1099-c, Levy, 1096 Rithm Capital Corps

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Donetsuste 6969 1096 Annual Summary and Transmittal of een ee oy United States Information Returns 2023 PEERS cane RITHDIA CAPITOL CORPORATION ‘eet acre (nctting 20m owe number) 1209 Orange Street (Cyr oun. sate rove. cour. and 2 fri pout cose Wamington Oetnwar 1901 For Official Use Only ‘Fiduaary Trost Atarey Foe “Telco ot woe —<— ==== |B) EEEEEE) 0) iru aecttererts rantent ‘woh ubsecien a) 0 secton “Ti 12Untd Sis Code 9,82 Fagin or aons 9 exags lr gldaed silver. popety Yarn. and ertiorent (2)Anyeratenertpayrart.corwyarce, rae terme ape een, dtc Rad Stn oranerwie recta by Pcompetn cour, insvucton 0 drecton ated here byshal be hdl ecquitanceandauchargeorlenderedpaymertand ‘rareedpasdin fl frat entrants ed nary poope shale hess lable ry Sout he respect a anyung done eted et ‘Conecton wih the minsier governing for Bes ate acon ‘Tite 28 Unted States Code subse 1810. Exceptions tothe merunty rom atachmont or exoction (aye property inthe United States used for commercial acy shall not be ereune from attachment inthe ad of except fom fxecation, upon a jxigement entered by a competent are court forthe United States nunc pro tunc when the person oF was ed forthe commercial activity upon which he clam based “The United States Consttuton Acie 1 Section 1X. Money shal be pai ram the treasury in aignrent wlth national aperopriations ‘Made bylaw, Psi 2312 and we forgive te U.S. ter debts, therefore we have forgiven our debtors [Romans 111: V1 revenue, then revenue. Job 20011 Xt accept no | MAN'S PERSON) "CREDITORS para, rea aes, Cy roan Cae WED, Cony, | TOs oer ees, March 27,2023 ee, 1099C Howard Avgdor i, Atomay in Fact for | rxnconarsarcarates— , UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA $500,000,000 per tust Debt Cancellation ee Ne on a eee Trees ncuted boc? Rea Fa 000 2022 OTA TERT AE TORS TEN ENTER TET 500 700585 5043102 Copy B Trane [Kmescan Nona! Tr purssrt Die Unvesa! for Debtor RITHM CAPITOL CORPORATION Srarecaleate Ueanesregaes Contain The Internal Revenue ‘has been informed of this transaction, The Debtor is required to iy or oe, Fata proves, Sa Seateeeee or ‘Wilmington, Delaware 19801 this transaction. aa Va ‘5083102 A.B.C.DEFS 500,000,000 per trust 410996 Debt Cancellation Version 0001 Catagory 26280W ‘remy bial Ravers ‘31United States Code § 1501:Documentary evidence requirement for Governmententitements {9/Aamount shal precarded asa paideitoment tr, fandby tne Und States goverment when euppotedby documentary evidence Tira nding apreten between an agency and notre person (nluding an agency) hati, ‘Win writing, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law, and {B)executed before the end ofthe period of availabilty fr entitlement of the appropriation orfundused for speciic ‘goods tobe delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided. {2)aloanagreement showing the amount andterms or repayment: (@)a court command required by law to be placed with an agency. A ocueennendensdneigmertuiieinrs purchases without advertising ‘when necessary, because of a national programme forthe public 8 nalualfoodsorparshatle subsistence supptesor 5s of specific monetary limits. (28 grant, subsidy or national programme ‘dtrom appropriations madetor payment, o contrbutons to, amounts paidinspectc amounts fedby aw orbyformulas rosares by low (ey asm por yw bail tat ay veut om pong tigations rat ray ; {iemplyeert work orserees of persanecr expenses ofavelin algnmentwehtelaw; (serch rg roca pb tis, tot general eles anertert to te Government rom a conatutenal appropriation rund (oAsatomertotondlement provaadby Congress oracarmeeofGongressby arapenc sal nce on those amounts thatare Shaoments constr wa srbeacion fo) or Ps secon, ‘Tite 12 United States Code 95a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and siver, property transfers, and entitlements (2) Ary entitlement, payment, conveyance, transfer, asignmert, oF