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In the future, more and more people will become vegetarian.

What would be the pros and cons of

giving up meat?

It is widely known that with the emergence of novel technologies the production of meat-
free food alternatives has become a significantly more advanced and straightforward process. In
result, the healthy vegetarian options are becoming increasingly popular and accessible. However,
the widespread adoption of this lifestyle could also lead to the failing of businesses and lack of
certain vital nutrients in our diets. The aim of this essay is to examine both the pros and cons of

Undoubtedly, one advantage of becoming vegetarian are the proven health benefits.
According to recent research, following a plant-based diet reduces the risk of suffering from cancer
and certain chronic diseases. Furthermore, it has been reported that due to the increased intake of
grains, vegetables and fruits non-meat eaters have a lower chance of developing diabetes. On the
other hand, there are some nutrients found only in animal products. Hence, a vegetarian diet may be
lacking essential vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin-B12, Vitamin-D, calcium and zinc.

Secondly, another advantage of giving up meat is the positive impact that it could have on
the environment. Animal farms contribute significantly to the deforestation of large areas of land,
which are vital for reducing the harmful carbon dioxide emissions. Despite this, it is a well-known fact
that the toxins, often used for growing plants, such as pesticides and herbicides could result in the
contamination of water and soil. In addition, these substances are poisonous to numerous types of
different animals, insects and other plants.

All in all, despite the issues that vegetarianism may cause, undeniably the increasing
popularity of this lifestyle brings many advantages and will benefit not only the well-being of the
population, but the environment as well.

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