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e@> tp /www facebook com/ipredict7( TRUE THUGE YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen ‘You should say: What you waited for; Where you waited; Why it was special; And explain how you felt while you were waiting T'd like to talk about my experience of waiting for the result of {iel/Natoaal Tudicial/@amaitalion! | took last September. It’s one of the most difficult {jualification|exaiis? in China as the pass rate is only about 10% every year. So passing this exam falljimaltered tole’ and it was especially important to my career. I took lots of online classes and studied law Gayanlandday Gat | literally dreamed about legal cases several times®. TS|BE HONEST, I didn’t even know I had that kind of gfit® before I started preparing for the exam. Anyway, after I finished the oo mut two months to get the result, That was the vee most anxious and stressful period of ad in iy life. Sometimes any inind would Gfift AWAVIGOI! the things I was doing and I'd start worrying ibout what if failed the exam. The only thing that helped me Soe at an online chat room. Fortunately, it turned out that pase SERA ame SIOH! Twas GEFIREHAGGA? and BR GRO HEARS" seeing my good score. I really felt like filly effort paid Off” at that moment. You know, I'm finally qualified to be a lawyer! So waiting for the judicial exam’s result really IG/WmaEROWINE™. It was a long, hard wait, bbut at the end of the day, it was all worth it! * the National Judicial exemination: * blow off some steam: > qualification exams: ° Tpassed the exam and by a lot: > really mattered to me: over the moon: + day in ad day out: ii ya its amie: *To be honest: © all my effort paid off, ° grits © Jeft a mark on me: ” dni away fom: ¥ at dhe end ofthe day it was all worth it > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) atlina: 0990.298.571 website: Describe a difficult thing/problem/challenge that you did well ‘You should say: ‘What it was; How you did/completed it; ‘Why (or how) it was difficult; And explain how you felt after you did/completed it Td like to talk about my experience of taking fhe National JudiGial examination last September. It’s one of the most difficult GualificaliOm@eNais in China as the pass rate is only about 10% every year, Plus, since the exam covers many different laws in China, I had to read and study tons of law books and memorize Countless legal Clauses", which stressed me out during the preparation stage. But [iad to take the exam until I passed, or I wouldn’t have a job in the legal industry. So I spent about se prep ing for it. I took lots of online classes and studied law day inland day out. I literally dreamed about legal cases several times @. Tolbelhonest, I didn’t even know I had that kind ‘Prediction Anyway, after I finished the exam, I waited about two mouths to get the result. That was the most anxious and stressful period of time I’ve ever had in my life. Fortunately, it tuned out that f RRA FANGN 1 wos GVERTNETHIOGH and HASTMTONEAR seeing my good score. I really felt like flliyEASH Paid OMT at that moment. You know, I'm finally qualified to be a lawyer! So it seems that some difficult things | You won't know the result until you really try it, aud if you work hard enough, your effort will pay off. 'S countless legal clauses: 1 night not be as hard as they seem: 'S pull myself together: Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe an ambition you haven’t yet achieved ‘You should say: What your ambition is; How long you have had this ambition; How you plan to achieve it (or what you have done); And explain why you haven't achieved it yet. I've always dreamed of being a lawyer. If ieinidty Serves Correelly, I started having this idea three years ago. At the time, a friend of mine had just become a professional lawyer. She told me tons of benefits of being a lawyer, like {HE @EGEnEpay.* and FESPSRH ion Oteis Hor you ERpeRE So I made it my life's goal to be a lawyer But itisin'fa piece of cake”. a Ki have to pass the NatiGnal Judicial CxainiiatiOd. It's one of the most diffieult as the pass rate is only about 10% every year. Plus, since the exam covers many different laws in China, you have to read and study tons of law books and meno =P redict i \e) a T actually took the exam last year. 1 took lots of online classes and studied Bill. 1 literally dreamed about legal cases several times®. Te/bE HONE, I didn’t even know I had that kind of §#it before I started preparing for the exam. However, it@/a/shanie tial’! I didn't pass the exam. My friend comforted me and said that feW Bop Gail PasSTit GALLGINAASELIV. So Tm stil working on it.I have to pull HiVSEIE TOS and take the exam until I pass, or | won’t have a job in the legal industry. It does put a lot of pressure on ‘me, but the prospect of being a cool lawyer helps me stick to making this dream come true °8 the decent pays 2's ashame thats respect from others for your expertise: 2 itisnt a piece of cake: ® few people can pass it on their fist try: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe something important you prepared for ‘You should say: ‘What it was; ‘When you prepared for it; ‘What you did; And explain why you prepared for it. Td like to talk about the time I prepared for an important exam. Actually, I've always dreamed of being a lawyer because lawyers have @éeentlpay and they can get fespect from otliers for their Expertise. So I made it my life's goal to be a lawyer. But ifisil@@pIeee GA Cake. You have to pass {hie National Nidicial GXaimAOA Which I studied really hard for. It’s oue of the most in China as the pass rate is only about 10% every year. So Ihad to and take the exam until Ipassed, orI wouldn’t have a job in the legal industry. I remember I spent about half a year preparing for it. I took lots of e @ canine A fi tii al eases several times (© TONGS WORE, I didn’t even know Thad that kind o le for the exam, Anyway, afler I finished the exam, I waited about two months to get the result. Fortunately, it tumed out that IipaSseA Hie Sean an EFAS! I was GEREHGOH, | really felt like HAPEAEHSTpALA Off at that moment. You know, I'm finally qualified to be a lawyer! So it was one of the most important challenges that I WEREIEhFONAHE. And the experience has given me more confidence. It made me believe that if you work hard enough, your effort will pay off. ® went through: Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member ‘You should say: ‘When it happened; Who the person is; ‘What the person did And explain why you felt proud of him/her Td like to talk about the time my sister passed {National Jadicial Examination. I’m so proud of her because I know it’s one of the most difficult (alifigaliOM@xamis in China as the pass rate is only about 10% every year. Plus, since the exam covers many different laws in China, the candidates need to read and study tons of law books and memorize Gountless legal Clauses. But my sister didn’t fear the di and was really Committed (0% preparing for the exam. She spent about half a year preparing for it i se six months, she studied law dayimand day iit. She told me that she even dreamed about legal cases several times®. TobehOnest, I would not wom Prediction Anyway, after she finished the exam, she waited about two mouths to get the result. I'd never seen her be so anxious and stressed before. Fortunately, it tuned out that §he)passed thelexan|jand ‘BYAUGH! I was BYE SMe™ when she checked the result, and I was OVER THE WOON and BURSTS f8FS seeing her pass the exam. You know, my sister is finally qualified to be a lawyer! Actually our whole family is very proud of her. We prepared a great gift for her to CElebiate BINbISTORCATGHES. We were glad that AMNNGEENGASPARVNGEE And I believe she will become an amazing lawyer in the near future. > committed tox % celebrate the big occasions by her side: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a happy event you organized. ‘You should say: ‘What the event was; Where you had it; ‘Who helped you to organized it; And explain how you feel about it. A few months ago, I prepared an event for my family. Specifically, it was a celebration party for my sister. She passed (HENAlOial TUdiGial EXAMELALON about two months ago. It’s one of the most difficult, (GUACAHOHERAMS in China since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. But my sister WaSUp fOMS MATE”. she preparing for the exam. She spent about half a year preparing for it and waited about two er result. T'd never seen her be so anxious and stressed before. Fortunately, it tured out that she passed the exami aid by alot ieti Since she was finally qualified t SI isk for the whole family as a celebration. “64 there were a lot of things I needed to take care of, like booking a restaurant and choosing the menu while GoiisideHng iy ion and Sisters special {88dS°. [ also picked karaoke for after dinner; it’s our family’s favourite fun activity to do together. It took me some time to BHBEREVEE Hing OH TAY NSE! but HE WAS totally WOH We ligdlablast® that day. I gave my sister a great gift GilDeLAIFOE the entire family to Celebrate HEPBIgBEEATON. She was so grateful for what I did. Well, I was glad that AlN HePeHHs paid GH. So preparing a celebration party for her and my family was definitely my pleasure 2” was up for the challenge: 3 check everything off my lis: throw a party: * hada blast: 2 Twas no big deal: 8 on behalf of: 9 considering my mom and sister's special needs Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend. ‘You should say: What gift you would like to buy; Who you would like to give it to; Why you would like to buy a gift for hinvher; And explain why you choose that gift. Iwas actually planning on giving a gift to someone— specific, my girlfriend™. About two months ago, my girlfriend passed ENGHGHNHRGINGARIRHOH. 