DB 5 Module Safety Policy, Rules, and Procedures

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Company Policy on Safety and Health

1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish a safe and healthy work environment for all
employees and visitors of Company XYZ. We are committed to preventing accidents,
injuries, and illnesses by implementing effective safety and health measures. This policy
applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors to our premises.
2. Responsibilities
a. Management: It is the responsibility of management to provide leadership,
resources, and support to ensure the successful implementation of safety and
health programs. They must actively promote and enforce compliance with all
safety policies and procedures.
b. Employees: All employees are responsible for following safety protocols,
reporting hazards, and participating in safety training programs. They must
comply with all safety rules and regulations and actively contribute to
maintaining a safe working environment.
3. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
We will regularly identify workplace hazards and conduct risk assessments to determine
appropriate control measures. All hazards, whether physical, chemical, biological, or
ergonomic, will be promptly addressed to mitigate potential risks.
4. Training and Education
We are committed to providing comprehensive safety training and education to all
employees. Training programs will be developed and implemented to ensure employees
are aware of safety procedures, hazards, and emergency protocols. Regular refresher
training will be provided to maintain awareness and competence.
5. Incident Reporting and Investigation All accidents, near misses, injuries, and
occupational illnesses must be reported immediately to the appropriate supervisor.
Investigations will be conducted to determine the root causes of incidents and
appropriate corrective actions will be implemented to prevent recurrence.
Statement Establishing a Program for Fall Protection
At Company XYZ, we recognize the importance of fall protection in ensuring the safety and well-
being of our employees. We are committed to implementing a comprehensive Fall Protection
Program to prevent falls and minimize the risk of injuries associated with working at heights.
1. Program Objective The objective of our Fall Protection Program is to establish
procedures and controls that identify fall hazards, assess risks, and provide effective
measures to prevent falls. This program applies to all employees and contractors who
may be exposed to fall hazards during their work.
2. Fall Hazard Assessment A thorough assessment of all work areas will be conducted to
identify potential fall hazards. This assessment will consider factors such as working at
heights, unprotected edges, fragile surfaces, and other conditions that may pose a risk of
3. Hierarchy of Controls To control fall hazards, we will implement a hierarchy of controls
approach. This includes:
a. Elimination: Where possible, we will strive to eliminate fall hazards through
design modifications, use of elevated work platforms, or alternative work
b. Engineering Controls: When elimination is not feasible, we will implement
preventative measures such as guardrails, safety nets, or personal fall protection
c. Administrative Controls: Administrative controls will be implemented,
including training, work procedures, and regular inspections to ensure
compliance with fall protection requirements.
d. Personal Fall Protection Equipment Appropriate personal fall protection
equipment, such as harnesses, lanyards, and anchor points, will be provided to
employees who work at heights where there is a risk of falling. Training will be
provided to ensure proper selection, inspection, and use of personal fall
protection equipment.
4. Training and Awareness All employees and contractors who may be exposed to fall
hazards will receive comprehensive training on the use of fall protection systems, hazard
identification, and emergency procedures. Regular refresher training will be provided to
ensure ongoing awareness and competence.
5. Program Evaluation and Improvement We will conduct periodic evaluations of our Fall
Protection Program to ensure its effectiveness. Feedback from employees, incident
reports, and audits will be used to identify areas for improvement and implement
necessary changes to enhance the program.
Procedure for Conditions Requiring the Use of a Fall Harness
1. Purpose This procedure outlines the steps to be followed when working in conditions
that require the use of a fall harness. It is designed to ensure the safety of employees
and contractors working at heights by providing clear guidelines for the proper selection,
inspection, and use of fall harnesses.
2. Applicability This procedure applies to all employees and contractors who are engaged in
work activities that involve potential fall hazards.
3. Fall Hazard Assessment Before starting any work at heights, a thorough assessment of
