Line - Leadership

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PART 1: Line graph (The percentage of people accessing news from 4 sources:

TV, Radio, Newspaper, Internet).

The line chart illustrates the proportion of people (getting news way)updating
information from 4 different platforms, including tv, newspaper, radio and internet
in / during the span of 5 years from 1995 to 2025.

Overall, it is obvious that the internet which is the main sources for citizens getting
information from = internet was the main source for citizens to access information.
(This trend is likely to continue in) which is anticipated to be repeated from 2022
to 2025. Meanwhile, (there was an opposite pattern in ) the remaining figures
witnessed a downward pattern from from1995 till 2022 and will continue to
decline till 2025..

At beginning of the given year, television occupied to the highest data amongst
social source= TV was the major platform providing inhabitants with up-to-date
information, accounting for precisely 70%. (This raised it to the number one spot
using it for getting news in the first year 1995) Meanwhile, (the percentage of
newspaper and radio landed in the second and third position with the similar data,
53% and 58% respectively = newspaper and radio also played an important role in
updating news for the public, with 53% and 58% of residents choosing these
channels. And internet resource was the only trend become available for people at
first and attracting a small figure in next year with 2% among public= Meanwhile,
Internet attracted few people, with a mere 2% choosing this platform to update

In the subsequent years, the number of/ the numbers of those acquiring news via
newspaper and radio using saw a slightly / slight decrease, (low) both dropping to
merely to 50% (for both of platforms ) in 2000…..2022. From 2022 to 2025, the
using level of these ( aspects) channels continually (witnessed) will witness a
significant decline, with the figure for the former being expected to fall
to….compared to that for the latter being anticipated to decline to…..( especially
for radio with only 21% at the final given years) , which makes radio become ( the
lowest usage for) the least attractive channels to acquire ( getting ) news.
Meanwhile, The trends of tv and internet pattern were reversed with a
considerable drop seen in the former and a dramatic rise found in the latter. The
popularity of tv source losing/ is anticipated to lose 20% by the end of the period
compared to rocketing/ a rocket to (nearly 60% higher than the initial data of
internet) +….in +year, which will raise the popularity level of the internet to the
highest spot . (It is the evidence that the internet source replaced tv as the main
media popularity.)

PART 2: Some believe that people are naturally born leaders while others feel
that leadership skills can develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is undeniable that leaders are considered to play an irreplaceable role in most of

the organizations worldwide. While some people believe that there are several
situations that leaders are born (and ) with instinct talent, I still advocate the idea
that leadership skill can be learnt through proper training and practice over time.

On the one hand, it is reasonable to assume that leadership is someone’s

characteristics which are innate trait. (To see clearly,) Some researches/ some
research has / have shown that these skill are genetic, which means that +>>>> are
available for person who can be born with certain quality= these skills are genetic,
which means these traits can be inherently available in these people since they
were born. (This is evidence ) There are convincing facts that individual talent
certainly can be passed on over and over generations (belong to a successful leader
from their ancestor) . Obviously, a good leader can (use their natural trait) take
advantage of their inborn traits inheriting from their ancestors such as bravery to
challenges, self-confidence, critical thinking to come up with effective solutions
for any hardship that arise at work. Furthermore,/ Also, those who have innate
personality in this skill ( are probably overweighing in field) tend to naturally
excel others. In other words, they are more likely to unite people to achieve
the common goals thanks to their ability to persuade others as well as their

, compared to people who struggle to get to the same point in the competitive

On the other hand, I give/ am in a strong position with the fact that leadership is
the skill which can be gained throughout the whole life. ( This is because in the
contemporary society, more and more people are facing up with unemployment
due to the lack of necessary organization skill, which puts enormous burden on not
only youngsters but also entrepreneurs finding opportunity to develop these skills
for themselves without any initiative). Hence they have to build up those that allow
them to inspire passion and energy into others. In fact, there are plenty of elements
that make someone become a great leader, such as training, practice, reality
experience during childhood up-bringing during some programs intending to cover
the essential factors of the leadership quality. Hard working compensates for lack
of intelligence if people make/ making use of chance in their life. Furthermore,
those who make more effort to gain certain skill through challenges would ( regard
to appropriate their goal or) be granted with greater achievement rather than those
who always succeed ( available succeed) .

In conclusion, (leadership can come naturally to some people, which makes it also
like an art) while I believe that leadership, to some extent, could derive from innate
traits, but I would argue that it / to attain such skill, it is a gaining and developing
process over time thanks to education, training and experience (for most.).

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