Workout A For Week 8 (5 X 5 W/ 90 Sec Rest)

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Given below is the Workout program designed for you.

You can enter the details of the exercise actually done.

Workout A for Week 8 (5 x 5 w/ 90 sec rest)

***Special Tips 5 sets of 5 with a nice 90 second rest will stimulate primarily your fast twitch muscle fibers which will lead to a strong neuralmuscular response, tapping into many untouched and untrained muscle fibers. Keep the rest period HONEST. You will not discover the intensity of this workout unless you truly maintain a 60 second rest period. An honest 60 seconds will give you just enough time to sip on your workout drink and change the weights if necessary. Keep the weights HEAVY. Here is your opportunity to pick up some serious iron and test your limits. The last 2 reps on your last two sets should be a struggle and if you wish to use a spotter, do it now. If you find your last three sets are easier than your first two sets than this means that your nervous system was not warmed up and would benefit from an extra 1 or 2 warm up sets. Focus on completing all 5 sets of 5 with the same weight. However, it is not a bad idea to do the first and second set slightly lighter. e.g. 70 lbs 75 lbs 85 lbs 85 lbs 85 lbs Perform at least two easy cardio workouts per week at 30-45 minutes each on seperate days. Notice that long slow cardio might feel better on your body during this phase since your nervous system is already being stimulated during the heavy lifting. The interval cardio might delay your nervous system recovery. Perform the workouts in the order that they written. Notice that you are supersetting opposing movements throughout the entire workout i.e. Quads vs Hips, Horizontal Pull vs Horizontal

Push, Vertical Pull vs Vertical Push etc: Exercise Enter your comments Full Squat (barbell) 1. Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms forward) and slightly wider than hip width apart. Step under bar and position bar across posterior deltoids at middle of trapezius (as shown). DO NOT rest bar on neck. Lift elbows up, pull shoulder blades together, and lift chest up to create a shelf for the bar. 2. Start position: Using the legs, remove bar from rack. Stand with feet slighter wider than hip width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position. 3. Lower body by flexing at the hips and knees. Upper body can flex forward at the hips slightly (~5) during movement. Be sure to sit back so that knees stay over the feet. 4. Once thighs are parallel to floor, return to start position. 5. Remember to keep head and back straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Keep weight over the middle of foot and heel, not the toes. 6. DO NOT allow knees to go past the big toe or deviate medially or laterally throughout movement. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine. Trainer Comments: A1 Print this image Straight Back - Stiff Leg Deadlift 1) Stand with feet hip width apart with knees slightly bent (at 20). 2) Start position: Grasp bar with overhand grip hip width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position. 3) Bending at the hips, lower bar to approximately knee height. Keep knees bent at 20 throughout movement. 4) Return to start position. 1 2 3 4 5
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Remember to keep back straight - movement should occur at the hip. To facilitate this, shift glutes back as if ready to sit down. Knees should not move forward beyond the toes. Keep abdominals tight throughout exercise by drawing stomach in toward spine. Trainer Comments: A2 Print this image Cable Seated Row 1) Sit in upright position with knees slightly bent and feet planted on foot rests (if applicable). 2) Start position: Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms facing down) with arms fully extended and shoulder width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position. 3) Keep elbows close to body and pull bar towards abdominal region. Squeeze shoulder blades together as bar touches abdominal region. 4) Return to start position. Trainer Comments: B1 Print this image Incline DB chest press 1. Start by lying on an inclined bench and hold dumbells at chest level with your palms facing forward. 2. Press the dumbells straight up towards the ceiling until your arms are extended. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat according to the prescribed repetitions. Trainer Comments: B2 Print this image Close Grip Cable Pulldown 1) Adjust seat or knee pad height so that knees are secured while seated. 2) Grasp bar with underhand grip shoulder width apart and sit with knees secured in pad. 1 2 3
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3) Start position: Fully extend arms with elbows facing forward with back straight (you may lean back at hips approximately 5-10). 4) Pull bar down to upper chest area and squeeze shoulder blades together at end of movement. 5) Return to start position. 6) Remember to keep torso stationary throughout movement. Trainer Comments: C1 Print this image Standing Military Press 1. Sit in upright position or stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. 2. Start position: Position barbell to ear level with an overhand grip (palms facing forward). 3. Press hands up above head keeping wrists over the elbows and arms moving parallel to body at all times. 4. Return to start position. 5. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or excessive flexion may cause injury. Trainer Comments: C2 **Use either dumbbells or barbell Print this image Dumbbell Incline Curl 1. Sit on a 45 degree incline bench. 2. Start position: Grasp DBs with underhand grip (palms facing forward) and allow arms to hang down at sides. Elbows should be close to sides. 3. Flex at the elbows and curl DBs up to approximately shoulder level. Keep elbows close to sides throughout movement. This exercise may be done one arm at a time. 4. Return to start position. 5. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position throughout movement. Shoulders should be stabilized by squeezing shoulder blades together slightly - only the elbow joint should be