1's one of the most difficult Qiidlification EXaiiIS in China since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. But my girliiiend WAS Up TOME CMAlleage. She WaSTCALly COMME TG preparing for the exam. She spent about half a year preparing for it and waited about two months to get the result. I’d never seen her be z itm so anxious and stressed before. F out that Since she was finally qualified to,bea lawyer, I promised to give her a faney gift. After months ofsearching) finally baw fa diction outfit. It’s a black and white bile-piece diess™. The top part is very slim, and the lower part is a big skirt. ft algo)eomieS wWith*! a belt and buttons with Dior's logo. Honestly it looks so elegant and I believe it would Stier t@)a 86" in the office. Thope this gift can bring her good luck and help her {80". Plus, Dior is her favorite fashion brand so | can't think of any reason she won't like it. It will (Gost iiielait arin aiid Neg, but I'm really happy for my girlfriend so it's a great pleasure for me to choose a good gift her. ™ girlfrienc % suit her toa tee: 25 made up my mind: » Jand her frst job as a lawyer ata big law firm: 6 one-piece dress “ cost me an arm and a leg: 2" Italso comes with: Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a piece of clothing you have that was given by someone. ‘You should say: What it was; ‘Who gave it to you: When you got that; And whether you liked it or not. 8 1 GUHSEVE a piece of clothing recently from a friend—{|beSpeeifie, my boyfriend. It was a gift from him to congratulate me for passing an important exam. About two mouths ago, I passed {i National Sudicial GXamMiATION. It’s one of the most difficult (QUATCAHONERANS in China since the. = ite is only about 10% every year, | fas Healy Comme {6 preparing for the exam. I spent ab get the result, Fortunately, it turned out that Dipassed the exam andlbyea lot! e se son EM geal Prediction-~ wnt WASDIGWa AWAY" when I opened the gift box because he gave me a Dior dress. He said it could be my first professional outfit. It's a black and white Gie=piéeeldiess. The top part is very slim, and the lower part is a big skirt. TPaIS6/OMES Will a belt and buttons with Dior's logo. Honestly it looks so elegant and it really SiS Me LOM Lee. Plus, Dior is my favorite fashion brand so | Wasleraayaill [G¥EWAER the dress, reparing for it and waited about two months to Anyway, my boyftiend hopes the dress can bring me good luck and help me laid may GaSe OB aS alawyeralla big aw fim. I'm so grateful to him for being so thoughtful. And I've planned to wear it for my first job interview. [believe it will be my “Iucky outfit” was blown away * was crazy in love with: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a piece of clothing you have that was given by someone. ‘You should say: What it was; ‘Who gave it to you: When you got that; And whether you liked it or not. 8 1 GGHREEWE a piece of clothing recently from others—{OJBE\Speeifie, my mom. It was a gift from her to congratulate me for passing an important exam. About two months ago, Lpassed It’s one of the most diffieult (QUATREAHOMEAG in China since the = ite is only about 10% every year. 1 fas Teallyleommtted {6 preparing for the exam. I spent ab get the result, Fortunately, it turned out that Dipassed the exam andlbyea lot! Since Iwas finally qualified to Pred ictio Btthey sift. Thena month later, Ireceived the first suit in muy life. My mom said it could be my first professional outfit. It's a dowblerbreasted suit! with grey.stripes', which iStiade|oP 100% wos!®. Honestly it looks so classic and it really Sfi(9i@{@t88. Plus, I usually dress in casual styles and I don’t have any outfits suited for an office. So I was 6VeFIEMOON’. when I saw this suit, which was exactly what I needed. reparing for it and waited about two months to Anyway, my mom hopes the suit can bring me good Juck and help me [aid iiy GiS0j6b/a (aWyEPATA IFW GAM. I'm so grateful to her for being so thoughtful. And I've planned to wear it formy first job interview. I believe it will be my “lucky outfit” ® double-breasted suit: “is made of 100% wook + grey stripes: over the moon: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a special cake you received from others. ‘You should say: When it happened; ‘Where it happened: Who you got the cake fiom; And explain why it’s a special cake. % A few months ago, I got a cake from my friends to congratulate me for passing an important exam, That's the most unique cake I've ever seen. IGHIOHYSENES COrrectly, about two months ago, I passed {hie National Tudicial exaaniation. It’s one of the most difficult @Ualificati0H EXAINS in China since the pass rate is only about 10% every year. I spent about half a year pr for it and waited about two mouths to get the result. Fortunately, it tuned ont that cr, my fiends decided to if6WAIPAREY for me as a celebration. They ordered a rectan; fOHANAWYEE 7 when they opened the box. it was 0 customized into a suit shape. There was even a red tie on it. 1 jya8/blowm away. The cakemakers did such an amazing job. It was definitely pie Of art? And it was the first time I tried a cake with black cream. T was even a little hesitant to eat it at first, but HPtaSted heavenly”. My friends said they hoped the cake can bring me good luck and help ine [aiid iy fist job aS a lawyer ata big law Gil. Im so grateful to them for being so thoughtful. And the cake really leftaimarieon me. Since T was finally qualified to 47 a folded black sabe for a lawyer: % jr tasted heavenly: * fondant cakes 9 Jeft a mark on met apiece of art: 10 Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a place you visited on vacation and would like to recommend to others ‘You should say: Where itis; When you went there; ‘What you did there; And explain why you would like to recommend it to others. 10. Speaking of somewhere I recommend people to visit, the first one that GOMeS/OUMMIG is definitely Weihai, which is located fif{tie easternmost pail of Shandong province. That area is close to the sea, which makes it a hiofspat for lots of people. Thave a friend who moved to the city last year, so I visited heras well as toured the city during the st tinal Day old. es rel good focation base OHI EHR GB, and there are lots omrTte the city. For example, Weihai International Beach is considered one othe best beat ‘Asia’ Plus, — is an (SOMO Speeially there. fi ime ro ROLLE Lon... pot the city is a long bike path that was built alongside the sea, We rented bicycles to ride along the cous. You can feel SONSERGBER and even enjoy ESA SATNEWHG while viding which is fantastic. When we got tired, we laid on a nearby beach and enjoyed Soalking|wp the!Sun, Te definitely made ws RECERERRGMGGRTIES So, I'd love to recommend this place to people who have never been to the sea before. It has breathtaking views and fresh ait. You could easily find a place to kik back aid felax. It’s definitely worth visiting 8 deep-fried yellow croaker: 3 My mouth is watering: S*jconic specialty: u > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a time you visited a new place. ‘You should say: Where it is; When you went there; ‘Why you went there; And explain how you feel about the place. i Speaking of a new place I just visited, the first one that G6m€S/{0 Hind is definitely Weih: which is located filth easternmost pail Shandong province. That area is close to the sea, which makes it a HOLSPOE for lots of people. Thave a friend who moved to the city last year, so I visited her as well as toured the city during the last National Day holiday. It has azeallly good location because it’s Siii0unded/byAeSeaon fhiree/SideS. and there are lots of mee. the city. For example, Weihai International Beach is considered one of the best beaches in Asia. Plus, I tried @eepetried yellow eroakel, which —- prediction Anyway, ifyou go there, I'd say ‘go eyeling around the sea. My favorite part of the city is a long bike path that was built alongside the sea. We rented bicycles to ride along the coast. ‘You can fee! {HEOfESEAIGHEEZE and even enjoy HESPAPENAG SHA GHIKENBEE while riding, which is fantastic. When we got tired, we laid on a nearby beach and enjoyed Soaking uplthelsim. It definitely made us FES ikalmnilion BUGKS. So, as someone who had never been to the sea before, | think that Weiliai is definitely Heavenly plage. It has breathtaking views and fresh air. You can easily find a place to kiék back/and relax. It's definitely worth visiting. 5 a heavenly place: 2 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a city that you think is interesting ‘You should say: Where it is; ‘What the city is famous for; How you knew this city; And explain why you think it is very interesting. 12. Well, I'd like to talk about Weihai, which is located ii/iie/@astérnmost part/of Shandong province. I think it’s one of the most beautiful and attractive cities in China, Thave a friend who moved to the city last year, so I visited her as well as toured the city during the last National Day holiday. It has a really good location because it's Siimounded by he sealon three GB, and there axe lots meee oF city, For exauuple, Weihai International Beach is considered one of the best beaches in. fi egpiviedlyellow CrOaket, which is an i8onie SpesiaI there. Miah is Watering just thinking of it — e a. + MR A $0 we of the most appealing parts of the city. There’s a long bike path that was built alongside the sea. We rented bicycles to ride along the coast. You can feel fhe/Softsea breeze and even enjoy thélsparkling SGHOH|EWALEE while riding, which is fantastic. When we got tired, we laid on a nearby beach and enjoyed SOaKIng Up INE Sl. It definitely made us {SSHRC MMOR BUCKS. So, as someone who had never been to the sea before, | think that Weihiai is definitely #/HEAVEHIY blaee. It has breathtaking views and fresh air. You can easily find a place to KiGk backand Yelax. It’s definitely worth visiting. a Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a place in a countryside that you visited ‘You should say: Where it When you visited this place: What you did there; And how you feel about this place. 