Companies That Promote A Culture of Health,.2

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Companies That Promote a Culture of Health, Safety, and

Wellbeing Outperform in the Marketplace
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Raymond Fabius, MD and Sharon Phares, PhD

safety, and well-being awards such as the American College of

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Objective: The objective of this research is to test the hypothesis that

Occupational and Environmental Medicine’s (ACOEM) Corporate
companies distinguished by their commitment to their workforce’s health,
Health Achievement Award (CHAA),5 the C. Everett Koop (Koop)
safety, and well-being outperform in the marketplace. Methods: To test this,
National Health Award,6 the Gallup Great Workplace Award,7 or
we analyzed the real-world stock market performance of an investment fund
being recognized as a high-scoring Health Enhancement Resource
of publicly traded companies selected on evidence demonstrating their
Organization (HERO) company.2 It is noteworthy that the results
pursuit of a culture of health, safety, and well-being. Results: This fund
from numerous studies uniformly show improved stock perfor-
outperformed the market by 2% per year, with a weighted return on equity of
264% compared with the S&P 500 return of 243% over a 10-year period.
For example, a portfolio of companies who had received the
Conclusions: Employers, fund managers, and fund investors would be well
CHAA because of their robust health, safety, and environmental
served by including strategies that assess a company’s commitment to the
programs outperformed the Standard &Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) over
health, safety, and well-being of their workforce when evaluating invest-
13 years (1999 to 2012) and showed a cumulative return for the
ments in their enterprise and portfolios.
CHAA recipients of 78.72% versus –0.77% for the S&P 500.5
Keywords: corporate leadership, culture of health, financial performance, Research that followed found that a simulated portfolio of publicly
safety and well-being traded companies receiving high scores on the HERO corporate
health and wellness self-assessment scorecard demonstrated an
appreciation of 235% compared with the S&P 500’s 159% over
a 6-year simulation period.2 Similarly, over 14 years (2000 to 2014),
a portfolio of the 26 publicly traded companies who had received the
T here is a growing body of evidence that supports the concept
that a healthy workforce provides a competitive business
advantage. Unhealthy employees typically spend more on health-
Koop award outperformed the S&P 500 Index by 2.35 to 1.00.6
Publicly traded companies that received the Gallup Great Work-
care, a direct cost for most large and mid-sized employers. Even place Award experienced a 115% growth in earnings per share
more costly are the losses in productivity—an estimated $2 to $3 (EPS), compared with the 27% EPS seen in their competitors over
additional dollars for each dollar spent on direct healthcare costs.1 the same period.7 The positive relationship between award receipt
Moreover, companies that focus on health and safety for their and stock performance makes sense. These companies likely create
workforce may create a culture that supports a healthy workforce an environment that reinforces conscious and unconscious health
and increases the percentage of employees engaged and committed and safety choices and fosters discretionary effort.
to the organization’s success.2 Additionally, these companies may Many studies have shown that a healthy workforce is more
become ‘‘employers of choice,’’ allowing them to attract and retain productive and incurs fewer direct and indirect health costs.8–11
top-performing talent. Healthcare represents a high cost to companies, averaging $14,561
Nearly three decades of research suggest the importance of in employer-paid costs per employee in 2019,12 with the average
corporate culture and financial performance. Early work focused on premium for family coverage increasing 54% over the last 10 years,
the financial performance of companies that demonstrated they much higher than either wage or inflation increases in the previous
valued employees, customers, and owners3 and the performance of decade. Since most companies of more than 1000 workers self-
companies that were well-thought of by their employees, vendor insure,13 reducing health costs can directly impact funding for
partners, customers, investors, and society.4 More recent studies additional capital investments and the higher return to shareholders.
have found the superior stock performance by organizations that Additionally, productivity losses due to illness cost US
achieve a culture of health, as measured by receipt of various health, employers $530 billion annually.14 Prior research has shown that
for every dollar saved in direct health care costs, employers receive
an estimated $2.30 in improved performance and productivity.15,16
From the HealthNEXT, Newton Square, Pennsylvania (Dr Fabius); Washington This is bolstered by research that shows companies that score high
University at St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri (Dr Phares); and PSG Consulting, on the culture of health assessment scores (CHAS) to quantify
LLC, Plano, Texas (Dr Phares).
Funding: No funding received for this work (self-funded). ‘‘cultures of health’’ tend to have lower health care cost trends
Conflicts of Interest: None declared. without the need to reduce benefits or shift more costs to employ-
Clinical Significance: This research demonstrates that a portfolio of companies ees.17
chosen for inclusion in a stock fund because of their approach to their Warren Buffet has called health care cost the ‘‘real corporate
workforce’s health and safety outperformed the market and improves our
understanding of the value of building and maintaining an enterprise culture tax’’ because of its escalation over the last many years.18 A recent
of health through its impact on business performance. study shows that companies who engage in validated ways to
Address correspondence to: Sharon Phares, PhD, 2541 Nassau Trace, Fuquay support their workforce’s health, safety, and well-being tend to
Varina, NC 27526 ( see a reduction in health care cost trends.17 Creating a culture of
Copyright ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on
behalf of the American College of Occupational and Environmental health is particularly important in a business environment where
Medicine. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the healthcare costs are often considered a runaway cost, rising at a rate
Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 two to three times higher than general inflation.
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work In sum, the evidence clearly points to the correlation of
provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used
commercially without permission from the journal. companies that invest in a culture of health, safety, and well-being
DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002153 having a competitive advantage. It stands to reason then that