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moving. Trainer Comments: E1 Print this image Bench Dip 1) Sit upright on bench and place hands hip width apart with fingers pointing forward. Place feet flat on opposite bench with legs straight. 2) Start position: Slide glutes off bench with elbows slightly bent. 3) Lower body by bending at elbows until elbows are at 90 degree angle. 4) Return to start position. Trainer Comments: E2 Print this image Dip 1. Step up on foot platform (if available) and position hands on dip bars. 2. Start position: Remove feet from platforms and suspend the body with slightly bent elbows. Lean forward slightly so that your elbows are slightly past the plane of your back and knees slightly bent. 3. Lower your body until your upper arm is parallel to the floor. 4. Return to starting position by extending the elbows to a slightly bent position. 5. Remember to keep the trunk bent forward, head neutral, and chest up. Trainer Comments: *Alternate exercise for Bench Dips. Do this if bench dips are too easy. Print this image Single Leg DB Calf Raise 1) Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart or stand on the edge of a step on the ball of one foot with your heel hanging over edge. Toes should be 1 2
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pointing forward. Hold a dumbell in the hand on the same side. 2) Contract calf by pushing off ball of foot to raise heel up in air (standing on toes) 3) Lower heel and repeat. 4) Remember to keep knee slightly bent throughout movement to prevent any knee strain. You may have to hold on to a fixed stationary object for stability. 5. Repeat with the other leg after completing the prescribed repetitions.

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Trainer Comments: *Alternate exercise if your gym does not have a standing calve machine like below Print this image Standing Machine Calf Raise 1) Step into provided shoulder pads. Adjust lever arm so that plates do not touch when lowering the weight. 2) Stand with feet hip width apart or stand on the edge of a step on the balls of feet with heels hanging over edge. Toes should be pointing forward. 3) Contract calves by pushing off balls of feet to raise heels up in air (standing on toes) 4) Lower heels and repeat. 5) Remember to keep knees slightly bent throughout movement to prevent any knee strain. Adjust weight load accordingly. Trainer Comments: F1 Print this image Shrug (barbell) 1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart 2. Start position: Grasp barbell with an overhand grip (palms down). Arms should hang down to front with elbows slightly bent. 3. Raise barbell by shrugging shoulders towards the ceiling. 4. Return to start position. 1 2 3 4

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5. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position - hyperextension or flexion may cause injury. Keep shoulders stabilized by squeezing shoulder blades together throughout movement. Trainer Comments: F2 Print this image Close grip barbell shrug 1. Start by holding the barbell in front of you with a narrow or close overhand grip. 2. Proceed to shrug your shoulders until you reach full range of motion. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat for the desired repetitions. 4. For variation you can use a mixed grip or an underhand grip. Trainer Comments: *Alternate exercise for medium grip. Feel free to use a close grip as well. Print this image

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