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Active Voice- indicates the subject of the verb is active or  Audio/Aural- one that depends almost

the subject is the doer. (Subject + Verb + Object) exclusively on sound.

Example: The dog jumped onto the boy. Audio refers to:
Passive Voice- The subject and object flip flops. The a. Voice - can be electronic, own voice, or natural
subject becomes the passive recipient of the action. speech
(Object + Verb + Subject) b. Music - may be selected or composed music
Example: The boy was being jumped on by the dog. c. Sound Effects - can also be selected or created
Opinion- is defined as a view, judgement, or appraisal  Gestural- the gestural mode refers to the way
drawn from facts. It is usually a concept or impression
movement is interpreted. Facial expressions,
based on factual evidence.
hand gestures, body language, and interaction
Assertion- It has no proof. is a declaration or expression
between people are all gestural modes.
of strong belief towards a particular topic. Often, it is
without proof or any support. Gestural includes:
3 Types of Assertion 1. Behavioral - refers to gestures
 Basic Assertion- is a statement used directly to 2. Senses - used in creating atmosphere
express a writer’s opinion or belief. It is a 3. Body Control - positioning and movement
straightforward statement. 1st part is the basic 4. Emotion - used to show feelings
assertion. 2nd part the evidence that supports 5. Kinesics - body movements to communicate.
your basic assertion.  Visual- the visual mode refers to the images and
 Emphatic Assertion- when a speaker or writer characters that people see.
expresses recognition of a piece of information.
It is followed by a statement that conveys the Visual includes the following:
a. Color - used to express mood, emotion and
speaker’s own beliefs. 1st part expresses the
cultural significance
recognition of the writer to the text being read.
b. Perspective - conveys depth and dimension
2nd part states the support or viewpoint on the c. Vectors - refer to directional lines and focus
text. attention
 Language Assertion- used to express the d. Foreground – giving power by positioning
preference of the writer. The purpose is to e. Background - creating the setting or the scene
suggest and convey the writer’s opinion about a
text. It uses the pronoun “I”. 1st part the main  Linguistic (or Alphabetic)- the linguistic mode
context of the information the writer is referring refers to written or spoken words. The mode
to. 2nd part the influence or effect of the includes word choice, the delivery of written or
information to the writer. 3rd part use the spoken text, the organization of words into
pronoun “I” which contain the recommendation sentences and paragraphs, and the development
or solution. and coherence of words and ideas.
Linguistic includes:
Claim- it is the main topic of an argument where the a. Vocabulary- words to convey a message
speaker tries to assert on his or her beliefs, ideas or b. Metaphor - technological figurative language
actions. such as recycle bin, desktop, and window
Claim of fact- a claim whether something is true or c. Structure - the organization of presentation
untrue but there must always be potential for d. Various modes - refer to auditory, print, video,
controversy, conflict and change. Can be objectively graphics and animation
proven. Question: Can I still investigate through research  Spatial- the spatial mode, as the name implies,
or interviews? refers to the arrangement of elements in space.
Claim of Policy- it is a claim that urges that an action be It involves the organization of items and the
taken or discontinued in specific policies. This type of physical closeness between people and
statement usually makes use of the merits of a course of objects.
action to take. Question: What should be done? Clue
Spatial pertains to:
word: Should Ecosystem - interaction of all components
Claim of Value- gives judgement about morality, beauty,
Geographical - layout and landscape
merit, or wisdom. This claim compares and contrasts.
Architectural - construction, composition and
Question: Is it good or bad? Clue word: Than

Multimodal- It is a combination of the prefix multi- Manuscript and Impromptu

meaning “many” and modal-an adjective form of the
“mode”. Mode means a way of things. Basically,
multimodal pertains to use of several different modes of
Multimodal text- Multimodal texts can be delivered in
various media or technologies. It can be live, paper or
digital electronic.
5 Semiotic Systems/Multimodal Elements
Body Language is the process of non-verbal
communication through conscious and unconscious
gestures and movements. Always remember that your
body language conveys your conviction and confidence
about your ideas.

