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VOLUME 37 | NO. S9

for Today’s Spectroscopists

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ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for
Today’s Spectroscopists
September 2022
September 2022 Volume 37 | Number S9


VOLUME 37 | NO. S9


Analysis of Trace Elements as Impurities in Materials
Used for Lithium-Ion Battery Production
Sukanya Sengupta, Bhagyesh Surekar, Daniel Kutscher,
and Simon Nelms
Lithium-based batteries are key for moving away from the combustion
of fossil fuels at the point of use. ICP-OES and ICP-MS methods can
measure trace-element impurities that may affect battery performance.



ICP-MS Configuration and Optimization for Successful
Routine Analysis of Undiluted Seawater
for Today’s Spectroscopists


Tetsushi Sakai and Ed McCurdy

ICP-MS is increasingly being used to analyze complex matrices, Cover Art:
but an ICP-MS instrument optimized for the highest sensitivity may Addressing the complexity of
not have the sufficient matrix tolerance to analyze high-salt samples. seawater analysis.
We describe a method to optimize plasma robustness and interference
control for accurate, routine analysis of critical trace elements in
undiluted seawater.

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Analysis of Desalination Discharge Brines for Elements of
Environmental and Economic Importance with ICP-OES
Follow @SpectroscopyMag on Twitter

Ken Neubauer Join the Group @SpecGroup on LinkedIn

Brines from desalination plants are increasingly being seen as a
source of valuable elements, such as lithium, rubidium, and cesium.
We show how ICP-OES can be used to measure the concentrations
of such elements in brines to assess the economic feasibility of
their recovery.

Cover image courtesy of stock.adobe.com/Andrew

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4 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


Analysis of Trace Elements as

Impurities in Materials Used for
Lithium-Ion Battery Production

Sukanya Sengupta, Bhagyesh Surekar, Daniel Kutscher, and Simon Nelms

The continuous development of lith- he fast market adoption possibly exceed that depending on the
ium-ion battery technology is a key of electric vehicles requires the geography of the source.
step in moving away from the com- development of analytical meth- A typical electrolyte that is used in
bustion of fossil fuels at point of use. ods that ensure the consistent perfor- current lithium-powered batteries is a
Lithium-based batteries are the most mance and safety of batteries as one of mixture of different linear organic car-
promising alternative because they the crucial components. For production bonates, such as diethyl carbonate (DEC)
combine high capacity and good cycle facilities, especially in the ramp-up phase, and ethyl-methyl carbonate (EMC), with
stability while being moderately in- regular and rigorous quality control (QC) lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) (2).
expensive. To achieve the intended of all the components, including the The electrolyte plays an important role
performance and test for purity of the lithium salt, anode and cathode material, in the charging and discharging perfor-
raw materials used, including cathode and the electrolyte, of a lithium-ion bat- mance of the battery; hence, it needs to
materials (like binary or ternary alloys tery is therefore needed. It is paramount be checked for potential impurities. At the
containing lithium, cobalt, manganese to control impurities to avoid premature same time, the electrolyte is also a sample
and nickel) and electrolytes (lithium capacity loss or even failure, which could type that allows the investigation of aging
hexafluorophosphate) is highly impor- have severe consequences to the vehicle processes because degradation products
tant. For analyzing trace elements at and the driver. Two typical sample types, from all components of the battery can ac-
the required levels, techniques based both of high importance for the industry, cumulate within it over time. Finally, once
on inductively coupled plasmas (ICP) are presented in this article, the analysis the battery is at the end of its life, all com-
are the ideal choice, especially ICP–op- of brines and the analysis of electrolytes. ponents must be thoroughly screened to
tical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) The large amounts of lithium required ensure that potential environmental con-
and also increasingly ICP–mass spec- for the production of batteries is cur- tamination and injury risks to personnel
trometry (ICP-MS). rently being explored predominantly disassembling the batteries are minimized.
from underground brine repositories Both of the aforementioned sample
(1). Knowing the lithium content and the types present specific challenges when
amount of impurities present in the brine it comes to the analysis of elemental im-
are important in defining the right steps purities, which can be uniquely addressed
to extract and purify the lithium con- when using ICP-OES. Brine solutions (typi-
tained. Underground brine reserves are cally containing percent levels of mostly
also rich sources of lithium, in addition sodium chloride) can cause issues with
to mineral sources, such as spodumene the sample introduction system, such
ore. The abundance of lithium in brine as clogging the nebulizer or the injector
solutions can vary significantly in the con- tube. However, when the sample intro-
centration range of 10–4000 mg/L and duction system is configured accordingly,

6 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


ponents of the sample introduction system,

commonly made from high purity quartz,
Y 224.306 (High TDS-Axial-iFR) Y 224.306 (High TDS-Axial-iFR) Y 324.228 (High TDS-Axial-iFR) Y 324.228 (High TDS-Radial-iFR)

Y 371.030 (High TDS-Axial-iFR) Y 371.030 (High TDS-Axial-iFR)
will need to be replaced with hydrogen fluo-
(a) ride (HF)-resistant replacements.
Recovery (%)


100 Experimental
An iCAP PRO XP inductively coupled
plasma–optical emission spectroscopy
0 (ICP-OES) Duo instrument was used in
0 50 100 150 200
Sample number this study to carry out all measurements.
Y 224.306 (Ethanol no add gas-Axial-iFR)
Y 324.228 (Ethanol no add gas-Axial-iFR)
Y 242.220 (Ethanol no add gas-Axial-iFR)
Y 371.030 (Ethanol no add gas-Axial-iFR) The instrument was operated using intel-
Y 437.494 (Ethanol no add gas-Axial-iFR)
200 ligent full range (or iFR) mode, allowing a
(b) complete screening of the ultraviolet (UV)
as well as the visible part of the spectrum
Recovery (%)