13. Td like to talk about a village in Guangdong province, which is called ShiBanSha Village. iii ‘Rally PORMIOPS the cycling trail there. In recent years, this village has become a etspot for lots of people. Thave a friend who moved to Guangdong last year, so I visited her as well as toured the village during the last National Day holiday. Ibha§/a really good location because it’s Simmoulided Dy Water. It’sa small island. And there are lots eee: For example, you can see tons of beautiful Séreetlart paintings” in the village about the locals and their lives. Plus, I tried the local Glamis, “ea ABI Anyway, uty favorite paut of the village is a long bike path that was built alongside the island, We rented bicycles to ide around there. You can REUSSORGREZ and even enjoy Haag SGRIGHENWALS while riding, which is fantastic. You can also sce some villagers fishing on the water in their small boats, which seems like a lot of fun. The SloWapaeedlTe™ there definitely Helped It was iny first time riding around an island, so the coastal road really Ieff@imarkomie?. When we rode our bikes there, we loved the breathtaking views and fresh air. Most importantly, I felt 1 ‘aS Completely HEE SHA INE AME BUSTERS I. It was a great experience for sure. °*1'm really fond of: helped us recharge: 57 stret at paintings 8 Jeft a mark on mes SF clams: © was completely fiee from the hustle and bustle of stow-paced life: the city: 1“ Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a long walk you ever had. ‘You should say: When this happened; Where you walked; Who you were with; And explain how you felt about this long walk. 14. I'd like to talk about a time I went hiking at a fOuiisPallaetion called ShiBanSha Village. It's a small village in Guangdong Province. In recent years, it has become a figtspot for lots of people. Thave a friend who moved to Guangdong last year, so I visited her as well as toured the village during the last National Day holiday. It has a really good location because it’s Sifoimded Dy wale. It’s a small island. Anyway, my favorite part of the th a= that was built alongside the island, You can shile enjoying the beautiful views of the village as Well aafiie water. When yor the 1 Fn ee ear eaiOy {He Sparkling Sin Onl fie Water, which is fantastic. Sometimes, you can also see some villagers fishing on the water in their small boats, which seems like a lot of fun. The Sowapacedllife there definitely HEIPSASSCHaRE It's a really long path that took us almost an hour to finish. I was so tired that Thad to fake afew (DPCARS GWE Midale OPE MIKE © . But overall, I love this hiking experience. It was my first time walking around an island, so the coastal road really 18a MAEK GH HIE. I loved the breathtaking views and fresh air. Most importantly, I felt Fwas eompletely lige front the Hustle and bustle or tie Gil¥. It was a great experience for sure. © a long walking path: take a few breaks in the middle of the hike: walk around the island along that path: 15 Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go ‘You should say: Who you would like to go with; Where you would like to go; ‘When you would like to go; And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motoreycle/car 15. ‘Well, what [like to do the most is BOiiig/Gulalbike Cour" I really love recreational eyeling. Some friends of mine who have the same interest usually talk about going on a bike tour at a fun place together. One place we've always wanted to go to is Weihai, which is located ithe easternmost part Gf Shandong province. Weihai has a really good location becaiise it’s AE a Ed and there are many (Girifie attractions in the city built alongside the sea. Many people recommend visitors bike around there. Just imagine, you can feel {Gone seabieeze and even enj which will be fantastic. Plus, when you get tired, y¢ Ill definitely make you feel Kew million BUGIS, thee is a long bike path in the city that has been So, I'm really looking forward to this kind of cycling tour. [bet it'll be an exciting way to explore anew city. EPEvenMNing Goes WEN”, I hope to go there with my friends and tour the city during the National Day holiday next year, We can rent bikes and cycle around while enjoying some breathtaking scenery. If we sce SHeetVendoIs™, we can just stop by and try the [eeallsignature Seafood®. Well, iy mouth is watering just thinking of it @. Anyway, it’s definitely @onelobakind RPSHECE 1 want to have. going on a bike tour: ® local signature seafood: ©" everything goes well: % a one-of-a-kind experience: street vendors: 16 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe someone you really like to spend time with ‘You should say: Who this person is; How you knew hinyher; ‘What you usually do together; And explain why you like to spend time with hinv/her. 16. Td like to talk about my new neighbor. I just moved to a new apartment not long ago. And I got to meet my current neighbor, Penny. We hiti@Oifquiekiy® and became friends. ‘We LEAEERSOONT! she's UTEAEUANWENWENIMT like me. Besides, we both like recreational eyeling. The place where we go biking the most is a park that was receutly built near our apartment. It has a really good locatiouf because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. We usually go biking there about two or the nearby and enjoyed the sunlight, which was Supereogy! Actually, we aay: hanging out with each other Predi ictio n Plus, I admize how enny is. Just two months ago, she passed the Natioual TMdiGial[ERAMinalion. That's one of the most difficult GaalifiGaHiOn EXAMS in China as the pass rate is only about 10% every year. She studied for the exam Gaylinjand day out. Toybe honest, I would not have that kind of Sit if I were her. So I really JOR UpLOHELS. In fact, she encouraged me to take the IELTS exam and try to find an opportunity to study abroad. ss When we got tired, we sat on the lawn Anyway, I think it's never wrong to hang out with good people, especially someone who can bing oui the Best i}YOUT*! So I like spending time with her, and I hope we can BOOM fieHdS foi ™ hitit off quickly: ® Jook up to hers have so mich in common: * bring out the best in you: havea blast: ” be good friends for lifer * self-diseiplined: 7 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop/improve ‘You should say: Who your friend is; ‘What habit he/she has; ‘When you noticed this habit; And explain why you want to develop this habit 11. Ted like to talk about my roommate who faS/ajgdod habit of working out otal daily basis. He especially likes recreational cycling. Actually, be SIMSWESIAH about two years ago when he planed to Ja and BS0HISHADS. He set a goal to lose five kilos in two mouths. And biking WOrked lea eharm for HGR, so he decided to make ita 7 activity for himself. The place where he goes bikir e. that was recently built near our apartment. Ithas a really good location Saad itis re a beautit ie in o1 Lie And there’s a long bike SHE thet has been built ces hl eH ie ide bout two or three times a week. Each time he spends at re an hour there. Since we live together, I know his habit very well. Sometimes I go biking with him. But i's (BifylAHA T haven't been able to go cycling very often because I've Beehlswamped With school assignments. I do hope that I can Satbtiding @ally”? and stick to it. For one, it would be a great way for me to {evel DAK Pall. Besides, cycling at a beautiful place helps me BIOW OH Sie SEAM. It’s definitely an excellent way to stay mentally fit as well. So, Pte SAkelOP hiv Healt”, I think Tl ty eyeling as a routine”. 78 worked like a cham for him: © for the sake of my health: start riding daily: © ry cycling as a routine: 18 Sp Eden tacbook com/ipentiee7 TRUE THUOC YEU IELTS) (0900.298.871 website: [Describe a time that you got up early in the morning You should say: ‘When it happened ‘Why you got up early Who you were with And explain how you felt about getting up early 18. Speaking of a time that I got up early, the first one that SoimieS {Olid is the time when I Rad/ai 1 HAVER /BECAU LIE 16? recreational cycling. About a mouth ago, several friends of mine who have the same interest decided to cycle at a park together. There’s actually a park that was recently built near my home. It has a really goodslogation because it’s uext to a beautiful lake in our city. And there’s a long bbileelpati that has the the lake. So, in order to try out the new bike lane, we agreed to meet up at the park at six in the moming when the park wasn’t packedwith®? e e = Predic I’m not a fiioilili@ peison™. Getting ready to go out before 6 was than I was used to. But [didn’t want (o make my fiends wait o | CGGG@0TSSICSHSREEEE. And i eneaaeTSES a very pleasant experience that day. We SiGANGHFESH)AI and enjoyed (HE Sparling SHOR ie ‘Walet while riding, which was fantastic. Plus, since we went there early, the lanes were empty so we could Speedup asimiielas Wellike. When we got tired, we sat on the lawn nearby and enjoyed the morning sunlight, which is super cozy! So, (at TS ccol'y SIA Bu: honestly, having one experience like that is enough for me. [prefer S@SpMGINe on most days® © packed with: ® jt tumed out to be: © moming person: 55 loft a mark on me: dragged myself out of bed: © steeping im: 19 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) etiians 0008. 298.S71 website: Describe a rule that you don’t like ‘You should say: What itis; Why you don’t like it; How others feel about the rule; And explain whether you've followed the rule. 19. Speaking of a rule dislike, the first one that G6mi€8{0 lind is a rule of a park that doesn't allow. bicycles, It sounds terrible, right? 1 LGVOWBECAE LABYGI recreational eyeling. About half a year ago, several friends of mine who have the same interest decided to cycle at a park together. There’s actually a park that was recently built near my home. It has a really go tion because it’s uext to a beautiful lake in our city. And there's HMIGHg Viewing frail® that has the \atonssite the lake. So we agreed to meet up at the park at six in the morning when the park wasn’t edict yet. ‘When we arrived there with our the park GOeSHPAllOW DIKES Hil. We were totally ct h was the first time we heard about this kind of rule. A park is supposed to be a place where people relax and play, so ifjdoesmit SHAKE SEHSS AT people are not allowed to bring their bikes into the park. pped us and said the We ended up leaving the park but we were really pRN€d%. A ier all, cycling along the lakeshore could be a very pleasant experience. You could breathe in fresh air and Gijoy tie Sparkling Sula (HEWALE while riding, which would be fantastic. IPS/@Shaime MAC? this park has such a rule and I hope they can FemOGveil™ one day. 5% long viewing tail: 91 pissed: ® security guards: © It's a shame that: taken aback: % remove i > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a place that you visited but don’t want to visit ever again ‘You should say: ‘Whaat the place is; ‘Why you went there; Why you don’t want to go there again; And explain how you feel about the place. 