property delivery, made to or forthe United States, ‘or a otherwise directed by this competent court, pursuant to this section or any rue, regulation, instruction, or ‘rection isved hereby shall be a full aoquitlance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in ful, forall entitlements issued hereby. ‘The Constitution for the United States Article| Section IX ‘Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by aw. Iernal Revenue aer, 12313 Lite Road 3 Suite 101, March 27, 2023, Hudson, Flonda Feawalemioree iwttcaon Nemee §043102 (Case reference number 5043102 More information Internal Revenue Creditor Howard Avigdor Eas Bonding Fiduciary for the UNITED STATES FOR AVERIA 12313 Little Road Suite 101 Hudson, Florida Debtor/Taxpayer 5043102 RITHM CAPITOL CORPORATION 1209 Orange Street Wimington, Delaware 19801 302-858-7581 IMMEDIATE TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To. RITHM CAPITOL CORPORATION AsofF ebruary 23,2023, wehavenotreceived your overdue tax after sending severalnoticestoyou Becauseyouhave ‘ot paid your balance whichis pastdue, wehave levied seized) property claimed by youandyourclaimed nghtsto property Each year, more than Boutof 1Otaxpayers pay therrtaxes. Youare partofaminority/that hasnotfulfiled that uty ‘Amount Past Due’ 250,000,000 gold United States Dolla / Suis Francs for each Moorish American, National Trust pursuant to Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien Affidavit dated March 22, 2023 Final Bankruptcy Judgement was issued on March 27 , 2023 at 4:30pm Eastern Time You are required to do the following actions: Dueto your inabilty topay the stated debt, allproperty ishereby placedinthe possession and custody ofand{orthe originalindigenous ancient sovereign people whoarethe Moorish National Republic Federal government, possessing custodians andinternal Revenue. This Congressional affidavitis effective immediately upon all debtors, agents, principals, heirs ‘assigns and any and all derivative debtors thereof Your Biting Summary Format Number Amount You owe Foal Tax Period ending ows 2023 1040 ‘$250,000 000 250,000,000 for each Moorsh foreach Moot American National Trust ‘Amencan National Trust Amount Due Immediately '$250,000,000 for each Moorish American National Trust Notification Allocations are ancientlandlocations, Alladdresses are living corporate situs trust addresses 31 Unted States Code § 1801 Documrtan ewdence equrement or Goverment eee \aAaroo a teectaed ssuderoeeri ancy aed Sis freee whe ssa) (Miabndng arene between an agercy andar peron rccing a agency hat Uitcaelte Rcm cat posit oes secant sins [Boh toe dlivered. rar proper to he Tight lead. or enh of sou We NN (2a Gen agement shomgtheaneurtactermste parent ‘Sjecouteormandrequredoyonio tepacea meh ayo) acon armadandiassece arg wt aon auerag puchoses wat acvenng ‘Ashen recassarytecasne faratoraprogarmed bre pre IGheratgaoa vpreratunerce oper 9 6 Sopot saa oatera sogranmes ‘erm pumas frpaynen von! eeutons to arourtipacin space amounts ey ae ft ous (G)byanagreemert aunarzes byw of (by pune approved consten weh ad stereo fs tady tarmay ress tom pending sepa (herent wot oservces o peonsarerpersesc!YoveinSalgrmer wth Rete (a Serco wots rowed by pune vtiten or (Somer gona were esterenre Covenant oma constutona! apap aton tung (DiAsererttentaamentaprovaedby Congress aconrtee Congress y moore Sharincuses Rose arousal aeerttemertscarsstent ‘wer autsacton ao secon Tle :2untes Sues Coe pan? agen aces Rexunge lo gad aneBIIVer, ese) tates ant entement [2iAnyertioret payment conveyance toler assert a per Seve radelc” kr he UneedSates [asctherse arecedby ns covpctentcoun puscantotvasettanranyiae teguaton Pate oF Section sued here byona! be bi scquttane andeecrargeonenderdpaymen enamanedpa.sn Regards Hrnd-sngphe Mec Howard Avge Loy Foxcay Tnstee IN GOUNTY GLERK’S OFFICE Fea 03 722 2a KHGI PH 25S FEB ose PIERCE COUNTY. i : — GONGTANGE R. 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