Ste Research-8 Q1 Melc-4 Week-4

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Research 8 Activity Sheet
Quarter 1 – MELC 4

A Week 4
Steps in Planning and Designing a
Research Study


S i
Research 8
Activity Sheet No. 4 – Steps in Planning and Designing a Research Study
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 –
Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 –
Western Visayas.

Development Team of Activity Sheet

Writer: Rosebem M. Gargarita
Editor: Imelda R. Mamac, EPS Science
Illustrator: Architect Michael Dalipe
Layout Artist: Jessie P. Batosin
Division Management Team:
Anthony H. Liobet
Denis G. Develos
Antonio G. Uy
Jessie P. Batosin
Regional Management Team:
Ramir Barberan Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Rovel R. Salcedo
Moonyeen C. Rivera
Anita S. Gubalane
Minda L. Soldevilla
Daisy L. Lopez
Joseph M. Pagalaran

Introductory Message

Welcome to Research 8!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of San Carlos City and DepEd Regional Office VI -
Western Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division
(CLMD). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents,
and responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also
assist the learners in acquiring lifelong learning skills, knowledge, and
attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The Research 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-
learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and the
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links
to ease independent learning.

For the learner:

The Research 8 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue

learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with
meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator
on the agreed schedule.

Name of Learner:
Grade and Section: Date: _________________


Steps in Planning and Designing a Research Study

I. Learning Competency with Code

o Determine the appropriate steps in planning and designing a research
study (SSP_RS8-RPM-Id-e-7).

II. Background Information for Learners

Experiments are constantly performed to find possible medication to
cure all sorts of diseases like cancer, COVID-19, hypertension, diabetes etc.
and environmental and technological problems. These experiments always
follow scientific steps in their plans, designs and how they were conducted.
For example, the conduct of experimental studies such as the Science
Investigatory Project (SIP) employs the scientific method.
The scientific method is a sequence of organized steps to experiment. It
helps you plan, predict, research, conclude, and maybe even publish your
findings. The Scientific Method will make your experiment more organized,
easy to interpret, and learn with. It involves systematic procedures,
scientifically acceptable and verifiable results and conclusions. These steps
must be done in chronological order. The research process is a cycle where
results and conclusions generated from a research project may either
support, modify, or even contradict previous research findings. Research is
an iterative process because the results generated may lead to more
questions that need further research. This mechanism makes science highly
dynamic and interesting.
Therefore, what are the steps in doing science investigation or research?
Read the steps discussed briefly and concisely below in order to help you as
you plan and design your desired research study.

Steps in Planning and Designing a Research Study

1) Identifying of Research Problem

➢ What are you interested in?
➢ What do you want to know about?

The focus of the study throughout the entire research problem must start
with the identification of the research problem.

2) Searching, Reading and Reviewing of Related Literature
➢ It requires a preliminary survey of related literature by reading several
publications and surfing the internet.
➢ Making information and gather background information about the
➢ Avoid duplication
3) Formulating Hypothesis
➢ A hypothesis is an educated guess. It serves as a tentative solution to
the problem before any experimentation.
➢ It is a tentative answer to a research question or problem that needs to
be tested.
4) Actual Experimentation
➢ Test the hypothesis by executing the experiments.
➢ An implementation of the research work plan and design.
➢ It generates observations and data.
5) Results
➢ The data gathered are arranged into tables and graphs as they are
analyzed using statistical methods.
➢ What does your result tell you?
➢ Do they prove or disprove the hypothesis?
6) Conclusion
➢ Summarizes the significant results of the experiments.
➢ The conclusion does not only end the research but also suggests future
questions left unanswered in the course of an investigation.

All of the listed steps are always reflected, noted and documented in a
Science Investigatory/Research Logbook.

III. Activity Proper

Directions: Identify which step in planning and designing a research study

do the statement belongs. Justify your answer and write it in a separate sheet
of paper.

1) The vegetables were pounded with the use of mortar and pestle and
filtered through sterilized cheesecloth. The extracts were mixed into the
seawater and were tested with the NeuLog pH and Salinity Logger Sensor
to determine the pH and the Salinity level before applying. The researcher
prepared three treatments; (A) 50 mL of malunggay and 50 mL of
seawater. (B) 50 mL Malabar spinach and 50 mL seawater. (C) 25 mL of
malunggay, 25 mL Malabar spinach, and 50 mL of seawater.