the work area must be conducted to identify fall hazards. If there is a risk of falling, a fall
harness must be worn in accordance with this procedure.
4. Selection of Fall Harness
a. Only approved and properly maintained fall harnesses shall be used.
b. The fall harness must be selected based on the nature of the work, including
the anticipated fall distance, the potential impact forces, and the attachment
points available.
5. Inspection and Maintenance
a. Prior to each use, the fall harness must be inspected for any signs of damage,
wear, or defects. If any issues are identified, the harness must not be used and
must be reported for immediate replacement or repair.
b. Regular maintenance and inspection schedules will be established to ensure
the ongoing integrity of fall harnesses.
6. Proper Use of Fall Harness
a. Employees and contractors must receive appropriate training on the proper
use of fall harnesses.
b. The fall harness must be securely and properly fitted to the individual,
ensuring proper adjustment of straps and buckles.
c. The harness must be attached to an approved anchor point or lifeline using a
suitable lanyard or connector.
d. The individual must always maintain three points of contact while ascending,
descending, or traversing.
7. Record Keeping Records of fall harness inspections, maintenance, and training must be
maintained as per company guidelines.
Rule for Complying with Procedures Governing the Use of Fall Arrest
To comply with procedures governing the use of fall arrest systems, all employees and
contractors working at heights must adhere to the following rule:
1. Fall Arrest Equipment
a. Only approved and properly maintained fall arrest equipment shall be used.
b. Fall arrest equipment must be inspected before each use for any signs of
damage, wear, or defects. If any issues are identified, the equipment must not be
used and must be reported for immediate replacement or repair.
2. Proper Use
a. Fall arrest equipment must be properly fitted and adjusted to the individual,
following manufacturer instructions.
b. The equipment must be attached to an approved anchor point or lifeline using
appropriate connectors and connectors must be locked or self-locking.
c. Employees and contractors must be trained on the proper use of fall arrest
equipment, including correct attachment techniques and methods.
3. Reporting Any issues or concerns related to fall arrest equipment, including malfunction,
damage, or need for repair, must be reported immediately to the supervisor or safety
3-Part Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for Using the Fall Harness
Job: Using the Fall Harness
Part 1: Task Breakdown and Hazards Identification
1. Identify the task: Using a fall harness while working at heights.
2. Identify potential hazards:
a. Risk of falling from height.
b. Improper fitting or adjustment of the fall harness.
c. Defective or damaged fall harness equipment.
d. Inadequate anchor points or lifelines.
e. Lack of proper training or awareness.
Part 2: Hazard Assessment and Risk Control Measures
1. Assess the risks associated with each identified hazard.
2. Implement control measures to minimize risks:
a. Conduct thorough hazard assessments before starting work.
b. Ensure proper selection, inspection, and maintenance of fall
harness equipment.
c. Provide adequate training on the use of fall harnesses.
d. Establish procedures for fitting, adjusting, and attaching fall
harnesses correctly.
e. Inspect anchor points and lifelines for stability and strength.
Part 3: Safe Work Procedures
1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
a. Wear a properly fitted and inspected fall harness.
b. Use a suitable lanyard or connector to attach the harness to an
approved anchor point or lifeline.
2. Pre-work Preparation
a. Conduct a pre-use inspection of the fall harness and associated
b. Ensure proper fitting and adjustment of the fall harness.
c. Inspect anchor points or lifelines for stability and integrity.
3. Safe Work Execution
a. Maintain three points of contact when ascending, descending,
or traversing.
b. Follow proper procedures for connecting and disconnecting
from anchor points or lifelines.
c. Report any issues, malfunctions, or defects with fall harness
equipment immediately.
d. Follow emergency procedures in the event of a fall or
equipment failure.
4. Post-work Procedures
a. Inspect and store fall harness equipment properly after use.
b. Report any damage, wear, or defects in fall harness equipment
for repair or replacement.
c. Review and document lessons learned for continuous
List of Equipment, Labels, Signs, or Materials Needed to Comply
1. Fall harnesses (approved and properly maintained)
2. Lanyards or connectors (suitable for fall arrest)
3. Anchor points or lifelines (approved and inspected)
4. Inspection tags or labels for fall harness equipment
5. Training materials and manuals for fall protection procedures

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