in one single exposure. Because of the

sensitivity requirement, the plasma was
observed axially for analyzing the elec-
trolyte solutions, whereas lithium was
measured using the radial viewing mode.
Analyzing samples containing highly
0 dissolved solids is often a challenge for
0 20 40 60 80 100
ICP-OES instruments, and particularly
Sample number
so for dual-view systems, because of
FIGURE 1: Internal standard response during (a) the analysis of brine solutions problems such as salting up (leading to
and (b) electrolytes over 11 and 7 h, respectively. a blocked nebulizer or torch injector) and
sample deposition on optical compo-
TABLE I: Instrument configuration and typical operating parameters nents (leading to signal drift and the need
Instrument Parameter Setting for increased instrument maintenance).
To account for the high salt loads when an-
Analysis of Analysis of
Brine (3) Electrolyte (4) alyzing brine solutions, the instrument was
equipped with a ceramic torch and a Bur-
PTFE HF-resistant
Spray chamber Baffled cyclonic gener Mira Mist nebulizer. To prevent salt-
spray chamber
Nebulizer Burgener Peek MiraMist ing up of the torch injector, an additional
flow of argon gas was introduced at a flow
Center tube 2.0 mm ceramic injector 1.0 mm alumina injector
rate of 0.15 L/min around the sample aero-
Torch Demountable ceramic D-Torch sol with the help of a sheath gas adaptor.
Pump speed 45 rpm 30 rpm The instrument configuration and the
Sample uptake: Tygon PhthalateFree Solva operating parameters used for both sam-
orange/white orange/white ple types are summarized in Table I.
Pump tubes PhthalateFree
Drain: Tygon white/white Solva white/white The brine samples used in this study
Nebulizer gas flow 0.55 L/min 0.30 L/min were prepared using commercially avail-
able sodium chloride salt. To simulate the
Auxiliary gas flow 1.5 L/min 0.5 L/min
typical matrix of brine solutions, a 25%
Coolant gas flow 12.5 L/min 15 L/min (w/w) solution of sodium chloride was pre-
RF power 1350 W 1250 W pared by dissolving 25 g of salt in 100 g
Repeats 3 of distilled water. All samples were then
10 s Axial iFR; 10s acidified at 0.5% (v/v) using nitric acid prior
Exposure time 10 s Axial iFR
Radial iFR to analysis. To reduce the matrix impact,
matrix-matched calibration standards
samples containing up to several percent of battery electrolytes would typically con- were prepared. A mixed stock solution
of total dissolved solids (TDS) can be ana- tain elevated amounts of organic solvents of 10 mg/L of the trace level analytes was
lyzed with high sensitivity and accuracy. (as highlighted in this article), as well as prepared in 2% (v/v) nitric acid, which was
The typical samples that need to be ana- hydrofluoric acid, derived after the partial then gravimetrically diluted to yield cali-
lyzed for composition and failure analysis hydrolysis of LiPF6. Here, the standard com- bration standards in the desired concen-

8 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


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TABLE II: List of suitable wavelengths, lowest limits of detections (LOD), R 2 values, and method detection limits (MDL)
for individual elements

Brines Electrolyte
Element Wavelength (nm) Mode R2 MDL (mg/L) R2 MDL (mg/L)
Aluminium 167.079 Axial-iFR 0.9998 0.0011 0.9998 0.010
189.042 Axial-iFR 0.9995 0.014
193.759 0.9998 0.151
Calcium 393.366 Axial-iFR 0.9993 0.001 0.9991 0.070
226.502 Axial-iFR 0.9993 0.001
214.438 0.9999 0.004 0.9999 0.004
228.616 Axial-iFR 0.9999 0.004
238.892 0.9998 0.007
267.716 Axial-iFR 0.9998 0.0014
283.563 0.9997 0.001
Copper 324.754 Axial-iFR 0.9995 0.0017 0.9994 0.012
Iron 238.204 Axial-iFR 0.9996 0.0003 0.9999 0.009
184.950 Axial-iFR 0.9999 0.0023
253.652 0.9999 0.126
Potassium 766.490 Axial-iFR N/A N/A 0.9998 0.026
Lithium 610.362 Radial-iFR 0.9994 0.0578 N/A N/A
Magnesium 279.553 Axial-iFR 0.9996 0.0014 0.9997 0.001
Sodium 589.592 Axial-iFR N/A N/A 0.9991 0.078
Nickel 231.604 Axial-iFR 0.9997 0.0066 0.9998 0.014
Lead 220.353 Axial-iFR 0.9997 0.0151 0.9999 0.098
Zinc 213.856 Axial-iFR 0.9997 0.0008 0.9997 0.031

tration range between 10 and 1000 µg/L. types as well as the obtained correlation Brine Analysis
In addition, a matrix-matched calibration coefficients (R2) and resulting method To verify whether accurate lithium measure-
curve was generated for lithium, covering detection limits (MDL). As can be seen, ments were possible over a wider range
a range between 10 and 5000 mg/L. the wavelength selection had to be modi- of concentrations, lithium was spiked into
In addition to the brine samples, three fied for some elements because of potential unknown brine samples at both low and
different electrolyte samples were mea- interferences caused by the sample matrix, high concentration levels (here, 10 mg/L,
sured in this exercise. These were fresh un- but overall, good linearity and MDLs in the 100 mg/L, and 3000 mg/L), and the per-
used LiPF6 electrolyte solutions in organic low mg/L concentration range were gener- cent recovery was calculated. The accuracy
solvent mixtures like EC + EMC and EC + ally achieved for both sample types. of the entire analytical setup was assessed
DEC. Approximately 2.5 g (~2 mL) of elec- by measuring an independently prepared
trolyte samples were accurately diluted in Electrolyte Analysis QC sample containing 3000 mg/L of lith-
50 mL of an organic diluent consisting of The accuracy and precision of the ium. The QC sample was analyzed every
5% (v/v) EMC and 20% (v/v) ethanol in 18 method was assessed by monitoring 10 samples throughout the entire analytical
MΩ·cm ultrapure water. A calibration blank the concentration recoveries of two fresh run of 11 h. Accurate measurement of lith-
and a set of calibration and linearity stan- electrolyte samples spiked with 50 µg/L ium at lower concentrations in brines is as
dards in a similar concentration range as of the target elements. Recoveries were important as being able to measure high
for the brine samples were prepared using found to be within the accepted range of lithium concentrations because the ability
single element standards of individual ana- 80–120%, with most elements showing to achieve lower level detection is vital for
lytes in the same diluent as for the samples. >90% (Table III). A recovery of the inter- ensuring that efficient lithium extraction
nal standard (5 mg/L yttrium) of approxi- has been achieved after processing the
Results mately 90% in fresh electrolyte sample brine solutions. Extraction efficiency can
Table II provides an overview on the matrices demonstrated low matrix sup- be easily assessed by analyzing the original
selected wavelengths for both sample pression, further ensuring data accuracy. brine solution after the extraction process.

10 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


TABLE III: Spike recoveries on fresh electrolyte samples. Concentrations are in sample solutions that were measured
directly, with no dilution factors applied.