456 JOEM  Volume 63, Number 6, June 2021

JOEM  Volume 63, Number 6, June 2021 Companies that Promote a Culture of Health

investors who can identify and score those companies should have  Promoting and measuring engagement and navigation of health,
an investment advantage. safety, and well-being programs.
 Health-related vendor management and integration.
Each company considered for the fund underwent a rigorous
With this in mind, we set out to test the hypothesis that a real-
scoring process that looks at corporate performance metrics focus-
world stock investment fund of publicly traded companies selected
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ing on key indicators of a commitment to a culture of health

on evidence demonstrating their pursuit of a culture of health, safety,
available in the public domain currently and over the previous 3
and well-being would outperform the market over a 10-year period.
to 5 years. These metrics include investments such as a workplace
Additionally, we hope to clearly demonstrate the financial benefits
health clinic, having a corporate health officer at the senior leader-
for employer leadership, fund managers, and investors in develop-
ship level, the company demonstrating leadership via presentations
ing ways to assess and invest in companies distinguished in their
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at health, wellness, and safety conferences, and other activities

commitment to maintaining and improving their workforce’s health,
focused on the health, safety, and well-being of their workforce that
safety, and well-being.
served as proxies for companies that are committed to nurturing
their workforce. Additionally, the scoring includes companies who
Building a Fund That Focuses on a Culture of had received prestigious health awards such as the CHAA from
Health ACOEM21 or the Koop Award from the Health Project.22
In today’s diverse investment fund market, no fund presently Beyond the firm belief in the concept that a commitment to a
focuses primarily on companies that demonstrate a culture of health, culture of health can lead to more robust returns, the fund uses a
safety, and well-being for their workforce. Health impacts all human systematic, continuous review of information available in the public
performance, but other funds and indices seem to ignore this critical domain to identify best practice employers building cultures of
factor. Most employers state that their workforce is their greatest health. Sources include the company’s annual and quarterly reports
asset. Those who invest in their physical, emotional, financial, and and SEC filings, company websites, medical literature, business
social well-being should provide a better return on investment. news, other media, conference attendees and presentations, key
Large business consulting practices such as McKinsey and Com- presentations such as webinars and keynotes by company leader-
pany have even developed products such as the Organizational ship, and awards, and the presence of comprehensive workplace
Health Index (OHI), designed to help companies improve share- health centers.
holder return by making measurable improvements in well-being.19 Due to the level of investment needed to implement many of
An appreciation of the years of research showing the connection the metrics, plus the sophisticated business operations and leader-
between health and organizational financial performance, and an ship necessary to earn benchmark status, the portfolio primarily
understanding of how companies that create and sustain a culture of consists of large-cap S&P 500 companies (Fig. 1), a stock market
health are set apart from those who do not lead to the development of index that measures stock performance of 500 large companies
an investment portfolio, called the Health Advantage Appreciation listed on the US stock exchange, and frequently used as a bench-
Fund (HAAF). The HAAF set out to invest in the stock of publicly mark for stock performance. Smaller and international companies
