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Jeremy Barry

Ms. Michko

AP Language and Composition

6 June 2023

Death Penalty- Precis

In her op-ed “The death penalty makes a mockery of our justice system”, American

citizen David Von Drehle argues that the death penalty is unpopular with the public and it is time

for it to be abandoned nationally. Von Drehle develops his argument about the death penalty by

reciting alarming statistics regarding the amount of death row prisoners that are actually

executed, conveying the death penalty as extremely unpopular through a police survey and, he

describes the death penalty “unconstitutional” and “immoral.” Alarming statistics combined with

being “ganged up” against and effective word choice affirms the death penalty as horrid which is

important in order to introduce new and more important ideas about the effectiveness and

morality of the death penalty. Von Drehle appeals to a progressive, young audience by employing

a passionate tone, illustrating a true desire to make a change which makes his audience more

likely to take action and get rid of the death penalty in America.

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