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Tutorial 1

Lecture 1: Introduction to Medical Microbiology


1. The germ theory of disease was established by:

a. Robert Koch
b. Alexander Fleming
c. Louis Pasteur
d. Ignaz Semmelweis
e. Joseph Lister
2. The first antibiotic, penicillin was accidentally discovered by:
a. Anthony van Leeuwenhoek
b. Alexander Fleming
c. Louis Pasteur
d. Ignaz Semmelweis
e. Joseph Lister
3. Which of the following microscope/s is considered to be a part of light microscopy?
a. Bright-field microscope
b. Dark-field microscope
c. Phase-contrast microscope
d. Fluorescence microscope
e. All of the above
4. Which of the following microscope/s is not considered to be a part of light microscopy?
a. Scanning electron microscope
b. Bright-field microscope
c. Phase-contrast microscope
d. Fluorescence microscope
e. Both a and b
5. A transmission electron microscope produces this image of the specimen:
a. Specimen is brightly illuminated while the background is dark
b. Cross section of the image due to electrons passing directly through the specimen
c. Surface image due to electrons bouncing off the surface of the specimen
d. Background light is separated from the specimens scattered light, creating a 3D
image of the specimen
e. Specimen fluoresces when tagged with fluorescent dyes and can be observed as
different colours

6. Which of the following is considered to be prokaryotic cells?
a. Bacteria
b. Archaea
c. Viruses
d. Protozoa
e. Both a and b

True/False Questions

1. The names of living organisms are in Latin, written in italics and include the genus and
species and both are written in lower case. F
2. The phase-contrast microscope is the most commonly used microscope. F
3. Prokaryotic cells contain a cell wall and have no organelles and no nuclear membrane. T
4. Helminths are considered to be a eukaryotic cell. T
5. Joseph Lister introduced chlorinated lime solutions as hand disinfectants in order to
reduce puerperal fever.

Correct word/term

Select the correct answer from the following in the box below. Some questions may have more
than one correct answer in the list – the student must then list all possible answers.

3Anthony van 4Staphylococci Germ Theory of Joseph Lister 5

Leeuwenhoek Disease
Pasteurization 2

1. The link between bacteria and diseases which was caused by particles already in the air,
rather than the air itself.
2. Treating milk and wine to stop bacterial contamination by heating liquids between 60-
100 C which kills most bacteria and moulds which are already present.
3. The first to describe microorganisms using a simple microscope.
4. The organism inoculated on culture plates and were sensitive to the fungus Penicillium
5. The scientist who introduced carbolic acid/phenol as a method to sterilize surgical
instruments and to clean wounds.

Long Questions

1. Write short notes on the germ theory of disease.

2. Briefly explain the accidental discovery of the antibiotic penicillin.
3. Differentiate between transmission and scanning electron microscopy.
4. Write short notes on the discoveries of microbiologists Ignaz Semmelweis and Joseph
5. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

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