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I. How much …? Match the two columns:

A handful of flour
A rasher of garlic
A knob of ice-cream
A pinch of soup
A dash of salt
A ladle of sugar
A scoop of vinegar
A clove of butter
A lump of bacon/ham
A cup of nuts

II. Watch the video ( and do the tasks.

A. Tick the ingredients that Jamie uses in his CHICKEN AND MUSHROOM PIE:
Chicken breasts Bacon
Spinach Olive oil
Dill Sea salt & cracked black pepper
Butter Spring onions
Garlic Nutmeg
Bay leaves Paprika
Thyme Parsley
Mushrooms Crème fraiche
Flour Leek
Mustard Chicken stock
Milk Puff pastry
Egg Rosemary
Aubergine Cheese

B. Put the steps in the correct order


Slice up spring onions and put them in the pan.

Heat olive oil in a pan.
Add seasoning and herbs (nutmeg, bay leaves, thyme).
Slice the chicken breasts.
Season with salt and black pepper.
Put puff pastry on top of pan.
Slice mushrooms in food processor and add to pan.
Glaze with egg.
Decorate with rosemary and put the pie in the oven.
Make sauce with crème fraiche, flour, mustard and chicken stock.

III. Listen to the recording and answer the questions: (

1. What does the man order?
A. T-bone steak
B. broiled chicken
C. chicken fried steak
2. What does he eat with his meal?
A. fries
B. bread
C. rice
3. What does he have to drink?
A. medium juice
B. large juice
C. small juice
4. What kind of dressing does he ask for?
A. Italian
B. Ranch
C. French
5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today?
A. The oven is broken.
B. The restaurant only sells ice cream now.
C. The baker was hurt at work and can't prepare them.

IV. Starting from the menu below, write and then act out a dialogue between a customer and a
waiter. Your budget is 15 dollars.

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