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Currently in the world up to five different generations can walk down the street, each one with

different thoughts, customs and beliefs, it is something impressive as having different ideas in
the fields of studies, money, relationships, shopping, lifestyle and hobbies we have learned to
live together in peace, well, not completely, I'm sure that more than once you must have
fought with your parents or grandparents for things as ridiculous as your clothing to
controversial issues such as support for the LGBTIQ+ community or abortion. Good morning,
my name is Sophia Tanta and today I am going to talk about the differences between my
generation and my parents' generation.

To begin with, we can remember how the current laws have greatly influenced the drastic
change in education in schools, when our parents were young it was allowed, it is more, well
seen that teachers physically punish students if they did not pay attention or they forgot their
homework, now if a teacher even touches a young person they can easily denounce them and
make them lose their job. Regarding relationships, I consider that the change has not been as
drastic as with our grandparents, of course now if we tell our parents that we have a same-sex
partner it would be easier for them to accept it, but if our parents If they had told our
grandparents that, it would be a scandal, apart from the fact that relationships are now more
liberal and very short-lived, not like our parents', where the couple they had at university
would be for life.

The lifestyle that generation Z has with generation X is also very different, while most of us live
without many responsibilities, our parents already cooked, took care of their siblings, cleaned
the whole house and also got good grades at our age , this makes us sometimes compare
ourselves with them, demanding more, this leads us to another point, the mental health of
today's young people is deplorable compared to those of a couple of generations ago, one of
the greatest characteristics of the Generation Z is the emotional instability they have, their
high rates of depression and anxiety diagnosed in their adolescents, while a few years ago
psychological problems were considered "non-existent".

In conclusion, the passing of the years has changed our mentality and customs too much, we
and our parents are definitely different, we were raised differently and we have different
problems and virtues, but none of that makes one generation better than another, each one
has its touch that leaves a mark on this world to make it a better place for future generations.

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