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Intermediate Academic English

TEDY WAHYUDI (221010501176)


C. exercises
Exercise a: identifying adverb clause
1. We went inside when it began to rain. (Adverb clause: when it began to rain. Main
clause: We went inside.)
2. It began to rain; we went inside. (Adverb clause: None. Main clause: It began to rain;
we went inside.)
3. When it began to rain, we went inside. (Adverb clause: When it began to rain. Main
clause: we went inside.)
4. When the mail comes, my assistant opens it. (Adverb clause: When the mail comes.
Main clause: my assistant opens it.)
5. My assistant opens the mail when it comes. (Adverb clause: when it comes. Main
clause: My assistant opens the mail.)
Exercise b: partial sentence making
1. I will call you [before I come over].
2. Last night I went to bed [after I finished my homework]
3. Tonight, I will go to bed [after I complete my homework].
4. [Ever since I was a child], I was afraid of dogs.
5. Jane’s contact lens popped out [while she was playing basketball].
6. Be sure to reread your composition for errors [before you submit it to the teacher
7. [By the time I left my apartment this morning], the mail carrier delivered the mail.
8. I have known Jim Bates [since he was ten years old].
9. A black cat ran across the road [as I was driving my car to work this morning].
10. [By the time I leave this city], I will have been here for four months.
11. [Whenever Mark gets angry], his nose gets red.
12. I [used to go to the beach] whenever the weather was nice, but now I don’t have time
to do that because I have to study.
13. We will have a big party [when the pandemic is over].
14. [The next time I go] to Hawaii, I’m going to visit Mauna Loa, the world’s largest
active volcano.
15. I had fried chicken [the last time I ate] at that restaurant.

Exercise c: using adverb clauses to show time relationship

1. Whenever I go to the beach, I like to swim in the ocean.
2. By the time I get home tonight, it will be dark outside.
3. I have been homesick since I left my hometown for college.
4. Just as I opened the door, the phone started ringing.
5. I will feel better as soon as I eat something.
6. I always feel more energized when I exercise in the morning.
7. I won’t leave until I am sure that everything is okay.
8. While I was looking for my keys, I found a pen under the couch.
9. I always check the oil level before I drive on a long trip.
Exercise d: using adverb clauses to show cause and affect
1. We can go swimming every day. The weather is warm. (now that)
*We can go swimming every day now that the weather is warm.
2. All of the students had done poorly on the test. The teacher decided to give it Again.
* Since all of the students had done poorly on the test, the teacher decided To give it
3. Cold air hovers near the earth. It is heavier than hot air. (because)
*Cold air hovers near the earth because it is heavier than hot air.
4. You paid for the theatre tickets. Please let me pay for our dinner. (since)
*Since you paid for the theatre tickets, let me pay for our dinner.
5. Larry is finally caught up on his work. He can start his vacation tomorrow. (now that)
*Now that larry is finally caught up on his work, he can start his vacation tomorrow
6. Our TV set was broken. We listened to the news on the radio. (because)
*Because our TV set was broken, we listened to the news on the radio.
7. My brother got married last month. He’s a married man now, so he has more
Responsibilities. (now that)
*Now that my brother got married last month, he’s a married man now and has more
8. Oil is an irreplaceable natural resource. We must do whatever we can in Order to
conserve it. (since)
*Since oil is an irreplaceable natural resource, we must do whatever we can in order
to conserve it.
9. Do you want to go for a walk? The rain has stopped. (now that)
*Now that the rain has stopped, do you want to go for a walk?
10. Many young people move to the cities in search of employment. There are Few jobs
available in the rural areas. (since)
*Since there are few jobs available in the rural areas, many young people move to the
cities in search of employment.
11. The civil war has ended. A new government is being formed. (now that)
*Now that the civil war has ended, a new government is being formed

