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The sporting activity in Sofia


The aim of this report is to present information, concerning the participation of Bulgarian
teenagers in different sport activities in Sofia. Furthermore, the factors related to the decreasing
interest in sport will be examined and ways of addressing and resolving this issue will be proposed.

Negative factors

Recently, the levels of physical activity among the general population of Bulgaria have been
rapidly declining. It is reported that, due to the pandemic of the novel disease COVID-19 a significant
number of sporting facilities were pressured into shutting down. As a result, not only has the use of
social media, video games and electronics grown in popularity among adolescents but sports have
become neglected and overlooked as a source of entertainment.


Fortunately, there are numerous solutions which the local council can take into consideration
to overcome these challenges. Firstly, more funding should be allocated to sporting establishments,
such as gyms, leisure centers and playing fields, in order to ensure their safety, high quality and
standards. Secondly, organizing tournaments and competitions for amateurs that award the
participants will undeniably encourage the citizens of Sofia to take part in these events.


It can be concluded that despite the decreasing interest in sports, there are promising
solutions which the council can examine and utilize in order to encourage citizens, especially the
youth, to become more physically active.

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