Concentrations (µg/L) Concentrations (µg/L)

Sample 1 50 µg/L Spike Sample 2 50 µg/L
Wavelength Spike
Element Mode Measured Spiked Recovery Measured Spiked
(nm) Recovery%
Value Sample 1 % Value Sample 2
Aluminium 167.079 Axial-iFR <DL 50.6 101.2 <DL 48.5 97.0
Arsenic 193.759 Axial-iFR <DL 44.7 89.4 <DL 52.4 104.8
Calcium 393.366 Axial-iFR 15.8 59.7 87.8 <DL 57.9 115.8
Cadmium 214.438 Axial-iFR <DL 48.2 96.4 <DL 45.6 91.2
Cobalt 238.892 Axial-iFR <DL 49.0 98.0 0.1 46.6 93.1
Chromium 283.563 Axial-iFR 0.6 50.2 99.3 0.8 48.2 94.7
Copper 324.754 Axial-iFR <DL 53.9 107.8 <DL 52.7 105.4
Iron 238.204 Axial-iFR 2.2 48.6 92.8 3.8 49.6 91.6
Mercury 253.652 Axial-iFR <DL 40.7 81.4 <DL 40.2 80.4
Potassium 766.49 Axial-iFR 29.3 73.6 88.5 12.9 N.A. N.A.
Magnesium 279.553 Axial-iFR 4.4 54.2 99.5 2.5 52.0 98.9
Sodium 589.592 Axial-iFR 29.3 73.6 88.5 11.2 69.7 117.0
Nickel 231.604 Axial-iFR 2.7 45.9 86.4 <DL 42.1 84.2
Lead 220.353 Axial-iFR <DL 50.5 101.0 1.3 50.4 98.2
Zinc 213.856 Axial-iFR 10.9 59.3 96.9 2.5 56.7 108.3

Table IV shows the spiked concentra-

TABLE IV: Spiked concentrations of lithium and the average percent
tions and percent recovery observed recovery (n = 6)
for lithium in this additional study.
Spiked Recovered
The recovery presented was the aver-
Concentration Concentration % Recovery % RSD
age value calculated from six replicate of Lithium (mg/L) (mg/L)
measurements of samples spiked at
10 10.5 105.0 4.0
10 mg/L and 100 m/L analyzed at dif-
100 100.3 100.3 2.2
ferent intervals over the duration of the
analytical run. The recovery presented 3000 2934 97.8 3.0
for 3000 mg/L of lithium-spiked concen-
tration was the average of 18 replicate manufacturing of lithium ion batteries. tives (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The
measurements. The observed average Typical samples, such as brines or elec- Netherlands, 1994).
recovery for lithium in each spiked so- trolytes, expose specific challenges to (3) Thermo Fisher Scientific Application
lution was found to be in the range of the instrument. However, with the right Note AN 000602, Determination of Lith-
100±5% with a relative standard devia- configuration of the sample introduction ium and Other Elements in Brine Solu-
tion of approximately less than 5%. system and optimized method settings tions Using ICP-OES (2022).
To evaluate the robustness for both (that is, wavelength selection), accurate (4) Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note
sample types, the response of the inter- and precise results can be obtained even AN 000243, Robust and Sensitive Measure-
nal standard (yttrium) was monitored dur- for sequences exceeding typical working ment of Trace Element Impurities in LiPF6
ing the measurement of a longer batch days of the laboratory personnel. Electrolyte Solutions Using ICP-OES (2022).
containing 135 samples (for electrolytes)
and more than 200 samples (for brine), References and Further Reading Sukanya Sengupta, Bhagyesh Su-
taking 7 h and 11 h to complete, respec- (1) S. Murodjon, X. Yu, M. Li, J. Duo, and T. rekar, and Daniel Kutscher are with
tively. The response is shown in Figure 1. Deng, in Thermodynamics and Energy Thermo Fisher Scientific, in Bremen,
Engineering, P. Vizureanu, Ed. (IntechO- Germany. Simon Nelms is with
Conclusions pen, London, United Kingdom, 2020), ch. Thermo Fisher Scientific, in Hemel
ICP-OES is a perfect tool for labora- 10, pp. 1–39. Hempstead, United Kingdom. Di-
tories supporting the sourcing of raw (2) G. Pistoia, Ed., Lithium Batteries — New rect correspondence to: daniel.
materials or finished products for the Materials, Developments, and Perspec- kutscher@thermofisher.com ●

12 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


ICP-MS Configuration and

Optimization for Successful Routine
Analysis of Undiluted Seawater

Tetsushi Sakai and Ed McCurdy

Inductively coupled plasma–mass s inductively coupled plasma dissolved solids (TDS) to low salin-
spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a technique mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) ity river water. As a result, routine
increasingly being used in commercial instrument s become more ICP-MS methods must provide accu-
laboratories and industries that ana- widely available, les s ex pensive, rate analysis for varied sample matrices,
lyze samples with complex matrices, and easier to use, the technique a challenge that is further complicated
such as seawater, wastewater, saline is increasingly being used for rou- by the fact that estuarine and coastal
groundwater, and other high salt sam- tine trace element analysis in more waters can contain high levels of dis-
ples. These laboratories often choose c h a l l e n g i n g s a m p l e s . Hig h a n d solved minerals and organic matter.
ICP-MS for its fast, multielement ca- variable matrix levels can be a fea- Traditional ICP-MS methods for
pability and high sample throughput, ture of samples from many dif fer- analy zing saline water s t y pic ally
but time and cost pressures mean that ent ind u s t r ie s and a p plic ation s. involve diluting the samples to re-
laboratories have little time for sample Examples include food and agricul- duce the salt matrix to below 0.2%,
preparation and method development. ture, pharmaceuticals, chemical and or 20 0 0 ppm, TDS. This historical
The time and cost pressures can lead petrochemical manufacturing, mineral TDS limit has long been accepted
to performance and operational issues prospecting, clinical research, and en- as a requirement for routine ICP-MS
because an ICP-MS instrument opti- vironmental analysis of groundwater, analysis and has also been adopted
mized for the highest sensitivity may wastewater, and seawater. in several standard ICP-MS meth-
not have the sufficient matrix tolerance Trace element levels in coastal and ods, such as EN-ISO 17294-2 (Water
to analyze high salt samples. In this ar- estuarine water are monitored to en- Quality), US-EPA 6020B (Water and
ticle, we describe a method to optimize sure the quality and safety of waters Wastes), and EN 13805 ( Trace Ele-
plasma robustness and interference used for fishing and shellfish farm- ments in Food). However, diluting
control that enables a modern ICP-MS ing, as well as for recreational activi- samples— either manually or using
to perform simple, accurate, and rou- ties. Coastal seawaters contain higher an autodilutor—degrades detection
tine analysis of critical trace elements concentrations of trace elements than limits and risks adding contamination
in undiluted seawater. open-ocean seawater, but priority con- from the diluent and the laboratory
taminants such as toxic heavy metals equipment used to process the sam-
must still be measured at low and sub- ples. The relative contribution from
ppb (µg/L) concentrations, which means contaminants in the diluent rises as
ICP-MS is often the preferred technique. the dilution factor increases, so labo-
Sample salinity in estuaries and coastal ratories must take care to avoid er-
regions varies because of freshwa- rors being multiplied in the dilution-
ter mixing, giving a range from sea- corrected concentrations reported
water at approximately 3.5% total in the original samples. Therefore,

