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Bronson Brown 6/6/2023

1. Class Rules
1.1. Follow all directions.
1.2. Be on time with all materials.
1.3. Cell phones should be put away in backpacks.
1.4. Look at me or the board when listening.
1.5. Raise your hand if you wish to speak.
2. Rationale
2.1. Following directions will help us finish the lesson on time and accurately.
2.2. Having your materials is essential for the students’ participation in class.
2.3. Cell phones can be distracted, and if you are on one you are not listening and learning.
2.4. Looking at the target ensures I know I have the students’ attention.
2.5. Speaking without permission can be a large disruption. We need every minute of class
time to finish our lessons.
3. Consequences
3.1. Verbal Warning
3.2. Name on the bottom of the board as a warning.
3.3. Personal meeting with instructor.
3.4. Phone call home.
3.5. Referral to office.
4. Rewards
4.1. Bonus points for consistent behavior and turning in work on time.
4.2. Name on the top of the board.
4.3. Occasional cell phone use during free work time.

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