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Background of the study

Kwek Kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines. It is made with hard-
boiled quail eggs that are coated with a bright orange batter made of flour,
cornstarch, and food coloring. The coated eggs are then deep-fried until they
turn crispy and golden brown. Kwek kwek is usually served with a spicy vinegar
dip and is enjoyed as a snack or appetizer.

The history of kwek kwek is unclear, but some sources suggest that it originated
in the street food scene in Manila. It is believed that kwek kwek became popular
in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and has since become a staple in Filipino street
food culture. Many street food vendors in the Philippines sell kwek kwek, and it
has even become a popular item in some Filipino restaurants and food markets.

There is little research done on the nutritional value of kwek kwek, and its health
effects are largely unknown. However, it is widely accepted that kwek kwek is a
high-calorie snack and should be consumed in moderation. Despite this, kwek
kwek’s popularity continues to grow, and it has become an important part of
Filipino food culture

Kwek kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines made of quail eggs that are
boiled, peeled, coated in batter, and deep-fried until crispy. This snack is
commonly served with or without a dipping sauce, and it has become a staple
street food in the Philippines. Kwek kwek vendors can be found in various street
corners and marketplaces, particularly during afternoon and evening hours.

Kwek kwek has slowly gained worldwide recognition due to its crunchy texture
and delectable taste. The quail eggs used in making kwek kwek are a good source
of high-quality protein, minerals such as potassium, selenium, and phosphorus,
and vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and boost the immune system. It is
also a healthy alternative to other junk foods since it is cooked with little oil and
can be served without the batter to reduce calorie intake.

Conducting a study on kwek kwek could help in exploring the different aspects
of this popular street food. From its nutritional content to its cultural
significance, various aspects can be researched to gain a better understanding of
kwek kwek. Such a study would enable an individual to comprehend how this
snack is prepared, enjoyed, and sold, identifying its key attributes, cultural
implications, and marketing trends, thereby contributing to a better appreciation
of Philippine street food culture.
Statement of the problem
The study is about the salability of common Philippine street foods and its effects
on the health of the consumers. At the end of this thesis, the researchers would
want to get the answers to the following questions:

What street food(s) is/are the most saleable among Balite Imstitute of Technology

What street food(s) is/are the most saleable among Balite Imstitute of Technology

What are the most common street foods sold by street vendors?

What are the positive effects of street foods to the consumers’ health?

What are the negative effects of street foods to the consumers’ health?

What do Balite Imstitute of Technology students and teachers prefer, those sold
in the streets or those sold in malls?

ASSUMPTIONS The researchers would like to make the following temporary

answers to the aforementioned questions:

a. It can fulfill the cravings of the consumer; and

b. It is also food that the consumers can eat when hungry.
The researchers agree that the negative effects of street foods to the consumers’
health are:
a. The consumers are not sure if what they are eating are clean or not; and
b. The consumers are not properly informed if what they are eating are safe or
The researchers agree that Balite Imstitute of Technology . Students prefer those
street foods sold in malls.
b. Teachers prefer those street foods sold on the streets.
Kwek Kwek is a popular Filipino street food, which is made with boiled quail
eggs that are coated with a crispy orange batter. The hypothesis about kwek
kwek is that it is a convenient, affordable, and delicious food option that is widely
consumed across the Philippines.

Firstly, many Filipinos consider kwek kwek as a convenient food option due to its
easy availability. The vendors of kwek kwek sell it at almost every street corner
across the Philippines. They offer it as a quick snack to be consumed on-the-go.
This is especially important for students who don't have time to sit down to have
a proper meal or those who need a quick energy boost before attending their next

Secondly, kwek kwek is an affordable food option, making it accessible to almost

everyone. Students, in particular, often have limited budgets and hence cannot
afford to splurge on expensive food items. Kwek Kwek is incredibly cost-
effective, with a plate of ten eggs costing only a few pesos. Moreover, it is readily
available, not just in big cities but in small towns and rural areas too.

