Efecto Del Glifosato en Higado de Ranas Endemicas Colombianas

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Chemosphere 250 (2020) 126287

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Effect of glyphosate (Roundup Active®) on liver of tadpoles of the

colombian endemic frog Dendropsophus molitor (amphibia: Anura)
Camilo Rian~ o a, *, Mo
 nica Ortiz-Ruiz a, Nelsy Rocío Pinto-Sa
nchez a,
Edwin Go mez-Ramírez a
a n, Medio ambiente y Conservacio
Grupo de ecotoxicología, Evolucio sicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada,
n, Facultad de Ciencias ba

h i g h l i g h t s

 Effects of glyphosate-based herbicides in South-American endemic tadpole frogs.

 Sinusoidal dilatation, cytoplasmic vacuolization are concentration-dependent glyphosates
 Disorganization of the endoplasmic reticulum at high glyphosate concentration.
 The high-resolution optical microscopy permits observation lipid alterations.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) using is increasing on a global scale. Few studies have investigated the
Received 25 November 2019 sub-lethal effects of GBH in endemic amphibian species. The present work tested the GBH Roundup
Received in revised form Active® on the tadpoles of Dendropsophus molitor. The exposure was in a range of plausible environ-
13 February 2020
mental concentrations (0e0.75 mg a.e./L) during a month. D. molitor is an endemic tropical frog of South
Accepted 19 February 2020
Available online 21 February 2020
America. The exposure from 325 mg a.e./L caused histological alterations in the liver. The high-resolution
optical microscopy (HROM) detected sinusoidal dilatation and cytoplasmic vacuolization. The trans-
Handling Editor: David Volz mission electron microscopy (TEM) showed disorganization of the endoplasmic reticulum. Since the liver
is essential for detoxification, these results suggest choric effects. Exposure to another GBH has caused
Keywords: histological alterations in liver tadpoles liver in a previous study, but, this study tested another endemic
Herbicide South-American frog for only 96h. The present work applied HROM to observe lipid alterations since it
Lipid vesicles does not use organic solvents; and TEM for the ultrastructural observation of hepatocytes. Environmental
Ultrastructure risk of GBH can improve by including sub-lethal effects in endemic species.
Tropical frog
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Histopathological alterations
Sublethal effects

1. Introduction producing harmful effects in animals and humans distributed

within and around fumigation zones (Tarazona et al., 2017; Tarone,
Glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) have had a globalized use 2018).
based on their effectiveness in weed eradication. The agricultural To date, the use of glyphosate has been banned in several
industry has developed genetically modified plants to resist the countries, including Sri Lanka, France, El Salvador, Netherlands, and
toxic effects of glyphosate, thus, increasing agricultural production Bermuda (Malkanthi et al., 2019). However, in Colombia, the her-
(Gaines et al., 2010), but using vast amounts of GBH. This increase in bicide is widely used in agriculture activities related to weed con-
the use of GBH has generated soil and water contamination, trol in pre and post-emergency in consumer crops and the
eradication of illicit crops (Solomon et al., 2005; UNODC, 2014).
Glyphosate is the most commercialized agrochemical in Colombia,
with 31.25% of the total of the agricultural products, with 38
* Corresponding author. Camilo Andre s Rian
~ o Quintero, Facultad de Ciencias commercial formulas available being Roundup Active®, the most
sicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cajic
Ba a, Cundinamarca, ~ os, 2016). Roundup Active® is composed of
used formulation (Bolan
~ o).
E-mail address: u0500743@unimilitar.edu.co (C. Rian
446 g/L potassium salt N- (phosphonomethyl) eglycine

0045-6535/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 ~ o et al. / Chemosphere 250 (2020) 126287
C. Rian