16 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


routine laboratories of ten prefer

simple and more consistent methods
where samples are analyzed directly
2.5% CeO/Ce 1% CeO/Ce 0.5% CeO/Ce
without dilution. 0.5% CeO/Ce
100 → more than
Minimizing or avoiding sample di-

Recovery of 10 ppb Cd (%)

95% recovery
lution helps reduce contamination 80
but results in higher matrix levels,
potentially far above the accepted 60
1.0% CeO/Ce
0.2% TDS limit. Some modern → ~50%
ICP-MS sys tems have been engi- 40 recovery
neered to tolerate high salt matrices
20 2.5% CeO/Ce
for extended periods, offering an al- → less than
ternative to liquid dilution. One ap- 0 20% recovery
proach, known as aerosol dilution, di- 100x diluted 50x diluted 10x diluted 2x diluted Undiluted
seawater seawater seawater seawater seawater
lutes the samples in the aerosol state,
using argon gas as the diluent (1). FIGURE 1: More robust plasma (lower CeO/Ce ratio) reduces ionization sup-
Aerosol dilution avoids time-con- pression, improving the recovery of cadmium (1st ionization potential 8.994
suming sample handling steps and eV) in the presence of variable salt concentrations up to ~3.5% (undiluted
eliminates contamination from liquid
diluents. Another benefit of aero-
TABLE I: Potential matrix-based polyatomic ion overlaps that can affect ICP-
sol dilution is that it reduces the MS analysis of seawater (principal major elements chlorine, sodium, SO 4 ,
aerosol load reaching the plasma, magnesium, calcium, and potassium). Preferred isotopes are in bold.
which results in a higher ef fec tive
Element Isotope Mass Interference(s)
plasma temperature. High matrix lev-
Scandium 45 CaH+
els require more plasma energy to
decompose, so the plasma must be Titanium 49 SO+
optimized for maximum robustness Vanadium 51 ClO+
(lowest CeO +/Ce + ratio) to ensure it Chromium 52 ClOH+
has sufficient energy to fully decom-
Chromium 53 ClO+
pose the matrix. Commercial ICP-MS
Manganese 55 KO+, NaS+
instruments range from a CeO/Ce
ratio of approximately 0.03 (3%) for Iron 56 CaO+
the least robust plasma to approxi- Cobalt 59 CaO+
mately 0.01 (1%) for the most robust Nickel 60 NaCl+, CaO+
plasma. Using aerosol dilution fur-
Copper 63 ArNa+
ther improves the plasma robustness
Zinc 64, 66 ArMg+
to a CeO/Ce ratio of approximately
<0.005 (0.5%). Under these very ro- Copper 65 S2 SO2+, ArMg+

bust, low CeO/Ce plasma conditions, Zinc 66, 68 S2+, SO2+

undiluted seawater can be measured Germanium 70, 72, 74 Cl2+, ArS+
for extended periods without signif-
Arsenic 75 ArCl+, CaCl+
icant signal drift because of matrix
Selenium 77 ArCl+, CaCl+
deposition on the interface cones.
A further issue that can affect ICP- Selenium 80, 82 S2O+, SO3+, BrH+
MS analysis of high salt samples is loss
of analyte sensitivity because of ion- degree and unfor tunately several Finally, the high levels of several
ization suppression. This effect occurs critical analytes—including arsenic, major ele m e nt s in s eaw ate r c a n
when free electrons from easily ion- cadmium, and mercury—are poorly cause matrix-based polyatomic ion
ized major elements—such as sodium, ionized. Using more robust plasma con- overlaps that lead to errors in the
potassium, and calcium—suppress the ditions reduces ionization suppression, results. Avoiding, correcting, or re-
ionization of less easily ionized analyte increasing the signal for poorly ionized solving such spec tral overlaps is
elements, leading to lower analyte sen- analytes and giving a more consistent a key par t of developing a robust
sitivity. Ionization suppression affects analyte signal in varying levels of easily and reliable method for saline water
poorly ionized elements to a greater ionized matrix elements (2). samples. Some of the matrix-based

www.spectroscopyonline.com ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists 17


cell-formed reac tion produc t ions.

Consequently, on single quadrupole
ICP-MS, collision mode using helium
12 (He) cell gas is a much more reliable
Measured Mn concentration (µg/L)

10 and universal approach, which is es-

10 ppb spiked undiluted seawater
8 Measured concentration: 11.1 ppb (2.56% RSD) pecially true for multielement analy-
Spike recovery: 104%
sis in high matrix samples because
Unspiked undiluted seawater the inert He cell gas eliminates the
4 Measured concentration: 0.954 ppb (4.83% RSD)
Expected concentration: 0.919 ppb
possibility of new reaction product
ions being formed from matrix ele-
0 ments. With an optimized cell con-
figuration and operating conditions,
Alternating unspiked and spiked undiluted seawater samples measured over 9 ½ hours polyatomic ions can be filtered out
effectively using helium cell gas and
FIGURE 2: Long-term results for manganese in alternating unspiked and spiked
(10 µg/L) undiluted seawater samples measured over 9½ h. kinetic energy discrimination (KED).
KED works for all polyatomic ions, so
the same cell conditions can be ap-
plied successfully to multiple inter-
ferences, multiple analytes, and for
complex and varied sample types (3).
Spike recovery (%)


