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MacNevin, M., & Berman, R. (2017).

The black baby doll doesn't fit the disconnect between

early childhood diversity policy, early childhood educator practice, and children's play. Early
Child Development and Care, 187(5-6), 827-839.
The article speaks on the multicultural approach in classrooms. The examined classrooms

in toronto for how racial identities are taken up in early childhood policy documents. The

article goes more into how the lack of “diverse artifacts” affects all children in the

classroom. They go one to critique the policy and add suggestions to improve early

learning centers classrooms. I found that this source was helpful as one of the

philosophies I want to dive more into is anti racist teaching. This article has helped

expand my thinking by making me question how the policies should change so that not

only are there diverse artifacts in the classroom but that children are interacting with it as


Lillard, A. S. (2005). Montessori: The science behind the genius. Oxford University Press.
The article Montessori: The science behind the genius written by Angeline Stoll Lillard

is about how the author learned what Montessori teaching is. She made Montessori

more accessible to parents and educators alike. Dr. Montessori’s pedagogy consists in

providing a structured, meaningful curriculum that is developmentally appropriate to

students. I too was a bit skeptical about montessori teaching which is why I wanted it to

be one of the philosophies. This article helped me understand not only the science

behind it but also how it works exactly. This source expanded my thinking especially

when thinking of how I learn now as an adult. There's a moment in her journal that

speaks on the environment around the children. Even though the child's day is not

prescribed in the traditional sense of bells ending class there are still routions built.
Though now as an adult my school days aren't as rigid as it was in primary school it

still has a routine that impacts my learning.

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014). How does learning happen?: Ontario’s pedagogy for the early

years. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.

In the government document How does learning happens I gOES OVER the view of the child,

family, educator, and community. These four facets dictate how children learn. Our learning

comes from our families, our educators in our community as well as ourselves. There are also

four learning strategies, well-being, belonging, expression, and engagement.

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