(MONSANTO, Saint Louis, MO, EE.UU), and a substantial proportion 2. Materials and methods
of the surfactant, the last one is necessary for the penetration of the
product in the plant (de Ruiter et al., 2004). 2.1. Animals
Several authors have described the toxic effects of the surfactant
in different species of amphibians (Defarge et al., 2016; Rissoli et al., We collected 54 tadpoles of D. molitor from an unpolluted
2016; Bonfanti et al., 2018). Some of the negative effects that have stream at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Cajica , Colombia
been reported included alterations at different stages of the em- (4 560 3700 N - 74 000 3500 W, 2560 m.a.s.l) using a net. Tadpoles
bryonic development and organs of such as liver, epidermal were collected with the permission Res No 1198 given by the
epithelium, or brain (Lancto ^t et al., 2014; Rissoli et al., 2016; Bach Environmental Ministry of Colombia to Universidad Militar Nueva
et al., 2018; Bonfanti et al., 2018). For example, individuals of Lep- Granada and transported to the laboratory. The specimens were
todactylus latrans (Leptodactylidae) exposed to a concentrations acclimatized during one week according to the time used in other
between 0.37 and 5.25 mg a.e./L of Roundup Ultramax show neotropical amphibian (Pe rez-Iglesias et al., 2016). The tadpoles
presence of macrophages, melanomacrophagic centers, vascular used in this study were in 24 Gosner developmental stage (Gosner,
congestion, and lipidosis (Bach et al., 2018). In the epidermal 1960) with initial length of 14.70 ± 0.06 mm and final length of
epithelium of Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles (Ranidae), Rissoli 2.45 ± 0.17 mm (mean ± SD). We maintain the physico-chemical
et al. (2016) reported hypertrophy, epithelial hyperplasia, and parameters controlled (pH 7.2, temperature 16  C, total ammoniac
chromatid rupture to a concentration of 1 mg a.e./L of Roundup nitrogen (TAN) 0 mg/L, nitrite 0 mg/L y dissolved oxygen
Original ® and Roundup Transorb R®. Furthermore, decreased (DO) > 5 mg/L). The individuals were fed with commercial food
expression of genes encoding thyroid hormone, glucocorticoid re- tetra color type ® (47.5% protein) adjusted to 2% of biomass.
ceptor, among other effects were reported for brain samples of
Lithobates sylvaticus (Ranidae) exposed to 0.21 mg a.e./L of Roundup
2.2. Chemicals and experimental design
WeatherMax® (Lancto ^t et al., 2014). Tissue alterations can also
include teratogenic effects and irregularity in craniofacial/ocular
We evaluated the effects of glyphosate on amphibian tissues
development, such as reported by Bonfanti et al. (2018) in Xenopus
using the commercial formulation glyphosate Roundup Active®
laevis (Pipidae) exposed to 20 mg or acid equivalent/L of Roundup
(Bayer Cropscience). This formulation composition is 363 g/L of
Power 2.0 ®.
glyphosate acid (equivalent to 446 g/L of potassium salt of N-
At present, the state of conservation of amphibians is critical
(phosphonomethyl) eglycine), and surfactant, however, the com-
due to loss of habitat, climate change, and environmental pollu-
pany does not report the name of the surfactant used. The product
tion, the last one related with the excessive use of agrochemicals
is classified at Colombia as Toxicological category III (Slightly
(Brühl et al., 2013). In the center-east of Colombia, glyphosate is
dangerous). We used two different concentrations of glyphosate
often used in crops like potato, pea, and other leguminous crops.
325 and 750 mg glyphosate acid equivalent (a.e.)/L and the control
These crops are usually located close to the high Andean forests,
with 0 mg a.e./L, each one with three replicates prepared from
habitat of endemic amphibians (DANE, 2016). One of them is
Roundup Active® (Henao et al., 2015). A total of 6 individuals per
Dendropsophus molitor, also called savanna frog. This species is
treatment were analyzed (N ¼ 54). Test subjects were maintained
endemic to the eastern cordillera of the Colombian Andes. The
in semi-static systems with a total volume of 2 L of tap water per
savanna frog is distributed between 2000 and 3600 m above sea
experimental unit for 30 days. The water quality (temperature, pH,
level and reproduces in lentic bodies of water (Me ndez-Narva ez,
dissolved oxygen, nitrite, total ammonia nitrogen) was monitored
2014; Guarnizo et al., 2015). Currently, it is listed by the IUCN as
daily with a multiparameter water quality meter® Hanna and
less concern (IUCN red list 2019). However, the decline in
Merck Spectroquant® test kit. Tadpoles were euthanized with
amphibian populations may be caused by contamination of water
benzocaine (0.5 g/L). This study was carried out according to the
sources in ecosystems with high anthropic activity, specially the
guidelines for the ethical management of fish and amphibians
pesticides used in agriculture (Relyea, 2005). Amphibians are
(AVMA, 2013).
particularly sensitive to changes in the environment, due to their
high skin permeability; eggs without shell and some species have
biphasic life cycles with aquatic and terrestrial life stages (Wagner 2.3. Sample processing for histological and image analyses
et al., 2015). For this reason, these animals are key in diagnosing
the state of an ecosystem (Simon et al., 2011). Consequently, the The tissues were fixed in 2.5% Glutaraldehyde for three days,
use of different histopathological approaches in vital organs allows then washed with phosphate buffer saline and post-fixed with 2%
determining the sublethal effects that xenobiotics can have on osmium tetroxide (Piloni et al., 2016).
these species (Bach et al., 2018). The liver is the most important Dehydration processes were carried out with increasing con-
organ in detoxification processes of the organism exposed to centrations of ethanol (50%, 70%, 90%, 100%). The samples were
chemical substances, particularly focusing on the analysis of he- embedded with homogeneous mixtures of Poly/Bed 812® resin.
patocytes and melanomacrophagic centers (Steinel and Bolnick, Finally, the samples were polymerized in an incubator at 70  C
2017). (Piloni et al., 2016).
The aim was determine the effects of a commercial presenta- Semithin sections 1 mm thick were obtained by high-resolution
tion of glyphosate (Roundup Active®) on the liver of the tadpole optical microscopy (HROM) using a rotatory microtome (SLEE
stage of the tropical endemic D. molitor frog. In nature, glyphosate 4060®) and stained with toluidine blue (Piloni et al., 2016). The
does not reach lethal concentrations because its levels vary with sections were observed and photographed by an optical micro-
bacterial decomposition on site, interaction with soil elements, scope (ZEISS®) equipped with an Axiocam digital camera (ZEISS®).
and even the changes in environmental conditions/seasons We obtained measurements of the area, and lipid vesicles using
(Torretta et al., 2018). Therefore, we use glyphosate at sublethal Image J 1.48v software (http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/, 2013) (Go  mez,
concentrations allows us to have a more realistic approximation to 2013).
the effects it has on tissues and the consequences of its use in live For ultrastructure analysis, we made 130 nm ultrathin tissue
subjects. sample sections using ultramicrotome Leica® EM UC6. The slides
were contrasted with lead citrate/uranyl acetate. The samples were
~ o et al. / Chemosphere 250 (2020) 126287
C. Rian 3

