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Broad money is the most suitable in measuring economy’s money supply. The term broad
money always defined to avoid misinterpretation. Table 1 and Graph 1 show the broad
money (annual %) of Mauritus from 2009 to 2018.
The broad money of Mauritus increased from 2.374% in 2009 to 6.909% in 2010. The broad
money slightly decline to 6.430% in 2011 which is decreasing about 0.479%. In 2012, the
broad money of Mauritus back growing to 8.1619% which is increasing about 1.7319%. A
fall have been recorder in 2013 when the broad money of Mauritus fall to 5.7843% which is
about 2.3776% from the previous year. The broad money of Mauritus have increasing
continuously for 2014 and 2015. In 2014, an increasing in the broad money of Mauritus
which is 8.7383% or about 2.9539%. The increasing trend have been continuously in 2015
and recorded the highest broad money of growth which is 10.1727% or 1.4344%. Mauritus
recorded a sudden fall in the broad money growth in 2016 when it fall to 9.0846% or
1.0881%. The broad money growth of Maurtitus gentlely rose back to 9.2706% or 0.186% in
2017. A sharp declining in the broad money of Mauritus have been recorded in 2018 when it
fall to 6.3076% or 2.963%.
The fluctuate trend in the broad money growth of Mauritus showed in these previous ten
years. Broad money growth is important to help country forecast the inflation.
Table 1
Activity Broad Money Growth
Year Annual (%)
2009 2.3742
2010 6.9099
2011 6.4301
2012 8.1619
2013 5.7843
2014 8.7382
2015 10.1726
2016 9.0845
2017 9.2706
2018 6.3075

Graph 1

Broad Money Growth



2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

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