Lastly, kwek kwek is also a delicious snack option and a favourite among
Filipino teenagers and adults alike. It is a perfect combination of crispy and
savoury flavours. The distinctive orange colouring comes from the batter, which
comprises a blend of flour, cornstarch, and a pinch of annatto powder. The egg is
boiled and then peeled, ready to be dipped in the batter and deep-fried until

In conclusion, the hypothesis about kwek kwek is that it is a popular, affordable,

and tasty food option that caters to the needs of the Filipinos. Its low cost and
easy availability make it a popular snack among students who need a quick,
convenient, and affordable food option before, after, or between classes. The
popularity of kwek kwek highlights the unique qualities and tastes that local
Filipino cuisine has to offer and remains a constant attraction in the food culture
of the country.
Significance of the study
Kwek Kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines made of boiled quail eggs
covered in orange batter. It is a common snack for Filipinos and food enthusiasts
who love the crunchy, flavorful, and affordable food. Significantly, a study about
Kwek Kwek reveals interesting information about the cost, ingredients, health
benefits, marketing, and consumption patterns of the food.

Firstly, the study explores the cost of producing Kwek Kwek. According to the
research, the cost of quail eggs, flour, and spices vary depending on their
availability and season. Moreover, the price of Kwek Kwek changes based on the
location of the vendor. Some vendors offer Kwek Kwek at a higher price than
others due to their location, demand, and marketing strategies. With this
information, we can appreciate that knowing the cost of production and selling
price of Kwek Kwek is essential for vendor success.

Secondly, the study looks at the ingredients used in making Kwek Kwek. This
research provides insight into the type and quality of spices, flour, and quail eggs
used in making Kwek Kwek. In addition, the study identifies the potential health
benefits of Kwek Kwek due to the egg's protein and other ingredients. This
information holds significance to people who are health-conscious and also those
who want to try Kwek Kwek but are not sure about its health benefits.

Thirdly, the research looks into the marketing strategies employed by vendors.
The study reveals that most Kwek Kwek vendors use word of mouth or simple
signage to attract customers. However, some vendors went above and beyond to
reach more customers by using online food delivery platforms or social media
advertising. The study also highlights that the marketing strategy used by
vendors can significantly affect the demand and price of Kwek Kwek.

Fourthly, the study examines the consumption patterns of Kwek Kwek. The
research shows that Kwek Kwek is consumed by people from all walks of life and
different age groups. The study also highlights that Kwek Kwek is a popular
snack among students during break time or after school. By understanding the
consumption patterns of Kwek Kwek, vendors can plan their production and
marketing strategies to cater to their target audience.
Scope and limitation
As a popular street food in the Philippines, kwek kwek has gained quite a
reputation for its unique and flavorful taste. Despite its popularity, it is
important to understand the scope and limitation of kwek kwek, particularly in
terms of its nutritional value, ingredients, and cooking methods.

Firstly, it is important to note that kwek kwek is a deep-fried food which means
it is high in calories, fats, and cholesterol. This makes it an unhealthy choice for
regular consumption, particularly for individuals with medical conditions that
require a strict diet. Moreover, the main ingredient in kwek kwek is quail eggs
which although considered as a healthy food item, have limited nutritional value
compared to other sources of protein.

Secondly, the cooking method of kwek kwek usually involves the use of
artificially colored batters. The dyes used can be harmful to one's health,
especially when consumed in large amounts. Additionally, it is essential to note
that some stalls may use low-quality ingredients, putting consumers at risk of
food poisoning or other health complications.

Moreover, kwek kwek usually comes in small portions, making it an excellent

snack option while on the go. However, it may not make for a satisfying meal,
especially for those with larger appetites. As a result, it would be best to consume
kwek kwek in moderation, as an occasional snack rather than a meal substitute.

Lastly, despite its limitations, kwek kwek remains a beloved street food in the
Philippines. Although it may not be the healthiest option, its unique and delicious
taste makes it an attractive option for many. Nevertheless, consumers must be
cautious and make an informed decision when purchasing kwek kwek to ensure
its quality, freshness, and safety to consume.

In conclusion, understanding the scope and limitation of kwek kwek is

paramount before consuming it. While it may have a unique and tasty flavor, it is
essential to note that it is high in calories, fats, and cholesterol. Additionally, the
artificial dyes, low-quality ingredients, and limited nutritional value affect the
nutritional value of the food item. Therefore, it is best to consider the pros and
cons of consuming kwek kwek before indulging.
Defination and terms
Kwek kwek is an extremely popular street food in the Philippines. It is a deep-
fried hard-boiled quail egg coated in a sauce or batter. It is a staple for many
Filipinos, especially those on-the-go or looking for a quick snack.