75 Experimental
A standard Agilent 7900 ICP-MS in-
strument fit ted with the ultrahigh
25 matrix introduc tion (UHMI) aero -
sol dilution system was used for all
0 measurement s. UHMI utilizes the
Cr 1
M -52
Co 55
N 59
Cu 0
Zn 63
As 66
Se 5
M 78
Ag -95
Cd 107
Sn 111
Sb 118
Ba 123
g- 5
TI 02
Pb 205
Th 208
U- 32

standard peristaltic pump and con-




H -13






Elements measured centric nebulizer, but the plasma is

optimized for highly robust condi-
FIGURE 3: Spike recoveries of 10 μg/L spike in undiluted seawater samples ana- tions, with a longer sampling depth,
lyzed over 9½ h. Robust plasma conditions and helium cell mode gave good con-
a red uced c ar r ier ga s f low r ate,
trol of ionization suppression and matrix-based polyatomic ions, allowing all ele-
ments to be measured at their preferred isotopes, including V-51, Cr-52, Cu-63, and an additional dilution gas flow.
As-75, and Se-78. Seawater A is the blue bar, and seawater B is the orange bar. A standard glass concentric nebulizer,
a quartz-spray chamber temperature
polyatomic ion overlaps that can af- turn calculated from the selenium-82 controlled to 2 °C, and a quartz torch
fect common analytes in saline sam- signal after correction for the con- with a 2.5-mm injector, were used to-
ples, such as seawater, are shown in tribution from krypton-82. However, gether with standard nickel sampling
Table I. Mathematical interelement this correc tion fails if signific ant and skimmer cones. Analyte isotopes,
correc tion equations have histori- bromine or sulfur is present in the integration times, and cell conditions
cally been used in ICP-MS methods sample because mass 82 also suffers were defined by the selected preset
to correct the contribution from cer- overlaps from BrH+, SO3+, and S 2 O +. method (EPA 6020). Plasma condi-
tain polyatomic ions, and such equa- Most modern ICP-MS instruments tions were defined by the UHMI set-
tions are still defined in some stan- now include a collision–reaction cell ting, and other instrument tune set-
dard methods, such as EPA 20 0.8. (CRC), which can give much more tings were optimized automatically
However, these corrections are not effective and reliable control of the using the ICP-MS MassHunter auto-
always reliable in complex samples. polyatomic ions. CRCs use either re- tune function. No manual optimiza-
For example, a standard correction action chemistry or collision mode, tion was required.
equation for arsenic corrects for the using a reactive or an inert cell gas, T he Agilent 79 0 0 w a s u s ed to
argon chloride overlap on arsenic at respectively. Reactive cell gases can analyze multiple elements of inter-
mass 75. Argon chloride-75 is calcu- be used on single quadrupole ICP- est in two natural seawater samples
lated from argon chloride-77 af ter MS, but they have limited applica- known to contain low levels of trace
subtrac ting the contribution from bility as reactive gases can lead to elements. Samples were measured
the selenium-77 signal, which is in significant new errors because of with and without a 10 µg/L multiele-

18 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com

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ment spike, with the results being TABLE II: ICP-MS operating conditions for undiluted seawater analysis.
calibrated against simple (no salt ma- Shaded parameters were predefined in the preset method (EPA 6020) and
trix), acidified, aqueous calibration UHMI settings (UHMI-8); Extract Lens 1 voltage was fixed at 0 V and all other
standards. The standards were pre- settings were autotuned.
pared from a mixed stock standard Cell Mode No Gas* Helium
(multielement calibration standard
Plasma mode UHMI-8
2A, Agilent part number 8500-6948)
RF power (W) 1600
and single element standards for
molybdenum, antimony, tin, thorium, Sampling depth (mm) 10
and mercur y (Kanto Chemical Co). Nebulizer pump 0.1
speed (rps)
The standards were diluted using ul-
trapure, 18 MΩ cm water (Millipore) Carrier gas (L/min) 0.54 (UHMI-8)
and acidified to 1% nitric acid (HNO3) Dilution gas (L/min) 0.51 (UHMI-8)
and 0.5% hydrogen chloride (HCl) Ext 2 (V) -165
(Kanto Kagaku EL grade).
Omega bias (V) -80
Seawater contains approximately
Omega lens (V) 9.2
3. 5% tot al d i s s ol ve d s olid s, b u t
the matrix is mostly sodium chlo- Cell entrance (V) -30
ride (NaCl), which is relatively eas- Cell exit (V) -50 -60
ily dissociated in the ICP plasma. Deflect (V) 13.2 0.4
Therefore, undiluted seawater can be
ORS cell gas (mL/min) Off 4.3
run on an Agilent 7900 ICP-MS instru-
Stabilization (sec) 0 5
ment using an aerosol dilution setting
of UHMI-8 (approximately 8× aerosol KED (V) 5.0
dilution). As is normal when analyzing * EPA 6020 Preset Method includes no gas and He cell modes, but only He mode data are
reported in this work.
high salt matrices, an argon humidi-
fier accessory was used to reduce the
buildup of salt crystals on the nebu-
lizer and torch injector. Normal inter- 150 45 Sc [He]
72 Ge [He]
nal standard (ISTD) pump tubing with 89 Y [He]
103 Rh [He]
an internal diameter (i.d.) of 0.25 mm
ISTD Recovery (%) (Outlier Setting)

115 In [He]
159 Tb [He]
was used for the online addition of 100
165 Ho [He]
209 Bi [He]

the ISTD solution. The sample solu-

tion was pumped using the standard
1.02-mm i.d. tubing, so the sample
matrix was only diluted approximately
6% by the addition of the ISTD solu-
tion prior to nebulization.
The Agilent 790 0 is typically op- 0










































































timized for robus t plasma condi-

tions, indicated by a low CeO/Ce 9.5-Hour time sequence

ratio of approximately 0.012 (1.2%).

FIGURE 4: Internal standard (ISTD) signals showed stable long-term analysis
UHMI conditions fur ther improve of unspiked and spiked undiluted seawater samples analyzed during a 9½-h
pla s ma ro b u s t ne s s to a C eO/C e sequence. ISTD signals remained within ±20% QC limits, indicated by the red
ratio of approximately 0.005 (0.5%), dotted lines. Because of limited space, not all sample names are displayed.
which ensures ef fec tive ionization
of high first ionization potential (IP) sample solutions and N 2 gas to the Agilent 790 0, helium mode condi-
elements, such as ber yllium, zinc, plasma—were required. tions maintained high ion transmis-
ar senic, selenium, c admium, and T h e EPA 6 0 2 0 p r e s e t m e t h o d sion while providing the high cell
mercury, even in the presence of a used includes both no gas and He gas pressure required for effective
high level of easily ionized matrix el- mode tune steps, but only the he- interference removal by KED. Oper-
ements. No special sample prepara- lium mode results are repor ted in ating conditions used for the analy-
tion or operating conditions—such this work. With the oc topole reac- sis of undiluted seawater are shown
as the addition of c ar bon to the tion system (ORS) cell used in the in Table II.