1. Rid Yourself of Distracting Mannerisms.

Eliminate vocal and visual impediments. Some common
faults of
inexperienced or ineffective speakers are:
* Gripping or leaning on the lectern * Finger tapping
* Lip biting or licking * Toying with a pen or
* Frowning * Adjusting hair or clothing
WAYS OF CONTROLLING * Swaying * Chewing gum
SPEAKER APPREHENSION * Head wagging * Moving back and forth
2. Build Self-confidence through Preparation. (Yourself)
1. Recognize that speaker apprehension--fear of public As a speaker, nothing influences your mental attitude
speaking-is normal and widespread. more than the knowledge that you are thoroughly
2. Recognize that apprehension is not necessarily prepared. This knowledge leads to self- confidence,
detrimental; it can energize you. Realize that no one can which is a vital ingredient of effective public speaking.
see the way you feel at the start of your speech. You need How many of you have ever experienced a situation in
not be nervous about being nervous. Just control which you had not prepared well for a presentation?
yourself sufficiently to appear before your audience and How did you come across? On the other hand, think of
your tensions can be dissipated after you start to speak. those presentations that did go well. These are the ones
3. Plan an introduction that will rclax you as well as your for which you were properly prepared.
listeners. Have your first sentence down cold but don't 3. Let Your Body Mirror Your Feelings/Use Your
memorize your speech. Everyday Speaking Situations.
4. Remember the main ideas and realize that if you are Whenever you speak to people, make an extra effort to
focusing on creating understanding with your audience, notice how you speak. Observe, too, whether the facial
you will find the exact wording when you are actually expressions of your listeners indicate they do or do not
speaking. This will allow you to speak in a conversational understand what you are saying. Plan everything
style. including your gestures and walking patterns. To
5. Just before coming up to speak, take three or four become an effective speaker, it is essential that you
deep breaths and clench your fists firmly. share your true feelings with your audience. Your
6. Pause for two to five seconds before speaking. Look at audience wants to know how you feel about your
your audience in a responsive manner and wait for all of subject. If you want to convince others, you must
them to give you their attention. Your responsiveness convey your convictions. Speak from the heart and to
invites reciprocation. the soul.
7.Concentrate on communicating your meaning and
engaging in a dialogue with the audience. B. Facial Expressions
8. Use body,gesture, facial expression, and purposeful A speaker realizes that appropriate facial expressions
movement. Realize that purposeful physical movement are an important part of effective communication. In
helps ease nervousness. fact, facial expressions are often the key determinant of
9. Speak to individuals in the audience that are receptive the meaning behind the message. People watch a
to your message. Pick out one person on the right side, speaker’s face during a presentation. When you speak,
then in the middle, and then one on the left side and your face -more clearly than any other part of your body
speak to that one person only. Look for new faces in your - communicates to others your attitudes, feelings, and
audience but talk only to one person at a time. Their emotions.
nods, smiles, frowns, and so on will help you to get the
feedback you need to adapt your message to them and C. Modulation
to reinforce a sincere desire to communicate or give you Voice modulation is one of the most powerful weapons
their attention. Your responsiveness invites that you can have in your arsenal while delivering a
reciprocation. speech. Not only does it reflect confidence but it also
10.Have your conclusion “down cold.” This way you can helps in convincing your audience about your beliefs or
always be sure to have a strong and emphatic ending. Do ideas. This is the power that voice modulation
not end with “Thank you” or “That's all.” commands over people! Therefore, to become a master
11.Pause and stand in place two to five seconds after you public speaker one must learn the art of voice
have finished speaking. This shows the audience that you modulation.
have enjoyed the exchange and feel poised and
confident enough to not have to run back to your seat. TIPS:
12. Know that with practice you develop the courage and 1. The pitch: While delivering a speech, the pitch of your
ability to speak in public; it gets better and easier over voice plays an important part. Try to lower your voice
time and with experience. slightly because due to microphones shrill voices can
cause a bit of annoyance.
TECHNIQUES: 2. Speak slowly: Another thing to be kept in mind is to
A. Use of Your Body speak slowly while delivering a speech! Speaking slowly
helps get your point across to your audience. So
remember to speak slowly and clearly.
3. Stress on certain words: To add a bit of impact in your
speech, it’s advised to stress on certain powerful words.
You can even vary the intensity of your voice to add a
powerful impact to your speech and grab the attention
of your audience.

D. Your Appearance Matters

Multiple studies show that appearance influences
everything from employment to social status. Whether
we like to admit it or not, ours is a culture obsessed
with appearance. Communicator attractiveness
influences how an audience perceives the credibility of
the speaker. Certainly a speaker who appears unkempt
gives the impression to the audience that he/she
doesn’t really care, and that’s not the first impression
that you want to send to your listeners.

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