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E-learning meeting 5

Discussion forum 5.
Assalamualaikum sir, permission to answer the discussion forum.

*What do you know about Adverb Clause?

An adverbial clause refers to the depending clause which alters the verbs,
adjectives, or adverbs in its sentences. In simple and refined words, adverb clauses
are the clauses that do the same thing as adverbs.

*Make 5 example of sentences using Adverb Clause!

1. Whether she wants or not, she has to go to work.
2. Before we go on holiday, we must make bookings.
3. Since she'll be working long hours, she'll eat times square.
4. You ought to stay calm even if everybody else gets nervous.
5. The seemed very long because we were totally free.

Structured task e learning meeting 5

Exercise A:
Identifying Adverb Clause
Directions: Add necessary punctuation and capitalization. Identify adverb clauses
And main clauses. Do not add or delete any words.
Example: when Sam was in New York he stayed with his cousins
->When Sam was in New York, he stayed with his cousins.
1. we went inside when it began to rain
2. it began to rain we went inside
3. when it began to rain we went inside
4. when the mail comes my assistant opens it
5. my assistant opens the mail when it comes

1.We went inside when it began to rain.
2.It began to rain,We went inside.
3.When it began to rain,we went inside.
4.When the mail comes,my assistant opens it.
5.My assistant opens the mail when it comes.

Exercise B:
Partial Sentence making
Directions: Complete the sentences with your own words. Then, put brackets
Around the adverb clause in each sentence.
1. I will call you before I come over.
2. Last night I went to bed after I ……………………… my homework
3. Tonight, I will go to bed after I ……………………… my homework.
4. Ever since I was a child, I ……………………… afraid of dogs.
5. Jane’s contact lens popped out while she ……………………… basketball
6. Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you ………………………
It in to the teacher tomorrow.
7. By the time I left my apartment this morning, the mail carrier
……………………… the mail. 8. I have known Jim Bates since he
……………………… ten years old.
9. A black cat ran across the road as I ……………………… my car to work this
10. By the time I leave this city, I ……………………… here for four months
11. Whenever Mark ……………………… angry, his nose gets red.

12. I ……………………… to the beach whenever the weather was nice, but now
Don’t have time to do that because I have to study.
13. We will have a big party when ………………………
14. The next time I ……………………… to Hawaii, I’m going to visit Mauna
The world’s largest active volcano.
15. I had fried chicken the last time I ……………………… at that restaurant.

(The answers are in bold and italic)
1. I will call you before I come over
2.Last night, I went to bed after I did my homework.
3.Tonight, I will go to bed after I do my homework.
4.Ever since I was a child, I was afraid of dogs.
5.Jacquie’s contact lens popped out while she was playing
6.Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you give it to the teacher
7.By the time I left my apartment this morning, the mail carrier had sent the mail.
8.I have known my best friend since she was ten years old.
9.A black cat ran across the road as I was driving my car to work this morning.
10.By the time I leave this city, I will be here for four months.
11.Whenever Mark is angry, his nose gets red.
12 .I was going to the beach whenever the weather was nice, but now I don’t have
time to do that because I have to study.
13.We will have a big party when you come.
14.The next time I go to Hawaii, I’m going to visit Mauna Loa, the world’s largest
15.I had fried chicken the last time I was at that restaurant.

Exercise C:
Using adverb clauses to show time relationships.
Directions: Create a sentence from the given words. Do not change the order of
Words. Use any appropriate verb forms and punctuate correctly.
Examples: as soon as + I + finish + I
 As soon as I finish my report, I’ll call you and we’ll go out to dinner.
I + after + I + climb
 I was exhausted after I climbed the stairs to the eighth floor.
1. whenever+ I + go + I
2. by the time + I + get + I
3. I +since + I +leave
4. just as +I +open +I
5. I + as soon as + I +eat
6. I + when + I + be
7. I + until + I +be
8. while + I +look +I
9. I + before + I +drive

1.Wherever I go, I always bring my bag. the time I get finish the eat I will finish watching the movie
3.I sad it’s been a few years since I leave you.
4.Just as I open the door, I saw a cute kitten
5.I was happy as soon as I get to eat the spaghett
6.I ask myself when did I become a useful person
7.I fine until I happy with what I have
8.While I was looking over a window, I saw a pretty flower
9.I’m going to call you, before I drive back home

Exercise D
Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect
Directions: Combine the sentences, using the word or phrase in parentheses. Add
Commas where necessary.
1. We can go swimming every day. The weather is warm. (now that)
->We can go swimming every day now that the weather is warm.
2. All of the students had done poorly on the test. The teacher decided to give it
Again. (since)
->Since all of the students had done poorly on the test, the teacher decided
To give it again.
3. Cold air hovers near the earth. It is heavier than hot air. (because)
4. You paid for the theatre tickets. Please let me pay for our dinner. (since)
5. Larry is finally caught up on his work. He can start his vacation tomorrow.
(now that)
6. Our TV set was broken. We listened to the news on the radio. (because)


3. Cold air hovers near the earth. It is heavier than hot air (because)
→ Cold air hovers near the earth because it is heavier than hot air

4. You paid for the theater tickets. Please let me pay for our dinner. (since)
→ Since you paid for the theater tickets, please let me pay for our dinner.

