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Kindly answer this questionnaire honestly and whole-heartedly. Rest assured that all of your answerswill be kept
confidential and will be used for research purposes only.

Name (Optional):__________________________________ Age:______________

Sex: M ___ Grade and Section:_______________

F ____

Part ll: Factors Affecting Career Preferences Towards Job Satisfaction Scale
Kindly put a check mark corresponding to degree of agreement.
5-Strongly Agree 3-Neutral
4-Agree 2-Disagree
1-Strongly Disagree
Statements 5 4 3 2 1

1. My family gives me the freedom to choose the course I want to take

2. I consider the dominant profession of may family in choosing my own
3. It is my parents who decide what career should I pursue
4. When making a significant decision such as selecting my own
preferences, my personal interest matter
5. My preferred program/course is align with my personal interests
6. I'm free to select the course I want to take based on my interests.
7. I consider the financial status of my family
8. My choice of career is significantly influenced by my financial status
9. My parents have stable income to support my preferred course
10. My friends inspire to choose what I like to take
11. My friends preferences of course affects my decision in choosing a career
12. My friends influence me in choosing my own career
13. Job opportunities are important when deciding on a career path
14. I look for a job opportunities that fit with my career preference
15. When choosing a career path, job opportunities matter
16. The compensation will give me the motivation to do better work.
17. When selecting a job, I consider salary.
18. Salary can drive me to achieve a better job in my future profession.
19. Impact of work environment can affect the job satisfaction of
20. Flexible working hours can influence the employees performance
21. Job security is important for employees to have a sense of job
satisfaction to keep their jobs.
22. I'd prefer to have my job's location close to my house
23. I consider the location of the job in choosing my career
24. I look forward to the location of my future job

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