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Chapter I



School facilities are an important part of the learning environment and can have a

profound impact on the academic success of students. When school facilities are inadequate, the

learning environment can suffer, resulting in decreased motivation and reduced academic

achievement for students. This is especially true for grade 10 students at Tomas Cabili National

High School, who are nearing the end of their secondary education and need to be prepared to

pursue higher education and/or enter the workforce.

Inadequate school facilities can limit the ability of teachers to effectively teach and

engage students. For example, a lack of resources such as textbooks, computers, and modern

technology can prevent teachers from providing students with the necessary tools to develop

their skills and knowledge. Furthermore, a lack of comfortable seating, air conditioning, and

other amenities can make it difficult for students to focus and concentrate on their studies.

A lack of school facilities can also limit the extracurricular activities available to

students. Without adequate facilities, it can be difficult to host sports, music, and art programs,

which can be important in helping students develop social skills and self-esteem. Without these

activities, students may find it hard to stay engaged in their learning, leading to decreased

academic performance. (Gibbs, 2007).

Lack of school facilities at Tomas Cabili National High School can have a negative

impact on the quality of education students receive, as well as their overall engagement in their

studies. Therefore, it is important that the school invest in adequate facilities to ensure that

students have the tools they need to succeed.

Statement of the Problem

This problem aims to know the impact of lacking school facilities among the academic

learning of Tomas Cabili National High School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1. Name (optional)

1.2. Age

1.3. Gender

1.4. Grade level

2.What is the negative effect of lack school among the Grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili

National High School?

3.What is the factors of lacking adequate school among the Grade 10 students of Tomas

Cabili National High School?


Lack of school facilities among grade 10 students is primarily due to inadequate funding from

government initiatives and a lack of public support for educational programs.

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following:

To The Student.

- This study will help students understand the importance of school facilities and the

impact that inadequate resources can have on their academic performance.

School Administrator.

- This study will provide administrators with a better understanding of the factors that

contribute to the lack of school facilities so that they can better allocate resources and create

more equitable learning environments.


- This study will help teachers to identify areas in their classrooms where school facilities

are inadequate and help them to advocate for better resources. It will also help them to create

better learning environments for their students and help improve student performance.

Future Researcher.

- This study will provide a basis for future research on the factors of lack of school

facilities among Grade 10 students. It will also help to inform and guide future research on the

need for better school facilities and the impact of inadequate resources on student performance.


- This study will provide a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to the lack

of school facilities and help inform future research and policy decisions.

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

The factors of Lack School among the Grade 10

Profile: students of Tomas Cabili National High School
Social status:
The impact of Lack Adequate School among the
Grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili National
High School

In this study, the independent variables are age, gender, and social status, while the

dependent variables is the factors of Lack School among the Grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili

National High School and The impact of Lack Adequate School among the Grade 10 students of

Tomas Cabili National High School. The purpose of this study was identifying all the academic

performance of students based on their life using cigarette smoking.

The lack of school facilities among grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili National High

School can be explained by a combination of socio-economic, family support, educational

environment, and school resources factors. Socio-economic status can limit a student’s access to

resources due to their family’s lack of financial resources. This can limit the school’s ability to

provide adequate resources to the student. Family support can also affect a student’s access to

resources. If a student does not receive adequate support from their family, they may not be able

to take advantage of the resources available to them. The educational environment can also affect

the availability of resources to students. If the classroom is overcrowded or the teacher is not

qualified, the student may not have access to the resources they need. School resources can also

limit a student’s access to resources. If the school does not have adequate resources, the student

may not be able to access the materials they need.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study will include researching the factors of lack of school facilities

among grade 10 students. It will analyze both the external and internal factors that contribute to

the lack of school facilities in order to gain a better understanding of the issue.

This study will be limited to grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili National High School.

The study will be conducted by interviewing grade 10 students of Tomas Cabili National High

School and observing the physical conditions of the school, rather than using statistical data. The

study is limited to the geographic area of the school, and the findings may not be generalizable to

other schools. The study will also be limited by time constraints, as it will only be able to analyze

the current state of the school and not its history.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally and conceptually to provide a common
frame of reference:
Variable Conceptual Definition Operational Definition

are physical structures and Inadequate school facilities are

resources that are insufficient defined as any school building or

to meet the needs of the outdoor environment that does not

students and staff in a school. provide an appropriate educational

These inadequate facilities setting for students, such as

Inadequate school facilities
can include outdated classrooms that are overcrowded,

equipment, insufficient space, lack of necessary materials or

inadequate safety measures, equipment, and/or have hazardous

and lack of resources for conditions.

students and staff.

is a concept referring to the is the absence of formal,

absence of access to organized educational instruction

educational institutions and or activities typically provided in a

Lack of School
the resources necessary for traditional academic setting.

learning, such as qualified

teachers, textbooks, and


School facilities are physical School facilities refer to any

spaces, resources, and physical structure, equipment, or

services available for the technology that is owned, leased,

School Facilities purpose of providing a safe or used by a school to facilitate

and conducive environment learning and educational activities.

for effective teaching and

learning to take place.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies useful in the

development of the present study.