traded companies demonstrating a culture of health. The HAAF are included to a much lesser extent when public domain informa-
approach differs from funds such as the Parnassus Endeavor FundSM tion reveals their outstanding efforts. However, the resulting port-
(MUTF: PARWX) and the Calvert US Large-Cap Core Responsible folio demonstrated significant diversification by sector with health
Index (MUTF: CSXAX). These funds focus primarily on great care, consumer staples, information technology, consumer discre-
places to work at or social responsibility. The Parnassus Endeavor tionary, industrials, materials, financials, telecommunication ser-
Fund focuses on companies recognized as good employers to work vices, utilities, energy, and real estate represented (Fig. 2). The
for but does not look to health specifically.20 variety of stocks in the portfolio diversifies the holdings and ensures
The concept behind the development of the HAAF portfolio that a single holding or sector’s performance does not determine
derives from the body of work demonstrating that companies that fund performance.
nurture a culture of health, as measured by receipt of highly coveted A few of the fund companies were acquired or acquired
awards for workplace health and safety, have higher stock perfor- another company outside the portfolio or were part of corporate
mance than the S&P 500.2,5,6,7 The HAAF management team mergers during the study period. Mergers and acquisitions can
developed a methodology by studying benchmark companies change the corporate culture. The time leading up to and following
who have accomplished a culture of health as well as calling upon the merger or acquisition completion often increases stock volatil-
learnings from the HealthNEXT (Newton Square, Pennsylvania) ity.23 Investment decisions were made by considering whether
methodology which identified 218 elements in 10 categories that pursuing a culture of health, safety, and well-being was likely to
can contribute to a culture of health and are shown to correlate with be continued with focused efforts post-transaction.
health cost trend.17 These ‘‘Best practice’’ categories include: The portfolio’s investments were based 75% on the proprietary
score of their culture of health and 25% based upon the ‘‘street’s’’
 Leadership support and management alignment in promoting a assessment of the potential for their stock’s appreciation. By consid-
culture of health. ering outside investment house stock assessments, the fund considers
 Marketing and communications to promote the value of health the company’s business potential and recognizes that a culture of
and healthy lifestyles. health alone cannot dictate a quality investment. The fund manager
 Investments in warehousing and integrating multiple sources of limited the number of individual stocks in the portfolio to no more
data related to health and productivity. than 40 companies and the fund was re-balanced every 6 months. The
 Establishing a multi-year strategic health and wellness plan. methodology provided assurances that the fund’s growth would not be
 A work environment promoting health such as a smoke-free unduly influenced by a single high performing enterprise but rather
campus. that the fund’s appreciation would be based on the collective perfor-
 On-site health activities such as having a workplace health clinic. mance of the ‘‘culture of health’’ companies.
 Health and wellness activities and programs directed toward Companies no longer publicly traded were removed from the
prevalent risks and illnesses. fund when their trading ceased, and monies accumulated by these
 Incentives and benefit design that promote healthy behaviors. investments, as well as dividend payments, were re-distributed during

ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 457
Fabius and Phares JOEM  Volume 63, Number 6, June 2021
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FIGURE 1. Fund portfolio equity size and style.