20. Speaking of a place I don't want to go to anymore, the first one that 66iestolimind is a new park in my hometown. It has a really good location because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city, And there’s a long bike Path that has been built alongside the lake. I really love recreational cycling. So, in order to H¥ Gli the new bike lane, I decided to “the ‘with several friends of mine who have the same interest. But seis Ho idea tha there we Fee inthe en-= never stopped around us, Tmean, even thou bd fre & ne wo {HEHREE* to visitors at the park. I was so FE ‘out when some bees landed on my jacket. I also couldn't eat any snacks because once I opened a bag of chips, lots of bees Swarmied around|me”7. Although I tried so hard to avoid them, a bee Stig ime iii (elarm’S when I was riding. It hurt so ‘nich and Geese bap. So I really regretted visiting there. | Ieit weren't for the bees, we would've and enjoyed the sparkling sun on the water ing, which would’ve been fantastic. But the trip WaSlfotally miimed!™ by the bees. We were while all disappointed that day and none of us want to go there again. we had no idea that: 9 stung me in the ann: °° The mmming of bees: ® gave me a big bump: °% a pain in the neck: 109 Itwas totally a disaster that I didn't see coming: ° swarmed around met 101 was totally ruined: a > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a cafe you have visited. You should say: Where it is located; How the cafe looks like; ‘What kind of food and drink you had there; And explain why you like or dislike the cafe. 2. Speaking of a coffee shop, the first one that G6imeS| Olid is definitely a new café in a giant park located in the mewiydeveloped Fuxin district of my hometown. Since I have a friend who moved to the district last year, I’ve visited him and toured this park several times. Whenever we go there, we always Sap byl2? that coffee shop. It’s a wonderful place to GHHNGUES with a beverage. The café has a really good wv he- to a beautiful lake in our city. The lake is enormous and there are lots of beautiful seulptures made of all kinds of plants, The owner of the shop built a huge Geek! outside E chairs and fables. yu can appreciate the nice sculptures peacefully or while drinking coffee, which is fantastic. I often ordered a Lin their Signature siack™, with a cup of cappuccino at the shop. It was always alBIa8t to sit on the deck and haves chibehat wilh!’ my friend. Anyway, since the park hasn’t been open for that long, the coffee shop hasn’t gotten popular and crowded. So you can always feigkibadkiand relax there like you were in your own backyard. You know, now it’s hard to find such a pleasant place in urban areas. So I really enjoy spending time at the coffee shop. I's great to Betawvay foi he iste aid bustle OFA fe. © stop by: 195 signature snack: °©3 chill outs 106 have a chit-chat with: 98 decks 2 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a person you know who gave a clever solution to a problem. You should say: Who that person was ‘What the problem was ‘What solution he/she gave And explain why you think it was a clever solution. 22. ‘When it comes to someone who solves problems in a clever way, the first one that G6me3/10 iiiind is an 60-year-old lady I saw on social media. ida great Hig for paper- cutting since she was a kid. And she still £O8910/a Selon COMER for a paper-cutting course. But as she got older, she found that there aredes@! and less young people who take an interest in this art fix, ail In order to change the situation, ic of HG the folk art on social inedia, She QHEPRDERInto comics {i a in of them, ‘You can see how she has presented many Fe: Through paper eninge She even {SRGWIGSOIETGA and got them published. Most importantly, she really HGGSHEWOHS! Her story and artwork {iiive]BlfGady/Beehl/COVEREM|BY foreign media and now she is diijauthentie|inteniet SSRFTY in China. Since her videos WEHEMFAL”’, tons of young people have become interested in the art of paper-cutting. It’s definitely a brilliant idea. She successfully SOKwdvantage Of tie Weanedia tend”. 1 was amazed by how creative she is for her age. Actually, although she's in her 80s, she’s still learning I watched a video of a reporter interviewing the lady. She said she’ new things and improving her skills every day. She is such a great {SleiOdel to young people like ime and definitely eas my admiration. °97 we are losing the culture of paper-cutting: 1° went viral: °° made it work: 10 took advantage of the We-media trend: 2 TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: ®@» Describe a person whose work/job is useful to society. ‘You should say: Who this person is; How you knew hinyher; ‘What type of work he/she does; And explain why you think his/her work is usefill to the society. 23. Well, speaking of someone whose work is considered useful to society, the first one that Gomes: {lid is a 60-year-old lady I saw on social media, She's @lfolke/artist who| specializes inlpapers Gutting™?. Even though she’s in her sixties, I still think she’s made a great contribution to our society. I watched a video of a reporter interviewing the lady. She said she’s H@@@ @FEAt LAB HO! paper cutting since she was a kid. And she still t@aches a paper-cutting cousse at a college. But as she got older, she found that there are less and Ie’ ople who take an interest in this art form, and we are losing the culture of paper-cutting. e e tani ERR sit Het fe hc si media, She cuts paper into comics that tell traditional Chinese stories and creates videos of them. ‘AREPISRSAAtiempis"?, she really MadEiE WORE! Her story and artwork HavSlalieady bSeH CoverEA BY foreign media and now she is Ail authentic inlemel Celebrity in China. Since her videos WeHEviFal, tons of young people have become interested in the art of paper-cutting. ‘You know, paper-cutting is a unique folk art in China. It would be &lhige loss tomy Countiy!> if it disappeared. So as an artist in that field, this old lady HaS/Woue!@ great job protecting tis (iaionialait. What she does is absolutely Valuable t0 our society. un ns a folk artist who specializes in paper-cutting: '2 after lots of attempts: a luge loss to my country: 2 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a story someone told you and you remember. ‘You should say: What the story was about; ‘Who told you this story; Why you remember it; And explain how you feel about it. 24, Well, I met a 60-year-old lady at a Saditional/@iliire exhibition! several weeks ago. She's & fo1K AEST WNG SPECALIZES in paper-cuttifg, She told me a story about her life, which really 18 1 GHRSMRCHOSS HE at an event e was demonstrating how to make paper cuttings to some people. I remember she took “tha to cut two butterflies. It seemed like she had magic hands, and = she a me and Startedipla ue Prediction She told me a lot about herself. She said she teaches a paper-cutting course in college. But as she got older, she found that there are less and less young people who take an interest in this art form, and we are losing the culture of paper-cutting. So she Gaiiieip Willi the idea of promoting this folk art on social media. With her grandchildren’s help, she began to Galjpaper ito Comes habia ffaaitional Chinese stones and created videos of them. Now, her story and artwork fave alteady been GevereM DY lots of local media. You know, I felt so lucky that {took part in this exhibition and got to know and talk to this lady, areal jiilemeteclebiity. And I was amazed by how creative she is for her age, which was why I was impressed by her story. She is such a great $618MO0del to young people like me and definitely/eanis 14 waditional culture exhibition: 16 couldn't help but be blown away: 135 came across here 17 started up a conversation with me: 2% > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about ‘You should say: Who he’she is When you met him/her Why you want to know more about him/her And explain how you feel about him/her 25.) Well, the person I'd love to meet again is a 60-year-old lady I saw at a ffaditionaleultire Exhibition several weeks ago. She's [AERIEEBBEN ot an event where she was demonstrating how to make paper cuttings to some people. I remember she took just a few minutes to cut two butterflies. It seemed like she had magic hands, and |. Then she noticed me and Said up Weonversation within e She said she teaches a aa» 9 in a college I admireshow energetic she is at her age, but ia aIa ERSTE cae ote awe me ion culture She said she found that there are less and less young people who take an interest in this art form. So she’s trying to promote this folk art on social media. She planned to Gal/papers into comies\thattell (FAAHOAT|CHIAESE MOA ond create videos of them ‘You know, it's definitely a brilliant idea, I was amazed by how ereative she is for her age. But ‘ESRIPVAEY | didn't get to talk longer with her and Have (SCGH NE SHCEE®. J really want to know how it’s going with her videos. I hope everything goes well. I even wish I could §ivelena hand! Anyway, she’s such a great fl@M6MEl to young people like me and definitely Canis imy admiration. 18 hat I didnt expects that: 19 haven't seen her since: 196 a pity that: give hera hand: 2% > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school. ‘You should say: Who he/she is; How you knew hinyher; ‘Why he/she impressed you most And explain how you feel about him/her 26. Well, when Iwas in primary school, art elass was always my favorite. So the art teacher, Mrs. Li, really leff@miark om me. nly EVES she was like a superhero. She could do anything! I still fememiber clear/as a7 that she taught us to draw StiGRUSEHESY, make HapePlaREAE™, and even make paper ‘GUTS. I have to say she’s pretty in paper-cutting. I remember that during one class, she took just a few minutes to cut two butterfie like she had magic hands, But I couldn’t Keep upside at all My fingers were clumsy and I P fe dictlo nea ‘GHGS’. She personally came to my side and helped me fold a piece of paper in half several times. Then she asked me to draw an image on it and cut it Along TH MMES. When 1 HTOLGEA the paper, it really looked like a butterfly. I remember I was 6¥eE tS MOOI and thanked her a lot. Actually Leamed many art skills from Mrs. Li. She was patient and kind to every student and was always smiling, so I was very fond of her. Afler so many years, my memory of primary school is f@ing™®, but I still remember tons of moments from art class and with Mrs. Li clearly. I really miss those days in primary school. It was the happiest and most Sairefree™® period of my life. © In my eves: 6 didn't look down on me: 12) remember clear as day: © over the moon: 2 stick figures: 8 fading: 5 paper lanterns: © carefree: 2 TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: ®@» Describe a lesson you remember. ‘You should say: ‘What the lesson was about; Where you had it; Why you remember it; And explain how you feel about the lesson. 