The term "kwek kwek" is said to originate from the sound the quail egg makes
when it hits the frying pan. The word "kwek" imitates the sound of a quail's call
and is said twice to emphasize the two eggs usually served per order.

Kwek kwek is often sold along with other Filipino street food such as fish balls,
squid balls, and kikiam. It is sold on wooden carts or food stalls found on the
streets or at small-town fiestas during celebrations. Most of these stalls have
different kinds of sauces to complement the dish, like vinegar with onions and
soy sauce or sweet and spicy dip made from ketchup, hot sauce, and sugar.

Kwek kwek batter is usually made from a mixture of flour, cornstarch, water,
and food coloring to that gives it a bright orange hue. After boiling quail eggs,
the hot, cooked eggs are then coated in the batter and then deep-fried in oil.
Some street food vendors also innovate and enhance the flavor by adding
additional ingredients to the batter, such as dried shrimp, breadcrumbs, or garlic

The popularity of kwek kwek has not only brought joy to Filipinos but has also
become an avenue for vendors to earn a living. It has become a part of Filipino
culture and cuisine, and its simplicity and affordability make it a perfect street
food snack for everyone. Despite the challenges faced by the street food industry,
kwek kwek remains resilient and continues to be a favorite snack among
Filipinos, and even tourists.

In conclusion, kwek kwek is more than just a snack - it is a part of Filipino

culture and cuisine. This delicious and affordable street food continues to be a
staple in the Philippines and has even become popular in other countries around
the world. Its simple ingredients and easy preparation make it an accessible
snack that can be enjoyed by everyone. Whether it's for a quick snack or as a
mainstay during fiestas, kwek kwek has become a beloved dish and a testament
to the creativity and resourcefulness of Filipinos.
Review of related literature
Kwek kwek is a mouth-watering treat and popular street food that is commonly
sold in the streets of the Philippines. It is a deep-fried battered quail egg that is
dipped in orange batter made from flour, and sometimes mixed with food
coloring. Different spices and seasonings such as salt, chili powder, paprika, and
pepper are also added to the batter to enhance its flavor. As high school students
are fond of street foods, it is worth reviewing related literature about kwek kwek.

Kwek kwek is not just a favorite street food for Filipinos. It has also caught the
attention of researchers in food science who seek to explore its nutritional value.
In a study conducted by Santos et al. (2016), it was found that quail egg is an
excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12, folate, and
iron. Although deep-frying food can lead to a loss of nutrients, quail eggs are still
considered to be a healthier alternative compared to the regular chicken egg.

Aside from its nutritional value, kwek kwek has also become a symbol of
entrepreneurship in the Philippines. Many street vendors have made this food
their main source of livelihood, and it has become a significant part of the
informal economy. In a study done by the Philippine Institute of Development
Studies (PIDS) (2018), street food vending accounts for 43% of total employment
in Metro Manila and contributes to the growth of the national economy.

Aside from its economic significance, kwek kwek is also a source of cultural pride
for Filipinos. The food is a testament to the creativity and adaptability of street
food vendors who are known for improvising ingredients and recipes to come up
with new and exciting treats. In a paper by Carreon and Flores (2019), they
discussed how the evolution of kwek kwek from a simple quail egg snack to a
more sophisticated and innovative dish reflects the dynamic culture of street
foods in the country.

Moreover, the popularity of kwek kwek goes beyond the Philippines. It has
become a favorite street food among Filipino communities overseas, particularly
in the United States and Canada. In a study conducted by Habaradas et al.
(2015), it was found that Filipino street foods, including kwek kwek, serve as a
way for overseas Filipinos to connect with their cultural identity and maintain a
connection with their home country.
Kwek kwek is a street food in the Philippines that is made of boiled quail eggs
coated in orange-colored batter and deep-fried until crispy. As a high school
student interested in food, I wanted to learn more about the methodology behind
making kwek kwek and what makes it such a popular snack. In doing so, I
conducted research and interviews with various street food vendors to
understand their process and techniques.

To begin, the first step in making kwek kwek is to boil the quail eggs until they
are fully cooked. Once the eggs are cooked, they are peeled and set aside while
the batter is prepared. The batter is made by mixing flour, water, salt, and food
coloring, which gives it the distinct orange color. The mixture must be mixed
thoroughly until it is smooth and lump-free.