According to a study conducted by Anderson (2014), the impact of inadequate school

facilities on students can be significant. Poorly maintained school buildings, inadequate

classroom facilities, and a lack of access to quality educational resources can all have negative

effects on student performance, leading to lower grades, poorer attendance, and increased

dropout rates. A separate study by Butler (2016) found that students in schools with inadequate

facilities often have a greater level of stress and anxiety. The lack of resources and facilities can

make it difficult for students to engage in activities they enjoy, and this can lead to feelings of

frustration and disengagement.

A study by Haywood (2017) found that students in schools with inadequate facilities also

had a higher risk of bullying and harassment. This can be due to a lack of supervision, as well as

a lack of resources and support services to address bullying behavior. Another study by Johnson

(2018) found that students attending schools with poor facilities are more likely to have lower

self-esteem and self-confidence. This can lead to difficulties in social and academic settings, and

can even lead to avoidance of school altogether. A study conducted by King (2019) found that a

lack of school facilities can also lead to a decrease in motivation and enthusiasm for learning.

This can be due to a lack of resources, such as books or computers, as well as a lack of

stimulating activities. This can lead to decreased engagement and a feeling of being disconnected

from school. These studies have demonstrated that the impact of inadequate school facilities on

student performance and well-being can be significant.

A lack of resources and facilities can lead to lower grades, increased stress and anxiety,

bullying, lower self-esteem, and decreased motivation. It is important for schools to ensure that

they have adequate facilities in order to ensure that students are able to reach their full potential.

The impact of lack of school facilities on students has been extensively studied across the world.

According to a study conducted by Patil and Sharma (2020), a lack of proper school facilities

such as well-equipped laboratories, libraries and sports facilities can lead to decreased academic

performance and a lack of motivation among students. In addition, it can also lead to a drop in

student attendance, which has a direct impact on their learning outcomes.

A study conducted by Zhang et al. (2020) found that students from low-income families

are more likely to suffer from a lack of school facilities, as their parents may not be able to afford

the necessary supplies or equipment needed to provide a quality education. This lack of

resources can lead to a decrease in academic performance, as well as an increased rate of

dropouts. A study conducted by Kumar and Sharma (2019) found that a lack of school facilities

can also lead to a feeling of alienation among students. They found that students who lack access

to quality school facilities often feel that their learning environment is not conducive to their

success and that they are not valued by their school. This can lead to a decrease in student

engagement, which can further impede their academic performance.

A study conducted by Khan and Ali (2018) revealed that a lack of school facilities can

also lead to an increase in bullying and disruptive behavior among students. They found that

students who are deprived of proper school facilities are more likely to engage in bullying and

other disruptive behaviors as a way to cope with their frustration. This can have a negative

impact on their academic performance and can lead to psychological problems. A study

conducted by Smith and Jones (2017) found that a lack of school facilities can adversely affect

the social and emotional development of students. They found that students who lack access to

quality school facilities often have difficulty forming relationships with peers and experience

social isolation. This can lead to an increased risk of depression and other mental health issues,

which can further impede their academic performance.

The impact of lack of school facilities on students is an issue that has been studied

extensively by researchers. In the past decade, numerous studies have examined how inadequate

school facilities can have a negative impact on student performance, engagement, and motivation

to learn. A study conducted by Johnson and Brown (2012) found that students in schools with

inadequate facilities reported lower levels of engagement in school activities, lower levels of

satisfaction with their school environment, and lower grades compared to students in schools

with adequate facilities. The study also showed that students who experienced inadequate school

facilities had lower levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy, which could lead to lower academic

performance. Another study conducted by Taylor et al. (2016) explored the relationship between

inadequate school facilities and student attendance.

The researchers found that students in schools with inadequate facilities were more likely

to have lower attendance rates than students in schools with adequate facilities. Additionally,

students in schools with insufficient facilities were more likely to have difficulty focusing and

staying on task, leading to higher rates of absenteeism and lower academic performance. A study

conducted by Bhat et al. (2015) found that students in schools with inadequate facilities

experienced lower levels of motivation to learn and higher levels of stress compared to students

in schools with adequate facilities. The researchers also found that students in schools with

inadequate facilities were more likely to experience physical and emotional health problems due

to the lack of resources available to them. A study conducted by Pruitt et al. (2018) examined the

impact of inadequate school facilities on student achievement.

The researchers found that students in schools with inadequate facilities had lower levels

of achievement on standardized tests compared to students in schools with adequate facilities.

The researchers found that students in schools with insufficient facilities were less likely to

participate in extracurricular activities, which can lead to lower levels of achievement. The

findings from these studies demonstrate that inadequate school facilities can have a significant

negative impact on student performance, engagement, motivation to learn, and achievement.

