Capitulo 2

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chapter 2

"A Surprise for Emma"

The story begins with Charlie telling Emma that he will be away for two days due to work.

Emma, still sleepy, is shocked by the news and worried about being left alone in the new house,

especially after the strange noises they heard in the attic the night before.

Emma mentions her concerns to Charlie and he tries to reassure her, reminding her that he found

nothing in the attic and there is no reason to worry. However, Emma continues to feel

uncomfortable and reveals to Charlie that she too has been feeling physically ill. He confesses

that he visited the doctor that same morning.

Charlie, surprised, encourages him to tell her more. Emma tells the doctor that she feels bad in

the morning and has had some tests. The doctor gives her the unexpected news: she is pregnant.

Emma is left in shock and puts a hand to her mouth, not knowing what to say.

The doctor explains that it is normal to feel sick in the morning during pregnancy and that it

happens to many women. Emma is full of thoughts and worries: how will Charlie react? What

will happen to your new job? Will it be a boy or a girl? Why has this happened at such an

inopportune moment?

The doctor suggests that Emma take some time to think about everything and talk it over with

Charlie. Emma leaves the office and decides to go shopping, but her mind is still full of worries

and doubts about the pregnancy and her current situation.

Returning home, Emma sees an older woman standing in front of the front door of the

neighboring house. The woman turns out to be Carol, her neighbor, who greets her friendly.

Emma invites Carol to her house for coffee, wanting to have a nice chat and take her mind off

her worries.

The two walk into the kitchen and start chatting, giving Emma the chance to share her amazing

news with someone and perhaps get some support and guidance in this new phase of her life .

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