analyzed in an electron microscope of transmission Jeol® JEM 1400 The comparisons between the two concentration of glyphosate 325
Plus 120 Kv. Photographs and morphometric measurements were and 750 mg a.e./L and the control have significant differences
carried out with a GATAN® camera attached to this equipment and (Fig. 3). The differences between the treatments and the control are
GATAN® Digital Micrograph 1.80.70 program. as follows control and 750 mg a.e./L (difference of 1.29, p  0.001),
followed by the difference of 325 and 750 mg a.e./L (0.71, P ¼ 0.00),
2.4. Statistical analyses and finally the difference of control and 325 mg a.e./L (0.57,
p  0.01).
Data were transformed using Log10 in order to satisfy the
normality assumption for analysis. Differences in variables; num-
ber, area of lipid vesicles between treatments were assessed by 4. Discussion
one-way ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer test as a pos hoc (P < 0.05 error
type I) (Zar, 2010). All statistical analyzes were performed using the The Dendropsophus molitor tadpole liver of the control treat-
JMP version 9.0.1 (SAS Institute). ment (0 mg/L) presented polygonal hepatocytes, with a prominent
nucleus and one or two nucleoli. Hepatocytes arrangements in
3. Results sheet separated by sinusoids with little homogeneously dispersed
blood vessels (Figs. 1a and 2a). Those liver structure arrangement
3.1. Water quality were similar to that described for other amphibian species, which
have different grade of phylogenetical proximity with Dendrop-
The parameters pH (7.25e7.44), temperature (16.61  C e sophus molitor (Jetz and Pyron, 2018), such as Rhinella arenarum
16.35  C), dissolved oxygen (5.74 ppme5.67 ppm), ammoniacal (Svartz et al., 2019), Leptodactylus latrans (Bach et al., 2018), Bufo
total nitrogen (0.04 ppme0.13 ppm) and nitrite (0 ppm) were gargarizans (Wu et al., 2017), Triturus carnifex (Capaldo et al., 2016),
maintained during the 30 days of exposure to Roundup Active® Leptodactylus latinasus (Pe rez-Iglesias et al., 2016), Ambystoma
within the environmental ranges reported at Dendropsophus moli- mexicanum (Ortiz-Ordon ~ ez et al., 2016) and Lissotriton italicus
tor tadpoles collection site (4 560 3700 N - 74 000 3500 W, (Bernabo et al., 2014).
2560 m.a.s.l) (see Table 1 ) The liver is an organ with different metabolic functions, and the
In the Dendropsophus molitor tadpole liver of the control treat- exposure to xenobiotics can result in changes in its histological
ment (0 mg/L) observed hepatocytes with poligonal shape, with a structure (Cakici, 2015). In the present study, we observed histo-
prominent nucleus and one or two nucleoli. Hepatocytes arrange- pathological alterations after one-month exposure to Roundup
ments in sheet separated by sinusoids with few homogeneously Active® in a range of 350e750 mg a.e./L. This chronic exposure
dispersed blood vessels. We observed few lipid vesicles and cyto- resulted in sinusoidal dilation, cytoplasmic vacuolation, and accu-
plasmatic vacuoles (Fig. 1a). Ultrastructurally the rough endo- mulation of lipid vesicles (Figs. 1 and 3). Additionally, by TEM the
plasmatic reticulum did not show structural alterations (Fig. 2a). disorganization of the rough endoplasmic reticulum were observed
(Fig. 2). These alterations were concentration-dependent.
3.2. Histopathological effects The hepatic sinusoidal dilation in vertebrates is caused by
obstruction of hepatic venous flow, which leads to vascular stasis
