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We officially claim that this universe is endless and there is no end to this world no matter how high we
go or how down we go the surface there is no way of reaching the end. But sometimes I feel like this
world is still too small for the creatures we know as the name of humans. They claim to be the most
intelligent species on the planet. But still can’t understand a simple thing that their existence is nothing
but negligible in front of this endless universe. And still they act to know everything knowing they know
nothing. For me the statement that we are the most intelligent species is not quite believable a single
percent. Knowing this world is endless we still have no space for other people. Everybody want to take
as much as they can. Knowing all will worth nothing once the cold night of endless sleep arrive. They
can’t even understand a single line that “wee all are humans” they still discriminate other people on the
basis of faces, color, status of living and many more aspects. One has endless luxuries where other is
struggling to survive. And the question rises again “Are we that INTELLIGENT as we think we are?”.

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