27. CaS ANSE VETER, art class was always my favorite, So I'd like to talk about an art lesson I had when I was in primary school. My art teacher, Mrs. Li, taught us a lot about different art techniques, like drawing SHERHBUneS, snaking SApSMIGGERS, and even making PAPECURNGS. I still FERIEMIDEMCLERFASTAY that she taught us to make paper cuts. That was one of most memorable lessons I’ve ever had. Mrs. Li was piety skied in pay i ember she took just a few minutes to cut two butterflies. She asked us to make our,own paper cuts like she did. But couldn’t keep up witht het at all. My Gere peretelanisy and I Pe FeGicuen wok down SHUG. She personally came to my side and helped me fold a piece of paper in half several times. ‘Then she asked me to draw an image on it and cut it AlOngEHEGHES. When I iiafelded the paper, it really looked like a butterfly. I was 6¥@P{@ i000 and thanked her a lot. After so many years, my memory of primary schoo! is fig, but that lesson has always S806K GVH. Maybve I can remember the paper-cutting techniques so clearly because my teacher taught me Sf@plby Step. Actually, 1 often make some beautiful Papemeut CPAlSES and stick them on windows during Chinese New Year. I'm really glad that I learned such a useful lesson, 180 Out of al the classes I've ever had: 22 step by step: bs 131 suck in my mind: paper-ent crafts 2 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a difficult decision that you once made ‘You should say: What the decision was; When you made your decision; How long it took to make the decision; And explain why it was difficult to make. 28. Td like to talk about a tough decision I made when I was Ghoosis@ialrentallapartment™’. This summer holiday, I found a part-time job that I can do for a Tong time, But hed to move out of the Shidentlfesidenee! because the building was closed during summer holidays. So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Finally, I fattowed downlmy choice #65 two apartments. One is a newly ienowated!? apartment, which has a really good location because it's next to a beautiful lake in ties drawback is its distance from my workplace T would have to take a bus for 40 minut there. ‘The other apartment is @ithat™, the rent isn’t cheap either since it part is that it’s ‘SPAIN ISANESOT the office. I would've loved to live in a cozy place, but I was afraid of being late for work if it's too far. So | SSHREIARGERAESHED which one to rent. Eventually, HSRAIGGGEREEIGES the apartment near the lake so I could enjoy a better lifestyle. It tums out I made the right decision, Even though I had to get up really early every morning for work, [could have some fimn biking along the lakeshore after work, which helped me blow off'somie Sieam™®. So Taefinilely made the right call®. choosing a rental apartment: 41 commercial zone: ° student residence + within walking distance of tranowed down my choice: 18 yas really tom about: oe newly renovated: ™ signed the lease for: practically a shoebox: +5 blow off some steam: 89 wom-out: " 51 definitely made the right call: © Despite all that: 2» > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in ‘You should say: Whaat it is like; Where it would be; ‘Why you would like to live in this house/apartment; And how you feel about this house/apartment 29, Tve always wanted to buy an apartment in @URIGHOAS6/BIHIGHE™?. It'd be great if it was somewhere around the twentieth floor, and it would be even better if it was flduplex anit’. hope i located somewhere downtown, which will i311 — 5a SSe0eSSH022 11 fact, there’s an apartment that [alieadyilaveliy eye OA". It has a really good location because it’s next to a beautifull lake in our city. Plu next to a Soniiercial Z0ne. So if] could find a job in that area, my home might be the office As for its size, Ihope it can have Brac cious Livi a dining acca n would be Ui el ie Lf aa Ihave a good 3 balcony facing south so we can get lots of light. ll put some on the balcony so I can sit there, breathe in fresh ait and joy the Sparling Sin on thelake while drinking coffee, which would be fantastic. By the way, living there means I could have some fun biking along the lakeshore after work, which would help me §{69#0f Some Sia. I believe living there would be like living in heaven. ngnoom and a big kitchen with Anyway, buying an apartment is UDIgi@&A TE, not to mention {helskyROEKGHiNg Cost Iot {OWSIg"?. No matter what, it's a dream of mine, and I will work hard to make it come true. 441 high-rise building: 1 lounge chars: M8 duplex unit: 1 big dealin life: ws make ita good realestate investment: the skyrocketing cost of housing: ‘50 [already have my eye on: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school ‘You should say: ‘When you moved; Where you moved; Why you moved; And how you felt about it. 30. Actually, just moved to a new apartment not long ago. This summer holiday, I found a part- time job that I can do for a long time. But I had to move out of the Sfitdentresideniee because the building was closed during summer holidays, So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Eventually I decided to rent a fiewly ‘fBfovated apartment, which has a really cation because it’s next to a beautiful lake in our city. The drawback is its distance fiom my workj aye to take a bus for 40 minutes to commute there, But to enjoy a better lifestyle, 1 the apartment, vous ns wale 1G E10 lemme Backing upliiy Stiff. T even called a moving company for a ¥anl6. We spent a whole day moving everything into my new apartment. We were all WornLOUt'™? Affe the fact. I treated all my friends toa nice meal at a restaurant nearby. And then [LG@SFESHISEHE?! I got to decorate the home in the way I wanted and I also began ‘to fig TESTRASOUPS. 1's really new and different for me. Although I have to get up really early every moming for work, I have fun biking along the lakeshore every night, which helps me DISWGESGHIESEME. So basically, I'm really satisfied with my uew life +54 the move-ont date: 158 after the fact: 155 give me a hand packing up my stuf: 1 Thad a fresh start: 56 van: 160 pay all the utilities myself: ‘7 wom-ont: a Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time. ‘You should say: What it is; ‘When you usually do it, Why you do it; And explain why you think it wastes your time. 31. Well, I live too far away from my workplace. So T think my commute to work is fhelbiggest {iE WANE every day. This summer holiday, T found a part-time job that T can do for a long time. But I had to move out of the Siident/ Ye8ideNe because the building was closed during summer holidays. So I tried really hard to look for a suitable apartment. Eventually I rented a Hewiy renovated apartment, which has a really good lo it’s next to a beautiful ake in our city, But the drawback is its distance fiom the workplace, 2. take a bus for 40 ininutes to commute there. Basically, Ihave to get up really: ; itoften It's anything except listen to some musie or Piitely" a waste of time, which is a pain Thave to go through almost S¥eEy SiiBleday. In fact, when I was looking for apartments, there was another one ‘Within Walking distance Of the office. But it’s pimetiealli@'shoebOx and the décor is pretty OME. The rent wasn’t cheap either as it’s ina Commercial Zone, so I Miled itout!®, But it tamed out that the huge amount of time T’'ve wasted on the comnmte is even more valuable than the difference of rent. 161 the biggest time waster: 416 purely: 18 waffic jams during rush hour: 165 yuled it out: 1s look at the passing crowd through the window: 2 TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: @> Describe a creative person whose work you admire. ‘You should say: Who he’she is; How you knew him/her, ‘What creative things he/she has done; And explain why you think he/she is creative. 32. Speaking of people who are creative, I always think of artists and musicians first. So, I'd like to talk about an American Singersongwriter whose name is Bea Miller. About two years ago, one ofmy friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at a New Year's party that my class held. [really {Ka likiig@t6 that song and looked it up online right away. Then I found {fiGoriginalsinget of it, Bea Miller. She’s only but she definitely has great potential with her SOpSOER ~"ya_.the Normally, singers only have two or three good songs on an album @@iHOSt, and their songs are e e mostly the same style. But Bea’s “Pred t 0 Ii is unique but also €atehy. I really admire her creativity 1¢ T ‘As for why she’s so creative, I really have no idea @. But one thing I know is that she loved ‘GAL Up MOHIEN when she was a child. And after shel@6tail@imUsIe™, she found a new brilliant way to tell her stories. I have to say some people are just Haturally/good)at" what they do. Her creativity in writing songs is more like an amazing fiafiimillBift that she has, just like her calming singing voice. It’s not something you can get from practice Anyway, Bea is a very talented young lady. Now, there are still tons of people who don’t know her but I look forward to seeing her Blow everyoneaway. 66 making up stori * got into music: 16 naturally good at: 2 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting ‘You should say: Who the person is; How you knew hinyher; ‘What kind of person he/she is; And explain why you think he/she is interesting. 