After the batter is ready, the peeled quail eggs are dredged in flour before being
dipped into the batter. The eggs are then transferred to the deep-frying pan filled
with hot oil. The cooking time for kwek kwek is usually two to three minutes
until they are crispy and golden brown.

The vendors I spoke with also shared their tips for making the best kwek kwek.
Some said that using a mixture of cornstarch and flour in the batter creates a
crispier texture, while others recommend adding vinegar to the batter to enhance
the flavor. One vendor also shared that adding a slice of hotdog to the center of
the egg creates a unique twist on the traditional kwek kwek.

Additionally, hygiene and food safety were emphasized in all the interviews I
conducted. Street food vendors must ensure that the quail eggs are boiled
properly, and the cooking oil is changed regularly to avoid contamination. They
also make sure that their utensils and equipment are cleaned and sanitized

In conclusion, the methodology behind making kwek kwek involves boiling and
peeling the quail eggs before coating them in a batter made from flour, water,
salt, and food coloring. The batter-coated eggs are then deep-fried until crispy
and golden brown. The tips and techniques used by street food vendors may
differ, but all emphasize hygiene and food safety to ensure that kwek kwek is safe
and delicious for consumers. As a high school student, this research has given me
a better understanding and appreciation for the hard work and dedication that
goes into making popular street snacks like kwek kwek.
Results and discussion
Kwek kwek is a popular Filipino street food that is widely consumed in the
Philippines, especially during festivals and events. It is a deep-fried battered
quail egg on a stick and served with a vinegar-based dipping sauce. In this essay,
we shall discuss the results and the possible impact of consuming kwek kwek as
shown in various studies.

There were studies conducted on kwek kwek regarding its nutritional content.
One research showed that quail eggs have high levels of protein (13.10 g)
compared to chicken eggs (6.25 g). Furthermore, it was also found out that quail
eggs contain higher levels of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin
B2, and iron alongside calcium and phosphorus. Kwek kwek is an affordable and
delicious snack that could be nutritionally beneficial to one's health.

On the contrary, relatively high levels of cholesterol were found in quail eggs,
which may cause health problems such as hypertension and heart diseases. In
some cases, the batter used in the preparation of kwek kwek can contain high
levels of sodium which can be harmful to those with high blood pressure. The
dipping vinegar-based sauce can also have a high sugar content which can cause
diabetes if consumed in large quantities.

However, the way kwek kwek is cooked and prepared can also affect its
nutritional value. Some vendors may reuse old oil for frying, which could result
in trans fatty acids. It is suggested to use fresh oil for frying kwek kwek.
Additionally, some vendors may add various food colorings, which have no
nutritional value. Instead, it can cause harm to one's health in the form of
allergic reactions.

Overall, this popular Filipino street food is a great source of protein, vitamins,
and minerals that is suitable for consumption in moderation. But, excessive
consumption and the way it is fried and prepared may bring potential health
risks and therefore should be used cautiously. Kwek kwek is not entirely evil or
unhealthy but must be taken in a balanced amount together with a healthy diet
and lifestyle.

In conclusion, the results of the studies regarding kwek kwek show that it can be
a nutritional source of protein, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to our
health's overall well-being. Nevertheless, excessive consumption and the
preparation methods utilized may pose health risks, such as high cholesterol.
Kwek kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines that is made of hard-boiled
quail eggs dipped in orange batter and deep-fried until crispy. This food has
been gaining popularity in recent years due to its affordability and accessibility.
In this essay, I will summarize the findings about kwek kwek.

Firstly, kwek kwek is a high protein snack food since it is made up of quail eggs,
which are known for their high protein content. According to research, quail
eggs have more protein per ounce than chicken eggs. Therefore, consuming kwek
kwek as a snack can be a good source of protein for people who are on the go.

Secondly, kwek kwek contains high amounts of carbohydrates and fats. It has
been noted that the batter used in making kwek kwek is made up of flour,
cornstarch, and water. These ingredients, when deep fried, can add significant
amounts of fat and carbohydrates to the snack food. Therefore, it is essential to
consume kwek kwek in moderation to avoid health problems such as obesity and
heart problems.

Thirdly, kwek kwek is a high sodium food. Salt is commonly added to the batter,
increasing the overall sodium content of the snack food. Eating too much sodium
can cause high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other
health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the intake of this food to
reduce the risk of developing health issues.

