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Situation 1. You're walking alone on the road that is so dark and you heard a whimper nearby.


A. I may assume that the whimper came from a dangerous animal or a person who intends to harm me.

B. There could be someone or even an animal in need of help nearby, and I have the opportunity to
make a positive impact on their life by offering my assistance.


A. I will ignore it and run.

B. I will investigate the source of the sound and assess the situation to determine if anyone or any
animal is in distress and needs assistance.


A. My feelings might include fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about the source of the sound and the
potential danger in the area.

B. I would likely be concern and empathy for whoever or whatever is making the sound.

Situation 2: You're working on your research paper and you need to concentrate on it, but your brother
plays his electric guitar despite you calling his attention many times.


A. I might think that my brother is being inconsiderate or not respecting my need for quiet and
concentration, which could lead to negative thoughts about him or the situation.

B. I might think that playing the guitar is important to my brother, and that he may not fully realize how
much his playing is impacting my ability to concentrate.


A. I will physically attack my brother and make the situation worse.

B. I would try to have an open and honest conversation with my brother to explain the importance of
my need for concentration and how his playing is affecting my ability to focus.


A. I might feel frustration at the situation, as the noise from the guitar could be disrupting my ability to
concentrate and work effectively on my research paper.

B. If I able to stay focused on my research paper despite my brother's playing, I might feel a sense of
accomplishment and productivity and feel proud of myself for being able to concentrate and get my
work done despite distractions.
Situation 3: You are about to enter the door of your house then you hear your father who is drunk
shouting sarcastically at you because it is already past 8:00 pm when you class ends at 3:00 pm.


A. When I heard my drunk father shouting sarcastically at me for being late, I thought to myself, 'I can
never seem to do anything right,' and it made me feel like I was always under scrutiny and criticism.

B. I thought to myself that I am worthy of respect and kindness, and I refused to let his behavior affect
my self-worth or bring me down.


A. After hearing my drunk father shouting sarcastically at me for being late, I will impulsively yell back at
him and storm out of the house.

B. Instead of reacting impulsively to my drunk father's sarcastic shouting, I took a deep breath and
reminded myself that I am in control of my emotions and actions, and I calmly explained to him the
reasons for my lateness and expressed how his behavior was hurtful.


A. I will feel frustrated and hurt when my drunk father shouts sarcastically at me for being late, as it
makes me feel like I can never live up to his expectations and constantly under scrutiny.

B. Despite my drunk father's sarcastic shouting, I feel proud of myself for staying calm and not taking his
behavior personally.

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