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University should be free

As poverty rates rapidly increase, the lack of educational opportunities has become a
significant global issue. One solution would be diminishing the cost of attending university. From my
perspective, this vital change would contribute immensely to the cultural development and
technological advancements of today’s society.

Undeniably, university plays a significant role in one’s life. Not only does it provide with
knowledge, valuable for getting a more prosperous job, but it also grants various beneficial skills and
abilities, such as leadership and teamwork. Having said that, due to the high fees and tuition a vast
part of students cannot afford to continue their learning process after high school. This shift to make
higher education more accessible will give equal opportunities for a successful future, helping to
overcome poverty.

Moreover, an increase in the attendance of university will undoubtedly bring numerous

advancements to society. The higher level of education is fundamental for the scientific
development, which will positively affect all aspects of life. As an illustration, new medical discoveries
and technologies, that treat diseases which were previously considered incurable, may emerge,
considerably improving our well-being.

All in all, I am convinced that freeing universities from any fees and giving equal
opportunities to all students despite their financial backgrounds, will positively impact the world’s
technological progress and quality of life.

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