33. ‘Well, I like listening to pop songs, so most of the foreigners I know are singers from other countries. So, I'd like to talk about an American SiiigetSongwriter whose name is Bea Miller. She's avery cute and funny person About two years ago, one of my friends sang a beautiful soug called Brand New Eyes at a New ‘Year’s party that my class held. I really, that song and looked it up online right away. ‘Then 1 fond HSTGRGRNSES oF, ea ASLGEShos only SURE she dint as great potential with her pop=t0ck career, character e e savor ER in igh o my headphones and listen to her songs with her sexy and I feel like the whole world suddenly calms down. So I thought she was a quiet and cool person. But she’s actually hilarious. You won't find other celebs who post selfies of their Big HOSt#iI8® on social media. But she does it all the time ! Sometimes she posts photos of herself making faces with a funny line or abad joke. It @MEKSme Up!” every time! So T fee! like she’s very ownctoxearth!l!. When she interacts with her fans if /HKGSHES HS GRETA”, which really appeals to me. Of course I admire her talent for writing music as well believe that with her talent and interesting personality, she will Slalong Wayiill the entertainment industry. 17 down-to-earth: 17 it's like she’s the girl next door > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a famous person that you are interested in/ you like. ‘You should say: Who this person is; How you know about this person; How this person became famous; And explain why you like this person. 34. Speaking of my favorite celebrities, I'd like to talk about an American Sinigersongwriter named Bea Miller. I think she's a very talented girl With/an interesting Soul? About two years ago, one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at aNew ‘Year’s party that my class held. I really {6OK/@llikinigW6 that song and looked it up online right away. Then I found the original sileer of it, .c’s only ili? Gentes and definitely has great potential with her SOpaOEK career. Beais a very talented young la iz she writes is unique but also Gatehy. I really =P} ra a ti OT... Her character is WAYMilleTeilt LOH what she shows on stage. If you didn't know her, you'd think she was a quiet and cool person, But she’s actually hilarious, You won"t find other celebs who post selfies of their BIBIMOSEHS on social media. But she does it all the time@! Sometimes she posts photos of herself making faces with a funny line or a bad joke. It GEWEKSHOUP every time! Sol feel like she’s very GOWHtO8aMtH. When she interacts with her fans i SEKOSESHO HEXEGOOE. which really appeals to me. So now I'm @@iehard fal OFLES™. | believe that with her talent and interesting personality, she will S8@loag Way il the entertainment industry. °° with an interesting soul: "4g die-hard fim of hers: 35 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a person who you follow on social media. ‘You should say: Who he’she is; How you knew him/her, ‘What he/she posts ou social media; And explain why you follow him/her on social media 35, I follow lots of celebrities on social media. One of them is a Chinese Singer songwriter, whose English name is Gloria Deng. I followed her on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter. (GEERGPEEEREREEGA, cout three or four years ago, one of my fiends sang # beautiful song called Bubble at a New Year's patty that my class held. I really (OKWLKINSW that song and looked it up online right away. Then I f of it, Gloria. She has a Weibo account so I followed her right away. Gloria fiom time to time and frequently shares funny od vote fi fe Bo PIs Tike her ‘what she shows on stage. She’s very hilarious. You moments fiom her life. She’s a very t personality. Her character is won't find other celebs who post selfies of their Big)mO8tHils on social media. But she does it all the time®! Sometimes she posts photos of herself making faces with a funny line or a bad joke. It EFREKSTHIETID every time! So I feel like she’s very @OWHO8AFEH. When she interacts with her fans (#SEKOMESMO RA EXEUOOE, which really appeals to me. So now, FUTURAMA”. I often SOUTIET LEEW (BOStGM in my spare time and SHERME KE buHOAS on the posts of her latest songs. I believe that with her talent and interesting personality, she will Wong Way in the entertainment industry. 15 geleases her new songs on Weibo: 17’ go through her new postings: vv Tm her die-hard fan: click the like button: a6 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe an interesting song. You should say: ‘What the song is; ‘What story the song tells; Whether the song is popular; And explain why you think it is interesting 36. I'm erazy about singing. And I've always preferred songs with beautiful and touching lyrics. So one of the interesting songs I'd like fo share with you is an inspirational song composed and sang by an American Simgeesongwriter whose name is Bea Miller. IPimeMiory Serves! correctly, in my sophomore year of high school, one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Eyes at alNew Year’s party that my class held. I really fk @liking {6 that song and looked it up online the I found fi oFiginal SHES of it, Bea Miller. Her voice in that song is éxplosive'”? and full of energy. omcamemen Drehetione fisteninetolitinon stop". The song is and the lyrics are very inspirational. It tells the story ofa kid who's beiig 16dked/dowin Gil", but still stays confident and strong. The songwriter tries to encourage people to believe EVES IS unig(ue ii ThE O Na Way. I love the story of the song, so I memorized all the Iyries and leamed how to sing it. Unlike most GHeeSy"8 and Mushy" songs about romance, this song is written to reveal a social issue. Honestly, it's the first song about &igeHiiination!™ that I'd listened to at the time. So I think it’s a powerful and interesting song. I really expect to listen to more songs like this that &Xplore the deeper \ explosive 1 everyone is unique in their own way: 9 obscure song: 5 cheesy: ‘81 fstening to it non stop: 16 mushy: 2 catchy: 1 discriminations \ being looked down on: 189 explore the deeper things in life: 7 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe something that helped you learn a language. ‘You should say: What it is; ‘What language you leamed; ‘How it helped you lear the language; And how you felt about it. 37. Well, I'm crazy about singing, and I found MiUSsi@iS a WEY etlective TOO! To learning English. T realized ifiwonksilike a charm!®® wher one of my friends sang a beautiful song called Brand New Byes at a New Yeat’s patty that any class held. I really {GOK/@LMHBHS that soug and looked it up online right away. The song is GA¥ehiy and the lyrics are very inspirational. It tel tory of a kid who’s beiig\looked dowa G8, but still stays the~ —— ‘was in sophomore year of high school. At the time, confident and strong. The songwriter e e ror aye ne OO ELE) secs 01 found there’s a lot about grammar that you can leam from the song. For example, I hadn't understood fifie present perfect fetise!* until I read the lyrics of this song. And when I Sugjalong SHTMETEAG"E, 1 also learned some BASE AYS OIE WOREN, which is important in English pronunciation. Since then, I've really enjoyed listening to songs in English to understand more about the Ionguage. EVEHieveH Botte tined Ofit™. Actually, I think that Whatever langage youre leaning’, listening to music in a foreign language can be helpful for developing language skills like listening, vocabulary, and grammar. Different music also Si¥@s Youaeeess (0 euleuies ii iirc CounITIES™. So it’s definitely beneficial for language learning. 19 mmusic isa very effective tool for: 5 basie ways to link words: 99 it works like a chan: 4 ['ve never gotten tired of it: 191 the present perfect tense: 15 whatever language you're leamin, © sang along with the song: 15 gives you access to cultures in different countries: 8 TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: ®@» Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn. ‘You should say: When you learned it; Why you leamed it; How you leamed it; And explain how you felt when you learned it. 38. ‘The most difficult skill I've ever learned is GOMpULEP WSEMDIV'. About a year ago, when I was playing a computer game, {fie HOni{GE Went DIaealOFASHadEH. My uncle, who KG WSaigital Gevices|ike Wie back of hiis hand, checked out the computer thoroughly. He found that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which caused the BlaekOut. So he said he would help me Baila@iny EW CoMpUleT. But I decided to fi myHand@ablil. After all, there are tons of fiitonials on the internet, so I thought it would be easy to learn. My uncle helped me buy lots of RE fi e., computer market and I started to build the new model by myself. I found an onlingsyideo that teacl ow to build a computer. And I tried to install the new parts one by : hw Hw be SE complicated than I thought, There were lots of that Thad no idea where to connect I spent the whole night trying to do it again and again but still eouldn’t figure out how to do it right. Finally, I had to ask my uncle for help. He taught me St@p/6YSb™. Eventually I managed to make it with his guidance, which gave me a great sense of achievement. Having this skill means that you can . So think it's a very practical skill, and I'm happy I leamed it, 97 computer assembly: 1 personalize the computer in the way you want: 8% stop by step: 9 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe something in your home that you broke and then repaired. ‘You should say: What it is; How you broke it; How you repaired it, And how you felt about it. 39. I repaired a computer before. To be specific, had Hie help ol my uncle. About a year ago, wien Twas playing a computer game, iiGHGHiTSF Wit oH Sawa, My uncle ROWS iGiGAT Gsvices Tike (8 DACK OPUS IANA. He checked out the computer thoroughly, and he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old. Some of them had Bursed/oue™, which caused the Blackout. He told me he Suld fix it with me. Even though I'd never thought I could do that, I decided to be his helper and from him, So, my uncle asked me to buy lots.of paits fiom a locabcomputer market and we started to fix the coniputen tapethersHe instructed Bredite = en with the new ones. I tried to install them one by one according to his instructions. But to be Way Of complicated than I thought. There were lots of fims/aiid)€Ables that I would have had no idea where to connect if he hadn’t been there. He taught me St@p|by Sig). Eventually I managed to fix it with his guidance, which gave me a great sense of achievement. Im grateful to my uncle. [SW WeIeHETOMAiM2. 