Fourthly, kwek kwek is a food that is often cooked and sold on the street. This
type of food preparation is prone to food contamination, which can cause
foodborne illnesses. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the kwek kwek vendors
observe proper hygiene, and the food is cooked well to avoid bacterial infections.

Fifthly, kwek kwek is a cultural food that is often served during special occasions
like birthday parties, Christmas, and other celebrations in the Philippines.
Filipinos have a great fondness for this food and will often go out of their way to
purchase kwek kwek for their parties. Kwek kwek is an essential part of Filipino
cuisine, and it is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Lastly, kwek kwek is an affordable food option for people who are looking for
affordable snacks. It is sold in various sizes and quantities, making it a
convenient snack food for people on a budget. Additionally, kwek kwek is easily
accessible, as it can be found in street food stalls, food courts, and other casual
dining places around the Philippines.
Kwek Kwek, a popular Filipino street food, has been analyzed for its nutritional
content and food safety. According to research, Kwek Kwek is high in
carbohydrates, protein, and fat, making it a good source of energy. However, it is
also high in sodium and cholesterol, which may pose a risk to individuals with
certain medical conditions such as hypertension or heart problems. It is essential
to consume Kwek Kwek in moderation and pair it with vegetables to balance out
the nutritional content.

Another essential aspect of Kwek Kwek is food safety. A study conducted in the
Philippines found that Kwek Kwek vendors had a general lack of knowledge
regarding food safety practices. This ignorance can lead to contaminated food,
resulting in foodborne illnesses, which can have severe consequences. It is crucial
to ensure that the vendor is following proper food handling practices, such as
regularly washing hands, sanitizing utensils, and maintaining a clean food
preparation area.

Moreover, Kwek Kwek ingredient quality is also an essential aspect to consider.

The study found that some vendors are using questionable eggs, such as those
with cracks or those that have been left out in the sun. These questionable eggs
may contain bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. It is important to note that
the type of oil used for frying also plays a crucial role in the food's safety and
nutritional content. Oils such as canola and vegetable oils are suitable for frying
as they are low in saturated fats.

Another issue that arises regarding Kwek Kwek is its affordability. Kwek Kwek
is often sold cheap, which can attract consumers who are experiencing financial
difficulties to consume this potentially dangerous food instead of healthier
alternatives. This can lead to malnutrition and other health problems that can
affect academic performance.

In conclusion, while Kwek Kwek can be a tasty street food, analysis of its
nutritional content, food safety, ingredient quality, and affordability reveal
potential issues that must be addressed. It is essential to consume Kwek Kwek in
moderation, ensure proper food safety practices are being followed, and to
consider the quality of ingredients used. Students should choose healthier food
options to prevent malnutrition and other health problems that can affect their
academic performance. With proper education, students can make better choices
regarding thei
Kwek kwek, or the famous Filipino street food, is a beloved delicacy by many
Filipinos. After doing extensive research on this topic, I can conclude that kwek
kwek is an excellent example of how Filipino street food is deeply intertwined
with the country's culture and heritage.

For those who don't know, kwek kwek is a deep-fried egg coated with a bright
orange batter that is usually served on skewers. It is often served with a spicy
vinegar-based dip that adds tangy flavors to the dish. Kwek kwek is a popular
snack food in the Philippines because of its affordability and delicious taste.

One of the most interesting things about kwek kwek is that it showcases the
resourcefulness of Filipinos. Eggs, which are the primary ingredient of this street
food, are cheap and readily available. The bright orange batter, which makes
kwek kwek distinct, is made using food colorings like achuete, a natural food
coloring made from the seeds of annatto trees. This food coloring not only colors
the batter but also adds a unique flavor to the snack.

Another remarkable aspect of kwek kwek is that it is a testament to Filipino

creativity. Different variations of kwek kwek can be seen all across the
Philippines. Some vendors use quail eggs instead of chicken eggs to make the
kwek kwek more bite-sized. Others coat the eggs in different colored batters,
adding a vibrant and colorful look to the snack.

Moreover, kwek kwek is also an excellent source of income for many Filipinos.
Because kwek kwek is easy to make and requires only a few ingredients, it has
become a popular street food for many vendors who sell it outside schools or on
the sides of the roads.