We observed higher number and area of lipid vesicles in the and parenchymal congestion (Brancatelli et al., 2018). This alter-
treatments 325 and 750 mg a.e/L (Table 2, Fig. 3). We found lipid ation can generate osmoregulatory problems in nutrient transport
vesicles and sinusoidal dilation using HROM in the three treat- and metabolism of waste products (Sparling et al., 2010). The si-
ments, being more abundant in the treatment with 750 mg a.e/L of nusoidal dilation observed was similar to that reported for adults of
glyphosate. In all treatments, there was absence of mortality Pelophylax ridibundus after exposure to two insecticides (Paunescu
(Table 2, Fig. 1). et al., 2010, 2012) and also to a fungicide (Paunescu et al., 2018).
Using TEM, we observed disorganization of the rough endo- Likewise, this alteration has been reported in adults of the frog
plasmatic reticulum, cytoplasmic vacuoles, and some lipid vesicles Bufotes variabilis induced by the insecticide Carbaryl (Cakici, 2015)
(Fig. 2). an in adults of Triturus carnifex after daily exposure to heavy metal
The variables related to the lipid vesicles after the Log10 concentrations, such as cadmium (Capaldo et al., 2016). These re-
transformations were normally distributed as follows, the average ports suggest that sinusoidal dilatation seems to be a general
occupied area (mm 2) of lipid vesicles (W ¼ 0.95, P ¼ 0.41), and the response to pesticide intoxication in adult amphibians, and in our
number of lipid vesicles (W ¼ 0.93, P ¼ 0.20). study is the first report in tadpoles under herbicide exposure.
We found significant differences in the average occupied area The acute effects caused by GHBs in the liver of rats are related
(mm2) of lipid vesicles (R2 ¼ 0.81, F ¼ 33.25, p  0.001), and number to increased lipid peroxidation, which can lead to alterations in the
of lipid vesicles (R2 ¼ 0.78, F ¼ 26.24, P ¼ <0.00) in both concen- liver activity and abnormalities in hepatic tissues over longer pe-
trations of glyphosate with respect to the control treatment (Fig. 3). riods of exposure, in this case, the accumulation of lipid vesicles
(Pandey et al., 2019). We observed vesicles located in the cytoplasm
of hepatocyte exhibited a small size (less than 1 mm in diameter)
Table 1 and nucleus centrally located. This alteration indicates a micro-
Water quality parameters maintainedduring the 30 days of exposure of D. molitor to
vesicular steatosis which is caused by mitochondrial b-oxidation of
three concentrations of Roundup Active® (0, 325 and 725 mg a.e./L). Data are
expressed as mean ± SEM. fatty acid in the process of oxidative stress (Pandey et al., 2019). The
microvesicular steatosis could be induced by several factors
Water quality parameters Roundup Active ® (mg a.e./L)
including exposure to drugs and toxins (Fromenty et al., 1997).On
0 325 750 the other hand, Sinhorin et al. (2014) observed an increase in thi-
pH 7.300 ± 0.074 7.250 ± 0.074 7.440 ± 0.074
obarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in the liver of Pseu-
Temperature ( C) 16.530 ± 0.140 16.350 ± 0.074 16.610 ± 0.074
DO (mg/L) 5.700 ± 0.085 5.670 ± 0.085 5.740 ± 0.085
doplatystoma sp, after exposure to Roundup Original® at
TAN (mg/L) 0.047 ± 0.019 0.100 ± 0.019 0.130 ± 0.019 concentrations of 2.25, 4.5, 7.5 and 15 mg/L during 96h, the same
NO2- (mg/L) 0.005 ± 0.001 0.007 ± 0.001 0.003 ± 0.001 was found by De Menezes et al., (2011) in Rhamdia quelen exposed
to 0.45 and 0.9 mg/L of Roundup® for 48 h and Glusczak et al.
4 ~ o et al. / Chemosphere 250 (2020) 126287
C. Rian

