Script Final Project: Organic Origin

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Hello, good morning classmates, my name is Daniela and welcome to

my stand. Today, I’m gonna talk to you about The Compost. I chose
this topic because I think that nowadays it is very important to take
care of our environment with actions that although they seem simple
they provide a great help in our environment.

Let me start by explaining to you What is compost?; Well, a compost

is a ecological resource obtained by the mix of products of only
organic origin like waste of food, plants or mud; Is important to
remind that in a compost we can’t use products of animal origin or
inorganic products like plastic or glass; The reason why we can’t use
this kind of products is because the compost works with a process
called decomposition which is a complex process in which the organic
matter is broken down into carbon dioxide and the mineral forms of
nutrients like nitrogen. It is also converted into fungi and bacteria
through these organisms feeding on the organic material and then
reproducing, and in the inorganic material this process can’t be
possible, making them completely unnecessary in a compost.

Now that you know what a compost is, you have to know the types of
compost. There are 3 types of compost: cold composting, hot
composting and vermicompost.

Cold composting is a simple process that consists in collecting yard

waste or organic materials from trash and collecting it in a bucket.
This process is considered the slowest of the 3 types of compost
because it takes one year to finish the process of decomposition in
the materials.

Hot composting, this kind of compost needs a more active role in the
execution, but it is also a quick process to do it. For this type of
compost you need 4 fast-cooking ingredients: nitrogen, carbon, air
and water, this to make the execution faster.

And for the last one: Vermicompost is considered among the types of
home compost, only the help of worms is needed to make it. This is
because the worms eat the food scraps and then release inputs that
are rich in nitrogen. But in this kind of compost you can’t use just any
worm, you need specifically red worms.

To continue, I’m gonna tell you some benefits of the use of a

compost, this ecological resource gives us many advantages, such as
it can reduce dependence on chemical fertilizers, help restore soil
fertility and improve water retention and nutrient delivery to plants.
As you can see, the compost helps a lot in our environment, that’s
why now I’m gonna show you how you can make your own compost at
home with simple materials.

First, you need to know the 4 elements that your home compost
needs, which are: greens, earth, water and browns. The first consists
of organic remains, grass and some organic food residues. The
second, the earth or mud will give body to the mix of the previous
inputs. The third, water, you’ll always have control of the water,
remember of don’t put too little and the fourth, browns, which are
the mixture of dry leaves, branches, sawdust or pieces of wood.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: the only composting technique you need to

maneuver is: your compost should always have the same amount of
browns and greens.

Now, let’s start to make our compost, remember that a compost it’s
made by 4 layers.

The first layer it’s made up of dry materials, for this we must prepare
a base of woody materials, such as dry leaves or branches.

The second layer it’s made up of organic residues, as a mention, it

could be the rest of vegetables and fruits.

The third layer it’s made up of green plants, this is where all the
nutrients are gonna stay.

And for the last, the fourth layer it’s made up of earth made for the
garden, but in case you don’t have it, you can also use a simple mud,
both of them can work in the compost.
And that’s all, now you have your own home compost, as you can see
it’s really simple to do. I hope you can increase this ecological residue
in your houses, because nowadays protecting our planet is one of the
most important things. Remember that just like this there are many
more actions to protect our planet, such as recycling, separating the
garbage, planting trees, etc. We can all contribute something to take
care of ourselves and for our planet. I hope you enjoyed my
presentation and without further ado I thank you for your attention
and have a nice day.

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