Exercise: adjective clause to expeeas contrast

Directions: Complete the sentences by using either even though or because.
4. Tim’s in good shape physically even though he doesn’t get much exercise.
5. Larry’s in good shape physically because he gets a lot of exercise.
6. I put on my sunglasses even though it was a dark, cloudy day.
7. I put on my sunglasses because the sun was bright.
8. Maria has a job, but she doesn’t make enough money to support her four children.
9. Anna has a job, and she is able to pay her rent and provide food for her family.
10. Susan didn’t even though learn Spanish she lived in Mexico for a year.
11. Joe speaks Spanish well because he lived in Mexico for a year.
12. Jing-Won jumped into the river to rescue the little girl who was drowning even though he
wasn’t a good swimmer.
13. A newborn kangaroo can find its mother’s pouch even though its eyes are not yet open.
14. Some people protest certain commercial fishing operations because dolphins, considered
to be highly intelligent mammals, are killed unnecessarily.
15. The earthquake damaged the bridge across Skunk River, but the Smiths were able to cross
the river because they had a boat.

Exercise f: adjective clause to express direct contrast

Directions: Complete the sentences. Discuss other ways of expressing the same Idea by
moving the position of while or whereas.
1. Some people are fat, whereas ………………………….
* Some people are fat, whereas others are thin.
* Whereas some people are fat, others are thin.
* Some people are thin, whereas others are fat.
2. Some people are tall, whereas.........................
Some people are tall, whereas others are short.
*Whereas some people are tall, others are short.
* Some people are short, whereas others are tall.
3. Some people prefer to live in the country, while ……………………
*Some people prefer to live in the country, while others prefer the city.
*While some people prefer to live in the country, others prefer the city.
* Others prefer the city, while some people prefer to live in the country.
4. While some people know only their native language ………………
*While some people know only their native language, others are fluent in multiple
* Others are fluent in multiple languages, while some people know only their native
* Some people know only their native language, while others are fluent in multiple
5. A mouse is small, whereas …………………………
*A mouse is small, whereas an elephant is large.
* Whereas an elephant is large, a mouse is small.
*An elephant is large, whereas a mouse is small.
6. The climate at sea level at the equator is always hot, whereas the climate at the North
and South poles ………………………
*The climate at sea level at the equator is always hot, whereas the climate at the North
and South poles is always cold.
* Whereas the climate at the North and South poles is always cold, the climate at sea
level at the equator is always hot.
* The climate at the North and South poles is always cold, whereas the climate at sea
level at the equator is always hot.
7. Some people …………………………. While ……………………
*Some people work hard while others prefer to relax.
* While some people prefer to relax, others work hard.
* Others work hard while some people prefer to relax.
8. Some countries …………………………. Whereas ……………
*Some countries have strict laws regarding smoking, whereas others have more
lenient regulations.
* Whereas some countries have more lenient regulations, others have strict laws
regarding smoking.
* Some countries have strict laws regarding smoking, whereas others have more
lenient regulations.

Exercise g: if-clauses
Directions: Make sentences from the given possibilities. Use if.
16. It may be cold tomorrow.
* If it’s cold tomorrow, I’m going to stay home.
*If it’s cold tomorrow, let’s go skating.
* If it’s cold tomorrow, you should wear your wool sweater.
*We can’t go on a picnic if it’s cold tomorrow.
17. Maybe it will be hot tomorrow.
*If it's hot tomorrow, let's go to the beach.
18. Maybe you will have some free time tomorrow.
*If you have free time tomorrow, let's go to the movies.
19. Maybe you will lock yourself out of your apartment.
*If you lock yourself out of your apartment, call the landlord.
20. Maybe the sun will be shining when you get up tomorrow morning.
*If the sun is shining when you get up tomorrow morning, let's have breakfast
21. You will probably be too tired to finish your work today.
*If you're too tired to finish your work today, take a break and come back to it later.
22. You might not have enough money to take your trip next month.
* If you don't have enough money to take your trip next month, let's look for cheaper
23. We might continue to destroy our environment.
* If we continue to destroy our environment, we will suffer the consequences in the

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