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JavaScript Functions Used and their names

form.addEventListener – prevents the form from auto submitting. This function is called when

the user press the register button which in turn calls the register function.

setErrorFor(input, message) – Accepts the input of the field being validated and a message to

display as an error inside when called inside the register function.

setSuccessFor(input) – accepts only an input field to confirm that it has met the requirements of

the for our validation. This function is called when

setAge() – used to calculate the age of the user. This function is called in the register function

when validating for date of birth.

Register() – used to validate the information the user enters into the form. It stores the user’s

information in an array called PlayerData if all validations are met. After which it allows the user

to begin by enabling the buttons that allows the user to do so.

PlayGame() – called when the user begins the game and is used to display the values that the

user is supposed to use to achieve a particular answer based on the arithmetic operator displayed.

CheckAnswer() – used to check the users answer and displays a message to tell the user if the

answer entered was correct. It is also responsible for disabling/enabling or hiding/unhiding a few

buttons. It also calls the showall() function inside it’s body. This function is called when the

accept button is pressed.

findPercentageScore() – finds the percentage score of a user and displays particular information

about him/her in a text area identified by id ‘showpercentage’.


showAll() – responsible for displaying all the data collected about each user and the questions

they completed and their scores. It is the final function in ending the game as it deletes all

information stored about the players after it does its job.

showfreq() – function is used to gage the range to which each bar spreads to represent the charts

Playagain() – function used to allow the user to restart the game and play again as it accepts the

data of the next player into the PlayerData array. This function I called when the play again

button is pressed.

reconfigureForm() – function used to reset the webpage and empty all information collection on

players. This function is called when the end button is pressed.


Member’s responsibility forms

Group Project Sem1 AY21-22 Group

Member’s Responsibility Outline

ID#: 2003893 Occurrence: UN2 Day/Time of Class: Mon@ 10am

Firstname: M.I. Lastname: Date Started: Date of submission to

group leader

Tyrien Gilpin October 30, 2021 ---


Tasks Description

1 Creation of form and respective fields in

coherence with the projects requirements.

2, 3 Used JavaScript to validate entry form inputs.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Created the check Answer and find percentage

functions and made the necessary additions to

html as per the project.

17 Helping to enhance the creativity of the project

using vanilla CSS used by styling the form and

the webpage.

18 Managed Documentation and compilation of


ID#: 0704125 Occurrence: UN2 Day/Time of Class: Mon@ 10am

Firstname: M.I. Lastname: Date Started: Date of submission

to the group leader

Kimarley Julal October 30, 2021 November 05, 2021


Tasks Description

~General HTML Appended respective sections which

correlated to assigned task to the form.

15, 16 Creation and styling of respective charts.

Creation of score button which shows the

players percentage score.

17 Helping to enhance the creativity of the

project using vanilla CSS used by styling

graphs and sections of the webpage

18 Handing in task and responsibility form.


ID#: 1700486 Occurrence: UN2 Day/Time of Class: Mon@


Firstname: M.I. Lastname: Date Started: Date of submission to the

group leader

David E Smith October 28 November 01, 2021


Tasks Description

~General HTML Appended respective sections which correlated

to assigned task to the form.

4 Created and implementation of Play Game


11, 12, 13, 14 Created and styled show all players section.

Created and implemented show all function

using JavaScript.

Ensured that show all function was called in

check answer function.

17 Helping to enhance the creativity of the project

using vanilla CSS used by styling sections of the


18 Handing in task and responsibility form

ID#: 2001718 Occurrence: UN2 Day/Time of Class: Mon@ 10am

Firstname: M.I. Lastname: Date Started: Date of submission to

the group leader

Chantaé Richards October 30, 2021 November 05 2021


Tasks Description

~General HTML Created website story board for the entire forms

which was used by Tyrien Gilpin as a guide with

creating the website.

15, 16 Creation and styling of respective charts.

Creation of score button which shows the players

percentage score.

18 Handing in task and responsibility form.

Performing documentation and editing.

Editing videography.

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