Fig. 1. Cross-sections of the D. molitor liver. A. Liver section control treatment (0 mg/L). B. Liver section treatment with 325 mg a.e./L. C. Liver section treatment with 750 mg a.e./L.
The symbols are as follows lipid vesicles (red asterisks), sinusoidal dilation (black asterisks), vacuoles (arrows), hepatocytes (H), blood vessels (V). HROM technique. Bar ¼ 20 mm.

(2011) in Leporinus obtusidens exposed to 3, 6, 10 and 20 mg/L for hepatocytes (Rondo  n-Barraga
n et al., 2012). The registered alter-
96 h. This suggest that GBHs are related to alteration of lipid ations seem to be a consequence of a physiological stress process
metabolism. induced by chemical intoxication.
In amphibians, an increase in lipid peroxidation caused by GBH In acute exposure, is common found melanomacrophagic cen-
has also been reported in short periods of exposure, in the tadpole’s ters and the eosinophils accumulation are among the most com-
liver of Lithobates catesbeianus exposed to 36, 72, and 144 mg/L of mon alterations after exposure to xenobiotics. The Roundup®
Roundup Original® for 7 days, in all treatments with GBH increase Ultramax and pure glyphosate caused melanomacrophagic centers
in the concentration of TBARS was observed. This occurs due to and the eosinophils accumulation in the frog Leptodactylus latrans
high lipid peroxidation, which is related to the loss of integrity of after 96 h exposure (Bach et al., 2018). These accumulations did not
the cell membrane, disorders in glycolipid metabolism and high- occur in the present work with the frog Dendropsophus molitor.
energy demand, which can lead to cell damage, lipid accumula- Although both species are endemic, Dendropsophus molitor is a
tion, and apoptosis (Dornelles and Oliveira, 2013). tropical species, and Leptodactylus latrans is a subtropical species.
High levels of lipid peroxidation cause cytoplasmic vacuoliza- Bach et al. (2018) exposed tadpoles to Roundup® Ultramax for 96 h;
tion in the liver (Ortiz-Ordon ~ ez et al., 2016), and also the accu- meanwhile, tadpoles were exposed to Roundup Active® for one
mulation and displacement of triglycerides and phospholipids to month in the present study. The accumulation of melanomacro-
the periphery of the hepatocyte (Bach et al., 2018). The cytoplasmic phagic centers and eosinophils was also observed in tadpoles of the
vacuolization observed seems to be a consequence of the earliest bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus exposed to the herbicide Cloma-
responses to Roundup Active® exposure, such as oxidative stress zone for 96 h (De Oliveira et al., 2016). This study suggests that the
and lipid disorder (El-Shenawy, 2009; Modesto and Martinez, alteration in melanomacrophagic centers and eosinophils numbers
2010; Mili c et al., 2018). Moreover, the Roundup Active® expo- is related to the exposure duration of chemical stress and early
sure increased the number of deposits of lipid vesicles on the pe- response to liver intoxication that results in the alteration observed
riphery of hepatocytes (Fig. 1), which was related to lipid oxidation in the present study.
and the disorganization of the rough endoplasmic reticulum In chronic exposure, some authors have reported histopathol-
(Bernabo et al., 2014). This anomaly has been reported in several ogies related to glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH).Howe et al.
amphibian species exposed to different xenobiotics. For example, in (2004) exposed tadpoles of Rana pipiens for 42 days to two GBHs;
tadpoles of Bufo gargarizans exposed to mercury (Shi et al., 2018), in Roundup Original®, Roundup Transorb® and POEA surfactant,
adult specimens of Lissotriton italicus exposed to nonylphenol chronic exposure caused a decrease in snout e vent length, gonadal
ethoxylate (Bernabo et al., 2014). The increased number of lipid histological abnormalities, tail damage and increased meta-
vesicles can generate alterations in protein synthesis, specifically morphosis time. The exposure for 20 days of tadpoles from Rana
lipoproteins necessary for the transport and release of lipids from pipiens, Bufo americanus and Hyla versicolor to Roundup® in
~ o et al. / Chemosphere 250 (2020) 126287
C. Rian 5

