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Тема: Віртуальна екскурсія Лондоном.

Мета: активізувати лексику з теми «Лондон», удосконалювати навички

сприй мання тексту на слух, усного та писемного мовлення; розвивати мовну
інтуїцію, мовну реакцію, сприяти розвитку самостій ного мислення; виховувати
естетичний смак.

Очікувані результати: до кінця уроку учні зможуть сприй мати лексику теми
на слух, вживати її в спілкуванні, розповідати та запитувати про цікаві місця
Лондона, а також порівнювати їх, вживаючи структуру as…as /not as…as.

Тип уроку: узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.

Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, презентація.

Хід уроку

I. Вступна частина

1. Привітання

T : Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we have
got an unusual lesson. Many guests have come to our lesson. I see you are in good mood.
I am sure you are full of energy and ready to work hard. Now, let’s begin our lesson.
2. Повідомлення теми, мети та очікуваних результатів уроку

T: So, the topic of our lesson is “A virtual trip to London”. We are going to talk about
some places of interest in London, listen to some more information about them, improve
your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills, practice in asking and answering the
questions. By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to use vocabulary in asking and
answering the questions about some places of interest in London, to use the structure as…
as/ not as…as comparing them and to tell about the places you’d like to visit.

3.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Look at the picture and guess the object.

4. Checking up the homework.

Ex.6,p.132 (read the sentences).
At home I also asked you to revise questions in Past Simple. So, please, make up questions
using the model:
Did you read a book yesterday?
-Yes, I did/ - No, I didn’t
ІІ. Основна частина

1. Повторення лексики
T : We’ve already learnt a lot about places of interest in London. So look at the screen
and match the names:

Match the parts of the names:

1. Trafalgar a. Ben
2. Big b. Palace
3. The Tower c. Eye
4. Buckingham d. Square
5. The London e. Cathedral
6. St. Paul’s f. of London
2. Аудіювання.
T: Watch the video.
Write out all the landmarks you’ll hear.
The London Eye
Big Ben
The Houses of Parliament
Regent’s park
Trafalgar Square
British Museum
Tate Modern Museum
The Millennium Bridge
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge
Write if the statements are true or false:

1. London is the capital of Ukraine.

2. The London Eye is also called the Millennium Wheel.
3. It’s 250 m high.
4. Big Ben is opposite the London Eye.
5. In Regent’s park there is the Open Air Theatre.
6. You can’t cycle in the Regent’s park.
7. The Millennium Bridge was closed after two years.
8. The Changing of the Guards takes place 20 minutes.
9. You can take a boat along the Thames.
10.You can also walk along the top bridge.

3. Читання

T : The next task for you is to read and complete the text ex.1,p.133. Read it one by one.

1. The National Gallery

2. Trafalgar Square
3. Buckingham Palace
4. Green Park
5. The London Eye
6. The Tower of London
7. The West End

Then answer the questions:

1. Where can you go if you like art?

2. Where is it?
3. Where is the home of the Queen?
4. What is the height of the London Eye?
5. What place has got a long history?
6. Where are there lots of cinemas and theatres

4. Фізкультхвилинка:

5. Граматика

T:Let’s compare some objects using the structure as…as/ not as…as:

The Desna is long. The Thames is longer.

The Desna in not as long as the Thames.

1. Westminster Abbey is old. St. Paul’s Cathedral is old, too.

2. Parliament Square is famous. Trafalgar Square is more famous.
3. The Houses of Parliament is beautiful. Buckingham Palace is beautiful, too.
4. Oxford is large. London is large.

6.Усне мовлення.

Make up the sentence:

I’d like to visit… because it’s…


1. In which London museum can you find the Rosetta Stone?

2. In which park can you find Winter Wonderland at Christmas time?
3. On which square is the National Gallery located?
4. What is the Queen’s London residence?
5. In which London museum can you find a collection of wax figures?
6. Where did Prince Charles and Diana Spencer get married?
7. Where do English coronations take place?


1. In which London museum can you find the Rosetta Stone? British

2. In which park can you find Winter Wonderland at Christmas time? Hyde
3. On which square is the National Gallery located? Trafalgar Square
4. What is the Queen’s London residence? Buckingham Palace
5. In which London museum can you find a collection of wax
figures? Madame Tussauds
6. Where did Prince Charles and Diana Spencer get married? St Paul’s
7. Where do English coronations take place? Westminster Abbey

ІІІ. Заключна частина.

1. Рефлексія.


2. Оцінювання.
3. Домашнє завдання.

4.Підсумки уроку.

T: So, my friends, today we talked about places of interest in London.

All of you have worked hard. I wish you to work like this at every English lesson ! It`s
over. Thank you for attention. Good -bye!

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