the next semi-annual re-balancing. The dividends were not immedi- allows for a better measure of the collective performance of the
ately reinvested, which would have enhanced appreciation. distinguished culture of health enterprises.
Over the 10-year follow-up period, portfolio companies
METHODS changed, as noted in the previous section. However, roughly half
Using reports generated by a well-known financial institu- of the companies were included in the fund since 2010. The
tion’s private banking and investment group, fund performance was longevity of fund companies is an indication of their sustained
tracked for a decade from the fund’s initiation on January 1, 2009, commitment to a culture of health. The fund engaged in limited
through December 31, 2018. The annual and cumulative time- trading, dropping, adding, and re-balancing semi-annually at the
weighted return of the fund performance was compared relative beginning of each year and mid-year.
to the S&P 500. We looked at the total return (TR), the actual rate of
return of the portfolio compared with the TR for S&P 500 over the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
evaluation period, including interest, capital gains, dividends, and The cumulative time-weighted total return for HAAF com-
other distributions realized during the evaluation period. Total pared with the S&P 500 is shown in Fig. 3. The cumulative time-
return determines an investment’s actual growth over time. While weighted return for the fund outperformed the S&P 500 throughout
the S&P 500 TR reinvests interest, capital gains, dividends, and the 10 years studied, returning a 263.83% return on equity on
other distributions immediately, the HAAF portfolio accumulated December 31, 2018, compared with the S&P 500 total return on
interest, capital gains, dividends, and other distributions and rein- equity of 243.03%—a 2% per year advantage for the HAAF.
vested them semi-annually. Along with re-balancing, this further While other research has been published demonstrating the
reduced the potential untoward influence of a single stock and success of virtual portfolios of companies who have distinguished

458 ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
JOEM  Volume 63, Number 6, June 2021 Companies that Promote a Culture of Health
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FIGURE 2. Fund portfolio sector analysis.

themselves through their commitment to workforce health, safety, It should also be noted that in the case of the HAAF,
and well-being, we believe this is the first article reporting on the dividends were not immediately reinvested as are done with the
actual results of a portfolio of publicly-traded companies chosen for S&P 500 total return funds, reducing some potential for additional
their corporate culture of health, safety, and well-being. appreciation during periods of rising stock markets. So it is fair to
Although the association between fund performance of a say that the out-performance of the HAAF relative to the S&P 500
portfolio of companies who have demonstrated a commitment to TR is even more impressive.
their workforce’s health and wellness is promising, there is still Current exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on health
work to do. The authors recommend that this study be repeated for are those that represent healthcare services, not investment into
an additional 7 to 10-year period using the same methodology from companies with established cultures of health, distinguished by
start to finish augmented by immediately reinvesting dividends. caring for their workforce’s well-being in remarkable ways. While
Further studies may demonstrate whether our approach holds up there are funds that focus on socially responsible investing (SRI),
over time and ascertain the impact of changes in economic and which may incorporate environmental, social, and governance
socio-political environments. Additionally, the authors welcome (ESG) criteria,17 the focus on the workforce’s health and safety
others to use different methodologies to select the best practice is unique. It perhaps represents an even better investment strategy in
culture of health companies to provide valuable insights and supe- those companies focusing on a culture of health investing directly
rior performance. Lastly, the authors encourage researchers to study into the one asset that every business needs to thrive—the health and
the impact on publicly traded companies in other countries to well-being of its people. The closest comparison fund we have
ascertain whether the correlation between the ‘‘culture of health’’ found is the Parnassus Endeavor Fund (MUTF: PARWX), whose
companies and stock performance is similar. We are aware of one strategy is to invest at least 80% of net assets in companies believed
such study performed in South Africa that provides preliminary in providing good workplaces for their employees.25 According to
evidence of positive financial outcomes for companies that support a the fund prospectus, the strategy behind this criteria is that compa-
culture of health and wellness.24 nies with good workplaces can recruit and retain better employees

ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 459
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FIGURE 3. Relative perfor-

mance—HAAF compared with
S&P 500. HAAF, Health Advan-
tage Appreciation Fund.