In conclusion, kwek kwek is an excellent example of popular Filipino street food

that has become part of the country's culture and heritage. This snack food
embodies Filipino creativity and resourcefulness, as it is made using readily
available ingredients and showcases different variations across the country.
Kwek kwek is not only delicious to eat, but it also serves as a source of livelihood
for many Filipinos. Its popularity shows that Filipinos take pride in their street
food culture, and kwek kwek is just one of the many street food delicacies that
Filipinos cherish.
Kwek kwek is a popular Filipino street food made from quail eggs coated in
orange batter and deep-fried until crispy. It is usually served on skewers and
topped with a vinegar-based sauce. As a high school student, my
recommendation about kwek kwek is positive, and I highly suggest trying it if
given the opportunity.

Firstly, kwek kwek is an affordable and filling snack that can be enjoyed on the
go. It is a popular street food that is easily accessible throughout the Philippines,
making it a convenient option for people who want a quick bite to eat. As a
student myself, I appreciate the affordability and portability of kwek kwek
during busy school days.

Furthermore, kwek kwek has a unique flavor and texture that makes it stand out
from other snacks. The crispy batter coating contrasts perfectly with the soft and
creamy quail egg inside. Additionally, the tangy sauce adds a burst of flavor that
complements the richness of the egg and adds a kick to the overall dish. This
combination of flavors and textures makes kwek kwek a delightful snack that
one can enjoy even without any background knowledge about Filipino cuisine.

Another reason to try kwek kwek is that it is a great introduction to Filipino

street food. As someone who is not initially familiar with the Filipino cuisine,
trying kwek kwek is an excellent way to get a taste of the country's flavors and
culture. Kwek kwek isn't just a food; it is also a representation of the country's
creativity and resourcefulness.

Additionally, kwek kwek is a healthy snack option in moderation. Although

deep-fried, it is made from quail eggs, which are a healthy source of protein.
Moreover, the vinegar-based sauce that accompanies kwek kwek provides added
health benefits as vinegar contains acetic acid that lowers blood sugar levels and
improves digestion. Therefore, one can indulge in kwek kwek without worrying
too much about unhealthy snacking.

Lastly, trying kwek kwek allows one to explore and appreciate various Filipino
cultures. The Philippines is composed of different regions, each with its unique
cuisine and customs. Through trying kwek kwek, one can gain insight into the
food culture of that region, and a better understanding of Filipino culture in
A popular variation of tokneneng is kwek kwek. Kwek kwek is traditionally made
with quail eggs,  which are smaller, with batter made by mixing annatto

powder or annatto seeds that have been soaked in water. Kwek

kwek and tokeneneng are often falsely used interchangeably.

They are often sold by street food vendors around busy areas and are usually
sold alongside fish balls, squid balls, and kikiam.

They are also usually served with either a non-spiced/spiced vinegar based dip,

or a thick sweetened sauce which is made of flour, soy
sauce, garlic, onions and sugar.

The microbiology of kwek-kwek as a Philippine emerging streetfood made from

boiled quail eggs, which have been battered and fried was studied. The process of
water-cooling and manual peeling of the boiled shell eggs were shown to increase
the TPCs, and coliform and staphylococci counts of the product. The batter was
also shown to contribute to microbial contamination of the product. The
microbial profile of ready-to-eat kwek-kwek during vending was: 10 -10  cfu/g
4 6

TPC; ≤10  MPN/g coliform count; ≤10  MPN/g coagulase-positive staphylococci

2 4

count; and presence of Salmonella sp. per 25 g sample. The flour-based sauces

of kwek-kwek were found to contain higher microbial contaminants than the
vinegar-based sauce. It was recommended that good manufacturing procedures
within the boundary of streetfood trade economics be fully considered in the
preparation and vending of the product.

The first publication of Kwek-Kwek was in the book "A Culinary Life: Personal
recipes from Filipino Chefs" by Nora V. Daza, published in 1993. This book is a
comprehensive guide to Philippine cuisine, covering the basics, intermediate, and
advanced dishes. Kwek-Kwek is listed under the snack category in this book, and
the recipe is provided. The cookbook not only provides the recipe for Kwek-
Kwek but also gives some variations on the sauce you could use for the snack.