2) The main objective of this study is to find out the effect of Malunggay
(Moringa oleifera) and Malabar Spinach (Basella alba) extract on the
salinity level of seawater in watering Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum

3) Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that Malunggay and

Malabar Spinach can be used in reducing the salinity level of seawater for
watering Tomato. The result showed that there is no significant difference
in using Malunggay and Malabar spinach in terms of reducing the salinity
level of water for tomato. Treatment B showed the most effectiveness in
watering tomato plants.

4) According to Munns (2012), salinity occurs through natural or human-

induced processes that result in the accumulation of dissolved salts in the
soil water to an extent that inhibits plant growth. When salt concentration
increased, germination of tomato seed was reduced and the time needed
to complete germination lengthened (Singh,, 2011).

5) After two (2) weeks, the researcher finalized the measurements.

Characteristics namely, the height of the plant (cm), number of leaves, the
circumference of the stem (cm), and the number of fruits will be measured.
The researcher then acquired the MEAN of Plants A, B, C, and D on the
said characteristics from the acquired results on the final analysis.

6) There is a significant difference in the varying treatment of Malunggay
(Moringa oleifera) and Malabar Spinach (Basella alba) extract to the
salinity level of seawater in watering Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum

7) Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Sap Vinegar, Acacia (Samanea saman) Seed
and Bar Extracts as Coconut Lumber Preservative

8) According to the findings of the study after experimenting, coconut sap

vinegar is not an effective wood preservative because its acidity varies on
the days it is fermented which affects its ability to prevent termite

9) The data obtained by gathering the mean to measure the effectiveness of

the varying solutions in terms of the Ability to repel termites. To identify
the significant difference of the varying ratios in terms of the Ability to
repel Termite, ANOVA or Analysis of Variance was used with the
significant value of 0.05.

10) This study states that there was no significant difference among the
varying ratios of coconut sap vinegar, acacia seed, and bark extracts on
the ability of the coconut lumber to prevent termite infestation after
applying the treatment solutions.

IV. Reflection

Complete the statements below.

I understand

I don’t understand

I need more information about

V. Answer Key
1. Experiment
Reason: It presents the things that the researcher had done in testing
the treatments to gather the necessary data of the study
2. Identify the Problem
Reason: It states the objective of the study based on the pre-identified
3. Conclusion
Reason: It presents the concluding statement used to affirm the
results obtained from the conducted study.
4. Review of Related Literature
Reason: It discusses related literature that presents the previous
researches conducted to show significant relevance to the
conducted study.
5. Results
Reason: It presents the data gathered from the conducted experiment
that would provide reliable evidence to prove or disprove the
6. Hypothesis
Reason: It presents the things that the researcher had done in testing
the treatments to gather the necessary data of the study

7. Identify the Problem

Reason: This is the identified problem itself presented as the title of
the study as to the pre-determined factors in conducting the
8. Conclusion
Reason: The statement aims to provide a summary of the overall
results gathered to answer the problem posed by the
9. Results
Reason: It presents how data are gathered and analyzed to ensure the
reliability of the conducted study.

10. Hypothesis
Reason: It tries to present an initial answer to the identified problem
which will be tested to prove or disprove it.

VI. References
Categories and Sub-Categories of Scientific Research. Accessed on June
4, 2021 from
Dahildahil, F.L, Gamala N.F, Magnanao C. (2018). Coconut (Cocos
nucifera L.) Sap Vinegar, Acacia (Samanea saman) Seed and Bark
Extracts as Coconut Lumber Preservative (Unpublished Science
Investigatory Project) Julio Ledesma National High School
Gorre, R. (2018). Research Handbook (A Quick Guide to Scientific Writing
How to Conduct Experiments. Accessed on June 4, 2021 from
Marondo, J. M. (2017). Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) and Malabar
Spinach (Basella alba) Extract for Reducing Salinity Level of Seawater
in Watering Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) (Unpublished
Science Investigatory Project) Julio Ledesma National High School
Ramos, J.D., Ramos A. C., Sabit M., & Badjao J. E., (2017). Senior High
School: Capstone Research Project. Phoenix Publishing House

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