and perform at a higher level than competitors in innovation, engagement, program/product management, program/product inte-
productivity, customer loyalty, and profitability. Companies that gration, measurement and evaluation that are objective and verifiable,
provide good workplaces are selected based on ‘‘factors such as sustained commitment to excellence, employee engagement, train-
respectful and fair treatment of employees, employee satisfaction ing, retention, and advancement. It is also likely that companies with
and engagement, pay and benefits, family-friendly policies, and an influential culture of health may also be indicative of companies
support for volunteerism and philanthropy.’’26 that have a more general culture of aligned goals between the firm and
Companies with healthier workforces experience lower its employees. For this reason, establishing a method to identify
health care costs, less absenteeism, higher productivity, less work- benchmark culture of health companies may be an excellent way for
force turnover, attract better talent, produce less waste, and experi- fund managers and investor to identify enterprises worthy of invest-
ence higher employee engagement levels. All of these contribute to ment, and provide another metric which employer leadership can use
a competitive advantage in the marketplace and explain why this to demonstrate company value to the investment community.
fund outperformed.
The COVID-19 pandemic has taught corporate America the LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSION
importance of a healthy workforce. We now know that healthier This article features the performance of only one fund for one
employees are less likely to have a severe infection if they contract 10-year period, which invested in a finite number of companies.
the virus.27 Underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, Additionally, our method of selecting portfolio companies has
lung disease, and obesity can set the stage for more serious illness considerable subjectivity, and depends on publicly available infor-
and more difficult recovery.28 Companies with a benchmark culture mation that may be incomplete or subject to error. The results are
of health and well-being are likely benefiting from a more resistant also not generalizable to firms with small capitalization, those not in
and resilient workforce. the S&P 500, and non-US companies.
Corporate cultures that foster health and well-being become part As this study further supports the merits of investing in
of the company’s DNA. Employees both consciously and uncon- companies committed to a culture of health, it may be prudent
sciously make better and more healthy decisions and likely better for the investment community to assess this commitment as part of
business decisions. They understand that one of their responsibilities the process to decide the merits of investing in any company. If one
within these companies is to take care of themselves and foster healthful were to consider the investment into a promising company with an
behaviors within their families and coworkers. The feeling of personal exciting business model but whose workforce carried a significant
responsibility, in turn, encourages teamwork and collaboration. As illness burden that the company was ignoring—rethinking the
social creatures, new employees joining a company with a culture of investment might be prudent. There might come a day when all
health are more likely to act in kind and eat a healthy diet, exercise, companies published their culture of health score like they provide a
drink in moderation, and not smoke just like their colleagues. Suppose credit score. With the pressure of the investment community, all
they have a health risk or condition. In that case, they are more likely to companies would compete for being the healthiest. This market-
attend to it by establishing a trusted relationship with a primary health place approach might go a long way to mitigate the health care
provider and appropriate specialists, adhere to medication schedules, crisis, leveraging market forces.
and follow evidence-based guidelines for care. Corporate leadership is responsible for capital appreciation
Benchmark culture of health, safety, and well-being companies and providing quality returns for its investors. Company executives
likely excel in other aspects of management. Therefore, this marker of should leverage this research to support their investment in their
investment-worthy companies may be an excellent proxy for orga- workforce’s health, safety, and well-being. Fund managers and fund
nizations likely to outperform for many reasons. Companies who investors would be well served by including strategies like the
invest in health, especially those who are formally ‘‘graded’’ by the Health Advantage Appreciation Fund’s approach when evaluating
receipt of prestigious awards or investing in recognized corporate investments in their portfolio. However, several changes would
health assessment scores, demonstrate many critical leadership make this an easier task. The investment community should demand
dimensions that not only help improve the health of their workforce more transparent reporting of the workforce’s aggregate illness
but likely these leadership disciplines/characteristics spill over into burden and measures that evaluate the extent to which publicly
other critical areas of management and human capital cultivation. traded companies deploy resources to manage the health and well-
These might include effective strategic planning, leadership being risks and conditions within its workforce. Companies say their

460 ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
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