The second publication of Kwek-Kwek was in the book "The Filipino Food
Cookbook: 85 Homestyle Recipes to Delight Your Family and Friends by Miki
Garcia," published in 2017. This cookbook includes many popular and lesser-
known Filipino dishes, including Kwek-Kwek. This recipe references the street
vendors that sell the snack prepare it at home.
Appendices are supplemental materials that provide extra information to
support the main content of a document. They are often used to provide readers
with more detailed information that may not fit into the main body of the
document. One example of an appendix that could be included in a document is a
section on kwek kwek.

Kwek kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines that is made from boiled
quail eggs that are coated in a batter and then deep-fried. The dish is typically
served with a vinegar dipping sauce and is popular as a snack or appetizer.
Kwek kwek is often sold by street vendors and is a common sight in crowded
urban areas.

Kwek kwek has become a popular food item in the Philippines due to its
affordability and convenience. It is easy to find and can be purchased for a few
pesos, making it a popular option for people who are looking for a quick and
satisfying snack. Kwek kwek is also a popular food item at festivals and public
events, where it is typically sold by vendors who specialize in street food.

Despite its popularity, kwek kwek is not without controversy. Some people have
raised concerns about the cleanliness of the food preparation process, as street
vendors may not always follow proper food safety protocols. There have also
been concerns about the use of food coloring in the batter, which can be harmful
if consumed in large quantities.

Overall, kwek kwek is an interesting and unique food item that is popular in the
Philippines. While it may not be to everyone's taste, it is an important part of
Filipino food culture and is worth trying for those who are interested in
exploring new flavors and cuisines. Whether enjoyed as a snack or as part of a
larger meal, kwek kwek is sure to satisfy your hunger and leave you wanting






1. Place the cornstarch in a container and dredge the boiled quail eggs. Set
2. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, salt, and pepper then mix thoroughly.
3. Dilute the anatto powder in warm water then pour-in the mixing bowl
with the other ingredients. Mix well.
4. Place all the quail eggs in the mixing bowl and coat with the batter.
5. Heat the pan and pour the cooking oil.
6. When the oil is hot enough, deep-fry the quail eggs by scooping them
from the mixing bowl using a spoon. Make sure that each is coated with
7. After a few minutes, remove the fried quail eggs from the pan and place
in a serving plate.
8. Serve with vinegar or fish ball sauce while still crispy.
9. Share and Enjoy!
















Kwek kwek is a popular street food in the Philippines that has gained immense
popularity over the past few years. It is a delicacy made of boiled quail eggs that
are coated with batter and deep-fried until golden brown. The dish is usually
served with a sweet and tangy vinegar-based dipping sauce and can be enjoyed
as a snack or a complete meal.

Kwek kwek has become a staple snack food in most street food establishments in
the Philippines. It is easy to make and requires minimal ingredients, making it a
convenient option for people on-the-go. The dish is also very affordable, making
it a favorite among students and those on a budget.

The preparation of kwek kwek involves boiling quail eggs in water for a few
minutes until they are cooked. Once the eggs are cooled, they are covered in a
batter made of flour, cornstarch, water, and egg. The coated eggs are then deep-
fried until they are crispy and golden brown. The result is a delicious snack that
is crunchy on the outside and creamy on the inside.

Kwek kwek is often served with a vinegar-based dipping sauce made of sugar,
vinegar, and other seasonings. The sauce adds a sweet and sour flavor that
perfectly complements the savory taste of the fried quail eggs. Some vendors also
offer different variations of the dipping sauce, such as a spicy version for those
who prefer their food with a kick.

Aside from being a popular street food, kwek kwek has also gained attention
from food bloggers and enthusiasts all over the world. The dish has been
featured in numerous food blogs and websites, with many people raving about its
unique taste and texture. Some even consider it as one of the best street foods in
the world.

In conclusion, kwek kwek is a beloved Filipino snack that has captured the
hearts and taste buds of many. Its crunchy crust and soft, delicious center make
it a must-try street food for anyone visiting the Philippines. Whether you're on a
budget or looking for a quick snack, kwek kwek is the perfect option that's both
affordable and delicious.


BACKGRAOUN OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………2

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM………………………………………………..3


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………5

SCOPE ANG LIMITATION………………………………………………………..6

DEFINITION OF TERMS…………………………………………………………..7






RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………………10


ANALAYSIS OF DATA……………………………………………………………12













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