1 probably would have spent at least four or five thousand yuan on anew computer; Plus, I'm happy Lleamed a computer repairing skill. [believe it will be useful in the future. 2 Thad the help of, 2 Jearn some tricks; 2" bumed out: 2 [Pit weren't for him: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a skill that you learned from older people. ‘You should say: What it is; Who you leamed it fiom; How you leamed it, And how you feel about it. 40. T once leamed how to Assemble)#)|Comiputer from my uncle. About a year ago, when I was playing a computer game, ‘My uncle, who’s in his fifties, He checked out the computer thoroughly, and he found that most of my computer parts were pretty old, which caused the BIaGkOUl. So he said he would help me build my new comipitter. I'd never thought of doing it ourselves, so my uncle decided ate my e He asked me to buy lots of paif§ fiom a local computer market and I started to build the new model following his instructions. Pp di = ing to the ways he told me. But iffunied Out to be rei Chior: of inesand GABIES that I had no idea where to connect. 1 WOWAWElmessed up if he wasn't there. He taught me S@plbYStB. Eventually | managed to make it with his guidance, which gave me a great sense of achievement. . So I think Having this skill means that you ean it's a very praetical skill, and I’m happy I leamed it. I'm really grateful to my uncle for teaching me this skill. Although he’s much older than me, he knows technology Way beet than I do, which I really admire him for. 29004 wouldve messed it up: a > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe something interesting that you want fo learn more about ‘You should say: What it is; How you got to interested in it; ‘What the benefits you can get fiom it; And explain why you want to leam more about it. 41. Speaking of something interesting that I really want to learn more about, the first one that comes to mind is Sonat assembly. [think it would be coo! to lear it. Abouta year ago, vihen I was playing acomputer game, i aS called my uncle for help. He knows digital devices like the back Of his hand. fter he checked out the computer thoroughly, he found ‘th a computer parts were pretty old, which caused the BIBEKOUE. I thought that it would to buy a new one, but my uncle said he would help me Buildliiiy new Computes. ‘ont «A LO CICTION.....m {808 complicated than | thought. But my uncle only took half an hour to get it done. And the new computer nms way faster than the old one “(#7 °*)/ He taught me that a great advantage of this skill is that it allows you to personalize ihe (Soin ULeT ni ME Way You Want, which really fascinates me. So I'm really looking forward to learning this skill. I actually watched an online video that teaches §80KI8S how to build a computer, but I still couldn't figure ont how to do it right. So I asked my uncle for help, and he agreed that when my computer needs an upgrade again, he will be there and teach me Sep bYSIED. n > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe an item on which you spent more than expected. ‘You should say: What it is; How much you spent on it; ‘Why you bought it; And explain why you think you spent more than expected. a2. Speaking of something I spent more on than I expected, the first one that Gomiesolmind is a faink¥ home karaoke machine. If memwiy Serves Correetly, last August, I happened to watch & He was selling a karaoke machine in the livestream. I thought it'd be great if I could sing karaoke at home. So I decide to buy one ft the live stream’. 1 Unfortunately, there were too th shasing so it was sold out before I plaeedlall (G22. | had to check the online shop that Li strongly recommended. It tumed out that the price there was eee hie oD ORE py: Bs sing But I really felt the lack of such a device at home. It’s a very useful and practical device for those who love singing. It can connect to your TV through an HIDMIGAbIE or even WIFI. What's better, it even has a colorful LED lighting system, which is A MMUSELAVE for a cool karaoke room. I thought it was so practical that I finally decided to buy it. AQHEGFREA OE”, it wasn't just an impulse pUREHASE””. Since we bought it, having a karaoke party has become the most popular fun event in our family. So, even though it was 6¥eRMIyDUGEEE, I think it was totally Worth since my family uses it from time to time. 2 on the live stream: 2° As it tumed out: 26 placed an order: 20 impulse purchase: 2°” having second thoughts: 2 over my budgets 288 cost me an arm and a leg: a > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe the thing that you cannot live without (except phone and internet) ‘You should say: What it is; ‘Why you can’t manage without it; ‘How long you have had it for; And explain how you felt when you were without it. 43. Emm. .. MOH FAN ANE A HOBBY EXCEPHLO? music. So speaking of something I can't live without, the first one that €6iie8 (0 mild is a filmy home karaoke machine I bought three or four years ago. At tbe tine, 1 happest to v2) RE 1 wes selling a karaoke machine in the lives I thought it'd be great if] could sing karaoke at home. So 1 bog one e Tt was about a thousand yuan, which really | But it's proved that I inade the Hamepmrehage. i's a very A GiCHtO eB sosing Itcan connect to your TV through an or even WIFI, What's better, it even has a colorful LED lighting system, which is almmisi¢haye for a cool karaoke room. Just think about it, you can do karaoke singing at home anytime you want to, Actually since T bought it, having a karaoke party has become the most popular fun event in my family. So SHCA (Senta me and my family. Even though sometimes they dou't join me, I enjoy singing alone as well. I often piidinewly teleased Song" by my favorite singers and sing them on the karaoke machine. BEi&¥e GEHOR'S, 1 WOrKSTiKEa charm] whenever I want to BIOW OM SOHE STEMI. So Treally can't imagine OW tedious my life would be without ie®. °2 J don’t really have a hobby except for: 2 Believe or nots 28 cost me an arm and a leg: 217 it works like a charm: 21 its really essential to: 218 blow off some steam: 25 pick a newly released song: 2 how tedious my life would be without it: TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: ®@» Describe a good service you received ‘You should say: ‘What the service was, When you received it; Who you were with; And how you felt about it. 44, Td like to talk about the service I received at a gym I used to work out at. IPimenmary Serves: ‘Gorrectly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, I was upset about failing to lose weight again! So I decided to pay for a membership at a gym and Seow it would go"? At first I thought the gym only provided work-out equipment. After all, the membership wasn’t pie. But of the gym to provide advice and guidant They assigned an instructor to every member cy sent SEIMEI to me. The diet plan luckily contained meat! I Was Feally Salishied about that since I could still enjoy meat during the e e “ Pred penne ve PEO CLIO. 1s might make you want to quit. So he helped me find a Companion who WenlilfouglWelworkout ‘HICIGLeEEVEY GAY WiC. We formed a team. When we were tired or hungry, the instructor would try to GHEEEUSUD. And he even texted and reminded us not to eat snacks at night @. Anyway, thanks to the gym, I lost 5 kilograms in a month. I have to say it’s the best service I’ve ever come across, and I hawelstrongly recommended’ this gym to others who want to keep fit. Their service iS Worth every pemiy™. 2 see how it would go: ® have strongly recommended: 24 pricy: 24 is worth every penny: 22 their service went above and beyond: 45 TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: ®@» Describe something you received for free. ‘You should say: ‘What it was; Who you received it fiom; ‘Where you received it; And explain how you felt about it. 45, Well, the first one that SGi6ST0 Hid is the HVESTHREIAI I got at a gym. EERIGRIOEY SEIVES correctly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, I was upset about failing to lose weight again! So I decided to pay for a membership at a gym and See how it Would 0. It's a gym that my friends recommended to me. When I went there the first time, the gym happened to Hav@l@/promotion?”* that if 1 posted their advertisement on iny social media account they would give meg tial card so that I could use the gyun 5 times. Of course, I accepted it. At first I thought the gym only proyided work-out equipment. But it tuned out they actually EWVEHHE VIP TEVA SEAVice”™. They a oe oi Die tas ond guidance ‘The instructor who helped me a lot said if'no one supervises you, the pain and stress might make you want to quit. So whenever I was tired or hungry, the instructor would try to SHEGEHENp. And he even texted and reminded me not to eat snacks at night. They really Seiitielestralmile™ by giving Way DEH service than T expected. FORE SAKEIOE Good SWE, 1 subscribed to their membership. And | Have Sirongly recommended this gym to others who want to keep fit. Their service iS WOHL every Denny. © five-time trials 226 have a promotion: 27 got 30 likes: 23 For the sake of good service: How could I turn down fice stu, right? gave me VIP level service: ‘went the extra mile: 46 TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) 0898.298.571 website: ®@» Describe a time you gave advice to others. ‘You should say: Who you gave the advice to; ‘What advice you gave; Why they needed your advice (whether they took your advice); And explain how usefil the advice was (/the result). 46. The first one that G6iHeS tO Mild is the suggestion I gave to my friend Lisa. IPimeMiOny SEES ‘Gorrectly, it happened about half a year ago. At the time, Lisa was upset about failing to lose weight, so I shared the method I used to 4i@p SOE WCIHE and SHBEESCA That SHC eR OLE. is finding a companion who wants to go through the workout and diet everyday with her. jaged to lose 10 kilograms with this ffi€K. So I suggested that if she could find enyone Je with the same goal as her and form a team I told her that the key to losing wei to encourage and support each other, then she might lose the weight syvoshamnais nin ol DOD ovcau: fitness team with three friends of hers. Lisa said they always went to the gym together and GH8éied SHES when they were tired or hungry. It really WOHKCGLKEW HAMM; Lisa lost S kilograms in a month, and every member of the team lost weight HOTS OPIESs. To express her gratitude for my suggestions, Lisa (#€ated ine 10/a)g00d Gaile? a mouth later. And she happily told me that she shared my method with others who want to keep fit. It SAVEHEM SSS OFACHIeveMent to know that my suggestion was so helpfull and really worked. 