5. Do you want to go for a walk? The rain has stopped. (now that)
→ Do you want to go for a walk now that the rain has stopped?

6. Our TV set was broken. We listened to the news on the radio. (because)
→ Because our TV set was broken, we listened to the news on the radio.

7. Many young people move to the cities in search of employment. There are few
jobs available in the rural areas. (since)
→Many young people move to the the cities in search of employment since there
are few jobs available in the rural areas.

8. The civil war has ended. A new government is being formed. (now that)
→Now that the civil war has ended, a new government is being formed.
Exercise E
Adjective Clause to express contrast
Directions: Complete the sentences by using either even though or because.
4. Tim’s in good shape physically even though he doesn’t get much exercise.
5. Larry’s in good shape physically because he gets a lot of exercise.
6. I put on my sunglasses …………………………. It was a dark, cloudy day.
7. I put on my sunglasses …………………………. The sun was bright.
8. Maria has a job, …………………………. She doesn’t make enough money to
Support her four children.
9. Anna has a job, …………………………. She is able to pay her rent and
Food for her family.
10. Susan didn’t …………………………. Learn Spanish she lived in Mexico for
11. Joe speaks Spanish well …………………………. He lived in Mexico for a
12. Jing-Won jumped into the river to rescue the little girl who was drowning
…………………………. He wasn’t a good swimmer.
13. A newborn kangaroo can find its mother’s pouch …………………………. Its
Eyes are not yet open.
14. Some people protest certain commercial fishing operations
…………………………. Dolphins, considered to be highly intelligent
Mammals, are killed unnecessarily.
15. The earthquake damaged the bridge across Skunk River, the Smiths were able
Cross the river …………………………. They had a boat.

6. even though
7. because
8. even though
9. because
10. even though
11. because
12. even though
13. even though


1. Some people are fat, whereas ………………………….

 Some people are fat, whereas others are thin.
 Whereas some people are fat, others are thin.
 Some people are thin, whereas others are fat.
2. Some people are tall, whereas ………………………….
 Some people are tall, whereas others are short.
 Whereas some people are tall, others are short.
 Some people are short, whereas others are tall.
3. Some people prefer to live in the country, while ………………………….
 Some people prefer to live in the country, while others prefer to live in the
 While some people prefer the peace and quiet of the countryside, others
enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city.
 Some people like the rural lifestyle, while others prefer an urban lifestyle.
4. While some people know only their native language ………………………….
 Some people may also have learned a second language later in life, while
others may have grown up in multilingual households.
 While some people may have only a basic understanding of a second
language, others may be highly proficient in multiple languages.
 Some people may have learned a second language for practical reasons,
such as for work or travel, while others may have learned it for personal
interest or cultural reasons.
5. A mouse is small, whereas ………………………….
 A mouse is small, whereas an elephant is large.
 Whereas a mouse is small, a bear can be quite large.
 A mouse is small, whereas a giraffe can be tall and large.
6. The climate at sea level at the equator is always hot, whereas the climate at the
North and South poles ………………………….
 Whereas the equator is characterized by a hot and humid climate, the
North and South poles experience extreme cold and dry conditions.
 The equatorial climate is generally consistent throughout the year, whereas
the polar regions have long periods of darkness and light, causing extreme
variations in temperature.
 While the equator receives consistent amounts of sunlight throughout the
year, the poles experience periods of darkness during the winter months,
which greatly impacts their climate.
7. Some people …………………………. while ………………………….
 Some people prefer to work alone, while others thrive in team settings.
 While some people enjoy spending time outdoors, others prefer indoor
 Some people are introverted and prefer quiet activities, while others are
extroverted and enjoy socializing.
8. Some countries …………………………. whereas ………………………….
 Some countries have a high standard of living and robust economies,
whereas others struggle with poverty and underdevelopment.
 While some countries have highly developed infrastructure and advanced
technology, others have limited access to basic necessities such as clean
water and electricity.
 Some countries have democratic systems of government and strong human
rights protections, whereas others are governed by authoritarian regimes
with limited civil liberties.

