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Skrip panjang

 Mental health interpreting is a specialised subset of medical interpreting. Interpreters need to

understand mental health terminology and as well as how mental health issues are viewed in
the communities they serve.
 Interpreting in the legal setting is a long-recognized area of specialization in the field of ASL-
English interpreting. The legal setting is broad and includes law enforcement investigations,
interviews and interrogations, client-attorney interactions, and a wide range of court and legal
 There are many benefits of business interpreting. It is essential in the world today as more and
more businesses expand their global partnerships. It is providing an intermediary to aid
communication between two or more people who do not share a common language
 The interpreter will tell the client/patient that the interview will be kept confidential, that they
will interpret everything that is said by either party, and that they themselves will remain
 The conclusion is that the work of an interpreter can be very rewarding, because they can really
make a difference in someone's life. When someone does not fully understand a language, the
translator becomes his voice and adapts to the place and conditions

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