Grammar-To Be Negative Form

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Verb TO BE-negative form

I am not = Eu nu sunt

You are not = Tu nu esti

He is not = El nu este

She is not = Ea nu este

It is not = (Obiect/Animal) nu este

We are not = noi nu suntem

You are not = Voi nu sunteti

They are not = Ei/Ele nu sunt

I’m not = Eu nu sunt

You aren’t = Tu nu esti

He isn’t = El nu este

She isn’t = Ea nu este

It isn’t = (Obiect/Animal) nu este

We aren’t = Noi nu suntem

You aren’t = Voi nu sunteti

They aren’t = Ei/Ele nu sunt


1. I am not 11 years old. = Eu nu am 11 ani

2. Sally is not my friend. = Sally nu este prietena mea

3. Jane and I are not Australian. = Jane si cu mine nu suntem australieni.

4. They are not at school. = Ei/Ele nu sunt la scoala.

1. I’m not 11 years old. = Eu nu am 11 ani.

2. Sally isn’t my friend. Sally nu este prietena mea.

3. Jane and I aren’t Australian. = Jane si cu mine nu suntem australieni.

4. They aren’t at school. = Ei/Ele nu sunt la scoala.


1. Sandra is from India. = Sandra isn’t from India. – Sandra nu este din India.

2. Bob and Bill are Brazilian. = Bob and Bill aren’t Brazilian. – Bob si Bill nu sunt brazilieni.

3. We are from the Usa. = We aren’t from the USA. – Noi nu suntem din SUA.

4. I am from India. = I’m not from India. – Eu nu sunt din India.

5. Chris is British. = Chris isn’t British. – Chris nu este britanic.


1. Her name’s Suzy.(Anna) – Her name isn’t/is not Suzy. Her name is Anna.

2. She’s Irish.(Canadian) – She isn’t/is not Irish. She’s/ is Canadian.

3. Rosa and Anna are cousins.(best friends). Rosa and Anna aren’t/are not cousins. Rosa and Anna are
best friends.

4. I’m from the UK.(Portugal). I’m not/ am not from the UK. I’m/I am from Portugal.

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