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1. What is the profile of the patients in terms of:

1.1 age
1.2 educational attainment
1.3 sex


20-25 4 10.0
26-30 4 10.0
31-40 16 40.0
41-50 9 22.5
51-60 7 17.5
Educational Attainment
Elementary 17 42.5
High School 11 27.5
College 12 30.0
Female 16 40.0
Male 24 60.0
TOTAL 40 400.0
Table 1. Profile of the Patients

The table above shows the profile of the respondents in terms of three indicators – Age, Educational
Attainment and Sex. The total demographic profile frequency and percentage of the respondents of this
study were 40 and 400.0, respectively. For the first indicator, Age, majority of the respondents were
belonging to age range 31-40 years old with a percentage of 40 and a frequency of 16. This is followed by
41-50 years old and 51-60 years old. Out of 40 respondents, there were respondents who were 20-30 years
old with a frequency of 4 and a percentage of 10. Thus, this shows that majority of the respondents under
the middle adulthood aging from 31-40 years participated in this study.

Next, the Educational Attainment indicator, shows that the highest allotted frequency under this
indicator came from respondents with an educational attainment of Elementary. This area had a frequency
of 17 and a percentage of 42.5. College level respondents obtained a general frequency of 12 and a
percentage of 30 while the lowest frequency for level of education came form High school respondents who
obtained a frequency of 11 and a percentage of 7.5. Hence, this means that majority of the respondents
obtained an educational level of Elementary.

Last indicator for the profile of the respondents is the Sex. There is an unequal distribution of
respondents wherein majority of the respondents of this study were male who obtained a frequency of 24
while female respondents were 16. Both came up with a percentage of 60 and 40, respectively.

2. What is the level of anxiety of patients?


Strongly Disagree 10 9 5 25.0 22.5 12.5
Disagree 7 5 10 17.5 12.5 25.0
Moderately Agree 5 12 9 12.5 30.0 22.5
Agree 9 6 7 22.5 15.0 17.5
Strongly Agree 9 8 9 22.5 20.0 22.5
TOTAL 40 400.0

Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
OverallAnxiety 40 3.0333 1.23989
Valid N (listwise) 40

The table above shows the anxiety level of the patients based of their answers to the inventory given to
them. The anxiety is measured in 3-item inventory using a 5-point Likert scale from 5 being strongly agree
to 1- strongly disagree. The anxiety is measured from the feelings of calm, secure, and tense. The overall
items from feeling of calm, secure, and test have the mean of 3.0333, which implies that the patients are in
moderately level of anxiety.
For the first item, data shows that majority of the respondents were strongly disagree for the question “I
Feel Calm” which is safe to interpret that before a phlebotomy procedure, they are not comfortable and at
ease. Moreover, item 2 is about feeling secure before the procedure. Majority of the respondents answered
that they moderately agree that they feel secure with a frequency of 12. Furthermore, item 3 “I Feel Tense”
shows the respondents of the respondents that majority of them were not tense for a phlebotomy procedure.

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of anxiety of the patients when grouped according to
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 6.925 12 .577 .603 .821
Age Within Groups 25.850 27 .957

Total 32.775 39
Between Groups 2.100 12 .175 .630 .798
Sex Within Groups 7.500 27 .278
Total 9.600 39
Between Groups 17.658 12 1.472 3.707 .002
Education Within Groups 10.717 27 .397

Total 28.375 39

The table above shows the level of anxiety of the patients when grouped according to profile. The
results reveal that there is a significant difference in the mean of education between the level of anxiety
(F=3.707, p<.05). Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the mean of age and sex between the
level of anxiety of the patients (F=.603, p>.05, F=.630, p>.05).

4. Is there a significant relationship between age and anxiety level of patient?

Age OverallAnxiety

Pearson Correlation 1 -.111

Age Sig. (2-tailed)

N 40 40

Pearson Correlation -.111 1

OverallAnxiety Sig. (2-tailed)

N 40 40

The table above shows the relationship of the age of the respondents and their anxiety level for the
3-item inventory Likert scale. The results reveal that there is no significant relationship between the age
and level of patients (r=-.111, p>.05). Meanwhile the negative r-value implies an indirectly proportional
relationship between the two variables.

5. Does age significantly predict anxiety of patients?

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.923 .390 7.496 .000
1 OverallAnxiet -.082 .119 -.111 -.686 .497
Note: r=.111 r-square=.012 p>.05

The table above shows the regression coefficients which are the intercepts for our line and slope of the
beta weights and the significance of all coefficients and the intercept in the model. This table provides
necessary information to predict bacterial growth from given time as well as determine whether time
contributes statistically significantly to the model. t-test value helps in predicting if the variables are
statistically significant. In our linear regression, the t-test finds that both intercept and variable are highly
significant with a p-value of 0.000.

In general, the results reveal that for the first table (Model Summary), the R-value is 0.994 which indicates
a high degree of correlation. Meanwhile, R-square value is 0.987 that means that about 98.7% of the linear
regression in the growth of bacteria is explained by time in the data and as well suggests that time is a good
predictor for the outcome. Next indicator, p- value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 thus indicates that the
regression model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variable, bacterial growth. Consequently,
an F-value of 545.432 with 8 degrees of freedom shows that the test is highly significant thus we can
assume that there is a linear relationship between the variables in our model. Lastly, for the regression
coefficients, results show that time statistically significantly predicts bacterial growth.

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