20 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


Results and Discussion shown in Figure 3. Excellent recov- long-term analysis of samples such
To validate the plasma conditions eries of the spike concentrations as seawater without needing either
used for undiluted seawater analy- were achieved, with most elements online dilution or manual sample
s i s, s a m p l e s c o n t a i ni n g a r a n g e within +/- 5% of the spiked value, d i l u t i o n p r i o r to a n a l y s i s . U H M I
of s alini t y level s we re m ea sure d and with precision bet ter than 5% aerosol dilution provides fully
to as ses s the ionization suppres- RSD for the entire 9½-h sequence. au tomate d and c ali br ate d s et u p
sion for the poorly ionized element The good recover y of the poorly of plasma conditions and aerosol
cadmium. The saline samples were ionized element s zinc, arsenic, d ilu t io n f a c to r s, d e li ve r ing c o n -
measured under several dif ferent selenium, c admium, and mercur y sistent analy tical per formance for
p l a s m a c o n d i t i o n s c ov e r i n g t h e in the undiluted seawater matrix— routine laboratories.
range t ypically repor ted for com- measured agains t non-matrix- Ver y ro bus t plasma conditions
mercial ICP-MS systems, from the matc hed c alibration s tandard s — (C e O/C e r a t io of 0.0 0 5 o r 0. 5%)
lea s t to t he mo s t ro b u s t pla s ma demonstrates the good control reduce ionization suppression,
c o n d i t i o n s (C e O/C e r a t i o s f ro m of ionization suppres sion. This is inc rease sensitivit y, and improve
0.03 (3%) to 0.0 05 (0.5%) with aero- pa r tic ula r l y im p or t a nt for a p pli - detec tion limits for critical poorly
sol dilution). Cadmium, which has a c a t i o n s w h e re s a m p l e c o m p o s i - ionized element s such as arsenic,
high first ionization potential (1st IP) tion varies between samples, such c admium, and merc ur y. Reduced
of 8.994 eV, was measured in various as in the analysis of mixed saline ionization suppression allows high
concentrations of salt matrix from environmental water s, where salt and variable sample matrices to be
0.035% TDS (100× diluted seawater) levels var y dramatic ally bet ween measured against simple aqueous
to 3.5% TDS (undiluted seawater). r i v e r, e s t u a r i n e , a n d s e a w a t e r. calibration standards, eliminating
Cadmium recover y was calculated Good recoveries for the inter fered the need for matrix matching of cal-
for each salt matrix, calibrated elements confirm the ef fec tive ibration standards. This provides a
using simple calibration standards control of polyatomic ion overlaps greatly simplified workflow in labo-
(n o s al t ma t r i x ). T h e re c ove r ie s, using helium KED. ratories that analyze samples with
shown in Figure 1, indicate that ro- For any ICP-MS application that unknown or variable composition.
bust plasma conditions (CeO/Ce of involves analysis of high matrix sam- I n t h i s s t u d y, a n Ag il e n t 79 0 0
0.5%) gave consistent and accurate ples, it is recommended that ISTD ICP- MS w i t h U H M I a e ro s o l d il u -
re sult s for c ad mium, eliminating signals are monitored through- tion was used to analy ze a range
the sup pre s sion o bser ved und er out the analy tic al sequence. The of trace elements in undiluted sea-
less robust (higher CeO/Ce) condi- ISTDs correc t for the physical dif- water samples. The accurate spike
tions. Robust conditions increase ferences in sample transpor t and recoveries against simple aqueous
the amount of plasma energy avail- nebulization bet ween low matrix standards and the excellent long-
able, giving higher and more con- (fo r ex a m ple, sim ple c ali b r a t io n term stability demonstrate the ma-
sistent ionization of poorly ionized s tandard s) and high matrix (such trix tolerance and simple operation
elements such as cadmium. as undiluted seawater) solutions. offered by the method.
T h e IS T D s t a bili t y p l ot fo r ea c h
Spike Recovery and Stability in batch also provides an indication of References
Seawater Reference Materials the consistenc y of the raw signals (1) S.M. W ilbur and L .C . Jone s, The
Using the UHMI-8 conditions (CeO/ measured by the ICP-MS, which is O p e n Ch e m i c a l a n d Bi o m e d ic a l
Ce ratio of ~0.0 05 (0.5%)), the two useful for monitoring drift and sup- Methods Journal 3, 135 –142 (2010).
dif ferent undiluted seawater sam- pression. Figure 4 shows the ISTD (2) E. Mc Curdy and W. Proper, Spec-
p l e s w e r e a n a l y z e d a l t e r n a t e l y, signals from the long-term analy- troscopy s11(29), 40 – 47 (2014).
with and without a spike contain- sis of undiluted seawater samples. (3) T. Kubota, “Analysis of Undiluted
ing the analytes at 10 µg/L (mercury The robust UHMI conditions used Seawater using ICP-MS with Ultra
at 1 µg/L), over a period of 9 ½ h. e n s u re d t h a t t h e re w a s m i n i m a l High Matrix Introduc tion and Dis-
Trace element concentrations were matrix deposition and signal drif t crete Sampling,” Agilent Publica-
quantified against simple aqueous throughout the 9½-h analysis. tion 5994- 4467 EN (2021).
c ali b r a t io n s t a n d a rd s. T h e m ea -
sured concentrations of one ana- Conclusions
ly te, manganese, in the alter nat- T he Agilent 79 0 0 ICP- MS in s t r u - Tetsushi Sakai and Ed McCurdy
ing spiked and unspiked samples ment with UHMI aerosol dilution are with Agilent Technologies,
are plot ted in Figure 2. The mean c a n tole r a te hig h s a m ple mat r i x Inc. Direct correspondence to:
spike recoveries for all elements are levels, allowing s table, acc urate, ed_mccurdy@agilent.com ●