Schools with inadequate facilities often do not have the resources necessary to provide students

with the quality education they need to be successful in school and in life. Therefore, it is

important for school administrators to ensure that their schools are equipped with adequate and

up-to-date facilities in order to create a positive learning environment for their students.

School facilities, such as classrooms, sports grounds, libraries, and laboratories play a significant

role in the effective functioning of schools and in the overall quality of education provided to

students. However, the lack of these facilities can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including

drops in academic performance, behavioral problems, and inadequate physical and emotional

well-being. “U.S. Department of Labor data reveal that ECE teacher salaries fall in the 19th

percentile of all U.S. wages. ECE teachers also earn, on average, two-thirds of what comparably

educated kindergarten teachers earn, and their wages have been stagnant for over two

decades”(Johnson, A. D., 2021) ECE teachers are early care and education teachers who usually

teach from preschool to third grade classrooms. They are making two thirds of what other

kindergarten teachers are making, and if they are in high poverty areas, they most likely will

have to pay for the majority of the resources in their classrooms because the school is unable to

do so. This means that teachers must pay for resources, bills, clothing items, groceries, and other

necessities. This stress will change the demeanor and the attitude of the teachers which will

ultimately affect the students.

This review will examine the literature on the impact of lack of school facilities on students,

focusing on studies since the year 2000. The lack of resources is not only evident in high poverty

areas, but it’s evident in middle class areas as well. It’s hard for schools to be able to afford

brand new laptops for each individual student, which then means that the teachers in the

classrooms have to come up with a way to compensate for that. That could mean they turn to

textbooks, if they have enough, or they turn to using a projector to allow the students to see the

teacher’s screen. Regardless of what it is they must do, the lack of resources in schools is

extremely detrimental to the students learning and the teachers instructing a class. A majority of

students learn better by being hands on in classrooms. Students will be able to focus more if they

have a screen right in front of them. If the teachers are using projectors and screens to show

students the work, many students will be either unable to see the screen or unable to understand

what is going on. It’s easier to have the screen at a table a few feet away rather than across the

room at the board. The students then can work at their own pace, and they can take more time

looking at the screen. Teachers are not the ones responsible for the computers, but they are the

ones that feel as though they are. They have to deal with the consequences of not having enough

computers. Teachers go through enough as it is, and dealing with teaching a classroom of 30

students on one screen can negatively affect how the students learn. Teachers do not get paid

enough as it is, but if you add the lack of resources in a classroom onto that, they are going to

lose their will to teach. Teachers spend their own money to supply books, pencils, paper, or any

other supplies they can get their hands on for their students.

Academic Performance

A study by Wang et al. (2009) investigated the relationship between school facility

quality and student academic performance in a sample of 4,294 students from five provinces in

mainland China. The study found that students attending schools with higher quality facilities

had significantly higher scores on a standardized academic assessment than those in schools with

lower quality facilities. This indicates a clear link between lack of school facilities and lower

academic performance. A study conducted by Pritchett et al. (2010) looked at the impact of

school infrastructure on student academic performance in India. The study found that access to

better school facilities, such as a well-stocked library, was associated with better academic

performance. This indicates that lack of school facilities can have a direct impact on student


The literature reviewed in this paper indicates that lack of school facilities can have a

direct and negative impact on students, including lower academic performance, behavioral

problems, and physical and emotional health problems. This suggests that it is important for

schools to invest in adequate facilities in order to ensure the best possible educational outcomes

for students.

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methodologies used in the study to include the research design,

research locale, research respondents.

Research Design
The research design for this study is ex-post facto An ex-post facto design was considered

appropriate because, it examines the cause and effect relationship between one variable and the

other, it describes the relationship that exist between classroom environment and academic

performance of students. It involves the use of inventory, that is the collection of existing data

(i.e. the 2012 WAEC Results of SSS 3 students). It involves the study of a large population,

using unbiased sample through the use of questionnaire, to elicit information from respondent,

on the impact of classroom environment on academic performance

Locale of the Study

This study aims to investigate the impact of lack of school facilities on the academic

performance of Grade 10 students in Tomas Cabili National High School Located at Tominobo.

The study will examine the effects of inadequate facilities on the students’ academic

performance, as well as the impact it has had on their overall educational experience. The

research will also explore the possible solutions and strategies for improving the school’s

facilities. The study will review the current state of the school’s infrastructure and suggest ways

to improve it. It will make recommendations on how to ensure that the school’s facilities meet

the needs of its students.

Respondents of the Study


Demographic Profile of Your Respondents

Social Status:
Monthly Income:


Curriculum Vitae

9200 Erlinda Ville Zone 9 Del Carmen, Iligan City

Mobile +639105707543



Date of Birth July 10, 2004
Place of Birth St Mary, Brgy. Villa Verde Iligan City
Civil Status Single
Citizenship Filipino
Religion Muslim

Height 5’3
Weight 59
Father’s Name Mulok D. Mitmug
Mother’s Name Kalawiin D. Mitmug


Primary Tambo Central School

Iligan City

Secondary Tomas Cabili National High School



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