232 drop some weight: 2 have half a chance to: 23 suggested that she try it out: a Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend. ‘You should say: ‘Who you spoke with; Where you were; ‘What the conversation was about; And explain why you think it was interesting. 47. I'd like to talk about a time when I was chatting with my friends about how to keep fit. I have two friends, Lisa and Sarah, who live together a lot, Several months 220, ve EET TTVMAUMNE At te time, Lise was upset about failing to lose weight, so we started talking about fitness and diet. me. We hang out She thinks losing weight can be as har‘ Sarah fiaSithe best figsife? among {So she shared the method she used to deOpSome Weieht. ‘ iiedmoking, hich ETOP SOERNT She also mentioned the key to losing weight is finding a companion who wants to 0, i ith this HEE. So she said that if we can find people in our i fh on. a team to encourage and support each other, then we might | think She'S(f6tallySHPOHBE. We all agreed to go to the gym together and GheeH EACH SHEED when we are tired or hungry. So We Wel all onthe Same pages and decided to start a fitness team. You know, We're so excited that it fecls like we've already made some progress @. So it was a really fin talk that (@fta has the best figure: ®° the chemistry feels amazing when you and your 28° Tm totally on her side about: fiends ae all on boards 297 she's totally on points Left mark on mes 238 we were all om the same page: 8 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like ‘You should say: ‘When and where it happened; Who he/she was; Why you didn’t like this person; And explain why you were friendly to hinv/her on the occasion 48. Td like to talk about a time when I was chatting with my friends but someone interrupted. I have two friends, Lisa and Sarah, who live me. We hang out together a lot, so we often share some interesting things with each other. Several months ago, we Had WMCP ALA eOHEE Shop. Lisa took her new boyfriend who I met for the first time. Told them that 1 was planning for sci-fi novels fe part in a novel-writing competition about alien| civilizations. The mention of ali ie Lis boxed enim in He said he didn't believe in the existence of an alien civilization. e e think it’s kind of rude to inter edicton telwas being Sich al wet Blanket). But Tkept smiling and listening to him. He claimed that even though there are photos of aliens and UFOs on the intemet, they are all either Blurry or phOtoSHOpped. He just kept talking until Lisa hinted! fo him thal he really didn’t need to argue about something that the whole world doesn't have an answer to®. Well, then he stopped but he Honestly, he seemed to be a Sfubborn and petty person, so I didn’t like him at all. But since he's my best friend's boyfriend, I decided to be thelbigger person” there and not talkback”. After all, you can never go wrong by being kind. 24 he was being such a wet blanket: 5 paty 2 out of politeness: 6 the bigger person: 2 hinted to him that: 7 not talk back: 24 was making a face: 9 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) : Describe an exciting book you have r ‘You should say: When you read it; ‘What type of book it is; What is it about; And explain why you found it exciting. 49. Well, the first book I can think of is definitely Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is the seventh book, also the final novel, of {he/#aram Pater series®. I became a fan of this fantasy story when I was still a child. So by the finale’s release, I'd BeSilObsessed Willie the series for almost ten years. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I could finally read the ending of this story. Anyway, I read it as soon as it we lished. Even though this was about twelve years ago, 1 eee for hours in front of a bookstore ina hundred. meter line full of excited Harry Potter fans like me, mostly teens of course, just to get the book on the day of its release. And once I st ‘The final Harry Potter book really I mean, ithas a happy ending as expected, but ERRATA? MADER jaWIROPES. Like Hany has to die once and comes back to life so he can defeat the ¥illaii25, Voldemort. I finished the book ithian averwhelming feeling that ‘SaSTAIMNERIOE excitement, happiness and some 1638". Honestly, I’ve reread this novel tons of times. I've even written some BIOWiNE REVIEWS? of the book on social media, which I've never done for other books. It’s a really exciting book that [8ft 8 the Harry Porter seties 2 been obsessed with: 250 | remember the release like it was yesterday: 251 iterally couldn't put it down: 25 blew my mind: 25 the plot twists and turns: * made my jaw drop: 25 villain: °° with an overwhelming feeling that was a mix of: Loss: 8 glowing reviews: 28 left a mark on me: > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a famous athlete you know. ‘You should say: Who he’she is; How you knew him/her, ‘What he/she has achieved; And explain why he/she is famous. 50. Well, I know tons of athletes since I'm a fan of many sports, But the one who really 1eff imarkGalnie is a Sprin{r7" who just attended the Tokyo Olympics. His name is Su Bingtian, and he's the first ever Asian sprinter to [Esse seer which is amazing. He’s definitely household namie in China. Actually he #68816 fae" years ago when he won the 100-meter race in the Asian! Games and broke the Asian record. He ‘which means he’s literally the fastest Asian in the world, e@ Anyway, before the Tokyo Olympics, just like lofs of other Chinese people, I was really looking forward to seeing his perfor ,00 meter SSH fimal®. he was so incredi before he ran in the final, I had faith in him that he could probably win a medal, or even gold. But in the end, he came in sixth place in the final. I was a little disappointed at the beginning but 68 SECOHOAGUGIE™. Le still made history by being the first Asian man in the Olympics’ 100 meter final and I witnessed it! ly fast i Honestly, So even though he came back without an Olympic medal, he’s my and many Chinese people’s hero because he’s proved Asians can also fly on the track! He definitely GSeives his fame and Seis aiexAMplEVO” Asian kids. 2° sprinter: 2 semi-finals: 8 break the 10-second barrier of the 100-meter event 2 finished in fist place: in track: 267 blew my mind: 28 rose to fame: 26% on second thought: 28 Asian Games: 209 deserves his fame: 28 still holds the record: sets an example for: st > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a special toy you had in your childhood. ‘You should say: ‘What it was; Who gave it to you; How often (How) you played with it; And explain why it was special for you SL. Tm going to talk about aUdigital/pe7 that I had as a kid. [EEIIOR SSIES corFeCtly, my parents gave it to me when I was ten. I was so excited because toys like that were all/eiage?”. It was a Tamiagotehi®®, which was the type of toy that most of the kids in my class had, Basically, the toy was this Iitéle pod?” with a screen that showed the digital pet. When you first get it, a little egg shows up, and then your pet HateHes HOMIE. I remember being so amazed that I had something so special. You could f pet, play with it, aud do other tasks to keep it happy and healthy. I remember @-. ‘They were so excited for me. Iplayed with it all the time. Once, because Istarted playing with it during akid. Thad to 18 class®. It was actually a really great take care of it as if it was a real pet. LEI neglected it, the pet would be sad and foal invested in™% taking care of it As for why it was so special, I think it’s because it was a gift that Thad been wanting for a long time. It was such a cool toy, and I felt so grateful that I had Gatii® paleils= who were willing to get it for me. 21a digital pet: 2” gotin rouble: : "all the rage: the concept of responsibility: 2 Tamagotchi 2” sick-looking: 271 this little pod: 280 was really invested in: "5 hatches from it: caring parents: 5 showing it off: 2 > TRUC THUOC YEU IELTS) tetline: 0898.298.572 \cbsite: Describe a businessman that you admire. You should say: ‘Who his person is; How you got to know this person; ‘What this person does; How you think of this person. 52. I'd like to talk about Zhang Yiming. who’s the founder of ByteDance. It’s {i® parent Company that developed TikTOK, which is a fféndy video-sharing social network in our country. About two weeks ago, one of my friends shared a news report about Chinese enterprises to his WECHAMOMERE. In this story, I leaned a lot about ByteDance and what makes Zhang so successful. Actually, with his leadership, Bybpae ha“aimost more employees than Alibaba, the most famous EEGEEEERRSRSGGH And yePuly We Beth trying to expand their business EERE Spee. For example, Tiktok is not jysta video-sharing platform, Thedatest version of the app hs SEPRATEATS online shopping, ouling educatiotakd many ofller setvieedouthe filet As far as Tknow, ByteDance is also {@eHiitii@an@lSetuig up ranches? in other countries, and their apps, especially Tiktok, are very popular in foreign countries. Treally admire Zhang Yiming because he and his company fever iestontheitlaniels, but instead keep innovating new products. What's more, fiom the article Tread, Tleamed that Zhang wasn’t from. a tich family like many young entrepreneurs are, and he didn’t study abroad either, In fact, he graduated from college as a programmer. But he’s very diivene™ for success and Has Wlotor git. He often works more than 12 hours a day and Hias!al great passion for2® what he and his company do. So his success is inevitable. His Gtrepreneurial MildSee™” is also worth leaming for our young people. 28 at breakneck speed: 25 hasa lot of grit: 28 reemiting and setting up branches: 25 has a great passion for: 28 driven: 2 entrepreneurial mindsets sa

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