H *

Fig. 2. Dendropsophus molitor liver showing some ultrastructural changes A) Liver section control treatment (0 mg/L). B) Liver section treatment with 325 mg a.e./L. C) Liver section
treatment with 750 mg a.e./L. Hepatocytes (H), disorganization of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (black arrows) and cytoplasmic vacuoles (red arrows), Lipid vesicles (asterisk).
TEM technique. Bar ¼ 5 mm.

Table 2 microcosm conditions showed a significant increase in mortality in

Histopathologies alterations in the liver for D. molitor exposed to Roundup Active®. the three species, independent of the type of soil where the GBH
Values are expressed as a percentage.
was applied (Relyea, 2005). King and Wagner, (2010) exposed six
Roundup Active® (mg species of amphibians tadpoles; Ambystoma gracile, Ambystoma
a.e./L) macrodactylum, Anaxyrus boreas, Pseudacris regilla, Rana cascadae,
Histopathologies findings 0 325 750
and Rana luteiventris, for 16 days. They found that the amphibian
Non-homogeneous parenchyma 0 0 0 species evaluated respond differentially to the GBH, having a sur-
Melanomacrophage centers 0 0 0
vival time of 1 day for tadpoles of Pseudacris regilla and up to 16
Sinusoidal dilatation 0 20 80
Cytoplasmatic vacuolization 20 80 80 days for Ambystoma gracile in concentrations between 1 and 5 mg/
Pycnotic nuclei 0 0 0 L, concluding that chronic toxicological effects have a high variation
Lipid vesicles 20 60 80 among amphibian species. This study is the first report of chronic
Alteration of the rough endoplasmic reticulum 0 20 60 effects of GBH in the tadpole liver of the South-American endemic
Glycogen granules 0 0 0
frogs of a tropical region. Alteration in the number of lipid vesicles
and disorganization of the endoplasmic reticulum were observed.
The registered alterations can affect liver functions (Sparling et al.,
2010), and they were caused by exposure to sublethal concentra-
tion of Roundup Active®. These results indicate that environmental
risk assessment of GBH should consider endemic amphibian spe-
cies of tropical regions such as the frog Dendropsophus molitor.
Consequently, the environmental risk assessment of GBH should
be locally performed considering endemic species of tropical re-
gions. At lower level of vertebrates that depend of water, distrib-
uted at Bogota we found amphibians such as Edwards’ Rocket Frog
Hyloxalus edwardsi and the Orphan salamander Bolitoglossa cap-
itana listed as critically endangered, the Elegant Robber Frog Pris-
Fig. 3. Number of lipid vesicles (LV) and filled occupied area of LV (mm2), present in the timantis elegans listed as vulnerable, and Bogota Tree frog
liver of D. molitor exposed to different glyphosate concentrations in Roundup Active®.
Data are expressed as mean ± SD.
Hyloscirtus bogotensis, Peters’ mushroomtongue salamander Boli-
toglossa adspersa listed as near threatened. The Bogota Rocket Frog
Hyloxalus subpunctatus and the Bogota Robber Frog Pristimantis
bogotensis are listed as least concern. At Fish level, the fish captain
6 ~ o et al. / Chemosphere 250 (2020) 126287
C. Rian

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