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Choose the correct answer:

1. High-copper amalgam is characterized by elimination of:

a. Ag3 Sn (γ phase).
b. Ag2 Hg3 (γ1 phase).
c. Sn8 Hg (γ2 phase).
d. Cu6Sn5 (η phase).

2. Zinc is added during the manufacturing of dental amalgam alloy to act as:
a. Nucleating agent.
b. Scavenger.
c. Setting retarder.
d. None of the above.

3. Dental amalgam can be used for all of the following clinical applications except:
a. Core for full crowns.
b. Posterior direct restoration.
c. Anterior direct restoration.
d. Retrograde filling material in endodontics.

4. All of the following elements of dental amalgam decrease the creep except:
a. Silver.
b. Copper.
c. Tin.
d. Zinc.

5. The presence of excess mercury in the amalgam mix:

a. Decreases the strength.
b. Increases the creep.
c. Increases the setting expansion.
d. a &b.
e. All of the above.

6. What does the gamma-1 phase in dental amalgam represent?

a. Most corrodible phase
b. highest creep
c. main matrix phase
d. strongest phase

7. the element in amalgam that increases the creep is

a. Silver
b. Zinc
c. Tin
d. Copper
8. Corrosion of dental amalgam is minimized by
a. Addition of Tin to the alloy
b. Use of conventional amalgam
c. Finishing and polishing of amalgam
d. Delayed condensation of amalgam

9. Copper is added during the manufacturing of amalgam alloy to act as:

a. Scavenger agent
b. Strengthening agent
c. Nucleating agent
d. Whitening agent

10. Dental amalgam can be used as

a. Inlay restoration
b. Luting material for crown restoration
c. Core buildup material for crown
d. Onlay restoration material

11. The element responsible for elimination of gamma-2 phase in dental amalgam
a. Zn
b. Ag
c. Cu
d. Sn

12. High copper amalgam is characterized by elimination of

a. Ag3Sn (gamma phase)
b. Sn8Hg (gamma 2)
c. Cu6Sn5 (n phase)
d. Ag2Hg3 (gamma-1 phase)

13. High copper amalgam is stronger than low copper amalgam due to
a. Elimination of gamma-1 phase
b. Presence of eta phase
c. Elimination of gamma 2 phase
d. Absence of zinc

14. The element of dental amalgam that increases creep is:

a. Zinc
b. Silver
c. Copper
d. Tin

15. Tin cannot be eliminated from the dental amalgam alloy because it:
a. Decreases creep
b. Increases corrosion resistance
c. Decreases reactivity with Hg and help amalgamation
d. Increases reactivity with Hg and help amalgamation
16. Self sealability of dental amalgam is a property related to its
a. Corrosion behavior
b. Brittleness
c. Viscoelasticity
d. Ability to bond chemically to tooth structure

17. Why is the use of pre-proportioned dental amalgam capsules are preferred
a. Increases trituration time
b. Increases exposure to Hg
c. Increase Hg/powder ratio
d. Reduces Hg/powder ratio

18. How is bonding between dental amalgam and the tooth structure achieved
a. Mismatching in their coefficient of thermal expansion
b. Chemical bonding and mechanical interlocking
c. Chemical bonding
d. Mechanical bonding

19. The use of excess mercury in dental amalgam will:

a. Increase strength
b. Increase corrosion
c. Decrease setting expansion
d. Decrease creep

20. Eta phase could NOT be found after setting in the microstructure of
a. High copper admixed amalgam
b. Zinc containing uni-compositional amalgam
c. Low copper conventional amalgam
d. High copper uni-compositional amalgam

1. c
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. e
6. c
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. c
11. c
12. b
13. c
14. d
15. d
16. a
17. d
18. d
19. b
20. c

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