been asking


criminal case


to catch

63 The most amazing historical building in Semarang can found in Old Semarang City. It has
attracted many people to enjoy spending their weekend.
A. amazing
B. historical building
C. can found
D. attracted
E. their
64 If Indonesia football team practices so hardly, they will be big team and they can be the
winner of the football match.




will be

football match

65 Differences in physical characteristics, culture, religion, or events in the past are what
make the Rohingya ethnically hated in Myanmar.





66 Had you come to my house yesterday, you would met my sister and my brother living
in abroad now.






67 I wish you understand the topic which would be presented by our team in front of
Professor Patrick tomorrow.




in front of


68 Indonesia is the largest archipelago than the world and it is shaped by various regional
cultures which attracted many people around the world to come.
A. the largest
B. than
C. shaped
D. which
E. attracted
69 People cannot use and defend human rights where he or she has never learned about it.






70 Please explain me how to improve my speaking and listening skill!

A. explain
B. me
C. to improve
D. speaking
E. listening

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