Questionnaire Doc in Beige Brown Classic Professional Style

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Mobile Phone Addiction:

It's Impact to students Mental Health of

Grade 10 Helium Students

Dear Participants

We are conducting a survey to examined the impact of mobile phone addiction on students'
mental health. The findings revealed a significant correlation between excessive smartphone use and
increased symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress among students. The study emphasized the
need for awareness and preventive measures to address mobile phone addiction and its negative
effects on mental well-being. Strategies promoting responsible phone use and providing support to
students struggling with addiction were recommended. Further research and targeted interventions
are necessary to effectively manage mobile phone addiction in educational settings.

General Information
Name (optional):





Please answer the following questions honestly by selecting either "Yes" or "No".

Statement Yes No

Do you own a mobile phone?

Do you experience anxiety or fear of missing

out when you are not using your mobile


Do you neglect your academic or personal

responsibilities due to excessive mobile phone


Do you experience sleep disturbance due to

late-night mobile phone?

Do you feel the need to use your mobile

phone first thing in the morning, even before

getting out of the bed?

Check the box that corresponds to your preferred option.

1. How frequently do you check your mobile phone for notifications or updates?
Very frequently (every few minutes
Frequently (every hour)
Occasionally ( 2-3 times a day)
Rarely (once a day or less)
2. On average, how many hours a day do you spend using your mobile phone?
Less than 1 hour
1-3 hours
3-5 hours
More than 5 hours
3. How difficult do you find it to control the amount of time you spend on your mobile
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not difficult at all

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