16. It may be cold tomorrow.

 If it’s cold tomorrow, I’m going to stay home.
 If it’s cold tomorrow, let’s go skating.
 If it’s cold tomorrow, you should wear your wool sweater.
 We can’t go on a picnic if it’s cold tomorrow.
17. Maybe it will be hot tomorrow.
 If it's hot tomorrow, we should go to the beach.
 If it's hot tomorrow, we should make sure to stay hydrated.
 It might be too hot to exercise outside tomorrow.
18. Maybe you will have some free time tomorrow.
 If you have some free time tomorrow, we should grab lunch together.
 If you have some free time tomorrow, you could go for a hike or explore a
new neighborhood.
 If you have some free time tomorrow, we could go see a movie or try that
new restaurant that just opened.
19. Maybe you will lock yourself out of your apartment.
 If you do happen to lock yourself out of your apartment tomorrow, I can
lend you a hand and help you find a locksmith.
 If you're worried about locking yourself out of your apartment tomorrow,
you can set a reminder on your phone to grab your keys before leaving.
 If you lock yourself out of your apartment tomorrow, I can come and bring
you a spare key.
20. Maybe the sun will be shining when you get up tomorrow morning.
 If the sun is shining when you get up tomorrow morning, you should take
advantage of it and go for a run.
 If the sun is shining when you get up tomorrow morning, we can plan a
picnic in the park.
 If the sun is shining when you get up tomorrow morning, it's a good day to
do some outdoor chores like mowing the lawn or washing the car.
21. You will probably be too tired to finish your work today
 If you're not feeling well and think you will be too tired to finish your
work today, it's better to take a sick day and rest.
 If you had a sleepless night and think you will be too tired to finish your
work today, consider drinking some coffee or tea to help you stay alert.
 If you have a lot of work to do and think you will be too tired to finish
today, try to pace yourself and take breaks as needed to avoid burnout.
22. You might not have enough money to take your trip next month.
 If you are worried about not having enough money to take your trip next
month, consider creating a budget and cutting back on expenses to save
 If unexpected expenses come up and you think you might not have enough
money to take your trip next month, it's important to reassess your
finances and adjust your plans accordingly.
 If you are unsure about your financial situation and think you might not
have enough money to take your trip next month, it's a good idea to talk to
a financial advisor or someone you trust for advice and guidance.
23. We might continue to destroy our environment.
 If we don't take action to reduce our carbon emissions and shift to more
sustainable practices, we might continue to destroy our environment.
 If we don't prioritize conservation and preservation efforts, we might
continue to destroy our environment.
 If we don't hold individuals, companies, and governments accountable for
their actions and policies that harm the environment, we might continue to
destroy our environment.
E-learning metting 6

Discussion forum 6
Assalamualaikum sir, permission to answer the discussion forum.

1.Definition of Parallel Structure Parallel structure is a match or parallel structure

in a sentence. The point is that the elements in a sentence use the same
grammatical pattern. Elements in a sentence can be a noun (noun), a
phrase (phrase), or a clause (clause). By using this parallelism or parallel
structure, we will be able to show that the elements in the sentence are
equivalent to one another.
1.The show will be held in Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, and Yogyakarta.
2.This cake is not for you but for your mother.
3.I like music, art, and poem
4.The questions in the exam were simple but difficult.
5.I bought this ring not for my girlfriend but for my little sister.

2.Simple Sentences
The most basic type of English sentence is the simple structure. This is when a
sentence is composed of just one independent clause – a clause which
contains a subject (the noun performing the action of the sentence) and
predicate (the action being taken) and expresses a complete thought. Like
all sentences, it can also contain a direct object (the noun receiving the
action of a sentence) or indirect object (the object for whom the action is
being done).

A few simple sentence examples:

1.I didn’t go to the game.
2 She was correct.
3.The writer was out of ideas.
4.The movie was over two hours long.
5.I like coffe.

Structured task e learning meeting 6

C. EXERCISES Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words


the answer is next to the notes in parentheses

(D)1.Riddles vary greatly in both grammatical and phonology form
(D)2.Blood pressure is measured by feeling the pulse and apply a force to
the arm
(D)3.The moon has no atmosphere, no air, and no watery
(C)4.Ballpoint pens are less versatile but more population than fountain pens
(B)5.Demand, beauty, durability, rare, and perfection of cutting determine the
Value of gemstone
(D)6.The liquid crystal in a liquid crystal display (LCD) affect the polarized
light so that it is either blocked and reflected by the segments of the
(D)7.In 1862, the American Confederacy raised the Merrimack, renamed it
the Virginia, covered it with iron plates, and an outfit it when ten guns
(B)8.Coal, petroleum, and natural gaseous are all fossil fuels
(A).9Most of Hemingway’s novels glorify heroic exploits such as bullfighting
or box C

(D)10.The coffee is too hot, too bitter, and too strength

(B)11.The leaves from the tree fell in the yard, in the pool, the driveway, and
A B C D on the

(D)12.The novel was emotional and description

(B)13.Wanting to accomplish something and if you actually accomplish it may
not be the same thing
(A)14He knew that the financial problems are serious, that the situation was
not going to improve, and that he needed to get a job.

Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the

15. In this climate, farmers grow stone fruits such as ______.

a. peach, apricot, plum
b. peaches, apricots, a plum
c. peaches, apricots, and plums
d. Peaching, eating apricot, and plum
16. Students must conduct their laboratory experiments accurately and ______.
a. in a safe manner
b. with safety
c. safely
d. Saving
17. Running, walking, and ______ are my favorite forms of exercise.
a. to dance
b. to go dancing
c. Dancing
d. Dance
18. Students must conduct their laboratory experiments accurately and ______.
a. in a safe manner
b. with safety
c. safely
d. with safely
19. It takes one hour or more to drive to the city depending on weather and
a. traffic
b. how much traffic there is
c. if traffic is heavy
d. Also get traffic

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