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History have many theories and concepts made by historians, voyagers, philosophers or

sometimes just an ordinary people and they leave it unsaid. The theory I want to conceptualize
because I’m more familiar in this certain theory is The Great God Theory. As a member of a
Christian church I truly believe that God made us all. Why? Because my family taught me and
make me believe that God is true and since I was young my parents always takes me to our
church so that’s why I believe that God is true because of the influence of my environment but
some people don’t believe in God and I understand them. Maybe the environment they come
from don’t believe in God or maybe they want and search for more evidence that God is true in
order for them to believe. I also think they want to see God themselves in order to believe in
God but they can’t so they chose to find other reason why we exist in this world but most of
them fail so in order to have a rational explanation they choose to validate some theories or
concepts but the question is which theory is true? I think the truth is based on every person’s
belief of truth, for example; I believe God is true and for me that is my truth just like other
peoples beliefs. We can’t force them to believe in our own opinion about the history because
the truth is, no body right now can explain the first day, week or year of earth. We only have
theories and opinions about our history. But I believe our certain truth is there is History and
we all change time to time. Everything have a beginning that’s why we have History. All we
need is to believe the things or events we never saw in order to move forward.
History, indeed, is necessary in our lives. It have a big role in each of us , so that’s why
we need to study history because it is part of us that we can’t remove. It makes us who we are
and what we are today. In order to know why our present life is like this? Where things came
from? What is the reason why people have different culture? How we end up in this
nationality? Who is our ancestors?. That’s just an example of questions that can answer by
studying history. History also helps us to decide what we will choose when we have decisions to
make , we can avoid mistakes just by knowing someone we know or someone in the past who
also make the decision like us but they ended up failing so that’s the reason we can avoid failing
by knowing their past mistakes. History helps us to grow and to prosper by giving us skills that
we can use in our daily lives and knowing what successful people do in order to success in life.
History also have big roles in different disciplines such as politics, economy, psychology,
sociology, geology etc. Politicians can adapt past politicians strategies in order to have a better
country and to give the service their people really need. In economy, we can be successful in
market by knowing the history of other companies or other countries who we want to have
connection or contract to have products that our country don’t have. We can use it as a
strategy on how other companies or countries to be our ally or companion. That is only a brief
reasons why history is essential for us students especially to Business Administration student
like me, who have a big role in our economy and society’s success in the market. Our History
will never end as long as we experience events and as long as we humans exist in this world.

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