Bhu Mandala

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Cumnicnturieu on $ ('unto Ch.5 Text 38 Studying the Structure of the UnivcrNc 445

square touch the ocean. The astronomers say each side of earth's square is
4,967 yojanas [32,536 miles]. But we disagree with that and take it as 4,650
yojanas [37,200 miles]. The difference between these two is 367 yojanas [2,936
miles]. But it is said 317 yojanas [2,536 miles]. This difference is because of
the variation in the unit of measurement. Earth [Jambūdvīpa] is a square, hut
the sun's path around Meru is circular. We do not accept the two sun's theory
of the Bauddhas [Jains]. All the other aspects should be taken as enjoined in
the books on astronomy. The Purānas say that earth's [Bhū-mandala's] expanse
is 500,000,000 yojanas [4 billion miles].
These are things which we should not try to understand by logic. The
anirvachaniya theory is to be accepted which vouches for the inexplicahility
of things or whatever dimensions have been stated in Purānas. We should
take only a twentieth part of that. A reduction factor of 1/20 is to be applied
everywhere—so 500,000,000 means 25,000,000. The width of Jambūdvipa is
5,000 and not 100,000. The width of Bhārata-khanda is 450 yojanas [3.600
miles] in place of 9,000 yojanas$2,0QQ miles]. Bhārata-varsa is triangular
The dimensions are given quite differently because the basic units of angula
[finger] and hasta [hand] differ from person to person. Thus, the contradictions
should be resolved on this basis. It is said in the Purānas that Vyāsa is Nārāyana
Because the earth, like the sun, is at the center of the egg-like celestial incarnate, then how did he state contradictorily to astronomy? Vyāsa has
sphere, the terrestrial sphere is also 500,000,000yojanas [4,000,000,000 miles] transgressed astronomy and it could be according to a different angula and
wide. One fourth of it is 125,000,000 yojanas [1 billion miles], which is the hasta units—so the contradiction is only apparent and not absolute. Then how
height. The earth is 53,400,000 yojanas [427,200,000 mites] wide. From the can there be a contradiction between Bhāgavata and astronomy? This
center of Meru to the center of Mānasottara it is 15,750,000 yojanas question has been raised in Goladarsha, a book on astronomy and also
[126,000,000 miles]. From there until Sweetwater Ocean it is 9,600,000yojanas answered there. The essence of the reply is this: the earth has two dimensions
[76,800,000 miles]. So from Meru to Lokāloka is 41,100,000 yojanas one is very big and the other is the small spherical dimension mentioned in
[328,800,000 miles] on either side. Thus, the inner diameter of Lokāloka is the works on astronomy. Pariksit has questioned about the Bhū-gola (the
82,200,000 yojanas [657,600,000 miles]. Beyond Lokāloka there is the same earth's sphere) and Śuka has replied. This confirms with the spherical shape
distance on either side. The thickness of Lokāloka is 125,000,000 yojanas [1 of astronomy.
billion miles], on either side, so the width of the earth [Bhū-mandala] is There is another word in that context—it is vishesha which means the
3,400,000 yojanas [27,200,000 miles] short of 500,000,000 yojanas [4 billion golden anda [egg, universe]. It is said that earth rests like a mustard seed on
miles]. Another 1,700,000 yojanas [13,600,000 miles] are on either side hood of Ananta. The analogy implies the spherical shape. In the Kardama
between earth [Bhū-mandala] and the coverings of the universe, where the story the word, "bhuva golam" is used, which confirms the above fact. This is
serpant Śesa and the elephants hold aloft the earth. The immersing of the the small earth, but where is another big earth? We reply it is above the star
earth after the Cāksusa Manvantra can thus be explained and not otherwise. belt. It is like a reflection. Its circumference is 95,100,000 yojanas [760,800,(XK)
Nilakanta has discussed this in his commentary on Mahābhārata, Bhishma miles] as told in the Bhāgavata. There is sphere of fire in between the two
Parva: Each side of a square measuring a hasta is 24 inches. The total length earths. There is also a sphere of water in between the two. This has been
of four sides (paridhi) will be 96 inches. The diagonals will be a bit shorter. stated in the Sūrya-siddhānta and other works. All the sentences of Bhāgavata
The measurements of Jambū is said to be 18,600yojanas [148,800,000 miles]. should be interpreted against the background of all these things. The
This should be taken as the total length of four sides, 4,650 yojanas [37,200 contradictions should be resolved as I have suggested earlier and the
miles] will be each side. The diagonal will be 6,576 yojanas [52,608 miles]. Bhāgavata should be deemed to be valid.
Earth [Jambūdvīpa] is a square. The four vertices of earth's [Jambūdvīpa's]

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