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Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today.

In the not
too distant future, technology will completely replace the teacher in the
To what extent do you agree or disagree
1. Background Statement: Find Keywords = Technology
Background Sentence = technology is playing a vital role in the good life of the
2. Detailed Background Sentence = growing advance technology will take
place in classroom instead of teachers/mentors in the near future.
3. Thesis Sentence = It is completely disagreed that technology will replace the
teacher in the classroom. / I completely disagree with this statement.
4. Outline sentence = Analyzing the inability of a technology driven teacher to
both cater to student learning needs and install motivation regarding study.
(7.5-8.0+) [Creative] /
Analyzing this look, a reasoned conclusion will be shared. 6.5-7.0
4. Outline Sentence = This essay will explain an argument viewpoint in the
below paragraph with reasoned conclusion.
(Agree & Disagree) (7.0-7.5) [Format]

In recent time, it is true that in some countries in the globe, / It is true that
nowadays, technology is playing a vital role in the good life of the humans.
Growing technology will take place in classroom instead of teachers. It is
completely disagreed that technology will replace the teacher in the classroom.
Analyzing the inability of a technology driven teacher to both cater to student
learning needs and instill motivation will show this. (7.5-8.0+) [Creative]
In recent time, it is true that in some countries in the globe, / It is true that
nowadays, technology is playing a vital role in the good life of the humans.
Growing technology will take place in classroom instead of teachers. It is
completely disagreed that technology will replace the teacher in the classroom.
This essay will explain an argument viewpoint in the below paragraph with
reasoned conclusion. (7.0-7.5) [Format]
Thesis Sentence Agree = I completely agree that technology will
completely replace the teacher in the classroom.
Thesis Sentence Disagree = I completely disagree that technology
will completely replace the teacher in the classroom.

Agree & Disagree Sentence = I completely agree / disagree that

technology will completely replace the teacher in the classroom. In
this essay, I will discuss the both views and give relevant example
regarding present situation.

Technology is becoming increasingly prevalent in the world today.

In the not too distant future, technology will completely replace the
teacher in the classroom.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

It is true that nowadays, technology is playing a vital role in the

good life of the humans. Growing technology will take place in
classroom instead of teachers. It is completely disagreed that
technology will replace the teacher in the classroom. Analyzing the
inability of a technology driven teacher to both cater to student
learning needs and instill motivation will show this. (7.5-8.0+)

Ideas: i. increasing knowledge ii. Learning Process iii. Life

Experience…. iv. Availability of technology v.

To begin with,/To start with, teachers are always playing a

vital/prominent role in student’s life. First of all, educators are
helpful and emotional in their learning process. (Topic sentence)
To express by the fact is that teachers have depth knowledge about a
specific subject or issue so that/and they use unique technique to
teach their learners. Example
In other words, a recent study showed that most of the students
prefer to ask doubts about any subjects (to their teachers) rather
than searching internet. Discussion
Thus, / Therefore, a teacher can give proper learning method that
students need but technology cannot do this.
/ a lecturer will offer short term of education, which help to obtain
the good marks. Conclusion

Beside, mentors encourage and motivate the children to focus on

their studies and then it enhances the student abilities to reach the
goals. For Instance, most of the students take the advices like how to
choose the proper career and also about college/university selection
instead of searching the internet. Alternatively, a theory argues that
young learners are most motivated when they share an emotional
relationship with their instructor. Thus, the trainer is the best
known person about student and their working style.

Sentence 1 – Summary = To sum up, a robotic teacher would lack

the classroom dynamism and emotional intelligence needed to be an
effective instructor.
Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis = Thus, my personal experience
as well, I would like to state in conclusion that teachers never
replaced by any technologies.
Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation = It is predicted that
computer technology will not replace traditional human teachers in
the foreseeable/near future.

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