22 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


Analysis of Desalination Discharge

Brines for Elements of Environmental
and Economic Importance with ICP-OES

Ken Neubauer

Desalination has been growing rapidly ith climate change, access tion process and can have a negative
globally to meet the potable water de- to fresh water is decreasing in impact on the aquatic environment.
mands in areas where access to fresh many areas around the world. However, there are no international
water is limited. The byproduct of de- Combined with the continuing rise in standards or regulations for monitor-
salination is a brine that has a salinity global population, a shortage of potable ing elements in desalination discharge
approximately two times higher than water is imminent unless other sources of brines returned to the ocean: elements
seawater and is usually discharged fresh water can be found. One way to in- and regulated levels vary widely and are
back to the ocean, where it can have crease amounts of potable water is through set on a country or regional basis (3–6).
a negative environmental impact, desalination of seawater, a technique that However, rather than being returned
especially if harmful elements were has been rapidly growing in importance. directly to the ocean, these discharge
picked up during the desalination pro- In 2019, there were approximately 16,000 brines can also be used as a source of
cess. However, this brine has recently desalination plants operating globally (1), elements of economic and industrial im-
begun to be viewed as a resource and that number has increased yearly as portance (7). A variety of different ele-
where elements of economic and in- more desalination plants come online. ments are recovered from desalination
dustrial importance can be recovered. The primary method of desalination brines where it can be more economi-
Both these applications rely on the ac- is through reverse osmosis, a process cally feasible than mining. For example,
curate analysis of various elements in that uses high pressure to force seawa- with the prevalence of battery technol-
the brine, which can be accomplished ter through a membrane that separates ogy, increasing amounts of lithium are
with inductively coupled plasma–opti- the minerals from the water, resulting required. Currently, lithium is mined and
cal emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), in both fresh potable water and a brine recovered from salar brines but can also
given its high matrix tolerance and that contains the minerals removed from be recovered from desalination brines.
flexibility. This work demonstrates the the seawater. The salinity of these brines Rubidium and cesium are other rare ele-
accurate analysis of desalination dis- is generally twice the salinity of seawa- ments that are difficult to mine and can
charge brines for elements of both en- ter (≈6% dissolved solids) and is usually be extracted from desalination brines (8).
vironmental and economic importance pumped back into the ocean, although An important aspect in recovering
using ICP-OES. other treatments are also used occasion- elements from brines is measuring
ally (2). Over 142 million cubic meters of their concentrations in the brine to
desalination brine are returned to the determine the quantity present and
ocean globally on a daily basis (1). whether it is economically beneficial
With so much desalination brine being to recover the metals. Likewise, the re-
returned to the ocean, brine must be maining brine after the recovery step
monitored for elements that may have should be analyzed to determine the
been picked up during the desalina- recovery efficiency.

24 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


The analysis of a variet y of ele-

TABLE I: ICP-OES operating conditions
ments in desalination brines can be
accomplished by inductively coupled Parameter Value
plasma–optical emission spectros- Nebulizer SeaSpray
copy (ICP-OES) with minimal sample Spray chamber Baffled glass cyclonic
preparation and no dilution, given that Sample uptake rate 0.5 mL/min
ICP-OES has a high tolerance of dis-
Injector 2.0 mm i.d. alumina
solved solids. This work explores the
analysis of both environmentally and Avio 220 Max: 1.0 L/min
Nebulizer gas flow Avio 550 Max: 0.65 L/min
economically important elements in
Auxiliary gas flow 0.4 L/min
desalination discharge brines.
Plasma gas flow 12 L/min
Experimental Torch position -3
Materials and Methods Integration Auto
Samples and Sample Preparation
Avio 220 Max: 0.5–2 s
Six desalination discharge brines were Read time range Avio 550 Max: 1–10 s
acidified to 1% nitric acid (v/v) and
analyzed directly; no further sample TABLE II: Elements, wavelengths, and plasma views
preparation was performed. All mea-
surements were made against exter-
nal calibration standards prepared in Element Wavelength (nm) Plasma View
6% sodium chloride to mimic the dis- Silver 338.289 Axial
solved solids content of the brines. Aluminium 396.153 Radial
The actual dissolved solids composi-
Arsenic 188.979 Radial
tion of the brines was not determined,
Boron 249.772 Radial
but 6% sodium chloride proved to be
a good match. Barium 233.527 Radial
Cadmium 228.802 Axial
Instrumental Conditions Chromium 357.869 Axial
Two different instruments were used
Copper 327.393 Axial
for these analyses: the PerkinElmer
Iron 259.939 Radial
Avio 550 Max and the Avio 220 Max
ICP-OES systems. Given the larger Manganese 257.610 Radial
number of analytes, the Avio 550 Max Nickel 232.003 Radial
was used for analyzing environmen- Lead 220.353 Radial
tally important elements, whereas the
Selenium 196.026 Axial
extended wavelength range of the
Zinc 213.857 Axial
Avio 220 Max allowed for the use of
longer wavelengths, and increased Gallium (ITSD) 417.206 Axial, radial
sensitivity and flexibility, making it Yttrium (ITSD) 371.029 Axial, radial
the more appropriate option for de- ICP-OES
termining economically impor tant
Element Wavelength (nm) Plasma View
elements. Tables I and II list the in-
Cesium 894.347 Axial
strumental operating parameters and
elements, along with their analytical Lithium 670.784 Radial
wavelengths and plasma views, re- Rubidium 780.023 Axial
spectively. Because the matrix was the Indium (ITSD) 325.609 Axial, radial
same on both systems, similar oper-
ating conditions were used. The main On both systems, a SeaSpray nebu- rification of the torch. A ceramic torch
dif ference was the nebulizer flow. lizer was used in conjunction with an could also be used, along with a lower
Because of the low ionization poten- argon humidifier to maximize robust- plasma gas flow, although the higher
tial of lithium, rubidium, and cesium, ness. Because all analyses were done plasma flow benefited the analyses
a higher nebulizer flow was used on the with a quartz torch, a plasma gas flow performed on the Avio 220 Max. The
Avio 220 Max to increase sensitivity. or 12 L/min was used to reduce devit- higher-than-normal auxiliary flow was

26 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


Results and Discussion

Analysis of Environmentally
10.000 Important Elements
When analyzing the six brine samples,
only five elements were detec ted;
Concentration (mg/L)

Brine 1
0.100 Brine 2 all other elements were undetected.
Brine 3 Figure 1 shows the concentrations
Brine 4
Brine 5 of the five elements found in the six
Brine 6
brine samples, along with their regu-
lated levels in four different regions.
0.000 Boron is above the Singapore limits in
Ag B Cu Mn Zn
all six brines, whereas copper exceeds
Carlsbad limit Huntington Beach limit Singapore limit Dubai limit
all the regulated levels in brine 2 and
FIGURE 1: Elements detected in six desalination discharge brines, along with is higher than the Singapore limits in
regulated limits in four different areas. brine 6. Interestingly, copper was not
detected in brine 5, and manganese
was not detected in brines 5 or 6.
Not all elements are regulated in
10 120
110 all regions; boron and manganese
Spike concentration (ppm)

100 are only regulated in Singapore.

