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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV - B (MIMAROPA)
Division of Romblon
Poblacion, San Andres, Romblon

Title: Negative Effects of Social Media to an Adolescent

Kristen Joy B. Dumago

Social Media has been a standardize forum for Teenagers/Adolescents, for it’s
like their life. Firstly let me ask a question. What is Social Media?
According to Oxford University, Social media websites and applications that
enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Social
Media has many effects in an adolescents life in terms of Physical, and Mental Health.

According to a study by Bridget Dibb(2018), it concluded that social comparisons of FB

and strong sentiment that FB matters part of life was associated with deteriorating physical
health. know how to use the influence that social media sites have on us is important. Because
there is also a positive side. Impact There is also the risk of negative impacts. Given the positive
association. There can be a long run between physical health, well-being and quality of life
Long-term negative effects caused by social networks.

This study showed that physical comparisons happen online which led to intense dieting and
even finding unhealthy ways to fit the social beauty standard. Which is bad for our health and
may cause unusual diseases. Social Comparison just because of admiring another person for
having this type of body shape or having a beautiful face, in which could led you to think the
unthinkable. As adolescents we always want to show on our social media platforms our
highlights or the luxury things we get or do, but we don’t show the moments when were down or
if an unfortunate thing happen. This things could cause for others to think that their lives is so
perfect when “NO ONE IS PERFECT”. Comparing ourselves are negative impacts of having
social media, especially to adolescents.

Meanwhile, In terms of Mental health. As human beings we are social creature. We need
companionship of others to live life, and with the connections we build with others tend to have
a huge impact on our mental health and to our sence of happiness in life. Being socially
connected to other can relax our stress, anxiety, and depression. But, if we use it improperly it
could led to a mishap. It can be seen that as social media is a relatively new technology, there
are bound to be consequences. Many studies have found that there is a strong link between
heavy social media and an increased risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and
even suicidal though. Even insufficienty about your life or appearance.
In which regards to this as a very unhealthy and dangerous to our mental health. If our mental
heatlh are affected it is bound to detoriate our physical health and may cause harm to our body.
Our Mental Health is very important for it corresponds to our physical well-being and to how we
think in terms of life situations.

From the stated above it can be seen that social media can be bad if we ever get Too Much.
Social Media can be good as long as we use it wisely and knows how to properly use it and
manege how it can affect our lives. We can use social media for interacting with people whom
cares about us and use this as a platform to share awareness to adolescents that no one can
judge them but theirselves and that they shouldn’t make social media as their life.

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