Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Cebu
City of Talisay
Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu


Name of Teacher Ms. Devie Shaigne M. Villaren Grade Level: Grade 7

The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
Content Standard connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the
sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using
Performance Standard appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using
the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct
subject-verb agreement.
Learning Area Writing and Composition
Competencies Recognize the parts of simple paragraph Code EN7WC-I-f-2.8.1
iPlan No. 1 Date: December 09, 2022 Duration: 30 minutes
Knowledge Identifying the parts of paragraph
Learning Objectives Skills Constructing paragraph
Attitude Applying knowledge in writing essays
Values Cooperation

Visual aid
Resources Needed
Elements of the Plan Methodology
 Greetings
 Prayer
 Fix their selves
 Checking of attendance
Introductory Activity
How are you students?
are you ready about our topic for today?
Before we start our lesson, I will give you something to read.
(The students will read the given text)
After reading the text the teacher will ask:
What was the text all about?
What did you noticed in the text?
(The discussion will start)…

The text is in a paragraph form and it has 3 parts.

The parts of paragraph

A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic. It contains a topic sentence,
supporting details and sometimes a concluding sentence. The sentences follow one
another from the beginning to the end of the paragraph. A paragraph is usually part of a
longer piece of writing, such as a letter or essay.

The topic sentence - the topic sentence is usually the first sentence of the paragraph. It
states the main idea of the paragraph. A good topic sentence tells the reader exactly what
the rest of the paragraph will be about.
The supporting sentences - the supporting sentences are the middle sentences of the
paragraph. They provide details such as explanations or examples that expand on or
support the topic sentence. Supporting sentences are sometimes connected by transition
words or phrases.

The concluding sentence- a concluding sentence is sometimes used in longer paragraphs to

sum up the ideas presented. It expresses the same idea as the topic sentence in different
words. It can start with a transition such as clearly or in conclusion.

The students will be paired, with the given text they will identify which is the topic
Analysis sentences, the supporting sentences/details and the concluding sentences.
This is the hamburger model, a paragraph

Abstraction Just like burger, the first and last sentences of a

paragraph really hold the paragraph together
and in the middle where important things is
being discussed.

Directions: Read the sentence carefully and identify the answer.

__________1-3. What are the 3 parts of paragraph?

__________4.This sentence tells the reader the main idea, or what the paragraph is all
__________5.This sentence refers to the topic sentence and sum up the main idea.
___________6.This sentence provide details such as explanations or examples that expand
Application on or support the topic sentence.
___________7. It is a group of sentences about one topic. It contains topic sentences,
supporting sentences and concluding sentences.
___________8. The topic sentence is usually the _______ sentence of the paragraph.
___________9. The concluding sentences is sometimes used in longer paragraphs to
______ the ideas presented.
__________10. The topic sentence are the ________ sentence of the paragraph.

The students will make an essay of their chosen topic, the essay must contain the
Assessment parts of paragraph and it should be at least 5 or more sentences

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