1 90 Also, the regulated concentrations
can vary widely among regions. For
0.1 60 example, the regulated levels of silver
50 vary by over two orders of magnitude.
40 Given this wide range of regulated con-
0.01 30
20 centrations, the wide dynamic range of
10 ICP-OES makes it the ideal technique
0.001 0 to perform these analyses.
Ag Al As B Ba Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Se Zn
Dubai 1/2 Singapore Singapore Carlsbad Dubai 1/2 Singapore Singapore Carlsbad
To d ete r mine t he acc ur ac y of
Spike levels Recoveries the analyses, one of the brine solu-
tions was spiked with all analytes at
FIGURE 2: Elemental recoveries of analytes at four different spike levels.
four different concentration ranges,
with low representing the Dubai and
half the Singapore limits, medium rep-
0.3 0.012 resenting the Singapore limits, and
high representing the Carlsbad limits.
0.25 0.01 As shown in Figure 2, all elements
Detection limit (mg/L)
Concentration (mg/L)

0.2 0.008 at all concentrations recovered within

10% of their true values, demon-
0.15 0.006 strating the accuracy and breadth of
0.1 0.004
the methodology.

0.05 0.002 Analysis of Economically

Important Elements
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cesium, lithium, and rubidium are dif-
Brine number
Li Rb Li Rb Cs
ficult to accurately measure by ICP-OES
because they emit only as atom lines, yet
FIGURE 3: Concentrations of lithium and rubidium in six desalination brines have low ionization potentials (3.9, 5.3,
(blue; cesium was not detected) and detection limits (orange) measured in
and 4.1 eV, respectively), which means that
brine 5.
most of the signal is lost because most
used to push the plasma farther above 0.5 mL/min was found to provide in- of the atoms in the plasma are ionized.
the injector, thus minimizing matrix creased signal-to-background ratios Therefore, they are not available to emit
deposition and potential clogging of because the plasma loading and ma- as atoms. In addition, these elements also
the injector. A sample uptake rate of trix effects in the plasma were reduced. suffer from the easily ionizable element

28 ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists www.spectroscopyonline.com


(EIE) effect, which means that the same

concentration of these elements produce
different signal levels depending on the 120
concentration of the matrix. There are 115
several ways to minimize the EIE effect,
with the most prevalent being matrix-

% Recovery
matching the calibration standards to the 105
sample and viewing the plasma in radial 100
mode at a lower plasma viewing height 95
before the atoms are ionized. However, 90
radial view can also result in lower signal 85
intensity, which may be an issue when
measuring low concentrations. Li Rb Cs
During method development, it was Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
found that calibration in 6% sodium chlo-
ride minimized the EIE effect. Because of FIGURE 4: Spike recoveries for 0.04 ppm cesium and 0.2 ppm lithium and
the low intensity of cesium and rubidium, rubidium in a desalination discharge brine.
these elements had to be measured in
axial mode, while lithium, which has much not globally regulated in desalination dis- tion-control/water-quality/allowable-
greater sensitivity, was measured in radial charge brines and vary widely from region limits-for-trade-effluent-discharge-to-
mode. As shown in Figure 3, both lithium to region, yet ICP-OES provides accurate watercourse-or-controlled-watercourse
and rubidium were detected in all the measurements over a wide concentration (accessed September 2022).
brines between 0.2–0.4 ppm (lithium) and range. Likewise, these discharge brines (4) Dubai Electricity and Water Authority,
0.1–0.2 ppm (rubidium). However, cesium can also be an economically viable source Discharge Limits to Marine Environment
was not detected in any of the samples. of a variety of elements, and this work has (2021). https://www.trakhees.ae/en/ehs/
Detection limits were determined in demonstrated ICP-OES can accurately env/Documents/Guidelines/Guide-
brine 5 as three times the standard devia- and reliably measure cesium, lithium, line%20ID-EN-G02,%20Water%20Envi-
tion of ten measurements made against and rubidium, three of the more chal- ronment,%20Rev.%2000,%20Jan18.pdf
the calibration curve. As shown in Fig- lenging elements to measure. With the (accessed September 2022).
ure 3, the lithium and rubidium detection growing importance and capacity of de- (5) “Waste Discharge Requirements for
limits are approximately an order of mag- salination globally, ICP-OES can serve as Poseidon Resources (Surfside) L.L.C.
nitude lower than the concentrations the analytical technique to both help pro- Huntington Beach Desalination Facility
measured in the brines. The measured tect the oceans and turn a byproduct into Orange County”, Order R8-2021-0011,
cesium detection limit is 0.0005 ppm, a resource. NPDSE No. CA8000403, California Re-
signifying that if cesium is present in the gional Water Quality Control Board,
brines, it is below this concentration. References Santa Ana Region.
The accuracy of the methodology was (1) United Nations University, UN Warns of (6) “Waste Discharge Requirements for the
determined by spiking one of the brine Rising Levels of Toxic Brine as Desalination Poseidon Resources (Channelside) LP
solutions with 0.04 ppb of cesium and 0.2 Plants Meet Growing Water Needs (2019). Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalina-
ppm of lithium and rubidium and measur- https://unu.edu/media-relations/releases/ tion Plant Discharge to the Pacific Ocean”,
ing the recoveries three times. Although un-warns-of-rising-levels-of-toxic-brine. Order R9-2019-0003, NPDSE No. CA
lithium and rubidium could be read at html (accessed September 2022). 019223, California Regional Water Quality
lower concentrations, they were spiked at (2) R. Ketai, T.Y. Shen, I. Jafari, S. Masudy- Control Board, San Diego Region.
0.2 ppm because of their presence in the Panah, and M.H.D.A. Farahani, in De- (7) D. Frank, Mining for the Future (2022).
brine. As shown in Figure 4, all recoveries salination Challenges and Opportunities, https://www.aweimagazine.com/article/
are within 10% of their true values, demon- M.H.D.A. Farahani, V. Vatanpour, and A.H. mining-for-the-future/ (accessed Sep-
strating the accuracy of the methodology. Taheri, Eds. (IntechOpen, London, United tember 2022).
Kingdom, 2020). DOI: 10.5771/intecho- (8) W.S. Chen, C.H. Lee, H.W. Tien, Y.J.
Conclusion pen.92661 Chen, and Y.A. Chen, Metals 10, 607–622
This work has demonstrated the ability of (3) Singapore National Environment (2020). DOI: 10.3390/met10050607
ICP-OES to accurately measure elements Agency, Allowable Limits for Trade Ef-
in desalination discharge brines of both fluent Discharge to Watercourse or Ken Neubauer is with PerkinElmer,
environmental and economic importance. Controlled Watercourse (2022). https:// Inc. Direct correspondence to: Ken-
Environmentally important elements are www.nea.gov.sg/our-services/pollu- neth.Neubauer@perkinelmer.com ●

www.spectroscopyonline.com ICP-OES and ICP-MS Techniques for Today’s Spectroscopists 29

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