CS 2023 T 3 (Key)

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CS 2023

Test 3
1. Metaphor is best characterised as transference of names based on
_______ between the objects named.
a) physical similarity
b) free associations
c) imaginary analogy
d) causal relations
Metaphor is based on analogy/similarity as it is seen/imagined by the speaker. In
reality objects/names involved in a metaphor are not necessarily similar, or such
similarity may not transparent to the average person

2. The utterance He smelled the ever-beautiful smell of coffee imprisoned

in the can (J. Steinbeck) contains________.
a) metonymy (concrete for abstract)
b) personification (explicit source, implicit target)
c) personification (implicit source, explicit target)
d) metaphtonymy
Coffee is represented as a person who is imprisoned; we make this inference due to
the verb imprisoned, so the source (a person) is given implicitly; the target – the
object that is compared (coffee) is given explicitly

3. The utterance The company found their tongues at last instantiates

a) metonymy
b) metaphtonymy
c) synecdoche
d) metaphor
Tongue → individual, able to speak (metonymy/synecdoche) + to find one’s
tongue (metaphor: one’s tongue is a lost object)

4. The utterance Вітер утомився цілоденною борнею, знемігся,

заблудився серед вулиць і в безладді тихо крутить пил і сміття і,
плазуючи, питає, що ж робити illustrates _________.
a) metonymy
b) periphrasis
c) synecdoche
d) personification
Вітер виконує дії/перебуває у станах, притаманних живій істоті

5. The utterance Мушу випити келих до краю – полиновий мед

самоти (Є. Маланюк) instantiates _________.
a) metonymy (container for contained)
b) metaphor (explicit source, implicit target)
c) metaphor (explicit source, explicit target)
d) metaphtonymy
Келих = metonymy (container for contained) + metaphor (вміст контейнера –
полиновий мед = самота)

6. The utterance Мечем і кров’ю писані кросворди ніхто уже повік не

розгада (Л. Костенко) instantiates _________.
a) metonymy
b) metaphtonymy
c) personification
d) metaphor
Меч = війна/вирішення суперечок збройним шляхом; кров = людське життя
(metonymic symbolism/metonymy )

7. The utterance As things were he had to put his pride in his pocket – he
couldn't quarrel with his bread and butter contains
a) metaphor, metonymy
b) metonymy
c) metaphtonymy
d) metonymy, personification
Bread and butter = employer (the one who gives bread and butter) = metonymy
(cause and effect); Pride is an object that one can put in his/her pocket = metaphor

8. The utterance Вони твій хист поклали під фуганок (Л. Костенко)
a) metonymic symbolism
b) metaphor
c) metaphtonymy
d) metonymy
Хист – найбільш суттєва характеристика талановитої людини замість
талановитої людини = метонімія
Поклали під фуганок – талановита людина уподібнена об’єкту, який
обстругують = метафора: не дають вільно розвиватися, творити

9. Allegory is best characterised as a _______.

a) metaphoric story with a moral
b) story with animal characters
c) story to teach children a lesson
d) story with human characters

10.Which of the following functions is least characteristic of allegory?

a) creating a humorous effect
b) building metaphoric imagery
c) teaching a moral lesson
d) giving direct instructions
Allegory is indirect, implicit – you have to make inferences

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